A Keyboard / Shortcuts Issue
Jun 15, 2009
I am curious to know if there is a keyboard shortcut like ALT + TAB that cycles through the windows of the active application only, similar to what Mas OS has with COMMAND + `.
I found a guide on this site, but it does not include that shortcut. It has ALT + ESCAPE which happens to cycle through all windows rather than just the active window. (Shortcut Keys for Windows 7[2]=Shortcuts).
That aside windows 7 is looking pretty good, since Apple decided my dual 2.0Ghz G5 is too old and not intel enough to run Snow Leopard I'm 99% sure I'm switching to a Windows 7 machine early next year. Anyway, that was unrelated, just had to rant about Apples contempt for its customers.
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Jan 22, 2009
I thought this list of keyboard shortcuts from "The Lazy Admin" might be useful I didn't know half of these.
WIN + T – With the new taskbar and the way apps dock there, this shortcut will open the preview of each of the apps running in the taskbar. No need to hover the mouse over the taskbar any more!
Ctrl + Shift – This shortcut will launch any application that is docked on your taskbar with elevated privileges.
WIN + Space – This shortcut will make all windows transparent and allow you to see the desktop. Release it and return back to the current window.
WIN + P – Need to connect to a projector or external monitor on your notebook? This shortcut will do the trick! You can also use WIN + X to open the Mobility Center and do it from there too.
WIN + Home – Got a cluttered desktop? This shortcut will minimize all the windows on the desktop with the exception of the active one.
WIN + Arrows – There are a load of shortcuts that utilize the arrows. WIN + Right Arrow will dock the windows to the right while WIN + Left Arrow will dock it to the left. WIN + Up Arrow will maximize a window while WIN + Down Arrow will minimize it.
WIN + Shift + Arrow – In conjunction with #6 once you have the windows docked you can move them to other monitors in a multi monitor display. WIN + Shift + Right Arrow will move it to the right. I think you can figure out what the Left Arrow does!
WIN + +/- - OK I know I said seven but this one is cool too. WIN + + will zoom in and WIN + - zooms out!
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Sep 16, 2012
There was a Windows gadget that opened and closed the CD/DVD drive. Is there a keyboard shortcut that does this?
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Aug 6, 2010
Is there a way to assign keys for wmp ie play/pause, next track/prev track. i ask as its a feature i got used to with my previous Microsoft keyboard that had built in wmp buttons. annoyingly my f5-f8 buttons have play /pause stop fw back on them but don't operate wmp not sure why they are labeled. my keyboard is a wireless Hewlett Packard KG-0851
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Dec 10, 2010
I recently installed Windows 7 onto my Eee PC 1005HA. At some point recently, my CTRL-A for Select All and CTRL-S for Saving keyboard shortcuts stopped working for some reason.
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Feb 19, 2012
I have a bunch of useless keys on my keyboard that i dont use for anything. Is there a way i can set just those to run a program without using the annoying ctrl + alt combo?EX: i want to be able just to hit page up or page down or even pause/break to bring up the calculator or any program i set.
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Sep 16, 2012
I've recently had this problem where some keyboard shortcuts aren't working or are performing incorrect functions. For example, ctrl+alt+del does nothing, while ctrl+c, in Chrome, opens up the Chrome Elements tab. In fact, while typing this, my shift key has suddenly stopped working and actually prevents me from typing anything when it is held. I'm using caps lock to type capitals. Actually, it seems that some letters it works fine for (like "A"), but some letters (like "O"), it opens my Chrome bookmarks...and now shift plus C is opening that damn Chrome Elements. Shift i is doing that too.
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Jan 19, 2013
When you right clic an app shortcut (or even a file, anything..) you can assign it a keyboard shortcut, for example i used maj+alt+s for launching steam. Now after you made a lot you might not remember them all after some time and it'll be nice if there's a place to see a list of them (in registry or elsewhere) instead having to check all your shortcuts..! I guess there is, but where?
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Oct 26, 2011
keyboard shortcuts not sticking. I've tried w/alt key and with alt and shift keys. Using Office 2010 on Windows 7.
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Dec 9, 2012
I've recently acquired a Win 7 PC. I installed a Razer Lycosa keyboard and found out quickly that the "show desktop" shortcut keys (Windows key +D) don't work. I also noticed if I happen to have a search box open, it will enter a D when I try to use the shortcut. This keyboard has worked fine on a XP machine. I also dowloaded the driver from the Razer site and installed it with no change.
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Aug 14, 2012
how come I can't find keyboard shortcuts for windows 7
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Nov 1, 2009
Does anyone know how to set it so that when I right click a link in IE8 and press 'A' it brings up the 'save target as' dialog instead of just highlighting it in the menu?
I know this sounds pretty silly but ive been using this hotkey for years and have gotten very used to it and this new way is definately not as efficient!
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Jul 12, 2011
I created an application keyboard shortcut and it worked one time then failed the second time I tried to use it. I've tried creating other shortcuts but none of them will work either. I have logged out and back in, restarted, shutdown and booted again. I am still unable to create a working shortcut. I've tried several key combinations thinking there may be a conflict.Has anyone had the same problem and found a solution?
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May 27, 2011
I just noticed for the first time after 2+ years of using Windows 7.I have all sorts of shortcuts I use that are just stuck in my memory from older versions of Win. Right click + W + F = new folder.Right click + W + T = new text doc.I just noticed however, that in the right click menu, the shortcut letters aren't underlined anymore like they were in older versions.for example, New used to be written New. For me this is not a huge deal since I already know most of them but why would MS intentionally remove a helpful feature like that (especially while leaving the functionality in)? A new user will have no way of knowing that shortcut exists without seeing the underlined letters.The only reason I'm noticing now, after so long, is because I'm learning Ubuntu/Linux and noticed they do have the underlined letters in their GUI, and then coming back to Win I noticed they don't.
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Nov 1, 2009
I've read that the shortcut to access items in your task bar is windowkey + (1-9) depending on the placement of the app from the start button. I've tried it, but no luck. When I press the combination, nothing happens. Does this work for anybody else? Am I doing something wrong? I love the idea of this working, but it does me no good until I get some kinda success with it.
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Dec 16, 2009
I have a keyboard that can pause/play and do volume control and it would rock if it had a button to change songs previous/next from WMP, even if the window isn't active. The question of the day is whether these functions integrated in my keyboard are shortcuts (that can be typed out) or something else. I would love to be able to control music without having to switch windows. If you're too lazy to type then please just copy and paste the URL of a page that might have a list of those keyboard shortcuts.
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Apr 11, 2012
My desktop shortcuts and keyboard don't work anymore on my Dell. We had a virus but removed it, very once in a while it would work for a minute but it doesn't work at all anymore! We can't do much without typing. We tried installing otherkeyboards,wireless and USB, but same problem, they don't work. The Desktop shortcuts would work if you right click and hit open but now it won't right click. So I have to find the program in all programs and open it
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Oct 26, 2010
In Word 2010 I want to create keyboard shortcuts for frequently used words, such as "awa" for "as well as". I could do that in Word 2003 but I don't how to do it in 2010.
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Jan 10, 2011
Can I make custom keyboard shortcuts eg; say perhaps when I press Ctrl, Alt, R & J it would input my login name to a site I use frequently (and have a simila one for my password)? I can't have windows just remember my login & Pasword as my wife & I log into the same site (Facebook) and I don't want her to have to erase my info every time she wants to log in.
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Mar 9, 2012
I have quite a few input languages enabled on Windows 7 Ultimate and I want to navigate between them using keyboard shortcuts like I used to do on Windows XP. I know how to assign the shortcuts but the trouble is that all of the shortcuts keep getting reset every time I shut down the PC and after I log on again none of them work... I can of course go to Control Panel and assign the shortcuts again but it's a bit irritating when you have to do it for 8 languages every day.Oddly enough, the shortcuts for two of eight languages that I have are automatically restored when I go to this dialog box where shortcuts may be assigned — without me making any changes other than just clicking OK. So these two don't seem to be completely lost, it just seems that Windows 'forgets' about them until I open the dialog box with the shortcut assignments.
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Oct 16, 2011
How can I define keyboard shortcuts for different open application windows. This is something I do in Linux and it helps a lot when I have many windows open. Example: I have Internet explorer open, I give it shortcut Ctrl+Shift+A Then for example VLC player is open, I give it a Ctrl+shift+B
Then I can just press these keys and go from one window to another. This makes a lot of sense when I have 40 windows open. Pressing Alt+tab is not as efficient as this.
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Mar 11, 2011
The keys on my friend's laptop running Windows 7 x64 are directly working as shortcuts..!!! i.e if u press R on home screen directly RUN Dialog Box opens and hence it's become a head ache as we're unable to use the keyboard normally..!!! How to restore normal operation of the keys..??
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Nov 19, 2011
When I start Windows, Explorer always starts on it's own. The view downloads box pops up, showing this:
[URL] And asks me whether to open it or save it.
Now all of the icons on my desktop and the start menu are Explorer shortcuts although they are completely different programs.
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Nov 15, 2012
A Compaq Presario CQ62 Laptop running windows 7. I accidentally spilled wine on it and the keyboard no longer worked.I purchased a Microsoft wired desktop 600, but it has no function keys. On the original keyboard I used Fn E12 to connect to a network, but with the new keyboard I can no longer connect to a network. There must be a workaround?
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Jun 8, 2012
my daughter pressed a couple of keys earlier and now my laptop keyboard isnt working properly. It is really strage because a few keys are working but not in thier usual function. My partner logged out so now i am sat at a login screen and cant key in a password. The on screen keyboard is behaving the same way which is very odd! Any suggestions? I have only had it 3 weeks and have had no problems it's been great. My mrs said she was trying to type in a website and windows kept popping up when she typed, and then she logged out.
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Dec 10, 2012
I have just gotten a new computer with Windows 7 Pro installed on it, and am going through the learning curve. I have two questions with respect to shortcuts that are created -- usually via the drag & "create shortcut here" option.
1. Is there a way to make the arrow smaller, or if not then is there a way to make it disappear? It is taking up about 1/4 of the icon picture.
2. Is there a way to not have the words "shortcut to" appended. I can always do a rename, but that is a bit of a bother.
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Oct 5, 2010
All the shortcuts on my desktop are now opened by the windows photo and fax viewer.all has got 'lnk' to it. i tried to restore to previous state but i did not work out. if i need to open any program, i will have to go all the way to the program files to locate them before i could launch them.
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Mar 13, 2009
Upgraded from 7048 to 7057 today. I have 2 LCD monitors running off a Nvidia 7800 GTX.
After it finished, all my desktop shortcuts were on the secondary monitor (left), and I can't move them to the primary monitor (right).
I can open programs and move them to either screen, and the taskbar will work on either screen. Gadgets work fine on either screen.
I can't create a shortcut or a new file on the primary monitor on the right.
I was using UltraMon 3.0.4, and tried uninstalling it, and installing an older version, with no improvement.
If I make the left screen primary, then I can create & move shortcuts to either screen. However, using UltraMon puts the taskbar & extended taskbar on the same (left) screen.
Booting into Vista 32 or Windows 7 64 shows both screens working ok.
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Jul 6, 2010
I have been trying to create a shortcut for my Microsoft Security Essentials when i create one to the desktop it works fine but when i transfer it to rocketdock it just comes up the path is not t specified. Its driving me mad the same thing happens when i try and add system restore to my dock, but when i create the shortcut to the desktop it always works fine?
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May 1, 2012
I have a friend with the same problem as I found by searching "Mydocuments and local user setting have all disappeared" but when we checked the hidden box, she can see the main folders but all of the files - docs pictures excel files - are gone. The folders all appear empty but she can open them from Recents and the show to be in her previous folders that are now gone. She had several pop ups that was telling her the C drive was corrupt and windows files were missing so I had her unhook the internet and they went away. Her Norton had run out so she was going to uninstall it and reinstall the version that came on CD so she was unprotected for a few days. but when she ran the new Norton and did a scan, all it showed bad were the cookies. We also downloaded Ad-Aware and scanned for spy junk and it showed nothing. The PC is an HP but I don't know more right now. It is only 2 months old. I am going to her house in the morning to see what I can find out but if you, saint19, see this tonight, can you give me any pointers on where to look? Her desktop image went away along with all the shortcuts except Recycle Bin, MS Word and Excel.
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Dec 22, 2012
I am tired of having to fix a pc for my family. Therefore I decided to create two seperate non administrator accounts next to the default administrator account. On my last install this worked fine. If someone wanted to install software the system would popup and ask the administrator password. For some reason after a fresh install the newly created users can't even delete the adobe reader shortcut from their desktop. I guess the rights management is setup differently. How do I fix this?
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