13GB Mp3 Folder Won't Display Music Says Empty

Dec 16, 2011

I got one of those malware programs through searching for pics of Air Jordans on google. All of a sudden, something was installing itself on my computer and then telling me my hard drive had crashed, and now I needed to buy their software to fix it. I cut off the computer and rebooted, trying to get into safe-mode to do a restore. Couldn't get into safe mode, windows would just load, so I cut it off and then the computer said Windows didn't load, so I chose to repair. Note, it didn't load because I cut it off manually.

The thing is, the mp3s are still there. Opening Winamp's start menu, it shows recently played songs, and when I click on one, it plays. So I went to my folder (C:/mp3s) and right clicked on it, and chose "enqueue in winamp" and all the songs loaded into winamp, even though the folder continues to show that it's empty. It's worth noting that when I right-click on the mp3 folder and choose properties, it shows that the folder is over 13 gigs and has over 2900 songs. I just can't directly access them, but I can play them in winamp

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Guest User Account - WMP Library Empty / Cannot Load Music Files

Feb 10, 2012

I've created a guest account on my PC (no admin privileges). When I open the Media Player in the guest account, the library is empty. How to load music files.

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Empty Folder That Has Size To It

Nov 21, 2011

I just reinstalled windows 7(32bit) and my windows.old file, which doesn't contain anything in it except for empty folders, still has size to it. Does anyone know what the deal is with this? Never had this happen to me.The show hidden files/folders option is ticked and still shows nothing. Is this a glitch?

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Cannot Delete An Empty Folder

Apr 2, 2011

I have a folder with two subfolders but can't delete any of them. the lowest level folder apparently can't be found to delete it.

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The Manage Add-ons Folder Is Empty

Jul 1, 2010

The manage add-ons folder is empty. There are a variety of ways to get to that folder and I have tried them all. There is nothing in it. No toolbars, no search providers, and no Accelerators. It doesn't even contain the InPrivate filtering link. What's more the navigation Pane is also empty.

It's odd because the most common add-ons that shoud be accessable there seem to work OK. Adobe Flash, Java ..etc. Everything is updated. PC: Windows 7 x64, IE8,

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Can't Delete Empty Folder?

Nov 17, 2012

I accidentally created a folder in C:UsersName called "Videos". I am the administrator on my computer and I am set to have full access to this folder, but I can't delete it (it says I need permission to delete the folder). The folder is completely empty too, if that matters.

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Empty Folder Created On Start-up?

May 11, 2011

I am running Windows 7 on a desktop. I use it mostly for browsing and high end gaming. My recent installs have all been pretty safe (CDs from game companies), so I don't think it's an infection...though if it were, it's a pretty mundane one.

Recently (last couple of weeks), whenever I reboot or cold start my machine, a New Folder(2) is created on my desktop. The first time I noticed it was right around the time I was copying a lot of documents to my machine for a new home purchase. I was trying to keep track of all the folders I had to create, but I know for a fact that as I was creating, I wasn't keeping up with naming conventions. I really hadn't noticed that it was being recreated every time until I VERY deliberately removed it about two days ago. Until then, I thought I had just kept forgetting to remove it.

This evening, while booting, I took particular care and watched my task list while starting. I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary (though my computer brilliance has burned itself out over the last few decades), and hence my request for information here.

There appears to be no other issues with my machine (except for the occasional bass voice coming from my speakers saying "Skynet lives"...that's a joke).

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Empty Folder With Lock Symbol?

Oct 12, 2011

This folder is appear automatically , I check this folder and is empty , and also has a lock icon.This folder appear on my External Hard Drive .

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Windows 7 Startup Folder Empty

Dec 27, 2011

My computer was hit a malware. I was able to clean/quarantine the malware, but my startup folder is empty.From the Windows logo start, I am able to see the folders in "All Programs". But all the folders are empty. These startup folders are also empty when I navigate to their locations in Window Explorer. My programs are still installed and I can start them from their installed locations. How do I rebuild the startup folder? The "AppData" and the "ProgramData" folders are visible. I'd rather not create shortcuts to all my installed programs one at a time

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Cannot Delete Empty Desktop Folder Using Windows 7

May 22, 2012

I am using Windows 7 and I cannot delete an empty folder on my desktop. I get the message: Could not find this item This is no longer in C:UsersKimDesktop. Verify the item's location and try again.

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Folder Has Sub-Folders And Files But Shows Up Empty

Jan 12, 2011

located in my documents/downloads I open the folder and it comes up empty. If I rename it to some other name, its contents show up actually, strange thing. Also, if I open the folder the long way, that is cusersmyusermy documentsdownloads it opens fine, even i don't change the folder name, I think the error is in the registry, used Revo Uninstaller to uninstall facemoods and it messed up the registry to a state that pc became useless, had to backup registry, but seems it never recovered from it.

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Context Menu - Add Empty Folder And Subfolders

Aug 26, 2009

How to Add Empty Folder and Subfolders to the Windows 7 Context Menu ?

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How To Delete A Folder's Content With CMD But Leave It Empty

Dec 13, 2011

Is there a way to delete a folders content but leave the empty folder when done? I'm making myself a autohotkey script, here is what i got so far.

Run, C:path ochrome.exe -incagnito
WinWait. - Google Chrome
WinWaitClose ; Wait for Google Chrome to close
Run, cmd /c "ipconfig /flushdns"

This is the folder i want to delete its contents. %appdata%MacromediaFlash Player#SharedObjects directory

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External HDD Readable But Showing (This Folder Is Empty)

Oct 14, 2012

I have a "imation 320 gb portable hdd" it is reading on the computer and showing up at my computer as local disk (F 69.5GB free of 298GB however its shows "this folder in empty" I have tried the hdd on different comps but shows the same thing. I have tried defragmenting and moving a few folders to the c drive on my comp but still shows up as this file is empty. It uses 50gb but when i get in the folder it shows "this folder is empty".

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Memory Stick Showing Folder Empty In Windows 7 Explorer?

Nov 11, 2011

We have just bought new PC with Windows 7 after old PC died. Have tried to transfer files from a memory stick (mainly word / excel) onto new pc but Windows exploer says memory stick folder is empty. When put stick into laptop (running I think on XP) it clearly shows files are present. Have tried copying files onto different stick but get the same problem.

New PC has Kapersky and it scanned the stick when 1st put it in and found no problems with it.

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Can't Change Desktop Wallpaper And All Program Files Folder Are Empty

Mar 24, 2011

Can't change desktop wallpaper and all my program files folder are empty?I think it could be a virus or something. I have been told this can be useful.

SteelWerX Registry Console Tool 2.0
Written by Bobbi Flekman 2006 (C)
Error: Key: softwaremicrosoftwindows ntcurrentversionpolicies does not exist!
SteelWerX Registry Console Tool 2.0
Written by Bobbi Flekman 2006 (C)


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Reloaded Windows 7 - Cannot Access Files And Pictures / Folder Empty

Sep 20, 2012

I reloaded Windows 7 from scratch. I have two drives. The system Drive is a 128G SSD. The second drive is a WD 1T hard drive I used for storage.

Used space: 44,277,760 42.2MB
Free space: 60,575,744 57.7MB

When I try to open the drive and access my files, Pic, Doc, etc. It says this folder is empty. How do I regain access to my files?

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Mapping Network Location To Website Results In Empty Folder Windows 7

May 17, 2012

We used to map a network location an http site in Windows XP. Worked well, but under Windows 7 when we map the same location we show an empty folder and it should contain all the links from the site. I did notice that when we tried this on a different XP box we were prompted for the user ID and Password to login to the share (makes sense to me... ) but there was no prompt in Windows 7 - instead we just get "This Folder Is Empty" Did I miss something? We can access the website in IE... did not try to access the share using the computer name instead of the website... could try that.... however they use the mapping as above because they still use FrontPage to administer the site and this method provides the mappings etc that FrontPage likes to have.

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Can't Index-search Music Folder

Jun 16, 2011

I'm using Windows 7 64 with indexed search ON.I am unable to see search results in my MUSIC folder When I try, it immediately shows "no items match your search" in the results pane.I was able to get search results in the past.other folders search still works fine.The music folder is logically located on drive D.i am sharing this folder to a Guest user.Changing permissions or unsharing the folder altogether did not fix this.Disabling indexed search did fix this, but then I end up with the original slow annoying search.

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Changing Music Folder Columns?

Oct 6, 2011

I would like to permanently change the columns in my music folder to add bit rate and length. I have many folders. I'd like to do it all at once if possible. All my music is on an external drive so I don't know if they will remain permanently when I remove drive but is this even possible?

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One Music Folder Will Not Open No Matter What

Dec 27, 2011

I have THE Music Folder located in Libraries and inside this Folder i have another Folder called All Music that no matter what i do, i cannot open the damn thing. It's not locked, It's not restricted, I've tried right clicking on it and doing Open. I've tried doing Open in New Window. I've tried Deleting the damn thing and then Restoring it.

I don't even get an error. It just simply sits there. Yet i can open every other Folder on my Computer. Except this ONE Folder.

Help, please?

I have Windows 7 Home Premium x64, My Virus Scans are up to date and so are my Computer Updates. I've closed all Programs and tried opening it, too.

This isn't "Super" important. I'm more concerned that there's something wrong with my hard-drive than the actual Music (although there's over 700 Songs in this one Folder..)

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Add Information To Media In 'My Music' Folder?

Oct 30, 2011

I am trying to organize my music, and a lot of my songs don't have information under Album. I've tried right clicking on the file then clicking properties, but there is no option there to edit the information. How can I add the name of the Albums?

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Duplicates Of (some) Files In Music Folder?

Feb 14, 2012

I'm having an issue with some of the files being duplicated in my music folder. I've noticed that only the first 20-30 artists have been duplicated. The originals are still there, however the contents inside (so the albums of the artist) have duplicated/cloned into my music folder.So I can find the album Razors Edge in :Users--MusicACDC and in :Users--Music When I go to options in Razors Edge album in :Users--Music, it says that the location is actually :Users--MusicACDC. So it's as if both point to the same location.
However, when I delete the duplicate (the album that's just in My Music folder), the deletes the original (in My MusicACDCRazors Edge) and then the song won't play at all in Itunes or Windows Media. Then when I restore the album from Recycling Bin, it works.

Additionally, Itunes says that there are no duplicates...I would also like to add: when I copy ACDC from My Music onto my desktop, the duplicates remain in My Music. When I try to copy the duplicates into my ACDC folder, it says "The destination folder is the same as the source folder". When I delete the duplicate files, it still deletes the originals that or on the desktop

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Mp3 Files Missing From Music Folder?

Mar 31, 2012

Suddenly, this morning, all my individual mp3 files contained in the "My Music" folder have disappeared. What's interesting is that folders in the "My Music" folder with mp3 files inside have not disappeared. Just the individual ones outside.

Last night (12 hours ago) all the files were intact. I haven't installed anything, my computer is not infected with anything (as far as I know) and I haven't moved or deleted anything.

I've run "undelete plus" to check if some of the files could be recovered, and the most intriguing thing of it all is that is has found some of the files missing, inside a folder called "Deleted 2342323" (can't remember the exact name) in C:. That folder doesn't exist at all (and I'm running with administrator permissions).

But really, after 16 years using windows this is the first time that such a thing happens

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Music Photos Also Going Into Games Folder?

Jan 15, 2013

I read something abot network and sharing that's why I posted here .This is not for me and I responded in another forum and the posters says music and photos heep gererating copies in Games folder even after setting where to direct them to.uotephotos to her Dell laptop. It is about 3 years old.My question is why when I add the files to The Music and Photos folders does it also add a copy of all the files to the saved games folder?

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How To Change Music Folder Size

Jan 26, 2011

am copying my music files to my hubbie's laptop. Win 7 Music folder keeps saying not enough room to copy all music across. Seems to be set at 15 gb size. Is it possible to enlarge the folder to say 50gb?

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Windows 7 Music Folder Location?

Oct 27, 2012

I'm trying to change the "Music" location from "C:UsersUserMusic" to "D:UsersUserMusic". I am unable to edit the path on the "Music Properties-->Location" tab. I have tried everything. I cannot type or delete the path from the path field. I can edit any other special folder location (My Documents; My Videos, etc...). I went through the registry and changed any "C:UsersUserMusic" to "D:UsersUserMusic". In desperation, I also changed all "%USERPROFILE%Music" to "D:UsersUserMusic" (yeah, I know). Nothing changes the location in the location field of the Music Location tab. I rebooted after every change to the registry. I deleted the "Music" folder, rebooted and tried to edit the new "Music" folder with no joy. Any ideas of what might be going on? I'd hate to delete and then recreate the profile owing to the fact that I just spent half a day setting it up. This computer is on a domain and no other users are experiencing this problem.

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Pictures / Music From Video Folder Showing Up In Wmp

Feb 8, 2012

Currently I have this setup in WMP:

-Pictures: D:/Pictures
-Videos: D:/Videos
-Music: D:/Music

However, my videos folder has extra files such as thumbnail pictures and music that are showing up in WMP. I do not want them to show up.

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Access Denied Itunes Music Folder?

Mar 20, 2012

I just noticed I have not access to my itunes download folder. The problem with this is that I cannot sync my computer to my itunes now. When I double click the folder it tells me access denied. Any time I try to change security it tells me I don't have permission. I tried to apply ownership to my name over the folder and it give me an error that access is denied.

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Windows 7 Explorer 50 / 80 CPU After Opening Folder With Music In Wav Format

Jul 1, 2010

I recently installed Windows 7 and now when I open a folder containing wav files explorer jumps up to 50 to 80 CPU usage.The folder contains wav music files because I am converting them from 320 mp3, and FLAC to use in Ableton Live, which is a music workstation.The folder it originally happened to came from my previous hard drive, which may have got damaged, so the files might be corrupt.. but this issue didn't happen with the folder in question after the hard drives incident (which may have resulted it having bad sectors), when I was using windows xp.Recently I converted a FLAC file to wav using this new windows 7 install. When I tried to access the folder that it was put it, again explorer jumped up to 80 percent, dllhost.exe is also contributing the cpu strain, with around 30 cpu usage.I googled this and I was recommend to download a patch for windows 7 which promised to solve the exact problem I had, it said something about explorer taking up CPU and corrupt wav files, however even after this fix.

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Music Etc. In Start Menu, Link To Root Folder, Not Library?

Oct 4, 2010

I dont use libraries and dont like the way that you cant have indivual folder views with them. So when I click on the start menu and have the links for 'music, pictures, video etc' i would like it to link straight to the root folder and not to the library

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