Stop Certain Functions To Cease Operating

Aug 7, 2009

I would like to know if it possible to stop certain functions to cease operating, because when I store a picture or photo, it is stored in these locations:

1/ windows photo gallery
2/ pictures
3/ windows media center
4/ picasa ( the one I prefer )

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Can't Use Basic Functions Of Vista

Apr 18, 2009

I went into the registry to remove a file that said I didn't have permission to edit (even though I was the admin) because the person whose help I asked for told me that was how to fix it. So I went into the registry and deleted the files in the registry (about 3 or 4 keys). But the files were still there. So I deleted the key that was show in the details section of the UAC. That didn't seem to do anything either. So I quit.

Now, once I restarted my computer, I can't use many of the basic functions of vista. I can't move, copy, cut, paste, or rename files. I also can't empty or restore the recycling bin. For example, I can't rename a txt from the folder, but if I open it in notepad I can save I as something different. I remade the key from the UAC but going into the registry editor and making a new key and entering all of the information, but it didn't correct the problem. That key is {3AD05575-8857-4850-9277-11B85BDB8E09} by the way.

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Send To' Functions Are AWOL

May 15, 2009

All my Send to' functions are AWOL.

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After Upgrading To X64 Mouse No Longer Functions

Aug 27, 2009

After upgrading to x64 my mouse no longer functions as anything but a 2 button mouse with a scroll wheel. Logitech says that the Vista Native Drivers are sufficient to use but they are not. I have always used Mouseware which allows me to select the wheel as double click and the other buttons to be set for what I wanted. In one of the threads in the Developer newsgroup I saw that someone named Choli had found a solution but she was a guest and never replied when someone asked her for the solution. Does anyone know the solution to getting Mouseware like driver(s) to give this mouse the same functions?

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Reassigning Hard Drive Functions?

Feb 6, 2010

I have a Dell Inspiron 1720 with two internal hard disks, 160gb each. Disk 0 holds the C drive with Vista and all my apps, photos, vids etc. The same disk also has the E drive for system restore and a couple of very small drives whose functions I know not. Disk 1 has only one drive, D, which is solely for backup. It's filled up and no longer accepts data, so I recently bought a 1tb Seagate FreeAgent external drive, designated H, to take over backup functions. It works fine. I now have my C drive copied onto H and can safely delete the D drive contents. I want to use D to share duties with C, which is about 3/4 full.

- How should I empty D? Drag all its contents to the recycle bin? Format it? Both?
- After D is emptied, how do I tell Vista to send new content there? Does Vista do that automatically? Should I wait until C is filled up before sending stuff to D, or should I manually transfer some there right away, so each drive will be about equally full? How can I make the two disks function as a single C drive?

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Windows Updates: Restore Functions Without Losing Data & Updated Drivers?

Jun 15, 2009

It all started with failed updates. Then I discovered that I couldn't run the check disk utility. A friend finally gave me a solution sfc /scannow in DOS which told me I had some corrupted files that windows couldn't fix. It told me to check out the log - but I couldn't find it. Now I discover (Having read a thread in VistaForums about the update error code 80070652) that I no longer have tabs in my Task Manager. aaaoorrrgh! I going nuts. how to restore these functions without losing all my data and updated drivers etc. (I'm not a beginner but I'm a sort of low level intermediate)

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Starting To Like When This Happened: Open Certain Control Panel Functions From The RUN Command Line Or Through The MMC Console Itself

Jan 18, 2009

I've been getting this error message when I try to open certain control panel functions from the RUN command line or through the MMC console itself. Other functions like performance information, user accounts and parental controls don't respond when clicked. Windows update might flash up the beginnings of a window for a split second but wont load. I've got the update icon on my task bar saying it cant update. Other than some key function being inaccessible the PC runs fine (apart form Firefox has started crashing out every now again) I can install software ok.

I've run the SVG /scannow thing and it found no problem Its my home PC sp I am setup as administrator. This problem is effecting another vanilla admin account AND the hidden Admin account. I've virus scanned in safe mode. System restore went through the motions but after it had restarted the PC it said it couldn't actually restore........

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Cannot Find Operating System

Jan 10, 2009

A friend of mine has Lenovo laptop that runs Vista Ultimate, the laptop itself is a little under a year old. Earlier this year, October-ish, she started her laptop to find the Cannot Find Operating System message. She took it to the tech department at the university we go too and they backed up all her info and had to reinstall Vista. We it has happened again. She said the recovery way didn't work and she had to reinstall Vista, this time losing all her pictures and everything.

What is causing this? I really want to make sure it doesn't happen a third time to her. I have read that some say it is the hard drive but I think if that was the case, she couldn't reinstall Vista or do anything to the laptop as the hard drive would be loose or fried.

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Operating System Chip

Apr 29, 2008

I think it is a good idea to develop operating system on the electronic chip
this idea will

- solve historical error in building the PC computer and it will Limit
the illegal
copying of the operating system .

- reduce the danger of viruses that strike operating systems and reduce the
needed to load the operating system .

To clarify my idea in detail We should take these things in mind

- operating system is part from computer

- We can divide the operating system (the basics of data, identification
data and update information)

- There is no important reason to booting computer from Hard Disk.

Now what are the new idea ?

- Idea is to develop a system operating on the electronic segment, such as
Flash or PCI segment or any other electronic slide

- And this Chip is divided into two parts or more exists in the first
section main programmes and basic data in the operating system in
Section II identification data and any updating in the operating system

- The computer will be boot from this Chip (first part is for readers only)

- The operating system will use existing data in the second part could also
use part from hard disk

- In the end there will be no way to use illegal copies of the operating
system only produces segments of the operating system and this will not only
available For large companies. And when it can pursue this companies

- It will also reduce the risk of viruses.

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Possible 32 Bits Operating Sistem Cam See More Then 3 Gb Of Ram?

Mar 30, 2008

i just have one question,is it possibile that in any way,a 32 bits operating sistem cam see more then 3 gb of ram? Ihave a pretty good config.,i think IntelCore 2 Duo T7300 Sant Rosa,gForce 8600 M GS,4 gb Ram DDR 2,160 gb Hdd. Anyway,i had the 32 bits vista ultimate version on my sistem and it worked very good,however,it only detected 3 gb of ram,and i understand,that all 32 bits sistems see only 3 gb ram...or am i talking. Now i have instaled the 64 bits version,and it works great,but i had a very hard time finding the drivers. i can't find o godd part of them.

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Copy The Operating System

Apr 4, 2008

I want to make a copy of my Operating System, x64Ultimate, and have partitioned a drive for it. I've read about Vista's Complete System Backup, but that copies the whole pc, and I want to only copy the OS. How do I do this in Vista or do I need something like Acronis for it?

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Operating System License Key

Mar 26, 2008

I am looking at buying a laptop at an online auction site, but the item states the "Operating System License Key" is included. However the items not included are:

Installed Operating System
Operating System Restore Partition
Operating System Restore Disc (s)

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How Run Multiple OS's Operating System

Aug 15, 2008

I am considering installing a second operating system on my computer. I am currently running Vista HP x64, which is great, but I would still like to have the simple Windows XP available just for the sake of accessibility. I already have a bit of an idea how I would go about this, but I haven't done it before. When I installed Vista, I didn't notice if it gave me the option to customize the size of the Windows partition Vista was to be installed on like other versions of windows do during installation. I'd like to know from someone who is running multiple OS's how to configure my hard drive's partitions so that xp can be installed as well. Should I uninstall Vista and install xp on half then put vista on again or do I have other options like virtual computer (of which I know nothing and heard about on another site). Anything I should know?

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Operating System License Key?

Mar 23, 2008

I am looking at buying a laptop at an online auction site, but the item states the "Operating System License Key" is included. However the items not included are: Installed Operating System ,Operating System Restore Partition, Operating System Restore Disc (s). How can I use this computer or do I have to buy a full OS version?

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Operating System Not Boot

Oct 6, 2009

I have 3 hard drives with assigned characters c, d, f (e drive is cd rom) each drive has only 1 partition. On c there is Vista 32-bit Ultimate, on d there is Vista 64-bit home premium. If I change location of paging file - e.g. Vista Ultimate paging on f, Home paging on c then that operating system does not boot correctly. The OS boot progress bar is displayed but system does not boot (I waited many minutes before reset).

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Were Can Buy Oem Operating System Disc?

Sep 25, 2009

i have a oem home edition windows xp and i messt it up and now were windows is the bar only loads half way and windows starts and it restars in 3 minuets by it self so i want to formatt the hard drive and install everything back like new but i dont have that operating system disc to formatted

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Operating System Not Recognized

Feb 6, 2009

I am running Vista Business Sp2 - recently restored from a backup image after some problems occurred. Today I tried to install the latest Vista driver for my GeForce 6600 video card. It will not install and gives me the message "this driver will only install on a computer running Windows Vista". How can I get it to recognize my operating system? When booting up, the Vista choice (it's dual booted with XP) is "Windows Vista (Restored).

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How Do Run Multiple Operating Systems

Nov 16, 2009

How do i run multiple operating systems in one pc? Without virtual machines & will that effect/affect me?

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Ultimate 64 :: The Operating System Is Missing

Apr 6, 2008

My vista ultimate 64 is keep saying that "the operating system is missing".

I have the original installation dvd and run system recovery. I am stuck because my operating system is NOT LISTED and when I click load drivers I have not clue what to select.

After I click load drivers a small screen poops and tels me : INSERT THE INSTLLATION MEDIA FOR THE DEVICE AND CLICK OK TO SELECT THE DRIVER. A driver for what?for pete sake.

I click that and I got the regular screen where i can see my harddrives, removable disks and so. I can t access drive C because is telling me that is not formated and that I have to format it.

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Operating System Wont Boot Up

Oct 1, 2009

I've got a problem with my p.c in the fact that it wont boot up. I think i have unintentionally downloaded a virus which more than likey would have caused this. I have Windows vista home basic 32 bit pre-installed on my p.c and it didn't come with any back up/recovery disks. Any solutions on how to get my p.c up and running?

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Changing Language Of Operating System

May 9, 2008

I'm polish but I live in england. I have bought the computer with vista in english version for my brother as a present. unfortunately he doesn't speak english. How can I change the operating systme language from english to polish.

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Windows Mac: No Operating System Installed?

Aug 12, 2009

I was recently given an old iBook, the problem is that it has no operating system installed. Is it possible to put some version of Windows on it?

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Operating System Loaded On Computer?

Jul 4, 2009

I have a new Dell Studio 1535 laptop with Windows Vista Home Premium installed. After where it says 'Home Premium',it is blank. No 32 bit or 64 bit is listed. How can I tell for sure which operating system has been loaded on my computer?

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64 Bit Upgrade From 32 Bit: Operating System Failed

Jun 11, 2009

My neighbor bought a Compaq Presario with an AMD Athlon 64 bit processor which came installed with Windows Vista Home Basic 32 bit operating system. If he buys the upgrade to Windows Home Premium will the disk recognize he has a 64 bit processor and install the 64 bit operating system and not just upgrade to 32 bit Vista Home Premium system.

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Backup Disc Has No Operating System On It

Jun 6, 2008

I have a Gateway MT6707 notebook that came preinstalled with Windows Vista Home Premium. I upgraded to a new larger hard drive but the start up disc I created doesn't contain the operating system. I know it's the disc because I tried my startup disc from my other computer and it goes through all of the microsoft motions to the point where it says "This disc is not for this computer". How do I make a start updisc from my Gateway that will contain the operating system so I can use my new hard drive?

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Re-install Vista Operating System

Apr 25, 2009

i have tried to re-install the vista operating system on my sons packard bell pc using the recovery partition but this has failed it hangs at the "starting windows for the first please wait" screen we weren't given a disk so i am downloading a copy and want to activate it using the proper key that came with the pc but it isn't printed on the case so i am stuck as to what i can do the pc was bought from curries christmas 2007 do i have any options through them or packard bell

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Ie, Explorer.exe Has Russian Operating System

May 18, 2010

About a week and a half ago I had an email and gaming account compromised. After scanning w/my AV program (Avast) nothing came up....i've formatted and reinstalled , maybe im paranoid...but want to make sure this system is secure and Im not sure if it is. I know alot of people say registery cleaners are worthless here, but i used uniblues process scanner and some key processes have foriegn languages infront of their decription (ie,explorer.exe has the russian or sometimes danish word for operating system). looking like this scan for example: - The online resource for process information! Im running avast again and still no viruses/trojans found. Ran CCleaner,MalwareBytes anti-malware and spybot search and destroy with nothing detected. Only strange things I have noticed is when i use IE,2 iexplorer.exe run in task manager. Am i being overly paranoid?

Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.4 Code: Scan saved at 12:37:09 AM, on 5/19/2010 Platform: Windows Vista SP2 (WinNT 6.00.1906) MSIE: Internet Explorer v8.00 (8.00.6001.18904) Boot mode: Normal

Running processes:
C:Windowssystem32 askeng.exe
C:Program FilesWindows DefenderMSASCui.exe....
R1 - HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMain,Default_Page_URL =
R1 - HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMain,Default_Search_URL = Bing
R1 - HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMain,Search Page = Bing....
O4 - HKUSS-1-5-19..Run: [WindowsWelcomeCenter] rundll32.exe oobefldr.dll,ShowWelcomeCenter (User 'LOCAL SERVICE')...

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Ultimate Operating System Freezing

Feb 24, 2009

I have the windows installed on a Samsung 80Gb disk, and I have a Toshiba 500Gb Hard disk drive. My Operating System keeps on freezing every couple of hours, with only the reset button working. I can post the event logs if you want me to.

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Not Running Mutli Operating System

Mar 23, 2008

I am clean installing Vista Home Prem. on my Toshiba. Reinstall, actually. Do I need to install the OS on a partition? Are there any benefits to installing it on a partition? I am not planning on running multi OS on my system, just Vista.

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Wireless Can't Working And No Operating System

Feb 14, 2009

i just brought a new intel pc, the S-Series. with no operating system, atm has a trail of wondows vista, (im getting a real copie very soon) anyhoo, when i use the Ethernet Cable directly from my pc into the modem works fine. BUT when im not using it and using wireless and trying to search for any wireless rounters around, i cannot find none, i got a wireless card i think its: Realtek RTL8168C(P)/8111C(P) Family PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC (NDIS 6.0), the 2008 version, theres a 2009 version (update), but every site i go to download they try and rip you off in buying membership and download it! so round it down cant find any routers when using wireless, cant find any FREE non riped off updates for my wireless card.. pheraps its not the card, and somthing else, and no no FIREWALL is blocking it.

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Clean Reinstall Operating System

Mar 26, 2008

I purchased a computer which came with Vista Home Premium preinstalled. I have been having misc. problems so I want to reinstall the operating system. Can you tell me the procedure to do this. Is this the best way to do it.

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