Played Rfactor Will Not Open

Mar 23, 2008

played rfactor for a day, great fun. Now when i double click shortcut it open a window title "about:blank" and nothing happens. I reinstalled, check the target, I can't get vista ultimate 64 to open rfactor correctly. I going crazy,

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Videos Get Set As Dreamscene Backgrounds Instead Of Being Played

Jul 5, 2009

I double click on a video clip, instead of opening windows media player 11 and playing it, vista ultimate sets it as the desktop background. I've even noticed it treats MP3's differently suddenly - when you try to open them, it displays the "Open With" box where you can select a program. Even after a selection, it doesn't stick and happens every time. The files have the WMP logo on them and everything I've checked has it as the default media player. The files WILL play if you right-click and "Open With". It just started doing this a few hours ago, media player got put on the back burner somehow.

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Played Gamed Doesn't Look Many Options

Jul 29, 2009

Before I take the plunge, I like to have a little background history on this. I like tactical games but I dislike Non-User friendly games. I played it for a few moments at a friends house but didn't like it much because of the fact that it had WAY to many key binding options that look like they were very similar to each other.

Of the few I remember were:
Aim Down
Aim Down Toggle
Zoom In .....
To me they should all do the same but if they don't, doesn't it look like to many options? I mean, once I zoom in, I want to be able to use the same mouse/kb button to zoom out. Also, aim down is the same as zoom in... at least to me. Is the campaign worth this hassle? and believe me, its been a while since I have played a good FPS campaign so I am jonesing for something else at the moment that I will try almost anything.

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Video Files Are Not Properly Played In MediaCenter

Feb 4, 2009

Just installed vista x64 SP1 with all latest updates, installed latest Shark codecs and K-lite codecs. Have no problem playing video files in Media player, but the same video files are not properly played in MediaCenter. They blink from time to time. It looks like a problem with codec, but after installing Shark and K-lite codec packs the problem still the same. May be Media center gets different codec. How do I change it?

My second question is: How do you add extra programs to Media center in vista x64? In XP MCE 2005 you could just drag desired program to the start button and prop it there and it would end up in MCE. It doesn't allow to the same in Vista MCE. If you drag the program to start button it will open MCE, but you won't find the added program in MCE

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AVI Video's That Played In XP Wont Play In Vista - Workaround

Mar 23, 2008

Apparently Microsoft has "disabled" older codec's which prevents certain AVI's from playing in Vista. If you have Indeo 3.1x AVI's this hack might be useful. Ironically, Microsoft shipped with Vista all three dll's (the codec) needed to play Indeo 3.1x AVI's, so only this registry key is required to enable them. Intel Indeo was sold to Ligos. Ligos states the following:

"the 3.x video codec is no longer available nor supported"

Microsoft recommends that you convert older AVI's and not use this "deprecated" codec.

WARNING: this is a HACK and involves making a single REG_SZ string.If you do not know what the consequences of editing the registry are you should not attempt this. Use this HACK at your own risk and peril.

To this key, add this REG_SZ value

[HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionDrivers32]

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Cannot Open A .dat File And Cannot Set An Association To Open

Apr 3, 2008

Using Vista Home Premium with SP1. I cannot open a .dat file and cannot set an association to open it because .dat is not listed in the Set Association menu. How do I get .dat listed so that I can set an association to it?

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Open Winmail And Found Did Not Open

Nov 30, 2009

Outlook 2007 installed,and working fine. I needed to open winmail and found that it did not open. Found it running in taskman, but there is no winmail program window available.
I have tried:

1)delete winmail reg entries
2)delete winmail storage folders
3)rename winmail.exe file....

None of the above worked. Specifically, the results of points above:

1)started winmail after deleting reg entries,just remade them,is all.
2)ditto for point 2
3)nothing happens when double click renamed winmail.exe...

I dont want to use another program. I needed to visually advise someone about adding signatures,but winmail did not start. Yes I could do an internet search, but that is not the point-winmail is broken somehow and I wish to fix it.

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, Outlook 07 And Exchange 03: Open Outlook It Says, Cannot Open The Default E-mail Folders

Mar 23, 2008

When I boot up in the morning, I have to wait 20 to 30 mins before Outlook 07 will connect to my Exchange 2003 server. Until then, when I try to open Outlook it says, cannot open the default e-mail folders. And it suggests there is a network issue or that the Exchange server is down. These are not the case. The Exchange server is up and there are no network issues. I have many other computers attached to the network and none of them have this issue. Some our XP Pro/Office 07, some are XP Pro/Office 2003. The big difference with my machine is that it is Vista.

After about 20 to 30 minutes, wow! it connects! And then it's good for the rest of the day. I usually only minimize Outlook after I actually get it open so the connection is maintained throughout the day. I'm not sure what would happen if I closed it completely. But one thing is for sure, every morning, it takes 20 to 30 minutes before it will connect. Eventually, it always connects.

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Cannot Open Any Ttf

Jun 19, 2009

I cannot open any ttf.

I get the message that windows wants to know what program has created it.

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Open Msn, But Won't Log In

Jul 14, 2009

I can open msn, but it won't let me log in.?

Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: msnmsgr.exe
Application Version: 14.0.8064.206
Application Timestamp: 498cf586
Fault Module Name: msnmsgr.exe..................

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Could Not Open WMP

Dec 25, 2007

Have an e-machine Vista Home Basic. About a week ago, I could not open WMP any more by just clicking the icon. I found that I could right click it and open with 'run as administrator'. At the same time I could no longer open Napster. It told me I didn't have a recent version of WMP, which I do. I have McAfee installed and I can no longer see the menu when I click that icon. Also had issues with internet explorer. Problems that I don't have with Moxilla.

I found that if I turn off User Account Control that all works fine. Of course I get a warning for not having that on. The real kicker is that none of these problems occur on my guest account even with UAC on. I've been searching Google and came upon this forum. Do I need to change a setting somewhere?

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Cannot Open A PDF, DOC, PPT, DWG, Etc

May 6, 2009

I could not open the attached files(PDF, DOC, PPT, DWG, etc...) in Window Mail directly from the paper clip icon drop down menu. However it can be opened after saving the attachement to other folders like desktop. The error message like this : The path or file name of "C:windowssystem32oooo.doc(or pdf, ppt, etc..) " is incorrect. please check the path of file name Sometime the path is "c:program filesahnlabooo.doc" Because I'm using the MS Office(Korean version), the error message is translated in english. (My poor english...^^)

I tried to search the solution. but I can't it anywhere. (Many people suggest a docfix or to reassociate the application program.)In my opinion, it is not concern with an application program(like word, powerpoint, acrobat...). It's just the problem of windows mail. Maybe the registry about windows mail seems to be changed.

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Cant Open IE

Nov 28, 2009

I have an odd problem in a 64 bit Vista system involving IE8. It appears in the Start Menu but Firefox is Default because IE has been playing up for a while. Now the user has a DRM issue in Media Player 11 and I urgently need to get IE working as Firefox cannot download the required files. When I open IE it immediately throws an error message and closes down. I go to uninstall it and get a fresh download and it fails even to appear in Control, Panel>Program etc. I try to delete the IE8folder or parts thereof and am told I dont have sufficient rights to do that. I throw in an IE8-WindowsVista-64-ENU.exe file from a flash drive and am told it cannot be installed in this system, despite it appearing to be the right file.

The really odd thing is that it works perfectly when calling down Updates and as long as it does that, there's no need to fix it but this DRM issue implies the music files have been ripped or copied more than five times. I'm assured that isn't the case but they have just been copied from an older laptop to this new one. I've copied the relevant Registry entry form the old machine but that hasn't fooled the system one bit. So there we are - a long sad tale but the crux is I either need suggestions as to fixing IE8 or how to fiddle Firefox to accept the WMP plug-in it doesn't seem to want to accept.

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Can't Open Photos

Apr 3, 2008

I haven't had a problem with people being able to open attachments but as of
today I am finding that people are having trouble opening my photo
attachments. I am not getting an error message. They seem to be sending

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Can't Open E-mail

Mar 23, 2008

Can't open .email type e-mail. What associate program to use??

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Can't Open Rar Files

Aug 9, 2009

Vista open a rar (archive) file? I can open zip files OK, but cant find a way to open a rar file.

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HTM Files Do Not Open

Dec 30, 2009

1. I have Vista Home Premium and Internet Explorer v 8. I never set anything about users or administrators since I am the only one using this computer.

2. I have many old graphics tutorials in HTM format which I downloaded some years ago when I was using Windows 98. They opened in Windows 98.

3. I can't open them with Vista. If I use FILE > OPEN in Internet Explorer, I get the HTML code. If I double click on the file in Windows Explorer, I get a message saying that Windows Internet Explorer is not responding.

4. I have a similar problem with HTM files which I have recently downloaded from the internet news groups. Are there some settings or updates to correct this problem.

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Can't Get Attachments To Open

Feb 19, 2010

I can't get attachments to open and I have looked under options to see if there is something blocking them but can't see anything there.

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Can Not Open Any Attachments

Jun 23, 2009

I am not able to open any attachments at all. When I try to open a PDF file, I receive an error message "There was an error opening this document. This file can not be found. Yet, if I save the file attachment and open it through another means I can open the document. Cannot open jpeg files or Internet Explorer pages

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Cannot Open Any Attachments

May 16, 2009

cannot open any attachments....the command failed to execute......I've changed nothing, one day I can, the next I cant.......

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PDF Attachments Will Not Open After IE8

May 4, 2009

After updating to IE8 through normal Windows Update, I can no longer open PDF attachments in Acrobat as I could before. Message states it cannot find the file. I can save the attachment and then open with Acrobat. I have removed the IE8 update and hence reverted to original IE7. The problem is hence resolved. My guess is IE8 has somehow changed the temp file location, and hence the file cannot be found. There must be a registry pointer change that caused this. I'll keep IE7 until the group can come up with a simple fix or recommendation.

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Lid Open Event

Mar 20, 2009

I've just got my new Alienware m17 and I can't find a way to disable the "Lid Open" event. I've disabled the lid from making the system go into stand-by, but the moment I open the lid, it wakes up again. I've tried using : Code: powercfg -devicedisablewake "ACPI Lid"
But all I get is "You do not have permission to enable or disable device wake", and yes... I am logged in as an Administrator.

All lid related articles on this site (and others) seem only to refer to problems with Closing the lid rather than Opening it. I know it's a minor issue, but I don't want to wake up my system until I press the power button. I've even checked the BIOS settings but there isn't even a Power section.

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Open Rar And Zip Files

Apr 30, 2008

I ordered some files and they came in rar and zip format. I know nothing about them. I downloaded winrar to read them. I guess I'm not using it right or something. All I get is codes and stuff. I need to open these files so that I can read them in plain english. I want to use these files on my web-site.

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Can't Open Attachments ..

Apr 29, 2008

i'm using windows vista and windows live mail. Some attatchments i'm sent in emails i can open but some i can't, even if i know the sender. What do i do to change this? Trying to open an important attatched doc.

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Can't Open Attachments

Apr 17, 2009

i am using windows mail all of a sudden i can't open my attachments. using norton antivirus. i have also went to tools>options>security and unchecked DONOT ALLOW ATTACHMENTS to be saved or opened but it still is checked when i go back in.

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Cannot Open Attachment

Apr 8, 2009

Windows Mail has turned into junk. I cannot open attachments reliably with Windows Mail.
I can open an attaachment then go back 2 minutes later and I get "command failed to execute".

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Attachments Won't Open

Jul 29, 2009

I get a message that "this file could not be found" when i try to open an attachment from a sender. However, if i save it to my documents it will then open.

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Could Not Open Attachments

Jun 9, 2009

After I installed IE8 on my Windows Vista Ultimate 32 bit computer, I had a problem with it conflicting with my Windows Mail program and I could not open attachments unless I saved them to the desktop first, so I had to uninstall.

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IE Not Open Any Webpage

Aug 7, 2009

I haven't installed anything new on my PC in months - Windows updates apart. When my PC is freshly booted, I can open IE8 and open new tabs etc After about an hour, IE will open a new tab, but no content is displayed - the little circle at the top of the tab just goes round forever. If I open a new session of IE8 - then I can open the web-page without problem. But, after another hour or so even a new instance of IE will not open any webpage at all and my only option is to re-boot. Fustrating having to re-boot every hour! thought it may be my PC Tools (free) anti-virus for Vista and changed to AVG, but it has made no difference.

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Cant Open Attachments.

May 28, 2008

When i send an attachment to people they can't open them. I've got vista when the others havn't. It's the same the other way as well i can't open some attachments people send me. Its mainly spreadsheets that are the problem

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Cannot Open .TIF Files

Apr 20, 2008

I have a friend running Vista who says he cannot open .TIF files. I am not sure if he is running the Business edition, but could someone tell me what utility that ships with Vista could be used to view the files? I know in XP you could even use Paint, but I don't know what utilities come with Vista. If there is such a utility, is it in both the Vista Home and Business editions? This situation has been discovered recently, and I don't know if it has ever worked, just in case SP1 might be involved. I don't even know if he has that update.

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