Installing MS Small Business Office 2003 Saying Error

Mar 26, 2008

I bought a new laptop with Vista Home Premium and was told that I could install office 2003 without a problem. I have the disc for small business office 2003, that I have installed on my PC with windows XP pro. I load the disc and the wizard opens and starts the download but stops about 1/4 of the way through saying there is an error- a file is missing and to use the disc ( which I already have in the drive).

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Apr 7, 2008

I have lost my product key; is there any possibility of recovering it?

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My Office 2003 Disappeared After Installing Office 2007

May 15, 2010

Originally, I had Office 2003 installed in my computer, & a trial version of 2007 that had already expired.

Today I installed a full version of Microsoft Office 2007, without removing any of the other two versions from my computer. I realized that it seemed to automatically remove the older version. I`m not bother about it not being there, as I got the new version, but I wonder if this is an automatic uninstalling that Office does, or if the version is still there but I can`t see it, as I would like to remove it properly if it`s still somewhere in my computer.

I checked in Control Panel & the only thing I can see is "Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007", the full version I just installed, & everything that come with it. No 2003 anywhere.

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Installing Office 2003 Is A Mess

Dec 6, 2009

I purchased Office 2003 on disk and I installed it on my old XP machine. When I used the same disk to install Office 2003 on my new Vista machine, I was taken by surprise when I was asked if I wanted Office 2007. I said yes, thinking that it was a free update for Vista. Now I have the following 3 problems, of which I have solved only the first one: When I open a Word file by double-clicking in Explorer, the file opens under Office 2007 and asks if I want to install it, which I do not. I solved this problem by first opening Word 2003 with the icon on the desktop and now all my Word files open with this version and I don't get Office 2007 messages. Solved. When I follow the same procedure with Excel 2003, the trick doesn't work i.e. I can't open an Excel file under Office 2003 by double-clicking. The file always opens under Office 2007 and asks me if I want to buy it.

The PowerPoint icon is not on my desktop and I can't find the Powerpoint 2003 version anywhere. The disk installed it on my XP machine, so why not on my Vista machine? I never had such installation problems with a software. Normally I buy the software and I say yes to everything and everything I paid for is installed. I must say that I am extremely irritated with the change to Vista, as I have already lost many hours fooling around with taking ownership of my own computer, changing properties all over the place, etc. I could now try to uninstall all Office versions and hope that it works better with a new installation. What do I have to look out for, so that I get the same installation result as I got on my XP machine?

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Installing Office XP, Error

Mar 26, 2008

When attempting to install Office XP from original disc (previously used on an older computer) on new Vista computer, "Error opening installation log file. Verify that the specified log file location exists and is writable" was encountered.

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Unable To Change Office 2003 Office Assistant Image

Jan 20, 2009

Installed Office 2003 on new computer which is running Vista Home Premium 64 bit. Unable to change the Office Assistant image from the paper clip. Receive message "not enough memory to perform this operation.: Computer has 4g of memory! Microsoft says this is an unresolved compatability problem with Office 2003.

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How Convert Office 2003 Documents To Office 2007?

May 5, 2008

I know you can do this document-by-document by opening each document individually and clicking "Upgrade" or whatever, but is there a way to convert all your Office documents at once?

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Outlook 2003 Hangs On Business

Mar 23, 2008

My problem is that Outlook 2003 on VISTA Business hangs when checking for incoming mail. It also somestimes takes a very long time (several minutes) to send an email - the email window remains open with the hourglass running, and while waiting to send or while receiving Outlook is completely hung, so you cannot use it - you cannot even minimize or get any response from any of the Outlook windows. The windows do not redraw.

If I cancel the application using Task Manager, it initially says "Outlook is not responding" and also "Checking for a solution to this problem" but then both Outlook and the "Checking for a solution" windows vanish without trace. On restart Outlook will sometimes work OK when pressing send/receive, other times it will hang as before. It does not come up with the message that Outlook was not closed properly and does not go through the file checking process.

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Business And 2003 Domain : Not Able To Connect To Shares

Jun 10, 2008

I'm not able to connect to shares on the domain servers. When I try to install printers only a partial sample of my printers are displayed. I can't attach to a printer manually, either. The Microsoft firewall is turned off.

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Office XP 2003 W Vista 64

Feb 23, 2009

I have Office XP disks and I bought a new laptop running Vista 64. Per Vista compatibility web - these do not play well together and it is suggested that I buy new software. I have free Office trial software on the laptop and I don't like the new Office product. I thought I saw a note when I searched this topic last week that the problem is with Outlook and Vista 64 (no details could be found from Microsoft web search). I don't need Outlook on this laptop.

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Trying To Install Office 2003

Aug 28, 2009

I'm trying to install Office 2003 as a precursor to installing an upgrade version of Office 2007. I previously installed it on another computer (now defunct) running XP Pro, and I had no trouble with it, but Vista Home Premium tells me I don't have the necessary permission to alter the registry. I have logged in as Administrator (at least I think I have) but I still run up against this brick wall. Looking at User Accounts in Control Panel, there is only one account - Administrator. Is there anything else I need to do to get complete access? It seems to me that Vista is trying to be extra-clever, and causing much weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth in the process.

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Office Suite 2003 And OS

Jul 23, 2008

I'm having trouble with my office assistant. I have an Office Suite 2003 product on my new Vista Home Premium OS PC. Anytime I try to fix my office assistant by using the gallery it gives me an error message that says there isn't enough memory to complete the operation. I'm only using about 22 GB out of a total 227 GB available, so I don't really believe that. Also, there are times when I'm using an application and it tries to automatically update my Word 2003 to 2007 - and ends up getting stuck. I close out of it, but what's going on?

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Office 2003 Is Supposed

Apr 25, 2008

Does anyone know if Office 2003 is supposed to work on Vista business 32? I have installed offfice 2003. But when I create a Word document I get a word 2007 instead, and i can't write in it.

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Cant Transfer Office 2003 To New PC

Mar 26, 2008

when I try to install the Office 2003 disk used on my old pc to my new vista pc i get the error 'Windows installer could not be accessed'. I have looked in the erors and problems section system bit on the control panel - lots of problems but no solutions at all.

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Can't Transfer Office 2003 To New PC

Mar 23, 2008

when I try to install the Office 2003 disk used on my old pc to my new vista pc i get the error 'Windows installer could not be accessed'. I have looked in the erors and problems section system bit on the control panel - lots of problems but no solutions at all.

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Office 2003 Is Not Compatible With Vista

Mar 23, 2008

Can I down grade to XP if I do not have a recovery disk? I just bought a new laptop with Vista, I despreatly need the office programs, my Office 2003 disk is not compatible with Vista. I would rather down grad to XP than have to buy 2007 Office software.

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Moving Microsoft Office 2003 From XP

May 3, 2008

I have tried to move this application using a Belkin cable or easy windows transfer. Nothing works. I know you have to have the latest version of MO2003. It seems like all of my programs, excell, PP, access all have different version numbers. I'm not sure what to do.

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Why Install Updates, Office 2003 SP1?

Feb 6, 2009

A few minutes ago, a message popped up in the bottom right corner telling me to install Windows updates. I checked and found that Windows wants me to install between 386 and 423 MB of updates -- damn, that's about as much stuff as I have on my HD to start with. These are the updates listed:

-- Office 2003 SP1 -- but I don't run Office 2003 or any components thereof.

-- Microsoft .NET Framework SP1 and Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Family Update -- What is this?

-- 2007 Office SP1 -- Maybe I could use this one as I am running Office 2007.

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Can Run Office 2003 On Vista Ultimate X64?

Feb 24, 2008

can you run office 2003 on vista ultimate x64? I've been looking into other forums and so far cannot find a reliable answer anywhere.

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Install Office 2003 Sp 3 Don't Installed

Apr 29, 2008

I re-installed Windows Vista Home Premium x86 2 weeks ago. Before that I was able to get Service Pack 1 through Windows Update. Now I have not seen it in Windows Update. I thought Microsoft said by mid April it will automatically show up in Windows Update. It is almost May and I have not been able to get the Service Pack again. Also why is Windows Update telling me that I need to download and install Office 2003 Service Pack 3 when I don't have Office 2003 installed. I have Office 2007 installed so what does Office 2003 Service Pack 3 have to do with anything.

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Office 2003 Disk Is Not Compatible With Vista

Mar 26, 2008

Can I down grade to XP if I do not have a recovery disk? I just bought a new laptop with Vista, I despreatly need the office programs, my Office 2003 disk is not compatible with Vista. I would rather down grad to XP than have to buy 2007 Office software.

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Activation Deal Works On Office 2003?

Apr 17, 2008

how this activation deal works on office 2003? I have vista on my system and tried to install MS Office 2003 and it's telling me I already max out the installation on other computers. How do I DE-ACTIVATE the active version on my other system (XP) in other to
transfer to my new vista system?

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Office Excel 2007 & 2003 On Same Computer?

Jun 7, 2009

we have microsoft office excel 2007 installed on our computer, however we like the older version 2003 better. are we able to load both on the same system? or do we have remove the 2007 to install 2003?

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Can Run Office 2003 On Vista Home Premium 64bit

Sep 29, 2009

Can I run Office 2003 on Vista Home Premium 64bit??

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Microsoft Office 2003/ Word: Automatically Shut Down

Jan 29, 2010

Microsoft office 2003 problem. When starting microsoft word on vista ulitmate, there seems to be a problem. This will automatically shut down, saying there was a problem and is shutting down. The other programs seem fine, Excel, powerpoint, etc. I havent a clue what this could be, has anyone else had this problem.

In the top right corner of microsoft word it will say "Finalizing Installation" and then after you type a couple of sentences it will shut down on its own. This is for a friend of mine, who had microsoft office put on when she bought the laptop of a friend, though she does not have the disk. so i wondered if this is an installation problem. Would this be some sort of copy of microsoft office 2003, that was put on for her She has only found this out now as her son needs to use word for school ( vista ultimate, 64 bit, sp2)

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Where Download Microsoft Office Professional 2003 Trial?

Jul 11, 2009

where I can download Microsoft Office Professional 2003 Trial? A friend has asked me? I cannot find it anywhere?

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Compatibility With:cant Use Existing MS Office 2003 Software From XP Machine On The New Vista

Jun 10, 2008

I just bought a new laptop and the sales guy tells me I cant use my existing MS Office 2003 software from my XP machine on the new Vista laptop, can anyone confirm this it true.

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Installing Business OEM 64-bit Over Home Basic Trial?

May 30, 2009

already has a Vista Home Basic trial installed but it has ended by now. It also has a couple of drivers already installed. However I have an OEM CD of Vista Business 64 that I'm going to use and I also want to have Vista to be in it's own partition. It's been a long time I had to format and create partitions so I don't remember much. And it was with XP then, not Vista. I was planning to format the drive and then install Vista Business 64, but I've been told I can simply select an 'upgrade' option from Home Basic to Business and keep the rest as it is. Is this true?

I also know you can create a partition in Vista, but can it be created in the drive where Vista is already installed? Like for example it's installed on a 640GB drive. Can I split it and have Vista be in a 80GB drive while the other 560GB are in a new completely empty partition? Also, in case I decide to format instead, should I do Quick Format or Format? I've been told the only thing normal format does is check for errors at the end. Taking in consideration that Vista Home Basic is currently installed is Quick Format acceptable?

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Small Icon On Lower Left Side With Yellow Error Flag

Jun 9, 2008

I have Vista 6.0 (Build 6001; service pack 1) I'm also running Norton Internet Security. When I go to a website like MySpace most of the pictures are blank and have x's in them. Also if I click on a link before the page finishes loading I get a small icon on the lower left side of with a yellow error flag.

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IE7 & Business SP1 (x32) Installation Error

Jul 4, 2008

I installed IE 8 beta 1 and decided to remove it per MS' instructions. The system reverted to IE7 but now when I launch IE, it crashes with a DEP error. I followed MS' help instructions and added IE7 to the DEP exclusion list. However, IE7 still crashes with the same error. I wanted to reinstall IE7 but I could not find it on MS' web site. - Is IE 7 for Vista available as a separate download?

- Any other suggestions with regards to the DEP error? Note: I have FF3 and Opera 9.5 on my system. I also use AVANT as a front end to IE. The interesting factor is that AVANT works just fine... which I see as odd being that it must have IE to work with.

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Installing Office Professional 2010

May 15, 2010

I have a Samsung netbook with Windows 7 starter edition, 250GB HD and 1MB of RAM. I purchased it with a trial version of Office Home and Student which has expired. I am a public sector employee which entitles me to a discount on Microsoft Office Professional 2010 which I have downloaded and installed after unistalling Home and Student 2007 using the Programs and Features in Control Panel.

Now, when I open Excel 2010, if I make a new file and save it, it works fine. But when I try to open an Excel file from Office 2007 or 2003, it will open but if I try to change the file or save it as an Office 2010 file, excel stops working and shuts down. Windows has no solutions to this problem. I have checked for updates, but all that windows update offers are updates for the 2007 version of Office.

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