How To Comments Column In Windows Explorer

Aug 7, 2009

Windows Explorer allows for a COMMENTS column but I am unable to populate it with my comments. How is this done ?!?

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SP2 Comments?

Jun 1, 2009

Well, I haven't seen any SP2 comments, so.

I've applied SP2 to Server 2008 and Vista machines. Installation went smooth. Results for me were good with better reliability and speed. In combination with IE8, even better reliability and speed.

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Unable To Give Objective Advice And Generally Color Their Comments To Favor Microsoft Decisions

Jun 3, 2008

The main problem with ALL Microsoft "support" groups is they are infested with way too many Microsoft butt kissers (ie MVP's) that simply seem unable to give objective advice and generally color their comments to favor Microsoft decisions no matter what. I find it amusing, but also misleading, harmful and counterproductive. :-)

The reality is Vista follows a long line of previous Windows releases that also were buggy, not tested well enough under real world conditions, is overpriced, lacks imagination, contains flawed, crippled or broken features, removes items that were hinted at being included in beta releases or shifts wanted features to the most expensive version and perhaps the worse thing, leaves bugs that were reported in earlier versions of Windows with Vista adding many new ones.

In other words, typical Microsoft software. Overpriced, not thoroughly tested, not ready for prime time and sure to frustrate millions with useless things like UAC that mostly gets in the way rather then helping or offering any real security. Add in a useless Vista Upgrade Advisor that lulls users into falsely thinking their system is ready to have Vista installed when it often crashes in a BSOD due to driver issues the Advisor claimed "shouldn't" be a problem, yes, it is fair to label Vista as a disaster. Is there such a thing as a Quality Control Department at Microsoft?

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Folders Column Disappears...

Jun 26, 2009

I helped a friend select and install a new desktop w/Vista Home Premium. I set up Windows Mail to replace her Outlook Express she had used on her old XP desktop. Whenever she shuts down her computer, the folders column on the left goes away. She has to do View, Layout, Folder List to get it back. It stays there on subsequent uses of Windows Mail until the next time she shuts down. I'm going to suggest she Hibernate, not Shut Down, until I find a fix for her.

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Recycle Bin Date Deleted Column

Feb 7, 2009

I like to sort my Recycle Bin by the Date Deleted column. But I always have to add that column every time I open the Recycle Bin and it never sticks. How do I get the Date Deleted columns to stay there?

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Excel Probability Column G2 Divide

Jan 15, 2009

I am using excel and trying to find out the probability of a number from column G2 and divide it by 36 to get a decimal (being the probability). [ =G2/36] However, when I use the CORRECT equasion, all it does is give me a random date!! It says 'Jan-00'. I have NO idea what to do and i really need help fast; it's for a project.

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How Width Of Column Can Be Permantly Adjusted?

Sep 13, 2009

if the width of a particular column (Name, type, total size, etc) can be permantly adjusted. I am tired of dragging the Details or Name column to more width so to see all information. It always opens a window in default at about 1 1/2 inches wide. Never wide enough to see all.

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Folder View To 'List' And Removing The Column Headers?

Sep 21, 2009

I thought that by selecting 'Apply to Folders' in Folder Options it would apply to all folders. But I still find myself changing the folders to 'List' and removing the column headers. I have Vista Basic sp2 and have thought they would have corrected this by
now. Or, is there a problem with my system?

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Windows Explorer Startup: Open Windows Explorer In Either XP Or Vista It Opens The "My Document"

Jun 8, 2009

When I open windows explorer in either XP or Vista it opens the "My Document" folder as the default. However I only want "My Computer" to be expanded and everything else left unexpanded.

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Changing Filename COLORS In (VISTA )Windows Explorer (explorer.exe)

Mar 23, 2008

I need to change the display filename colors in Vista Windows Explorer similar to the MAC O/S Feature. This question does NOT deal with Encrypted Files or Compressed Files. I simply want to change the display names of the files to colors such as BLUE, GREY, etc., just like I can do on the MAC O/S for the past 5 years.

I do NOT want to use any third party software file managers. There must be a way to do it in Windows since APPLE has been doing it for 60 months now. I can't believe that Windows STILL Cannot perform this simple task! If you have a working solution using Windows Explorer please email me and let me know.

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Internet Explorer 8 In Vista Causes Windows Explorer

Mar 21, 2009

I wasn't quite sure if IE8 was the culprit, but it became apparent once I removed it. Internet Explorer 8 interferes with the functionality in Windows Explorer for Vista. Say for example: With IE8 installed, open up "Computer". Close it, then open it again. It should be instantaneous. But its not. A window will take over to 10 seconds to show its initial contents. Once its open though, its very fast because the instance is already running. But once it closes it will take another 10 seconds to open again. Internet Explorer 8 itself opens up very slowly even after the first opening. Can any Vista users verify this?

1. Install IE8

2. Go: Start > click Computer

3. Close that Window.

4. Repeat step 2.

Is it an instantaneous opening or does the window take more than 5 seconds to populate? Repeat those steps with opening Internet Explorer. Is it the same? If so, welcome to the club. Does Microsoft have any way to report this bug to developers?

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How Get Column Headings In "Search "?

Jun 9, 2008

Sometimes a Search will produce results with column headings "name", "date taken", "size" and "folder". Sometimes it will produce other headings as well or instead. And sometimes it will produce results that only give one column heading... "name". What is going on and how can I get it to display only the column headings of "name", "date", "size" and "folder"?

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Folder Size In Size Column

Mar 23, 2008

While browsing files and folders I've noticed something extreemly annoying. You can see the size of individual files in the Size column but you cant see the folder's contents size. This extreemly frustrating and I cant seem to find where I can enable that function. I know you can scroll your mouse over folders one at a time and a window will apear and you can see the size then, but thats just inconveniant for what Im doing. I need to be able to glance at multiple folder sizes constantly.

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Windows Explorer Stopped Working, Internet Explorer Stopped Working, What DOES Work?

Jul 25, 2008

Lately when I've tried looking at different folders and files on my hard drives I keep getting "Windows Explorer has stopped working and will restart." It's driving me nuts, I can barely do anything.
Also, same thing with Internet Explorer...I'm getting real sick of Vista's shoddiness..

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Windows Explorer?

Feb 27, 2009

Where in Vista can I go to get a comprehensive list of everything on my hard
drive? I used to have this in Windows 98. It was called Windows Explorer.

Is there some way I can see everything I have in on one screen and drill
down and expand to see what?

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Windows Explorer Cant Fix It

Apr 14, 2009

I dunno what happened, but the list of folders to the left is gone, I cant seem to fix it, anyone know how? And yes I have checked Tools-Folder Options but nothing there seems to bring it back up, also other windows stuff doesnt seem to work right anymore

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Internet Explorer Has Stopped Working, Windows Explorer Has Stopped Working

Jul 6, 2008

By now it should be obvious that, under the Vista operating system, I have Home Premium, there is a severe overall, general "has stopped working" problem.

Thus far I've experienced:
"Internet Explorer has stopped working"
"Windows Explorer has stopped working"
"Word has stopped working"
"Sherlock Holmes Nemesis (Adventure Company) has stopped working"
"Outlook has stopped working"
"Acid 4.0 (Sony) has stopped working"
"Acid 6.0 (Sony) has stopped working"
"Sound Forge (Sony) has stopped working"

Is it not obvious by now that Vista has a problem, maybe a compatability problem, with everything from Internet Explorer and Microsoft Word to third party programs which cause programs, as I mentioned, even programs made by Microsoft, to "stop working"? Is there no an overall "stopped working" patch or something that Microsoft has released by now?...............

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How Do I Get Rid Of The Menu In Windows Explorer?

Jul 22, 2009

I want to maximize space for listing files this way.

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Windows Explorer Not Responding

Aug 3, 2009

First of all, I will make sure to clarify that this is indeed a WINDOWS Explorer problem, and not an Windows INTERNET Explorer problem. I am able to use IE without problem, and connectivity is not affected. Whenever I try to open a location on my computer (Computer, "My Documents"

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Windows Explorer 8 Update

Jun 7, 2009

I downloaded and installed the subject update. The first thing I observed was that my McAfee virus protection program became corrupted and had to be completely uninstalled and reinstalled.. I went thru that process and now find that my IE Browser no longer has the Popup control icon available. and I am experiencing Popup activity. How may I regain control of Popup activity as I have in IE 7? In addition I must sign in each time I enter the Browser in order to use my Bookmarks. Does
Microsoft consider this to be progress?

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Windows Explorer Crashes

Apr 28, 2008

why shouldn't they feel that way? Windows XP is noticeably faster than Vista on the same hardware, and it gets by with much less RAM and hard drive space. Microsoft's Service Pack 3 makes XP even faster, but the same cannot be said of Vista's Service Pack 1. And Windows Explorer crashes far more often in Vista (preceded, of course, by the notorious Green Ribbon of Death). Why, XP's staggeringly superior hardware support alone makes a convincing case for dumping Vista in favor of its predecessor.

Problem is, downgrading a Vista PC to Windows XP can be a chore, and doubly so if you want to do it without reformatting your hard disk. The main roadblock is Windows Setup, which won't let you install an older version on top of a newer one; you are left with the tedious task of fooling Setup into thinking that there's no Windows at all on your PC.-Next: Regress Without Reformatting >

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Thumbnails In Windows Explorer

Dec 26, 2008

For all my photos, unless I view them in "Windows Photo Gallery which is inconvenient. I want to view them in Windows Explorer, I do not see real true thumbnails, I just see this default scene of water, green hills and sky. I have followed the instructions here Thumbnails in Windows Explorer here Default Programs - Program Default Associations (tho I wasn't thrilled about making Windows Photo Gallery my default program for JPG, I followed these instructions anyhow).

I NEVER had a problem like this in XP. I'm beginning to understand why Vista has such a bad reputation. Using (or attempting to use) Vista Home Premium 64-bit, BTW, (much less important question) why doesn't my Photoshop Elements even show up as an option when I set default programs? This problem was annoying before but to still have it after going thru all these forum instructions is really annoying.

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Windows Explorer Do Not Open

Sep 21, 2009

Whenever I click on any of my folders they just won't open I cant even right click on them and press open!! no folders wil open it just says that windows explorer is not responding!

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Windows Explorer Hang Up

Dec 20, 2008

I am facing problems with my laptop, I have vista home basic and it intend to hang up always when explorer is opened for a while.

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Windows And Explorer Freezes Up

Apr 19, 2009

Vista Home Premium installed. I've had it for about a month now, and everything was going fine until this past Wednesday, 4/15/09, when Windows Update installed a few things. They were basically security fixes for Windows and Office, and I installed an optional update for my HD audio. After restarting, my computer began freezing, seemingly at random. At first, it would freeze in any program I was in, and everything would become totally unresponsive, except for the mouse cursor. Task Manager would not come up, it wouldn't log off or go to sleep, and there would be no option left except to hard reset. I did a system restore to before the update, but no help.

I did one to four days before, still no help. I've run all the usual checks and scans, including virus and malware, to no improvement. I disabled all options for start up, but no help there either. It runs fine in safe mode, both with and without networking, and if I disable all services except those and restart, it'll run fine I started enabling services, a few at a time, to test which one was causing all the trouble, but then the freezing pattern changed. Now, it generally will not freeze programs I'm working in, but as soon as I need Windows Explorer for anything, it freezes up dead. The last time, even the mouse was stuck.

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Windows Explorer Can Not Responding

Apr 2, 2009

every time i go onto my computer or control panel it doesn't load up it keeps saying not responding and also when i try to open a file on a program it also stops responding i have windows vista basic 32bit,365gb hdd,502mb ram,3ghz prosessor

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Windows Explorer Has To Close

Apr 16, 2008

I've just installed SP1 for my VISTA ultimate X64 version. After completing the installation, and after the autoreboot, the start menu is fully available, when I try to access My Computer, windows has to close and tries to find a solution. How do I get to use the start menu again?

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Explorer.EXE Windows Cannot Access

Apr 13, 2009

Explorer.EXE Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item. This message keeps opening whenever i try to open my control panel. I have recently installed AVG 8 and want to remove it as its constant scans slow down programs that i am using.

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Windows Explorer Is Not Responding

Oct 11, 2008

My windows explorer is constantly freezing! It wont let me change the volume or battery settings. I go to change the volume and it doesnt go up, so then I click on the taskbar and it shows the hour glass and then a message pops up saying "Windows Explorer is not responding" and this happens to me all the time.

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Windows Explorer Options

Mar 30, 2008

In XP I always use theWindows Explorer Details view and I could quickly sort files in ascending or descending order by Date. That was extremely helpful when copying and/or backing up files in one folder. However, in VISTA it seems as if I can only Group Files by Date. Am I missing something? Or can I actually sort files by DATE in ascending or descending order? Also, once I set up Windows Explorer the way I like it [Details View], how do I make that the default for all windows?

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Windows Explorer Top Bar Missing

Mar 15, 2010

How do I turn on the Windows Explorer bar that has "File Edit View Tools Help" on it?

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