How System Restore Works?

Feb 15, 2010

I'm having a disagreement with a friend about how System Restore works. Bottom line if you go back to a previous restore point -- do you lose (are they removed) any document files (whether jpg, doc, whatever) you've created/saved since then -- or does it only effect system / application files? Is there a good place on the net you could point me to read more about this?

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Use System Restore To Restore Back To Certain Restore Points?

May 26, 2008

Why can't I use system restore to restore back to certain restore points? I was only successful twice with it. When my laptap was new and when I used it after re-formatting my hard drive. On all occassions after those two instances I can never restore back to any restore point. It always says that "unspecified error" line. If Microsoft doesn't know what happend, how could I. Why did they bother putting system restore if it doesn't work all the time anyway. It gives you a false sense of security.

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Installing SP2: System Restore Stopped Creating Automatic Restore Points

May 28, 2009

After installing SP2, on 5/25, System Restore seems to have stopped creating automatic restore points every 24 hours. I checked the Task Manger and it is set for 24 hours. It shows a restore point being created on 5/26. System Restore shows the last Restore Point being created on 5/25 about 1 hour after downloading.

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System Restore Not Working: Unable To Make A Restore Point

Apr 11, 2008

I have a recent problem installing Windows updates on Vista Ultimate as the update process stays on 'creating restore point' forever. I've let it run as long as 7 hours in this state, with no change. It looks like the system is unable to make a restore point sucessfully. I know it has worked in the past, as I'm fairly up-to-date on Windows updates. Reading some other threads, I've tried using Disk Clean-up to remove all by the most recent restore points, and then try to disable/re-enable system restore - this part without success. When I check the system properties for System Restore, the System Restore button is greyed out. I've attached a screenshot of the screen for reference. I've checked the group policies to verify the System Restore is not disabled there.

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System Restore: Restore Points But Nothing Showed On Screen

May 11, 2009

I went to accessories/system tools/system restore and clicked it. I then got a small dialogue window asking if I wanted to continue and I clicked continue. That little window disappeared but then nothing hasppened. I was expecting to see a list of possible restore points but nothing showed on my screen. I clicked system restore again and got a message that system restore was already running and would now exit.

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How A Watercooling System Radiator Works

Oct 23, 2008

how a watercooling system radiator works? as i see it is the water gets cooled in the radiator by just a fan. if this is so then it can only get around your system or room temp or maybe 1c. or 2c. cooler is this right ? i'm trying to learn as much as i can on this cause i read on some posts that posters are cooling there system down to like (16c. to 20c.) on water. how can that be if it's just cooling by a fan?

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System Restore, System Protection Settings Has Stopped Working

May 3, 2009

Not sure why but when I try to open system restore I get this message: "System Protection Settings has stopped working. A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available." I cannot make or restore my computer. If I go into system protection I get this error: C:WindowsSystem32SYSDM.CPL is either not designed to run on Windows or it contains an error. Try installing the program again using the original media or contact your system administrator or the software vendor for support.

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System Restore: No Disks Or Previous System Save Dates

Mar 23, 2010

I am new here and I have been having problems with my laptop for at least a few months now. And now I am fed up with it and just want to do a full system restore. I have no disks or previous system save dates. I talked to one of my friends and he said that i need a disc. I am just coming her for confirmation and or help. I am running a Toshiba Satallite P505D with and AMD Turion X2 dual core processor 4GB of Ram and a 64 bit operating system.

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System Restore, System Backup (Error Code 1068)

Oct 26, 2008

I wish the ****ing dumbass companies wouldnt preload computers with useless trials and dumb****. Ever since this computerwas purchased, I've had more problems than Lindsay Lohan had with DUI and drugs.

Holy ****. Games, Personalization, System Restore, System Backup (Error code 1068), User Accounts, and Windows Update. They show up, and then they dissapear right away. Any help please? Virusscan'd with AVG, tested hardware, it's clean, I dont know whats wrong.

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Anti Virus System Pro And Can't Get System Restore To Work

Jul 29, 2009

My wife was on the internet and suddenly System Pro popped up and started scanning warning my wife of a virus attack on her computer and wanted her to buy the AV Pgm for $49.95. She just clicked all the exits and got off of the internet and now she is locked out of her computer. We can't get system restore to work, Can't get safe mode to work, She has AVG 8 installed but cannot start it. Tried SFC /scannow but was denied access. Tried putting the Windows XP disk in to do a repair and was unable to get it to start. I think the only thing to do is reformat the HD and start over but her PC ignores the A drive and the dvd drives. I cannot get into it in order to re format it.

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System Restore Shadow Copies: System Error

Apr 25, 2008

I am trying to get rid of system restore shadow copies on my Vista home premium. I keep getting system error when I try to reduce the room used on my C drive as I only have 28gb of 145gb left. I have tried typing in:vssadmin list shadowstorage For the above command to run you must use elevated privileges:

1.. Click on the Start menu then click All Programs / Accessories
2.. Right Click on the Command Prompt option and from the drop down menu click on the Run as Administrator option
3.. At the command prompt type vssadmin list shadowstorage and Press Enter
(NOTE: if the command does not run change directories to c:windowssystem32) After the vssadmin has executed you will see results similar to the following:.....

The output above shows space used on the C: drive by System Restore is 237.419 MB. The maximum space allocated for System restore is 2.092 GB To view the number of restore points you currently have on your Computer run the following command vssadmin list shadows Next, to reduce the allocated space used by Vista's System Restore, use the following command: vssadmin resize shadowstorage /on=[OnVolumeSpec:] /for=[ForVolumeSpec:] /maxsize=[MaxSizeSpec] Where example: vssadmin resize shadowstorage /On=C: /For=C: /Maxsize=1GB When decreasing the space allocated to System Restore, you will loose the earlier system restore points. The advantage is gaining extra free space. If you are concerned with losing the previous restore points, wait until you do not need them anymore before reducing the allocated space. If you plan on upgrading to Windows Vista or running a clean install and will need extra space, consider reducing the space after installation has completed. It is not recommended to disable System Restore. The capability to restore to a previous point in time or having the new Shadow Copy feature available can be a time saver if something goes wrong or if you delete a file. source: John Barnett Windows Vista Support I keep getting an error message. I seem to remember doing this before with my XP but can't remember how. Is there an easier way?

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Backup, Restore, And System Restore

Aug 28, 2008

I've been facing issues with backup / restore / system restore

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System Restore, Restore Points

Jun 19, 2009

The mystery, at least to me, my PC was running almost 2 years. and it was not until about 3 weeks ago that System Restore began to save Restore Points the size of Approx 3 to 4GB daily. Prior to that the Restore Points were well under 1GB. it would be 3 to 6 days before I noticed the loss of 1GB. So why suddenly would the Restore File grew 1 one day from well under 1GB to between 3 to 4GB? That now is the issue I would like to know the answer to. and perhaps that file being saved with each Restore Point is not needed. I mean it wasn't needed for almost 2 years. so I can't think over night it became important but it sure is eating up HDD space.

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System Restore "restore Points Vista Already Running Program"

Apr 13, 2008

Trying to restore my system but when I attempt to see the restore points Vista tells me the wizard is already running the this program will close.

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System Restore / System Checkpoint

May 11, 2008

I remember with WinXP that if I had my computer turned on and was not using it for a certain length of time (maybe 30 minutes), it would 'automatically' create a 'System Checkpoint' in the System Restore area. I could also 'manually' create a 'System Checkpoint.' What I would like to know is - doees Vista (Home Premium) create such an 'automatic' System Checkpoint if I have notebook turned on, but don't use if for about 30 minutes?

(I believe there is a way to turn on an Automatic 'System Checkpoint' that you can schedule to be done at a certain time. That is not what I am talking about. I am talking about an 'automatic' System Checkpoint' that is done if the computer is turned on, but not used for 30 minutes or more (approximately).

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Run System Restore And Getting An Error Message Saying That The Restore Was Unsuccessful Because Of An Error

Apr 7, 2010

Every time I try to run System Restore I get an error message saying that the restore was unsuccessful because of an error. Try again with a different date

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System Restore From Previous "restore Points"

Apr 8, 2009

It seems no posible to restore the system from previous "restore points" with Vista Bussines. I always get the message "System restore did not complete succesfully. Details: The writer experienced a transient error (0x800423F3)."

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System Restore...

May 18, 2010

Daughters laptop was reporting that the HDD was about to fail, should backup and repair.

The concensus of opinion suggested a new HDD was the answer.

Have done that and created the restore disks from the original HDD.

Started the restore and went ok until nearly at the end of formatting the new HDD when I got the message

"error if it happens again contact HP" it did not happen again and appeared to restore files ok, did a verify and no errors.

Trying to boot from the HDD it now fails. Errors report registry incorrect plus others.

Cannot load my Vista version as is 64bit.

I cannot obviously send the errors to MS as the thing will not boot.

Any solutions obvious apart from getting a disk containing Vista 32 bit system

Laptop is an HP Presario running Vista HOme Premium 32.

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System Restore DVD

Apr 18, 2009

Is there any utility built into Vista or XP to allow one to create a complete system restore DVD?

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How Do System Restore Beyond

May 31, 2008

I have not been able to resolve my sound and messenger problems that occured after an update. However, when I go to system restore, it only goes back 5 days and I need it to go back 6. Is there any way to restore to a point previous to the points they offer?

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System Not Restore

Jun 29, 2008

F11 system restore. No luck. safemode nothing...seems like it tries to start then hear the hd grind for 10 seconds or so then black screen.

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Can Not System Restore

Feb 29, 2008

My problem is I can't get the "System Restore" to work. Every time I set it to do a system restore, it appears to go through all the right motions. Then after it shuts down and restarts itself, I get an error message: "System restore did not complete successfully. "An unspecified error occurred during system restore." It goes on to say that the computers settings have not changed. What's going on? I've tried several different checkpoints including one that I had manually set myself. None of them work, I always get the same error message.

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Cannot Restore The System

Jun 8, 2009

I wanted to give my views with regards getting rid of System Restore points when dealing with spy/malware/virus. Through being around forums and newsgroups for a few years it's my belief that it's best to leave whatever System Restore points you have until you have got rid of any virus's you may have. I know it's more than likely that the virus will end up in a Restore point but it is harmless while in there if you don't Restore to that point and if while you are dealing with the virus and going through steps to rid yourself of it you happen to screw up your machine at least you'll have a System Restore point to get you back into a working system, even if it has a virus, you can then try again. When you have a clean machine then you go in and turn off System Restore to get rid of all checkpoints and then go straight back in and turn it back on and make a manual Restore point while there.

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How Can System Restore

Jun 11, 2008

My friend began to have problems with his sound running vista ultimate and for whatever reason he decided to run a system restore to see if it rectified the problem. Unfortunately now the GUI doesn't seem to be loading properly, the windows splash screen with the animated bar appears then when it should switch to desktop he gets a blank screen with a mouse cursor... Nothing else happens. He's left it all day to see if it was just being really slow but no change.

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Can't System Restore

Jun 23, 2009

System restore is restoring the registry...........for 5 hours (and counting!) I have vista home premium and i used the windows system restore to undo windows updates (which included a rather annoying ie8) the initial restore claimed to have failed and i was given the option to undo the restore, which i did... to my cost it seems. now i can't do anything with the laptop, no keys seem to be working and i have even tried to get the task manager up with no avail. I'm scared to turn the damn thing off incase i lose everything

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Do Not System Restore

Sep 28, 2008

I do not use the system restore feature so I disabled it as I make image backups of windows every week or so using vista backup image instead. I read that you can disable volume showdow copy in services needed for the system restore feature, most sites say you should keep it enabled if you use MS backup services. But would that include making backup images of windows? I can't find a clear answer for this anywhere.

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How To Read Works 4 .wps Files In [Works 9?]

Mar 23, 2008

A friend has word processor files with the extension .wps created in Works 4 in Win95. He has bought a new computer with Vista loaded. He says he's unable to get Vista (I think he said Works 9) to read these old files.How can he convert them

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System Restore Options

May 4, 2009

First off, when I go to Create a Restore Point, it always takes the system about 20-40 seconds before it gives me what I want which is C drive checked in the list to create a restore point on. It shows me all my USB hard drives and other partitions, none of which I ever want to choose to create a restore point on. Is there a way to choose to have only the C drive come up on this list of possible drives for restore points? (I assume this would be quicker, since it would not have to find all those other drives/partitions before showing me the C drive.)

Secondly, since I only have an 83gig partition for C drive with Vista (64-bit Home Premium) and programs using 43 gigs of that; so how much space do I really need for System Restore points? I know there is a page here on this forum somewhere for going into the system via Command and changing the amount of space allotted for System Restore. Should I leave the Default allotted space or should I change it to a smaller amount? (My computer came shipped with a 700+ gig C drive but I shrank it to 83gigs and the rest is for just archiving, with a special partition for ripping and burning and decoding files.) Third: Where are the System Restore point files or whatever they are stored?

Fourth: Aside from manually creating a Restore Point via System Protection, is there a way I can make it create a Restore Point once a day at a particular time? I think it creates one at startup every day (I'm not sure, but I seem to recall that it does this), but is there a way to tell it, say, to create one every day at 5pm, or something like that in addition to creating one at start up? Or would that require too much disk space alloted to it? (I have a big hard drive, but I'd just as soon not junk it up with an excessive amount of System Restore space.)

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System Restore Question

Feb 12, 2009

How can I delete all but the last 2 or 3 System Restore points?

I know I can turn them all off but I want to save the last ones done earlier in the

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System Restore Failed, OEM

Aug 28, 2009

My system restore fails every time I attempt it. This has happened the last 3 times I had a need to attempt restore. (Three attempts separated by months in time, about different issues.) This time, I am thinking something may be wrong with my system restore function. In this case, it is simply a matter of trying to roll back a browser update. I saw a whole list of available restore points, and I went to the second one back - from only a few days ago. The restore failed. I am using Windows Vista Home Premium, OEM from Gateway Laptop about 1.5 yrs old. I allow most updates.

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COA Missing: Restore The System With XP Pro

Jul 29, 2009

In 2006 I purchased a computer from DELL that came with a free upgrade to Vista. Now I just purchased a larger drive and am trying to do a restore. I need to restore the system with XP Pro. first and when I try to put the Vista upgrade on it asks for the COA which I cannot find. I still have the old drive and it works fine. There must be a way to get the COA from the Vista operating system from that drive. Does anyone know where to get it? Dell has now information on this.

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