Click Differenct Size Doesn't Take

Mar 30, 2009

I'm new to Vista and still working through all functions but have become frustrated with not finding a fix to my font size feature. All the functions of the windows mail tool bar works except font size. I can change font styles, color, underscore, make bolder etc but can not change the font size. The font size dropdown box works but when I click on a different size it doesn't take. Same if I go up top to "Format". I get the display box to choose font styles but again can't change font size.

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Run A Chkdsk 3 Differenct Corrupt Files

Nov 12, 2008

I am getting messages to run a chkdsk for 3 different corrupt files. I was unable to run chkdsk. I followed all details I found on this website, but I dont have Session Manager under hkey_local_machine/system/currentcontrolset/control. I also tried to download the .reg, but no option to merge. I also lost all sound. It seems like problems just keep getting worse and more things are not working.

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64 Vs. 32 2 Differenct Computer Not Dual Boot

Mar 3, 2009

Vista 64 vs. Vista 32 - Please specify which in the text. At least with the 2 "Home Premium" flavors of Vista they are enough dissimilar that when someone refers to a problem, one might be well advised to specify as Vista64 or Vista32. I have both (on 2 different computers, not dual boot) and although some programs claim to be for "Vista" (sometimes true) they don't specify which Vista.

I have had installation issues with Vista64 which were not seen on Vista32. And even when installation was sucessful on both, there are problems on Vista64 but not Vista32, and occasionally the other way around. I know from experience that a 32 bit vs. 64 bit operating system can give problems. We encountered it in Math modeling when changing from 16 to 32 bit Compilers and Hardware.

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Windows Media Player Doesn't Open Media Files On Double Click

Dec 3, 2009

I find a media file (video file, for example) and double click it, the Media Player doesn't start at all...

I tried to re-associate the Windows Media Player to it's default media extensions through "Default Programs" , and it doesn't work...

All media files play normally on other players. I have to state that sometimes I get the message: "The file.... The parameter is incorrect".

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R-click On My C: Drive In Computer, I See An Option Labeled "Special Permissions", But It Doesn't Seem To Be Available

Apr 10, 2008

When I R-click on my C:drive in Computer, I see an option labeled "Special Permissions", but it doesn't seem to be available. What are Special Permissions, and if they're important for anything, how do I enable them? Logging on as Administrator produces the same effect. Speaking as a user of Windows since its first release, I find Vista with its UAC, Permissions, and the need to repeatedly confirm every action I tak to be frustrating as hell.

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Microsoft Wireless Keyboard: Don't Work Until I Go Into Properties And Click On Them And Then Click Ok

Apr 18, 2008

I have a microsoft wireless keyboard and mouse which work really well but when I reboot, the keyboard shortcuts that I have programmed don't work until I go into properties and click on them and then click ok. The keys then work ok until I reboot again.Is there any way that I can programme the changes so they are the default programmes whenever I reboot. The software loaded fine and I clicked on apply and save when I originally set the keys.....I have a HP Pavilion DV6700 Laptop with windows visa home premium which is about one month old.

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IE 8: Right-click On The Sidebar Icon In The Notification Area And Click Exit

Mar 20, 2009

It seems that I'm not the only one who had the Windows Sidebar no longer working after installing the new release of Internet Explorer. After spending a lot of time trying to find a solution, here is the way I have solve the problem. Now the sidebar is just working fine. This behavior is observed if the XML registration is missing in the system. To fix the problem, use the following steps:

* Close Windows Sidebar. To do so, right-click on the Sidebar icon in the Notification area and click Exit

* Open an elevated Command Prompt window. To do so, click Start, click All Programs, click Accessories, right-click Command Prompt, and then click Run as administrator.

* In the Command Prompt window, type the following and press ENTER:

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Mail Print Size, Get Size 12

Feb 22, 2009

New to Windows mail. I type and view screen using Ariel size 10 but when I print out mail I get size 12. I can't find a way to change it and it's annoying.

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Folder Size In Size Column

Mar 23, 2008

While browsing files and folders I've noticed something extreemly annoying. You can see the size of individual files in the Size column but you cant see the folder's contents size. This extreemly frustrating and I cant seem to find where I can enable that function. I know you can scroll your mouse over folders one at a time and a window will apear and you can see the size then, but thats just inconveniant for what Im doing. I need to be able to glance at multiple folder sizes constantly.

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Open An Online Radio Station Windows Media Player Within Internet Explorer Just Says Ready - It Doesn't Even Begin To Buffer And Doesn't Play At All

Apr 1, 2010

Whenever I click the link to open an online radio station windows media player within internet explorer just says Ready - it doesn't even begin to buffer and doesn't play at all. Has anyone else experienced this recently?

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Software Doesn't Work, "Windows Hostprocess Doesn't Work"

Apr 21, 2009

I have had Windows Vista 64 for 2 Months now and of that period of time it worked soundly for about 2 Weeks. I am NOT an irresponsible User, I don't just delete Data, I know a little something about computing, I don't visit or download from dubious sites etc.

1) Without any reason software suddently doesn't work.
a) I installed a Antivirussoftware - after 3 Weeks it suddently didn't work any more (Kaspersky) I couldn't reinstall it.
b) I installed a new Antivirussoftware - after 5 days it didn't work anymore.
c) 4 days later I started to get errormessages "Windows Defender doesn't work any more" - "Windows Hostprocess doesn't work anymore"

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One Click Or Two?

Nov 19, 2008

I am not sure where this should be posted so before I start I apologise if it has to be moved

As the title suggests its about the mouse, I have always had my mouse setup so that I left double-click to get to anything, but although mice have a very long lifespan, and this is mainly why I am posting this (before I get my G9 mouse) I wondered what you all would recommend to prolong the mouse life even more, do any of you use just one click or are you all double-clickers like myself? what would you recommend single or double?

I just don't want to knacker the mouse out too quickly, bearing in mind that it gets used alot in games too and as its recommended for Crysis etc......I am going to be hammering that left mouse button to death

I know I can use my Xbox 360 controller for windows and have been, but as this piece of kit is suggested for Crysis and other games I am going to be using it instead.

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Windows Size

Feb 6, 2009

In the past few weeks most of the windows will not keep either size and
position in the screen, nor will they keep the way they are suppose to be
viewed, they were keeping it since I installed Vista.

I can no longer use the restore system, since it has been too long since the
problem started, I thought that a simple rebooting as it used to work,
would this time around, but it did not. I even runed a CHKDSK /R on all of
my HDD

How could I fix that

BTW I did not installed any hardware or software around the time that the
problem began, and I rebooted when I installed the lastest Windows Update,
since it required it

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Font Size

Jul 29, 2009

I edited the registry and either modified or deleted a line
regarding font size.

Since then all my html messages use size 12 in Windows Mail, Live Mail, or
Yahoo Mail.

I can specify the use of a different size, but as soon as I type anything,
the size reverts to 12.

I can change any other attribute such as face, bold, etc. and they all

I would like to reinstall Windows Mail but I understand that's not possible
as it's inseparable from Vista.

I've run sfc /scannow and there are no problems.

The only solution that seems possible it to fix or replace that registry
line I screwed up.

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In Box Font Size

Sep 15, 2009

Incoming email is difficult to read because of age and font size. Have checked out ideas on Goggle and Windows "Help and Support". Either I'm too thick or the suggestions are no longer applicable. I'm using Vista, IE 8 and Windows mail.

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Font Size Vs DPI?

Jun 20, 2009

is there's an equivalent to XP's Display Font Size in Vista? In XP Display Properties, Appearance tab we can change Font size to Large or Extra Large. This is useful for people who want high resolution desktops but find it hard to read small text (without sitting really close which is bad for eyes). I know there's a DPI setting in Vista just as there is in XP, but it's not the same as Font size.

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Icon Size Big

Jun 10, 2008

Has anyone else noticed this or have a solution? I have seen this now on 2 different computers I own. After a while, for no apparent reason, the "large" desktop icons setting produces some smaller ones also. Specifically it seems to be web short cuts. Some are large but some are much smaller, ie 2 icons which are identical (both web shortcuts) are randomly different sizes.

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How Can Icon Size

Sep 11, 2006

I am currently running RC1 and i must say i love it. I have not found a single glitch yet. But I dont like the size of the desktop icons, They are massive. Is there something i could use to resize the icons.

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Run As Administrator Without Right Click?

Aug 6, 2009

is there any way to run the programm as admin immediately or i have to right click on the icon?

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Cant Personalize Right Click

Dec 20, 2008

i have a Toshiba satellite laptop and i cant update windows vista,i cant access welcome center, i cant personalize right click. the window comes up for a second and goes away anyone whats the problem and how i can fix it.

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No Right-Click Menu In 64

Nov 2, 2008

Although most of my XP/Vista 32 bit apps work fine in Vista 64, many do not show their right-click context menus even though I have enabled them. There are a few that appear but the majority do not. Is there some way to correct this?

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Adding To Right Click

Jun 11, 2008

For this purpose, I need to create a list file which can be imported to Getright! I create a text file, rename it to .lst and keep all my URLs in there. I was wondering if it is possible to include .lst file in the Right Click->New menu Other even the Right Click menu would be nice

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Not Open Web On Click

Mar 23, 2008

This is the first time I tried to send a web link to a friend in need but when I tried to see if it works before mailing it and it did not open the web on a click, but it will open it on copy and paste.

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Right Click And Get Not Responsing

Sep 13, 2009

I have been searching for a soultion and have not come upon one yet. Using Vista Business with a Dell Optiplex Each time I right click my mouse (on anything) all I get is Not Responding and I have to close the program. This problem is not happening in Safe Mode?

I have tried the following solutions i.e.:
- Trying to run sfc /scannow (which will not run)
- Changing Performance settings - did not fix
- Doing a Restore Point (Safe Mode) - one time it worked and then went back to same problem
- Downloading and running Shexview.exe and closing all non-Microsoft Context Menu - no luck here!
- Installed SP2 - still have problem?

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Right Click For Option

Sep 18, 2009

When you right click on a program you get the box that opens giving you all kinds of options; run as administrator, scan with, etc. What do you call that box? I am running Vista, but a friend is running XP. She used to have listed in that box the option to scan with her anti virus program, but she no longer does. Is there a way, in XP, to add this to that box?

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Ready Boost Size

May 31, 2009

I have a laptop with 2Gb, Vista Ultimate, and an SD slot I use for ReadyBoost. I currently have a fast 4Gb SD card, but noticed the price on 16Gb SD cards has gone way down. Would there be any benefit to replacing my 4Gb with a 16Gb, given that I only have 2Gb of RAM? Could ReadyBoost make use of it all? Would I notice any difference?

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Text Size Will Not Change Using IE8

Jan 14, 2010

Windows Vista Home Premium X64, IE 8, dial-up internet

When downloading files I cannot get the text size to change using the

View text size.

My windows updates are up to date.

It used to work, I don't know if I have something set wrong on one of the updates has stopped it from working.

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System Restore Size. HDD

Jun 26, 2009

Vista Home Prem 32bit. Has anyone come up with what is causing System Restore Points on a PC that has been running for almost 2 years where Restore points were Restore Points took 5 to 7 days to equal 1GB, and now suddenly over the past 3 weeks each restore Point is taking up 3 to 4GB of HDD space Daily? I know its System restore using up space, if I turn it off, which deletes all Points, I regain the Space lost....but the process than starts over again. There has to be a file(s) that grew in size in 1 day causing this......

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Saving Window Size

Apr 15, 2008

I use 'Computer' (use to be called Windows Explorer) a lot in Windows Vista Home Premium to manage my hard drive. It's a nuisance that it starts up as a too small window and I have to stretch it each time to see more. Is there a way to force it to memorize the previous state and restore?

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Increase A Partition Size

Jun 17, 2008

I have Vista Home Premium.I have a 320G hard drive that has four partitions and I am running out of space on the C: drive . Can I combine one of my empty drives with the C:

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2 Languages : How To Enlarge The Size Of 1 Of Them

Jul 5, 2008

If I compose an e-mail mostly in English, but one or two words in other language. How or can I enlarge the size of the words of " other language " while the English words remain in default size ?

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