Can't Write To "Temporary File".

Oct 9, 2008

When I download an executable file and run it I'm told that it can't write to the "Temporary File".

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Temporary File: How To Remove

Aug 20, 2009

i'm having some trouble with temporary files. I've read the guide on how to remove them, and that's great, works well. But my hardrive regularly gets clogged up with them. It's not uncommon for disc cleanup to find more than 100GB of temporary files to remove, and i have to do so about once every few weeks. Surely vista should cleanup temporary files automatically once it's done using them? Is there anything i can do, is something shot, or are we looking at a possible virus? (spyware terminator and clamAV are coming up clear)

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Live File System : DVDs Are Write Protected.

Nov 16, 2009

I can’t format and write to blank DVD+R’s with the Live File System using my VAIO internal DVD drive, Vista keeps saying the DVDs are write protected. The same problem is apparently keeping me from using Vista backup utility which also says the blank DVDs are write protected. I can still read old backup DVDs on the same DVD drive, but I can’t read the latest backup DVD I made. I can still format, write and read the blank DVD+R’s with the Mastered disc format but as far as I can tell the Vista backup utility needs the Live File System to operate. I tested the DVD drive with Sony's DriveCheck utility and it checked out good. Microsoft's Fix It utility indicated that there was a read and write probem but didn't elaborate about whether it was the drive or a configuration issue. Any ideas out there on why the Vista Live File System thinks the DVDs are write protected? Are there any inexpensive and automated backup programs that work with the Mastered disc format? It seems vaguely like I resolved this same problem a year or so ago but I can't seem to find the answer now. It also seem like the problem was a registry entry but I tried adding.

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Write Space In The File Name: "Could Not Find This Item"

Jun 11, 2008

this is the second time I can't delete a 0 kb file off my desktop. Vista tells me that it doesn't exist, but it's there on my desktop. I've tried several things, restarting, deleting in safe mode, deleting via cmd (as administrator), deleting as another user and lots more. And unfortunately Unlocker doesn't support Vista 64.
Last time it happened I successfully deleted it in the cmd, but this time it simply won't. I wanted to try to take ownership, but I don't know how to write space in the file name (when deleting I use "", but it can't do so when taking ownership).

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Cannot Write To Drive "Media Is Write Protected"

May 5, 2008

This seems to be a new development, and I'm stumped. I've got three internal hard drives- one housing Vista Ultimate x64, one housing Ubuntu 8.04 x64, and one being used for storage for both OS's. Up until recently they've cooperated nicely. Now, the storage drive (drive E:) will not let me write to it. I cannot rename, delete, cut, or write any new files to any part of that drive. That's troublesome, since that's where I send all of my downloads to!

Even earlier in this session of windows it was working nicely, I was able to download a torrent of the recent Ubuntu 8.04 release (legal and distributed from I started a session of Assassin's Creed (a game), and now that I've quit that, I cannot write to the drive. Specifically, the error is: "The disk is write protected. Remove the write protection or use another disk.".........

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Cannot Get Temporary Internet Files

Feb 6, 2008

I can not get my temporary internet files to work. How do I get it to work.

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Temporary Internet Files

Sep 14, 2009

My friend has Windows XP and when we stream songs the mp3 shows up in his temporary internet files. However, when I do the same thing on my computer which uses Vista, the MP3s do not show up in my temporary internet files. Is there a way I can find them in another folder?

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My C:/ Is Out Of Space, While My Temporary Internet Folder Is 13 GB

Feb 27, 2010

I have Vista Business. Recently I found out that the space on my hard driver C: is reducing day by day. I check and found out that my temporary internet folder contains 13 GB of info!!!. I was not able to clean it!!! I tried to scan it for viruses - no effect. I tried DISC CLEAN - no effect. I try manual cleaning the files - no effect. I found out that there is a LOW folder in my TEMPORARY INTERNER FOLDER. This LOW folder is filled with files without extension. The name of this files is EIGHT DIGITS DESH EIGHT DIGITS. The names look like this: "00000012-00000000" without extension. The dates of this files are after each time I turned on my explorer. Please help me. Is this some kind of worm?! How to removed it. I am out of options.

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What Happened To The Old Temporary Internet Files

May 26, 2009

I am fairly new to Vista but noticed that there are relatively few files in
the Temporary Internet Files folder compared to when I was running XP. I
subscribe to an internet based business messaging system (GoSolo) and used
to be able to drag the audio messages I had listened to from that temp
folder into an archive folder. But now they don't show up at all. I can
still "save" those messages from GoSolo but the process is a lot more
tedious. Are there IE settings that will allow them to be saved to disk and
show up in the Temporary Internet Files folder in Vista?

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Recovered From The Temporary Internet Files

Jun 1, 2008

Using Windows98 when surfing, one did not have to save every picture (a sometimes laborious process), as they could be easily recovered from the Temporary Internet Files folder. One just searched the T'I'F' Folder for jpg's of a certain approximate size and date/time (and name), and then copy/pasted them into wherever. Also, saving individual pictures whan surfing was easier as a "save" icon appeared at the top left corner of the picture when the mouse pointer passed over it. How do I use these facilities in Vista?

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How Do I Clear Out The Temporary Files Directory?

Aug 19, 2009

I'm used to doing this in Windows XP where the folder location is "C:documents and settingsusernamelocal setting emp".On my Dell laptop which has Vista Home SP2, It *appears* that the location may be "C:usersusernamelocal settings??" but "local
settings" is a link rather than a subdirectory, and when I try to expand it I get "C:usersusernamelocal settings is not accesible. Access is denied".I'm logged in as administrator, and I have set folder options->view to "show hidden files and folders" and to not "hide protected operating system files".I get the same error when I try to expand "C:usersusernamestart menu". What do I need to do to be able to navigate these links and view and edit the folder contents?

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Temporary User Profile ALWAYS Loads!!

Apr 15, 2010

The problem started when I decided to do a reboot after installing some programs. Since then whenever I log on it takes ages displaying the "welcome" message, then comes up with the dreaded "preparing your desktop" message. It then loads a "temporary user profile" and says that any changes made while logged on to this profile will be lost afterwards, and to check the event log or contact the network administrator.

I've read heaps about this problem happening to people with vista and windows 7 (I have vista home ed). It's supposed to be due to a corrupted profile, and so if you delete the profile in the "regedit" thing it's supposed to fix itself. Others have also suggested creating a new account and transferring everything. I have tried countless restarts, restoring the system, deleting the user profile (all my stuff is now fully backed up) and creating new accounts. None of it works - a temporary profile still loads from a newly created account, the same happens even in safe mode and from the built in administrator account. I'm at a total loss as to what to do!! I use my computer every day for work so you can hopefully imagine how frustrating this is!

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Downloaded Music Went To Temporary Files

Mar 23, 2008

I just downloaded some songs and I hit "open" instead of save each time. Now they are all in my temp Internet files. How do I get them to my music files? I tried dragging but its in the worng format and my media player won't play them. I just paid $15 for all these songs and would like to know how to retrieve them!

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Deleting Temporary Internet Files

Jun 6, 2008

I have Vista software, and I would like to delete temporary internet files. I did this before, but didn't write down the directiions.

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Drive Letter & User Temporary Suggestions Only

Dec 16, 2008

Like with most other settings in Vista 64 Bit, ...Windows starts loosing it mind/(memory). Windows takes the meaning of "settings" to mean, "user temporary suggestions only". I'm sure somewhere in the fine print of "The Window's Handbook" it somewhat clearly states: Window's settings are subject to change at "any" given moment, time or place . (Period) Settings will change clearly at whim of... well,...just about "most any" given reason or causation, usually when you least expect it, and surly to extract the most pain & suffering.

I just went though a series of reboots working "other" problems,...when my external hard drives or "Mass Storage Units" along with all my flash "thumb" drives... got scrambled. I mean I'm down to L, M, and/or N clearly on how Vista shuffles them. Based on weather or not my printer is turned on or not. When you have certain programs writing to fixed drive letters ...

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How To Change Temporary Folder When Burning CD/DVDs

Jan 25, 2009

How much hard disk space do I need to burn a disc?

If you're using the Live File System format, you don't need to allocate any additional space to burn your disc, since each file is written to the disc as you go.

If you are creating a Mastered disc, however, Windows needs to create a complete "image" of the disc before it is burned. This disc image can be as large as the maximum capacity of the disc you are creating—you might need 650 megabytes (MB) on your hard disk to create a CD-R, or 4.7 gigabytes (GB) to create a DVD-R.

Can I choose where the disc image is stored?

Yes, if you have more than one hard disk installed in your computer, you can specify which disk is used to create your disc image. Here's how:

1. Open Computer by clicking the Start button , and then clicking Computer.

2. Right-click the drive that is your disc burner, and then click Properties.

3. Click the Recording tab, and then click your desired drive from the drive menu. If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.

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Where Are Cookies And Temporary Internet Files Kept Under Vista??

Feb 28, 2009

Where are the cookies and temporary internet files kept under Vista? I tried to open the cookies and Local Setting folders, but got a Not Accessable error. If they are really there, how do I access them? I'm the only using the computer.

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Temporary Internet Files Not Saving Webpages

Mar 4, 2009

I have Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit. I can see the history when going through the star and then clicking history. It shows websites visited, UNLESS the person who visited them has deleted them from the history. I want to be able to monitor what my son is looking at, even if he knows how to delete from history by right-clicking in IE. reviously I had Windows XP, which would show the history by going through tools, internet options, browsing history, settings, view files. Even if the person had deleted the page from history while viewing, it would still show up using the method I'm describing. This doesn't work with Windows Vista. In fact, Windows Vista doesn't show ANY webpages that have been visited at all if you go through tools, internet options, browsing history, settings, view files. Is there some setting that I need to change to make it show the webpages, or is Vista incapable of doing this?

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LAN Setup Temporary Wired Ethernet Network

Feb 6, 2009

I provide the technical support for an international photographic competition and this involves setting up a temporary wired Ethernet network to interconnect several laptops during our entry processing or judging sessions. This network uses a small 5-port Fast Ethernet switch and fixed IP addresses.

I only used laptops running Windows XP and everything was fine. I'm now trying to add a new laptop running Vista Home Premium and am hitting problems due to my total lack of any previous Vista experience. I have managed to set the IP address on the Vista laptop but it cannot 'see' any other machines on the network and the XP laptops cannot gain access to the Vista machine.

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Move The Temporary Internet Files Folder

May 17, 2010

By default Internet Explorer stores a user’s temporary internet files within a user profile typically located under C:Users or C:Documents and Settings. This setting can be easily be changed within Internet Explorer.

Configuring Temporary Internet Files in Internet Explorer: ....

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CD-RW Write Protected: Cannot Format?

Apr 29, 2009

I am trying to format a cd that I bought (memorex) vista says it cannot be formatted because of its write protection. Unfortunately this is my only blank cd left so I can't use a new one. Is there a way of forcing a format? Or removing the write protection?

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Write A Macro For Sleep

Jun 25, 2009

I have Vista 64 bit. My PC stopped going to sleep when I pressed the sleep button (in fact it crashed); to cut a long story short, I eventually traced the problem to a new sound card I'd installed - disabling the card allows sleep to work normally. (I see that the card manufacturer, M-Audio, includes a note in its FAQ to the effect that none of its cards will work with sleep. Great.)

I'm now faced with the prospect of having to navigate through Control Panel and the Device Manager to disable the card every time I want to put the PC to sleep, and then the same performance to re-enable to card when I wake it up.

Does anyone know if it's possible to run a series of commands when the sleep button is pressed so that it disables the card before going to sleep? I suppose I'm asking if there's a way that someone who's only semi-technical could write a macro and apply it to the button - or is this just cloud cuckoo land?

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Auto Log: Could Not Write DefaultUser Name?

Mar 23, 2008

I was look for an auto log on like I used with XP called Power Toys for XP. found an auto log on However when I run it I get the error? Could Not Write DefaultUser name? .I was using my ID and password, I am the only user and a administrator. Does this auto log on work only with the Administrator ID? Or is there another reason it will not install?

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How To Disable Write Combining

Jun 9, 2007

I could disable ''Write Combining'' in Windows XP but in Windows Vista I only see this: (look at the attackment) How do I enable it in windows Vista?

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Disk Is Write Protected?

May 7, 2008

Running Vista64 Home Premium SP1. About every 4 or 5 times I boot the system, my data HDD D: presents as "write protected". A reboot corrects this. I have run diagnostics on the HDD and all appears OK.

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Installed Nero: Not Write CD-RW

Aug 25, 2009

I used Nero Burning ROM v6.6.1.15 through option compatibility with Windows XP SP2. She recorded DVD-R/W disk and spoiled CD Then she began to spoil all the disks. I installed Nero Burning ROM v9.4.13.2b. She recorded my DVD-RW, but spoiled 3 DVD-R disc and does not write CD-RW:cry:

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Write Permission For Just 1 Computer In LAN?

Jul 29, 2009

I have a small network at home with 4 computers. My main computer is "Bob". Another computer on which I work is "Paul". I want "Paul" to be able to write, delete and modify files on "Bob". But I don't want the 2 other computers to have this permission.

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Removing Write Protection

Mar 23, 2008

i just got a new 2 gig micro SD card for my phone. I put it in the front card reader of m computer, but when I try to add anything to it, it says, "this disk is write protected, to add anything remove write protection".

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Can Not Write Group Policy

Mar 23, 2008

My Group Policy is SNAFUD and now I can't write to my floppy drive.

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Explorer Doesn't Show Temporary Internet Files

Mar 5, 2009

I have an email in my inbox with an attachment. When I open the attachment my text editor reports the following path :UsersMYNAMEAppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE5JTQYLO9PNathaniel Moore Descendants.txt If I try to open this directly in my text editor (EditPad Lite which stores recently visited documents) it reports that the file cannot be found. I have searched my computer and the search cannot find this document. Windows explorer doesn't even show a Temporary Internet Files subfolder in the Windows folder. Can anyone explain what is going on here? I don't appreciate Microsoft retaining information on my computer that I am unaware of. Can I get rid of this attachment without deleting the email?

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BackUp - Brand New DVD Is Write Protected?

Sep 30, 2009

I have a brand new Dell Inspiron 545s which is equipped with a DVD +/- RW drive. I am running Windows Vista Home Premium 64 bit. Today, I attempted to do my first back-up. I am using a brand new pack of Memorex DVD-RW disks which have never been used before.

Upon clicking on the backup utility, it instructed me to insert a blank DVD into the drive,which I did. The next instructions to appear indicated that the disk needed to be formatted (why?? since this was a brand-new disk??), but I let it go through the disk formatting process anyway. Upon reaching the end of the formatting process, I then received a message that the backup was proceeding.

The backup continued until it was approx. one-third completed (according to the shaded progress bar) and a total of two of my DVD's had been used up to that point. When prompted, I inserted a third disk and was, again, instructed to format it. However, this time I received a message that "Windows was unable to complete the formatting process because the disk was write protected". Having no idea why this would have occurred,I attempted to use another disk, but got the same message, and I finally exited the backup process without being able to complete it.

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