Windows And Hard Drive Recognition

Mar 23, 2008

My question is how come when a hard drive (Maxline III Model: 7V250F0 SATA) is initialized within windows XPPro and partitioned/ formatted and can be used in XPPro, when WindowsVista Home Basic on the same machine does not recognized the drive except in disk manager it shows the drive without drive letters? I have XPPRO installed on drive 0 and Vista Home Basic on drive 3 in a dual boot with vista boot pro. Noticed the bios has it as a master drive along with another drive on an IDE which is a master too? I tried initializing in vista without any luck? So I tried using after initializing with XPPro and Vista Home Basic wants to load drivers for hardware but can't find any? I am confused! Anyway the drive was out of a Dell computer originally (possibly an OEM drive?) and I used a utility from their web sight to erase the drive. Then I did as mentioned above............

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Usb External Hard Drive Plugged In And The Drive Has Been Emptied And Replaced By Windows

Mar 23, 2008

when booting up from a vista cd I accidentally had my usb external hard drive plugged in and the drive has been emptied and replaced by windows there are sintimental photos etc on the drive can anyone help me to restore them

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Hard Drive Trashing: Hard Drive LED Light On My Sony Vaio Keeps Blinking EVERY SECOND

Feb 10, 2009

The Hard Drive LED light on my Sony Vaio keeps blinking EVERY SECOND. When it's really quiet I can hear it too, it's constantly writing. Constantly. I did my research - read all the threads on the net and so far I have disabled:

Windows index
Windows defender
Windows search
System Restore
I have uninstalled google desktop.

The system is totally virus and spyware free, and the anti-virus is not scanning (schedule scan disabled). All Vista updates are installed. Nothing has helped. I've run out of things to disable. I'm running Vista Business SP1, Dual Core 2.2 Ghz, 3 Gb RAM.

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Installing Windows Seven From A Hard Drive

Jun 27, 2009

i have windows vista home basic 32x installed in my lenovo ys10 775843Q

and now i want to install windows seven RC

but the problem is that my dvd drive is not working and i have a pen-drive of only 2 gb there any way to make our one of the hard disk partition bootable so that i can install windows seven through it ?

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New Hard Drive:is Necessary To Reinstall Windows Xp And Windows Vista Again

Mar 26, 2008

I have the Windows Vista upgrade disc and I just bought a new hard drive. Do I need to reinstall Windows Xp and Windows Vista again or is there an eaiser way to do it?

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Hard Drive: Reinstall Windows Xp And Windows Vista?

Mar 23, 2008

I have the Windows Vista upgrade disc and I just bought a new hard drive. Do I need to reinstall Windows Xp and Windows Vista again or is there an eaiser way to do it?

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Extrenal Hard Drive: Copy Hard Drive To It?

Jul 29, 2009

I have a ASUS laptop running Vista Home Premium, 64 bit OS. I have several programs that I use but no loner have the insall disks for. Should I have to reformat in the future I would hate to lose them. Here's what I'm thinking: Buy a extrenal hard drive. Seagate, 1Tbit, usb, cost $90.00. Copy my hard drive to it. If I need to reformat. Reinstall Vista from my recover disk that came with the computer. Then copy files from external drive. Bingo. All my old programs would be there and working. Question is: Can this be done?
What file/folders do I need to copy to the external drive?

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How Windows Sees Attached Hard Drive

Aug 22, 2009

I have a Ultimate 64 PC with a USB hard drive attached, a new problem has come up, hopefully someone can help me fix it.

When I start my PC; Windows is asking me what I want to do with the Drive, open the pictures, play the music, open it to view the content etc, it's as if I have just attached the drive.

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Missing Hard Drive With Windows Ultimate

Mar 23, 2008

I'm running a desktop system with Windows Vista Ultimate. I have encountered
a problem that I know is being experienced by other Vista users; I'm hoping
there is a workaround. I have an internal 1 TB Hitachi hard drive (not the C drive). This desktop system is only about six months old, and ever since I first acquired it I found that this internal hard drive would go missing after putting Vista into Sleep or Hibernation mode. Restarting the system would always enable Vista to recognize the internal 1 TB hard drive again.

However, about two weeks ago this temporary fix wasn't working anymore -- restarting Vista didn't enable the 1 TB internal drive to be recognized. It's been missing ever since. And yet this drive is working properly according to Device Manager (Including having the latest driver). Doing a Google search has produced a few other threads on the web where Vista users are also experiencing missing hard drives. Supposedly this situation is to be directly addressed by Microsoft with the release of Service Pack 1. Unfortunately, I need access to my internal hard drive now, not weeks from now when Service Pack 1 is finally released.

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Hard Drive Failure, Windows Not Working

Jul 30, 2008

went to get a new laptop and founds a nice mew Toshiba laptop (have to check model number) got the laptop home an started up fine worked fine also got thee system online and with all the anti virus set up (used the 90 day Norton trial) worked fine next day I stared the laptop up and the worked fine for a wile then went into a full crash with nothing responding forced a reboot look fine bios came up vista went to load the bar stuck and then restarted then kept doing this and no hard drive activity left the machine

and still stayed like this tried restore and start-up recovery as the pc was loading in safe mode the laptop did start the reload of the hard drive after that said was successful rebooted and did not want to load up ,took the pc back and checked the machine out they could not fix there machine the man told me the machine was not going to work and sated to fill out a Toshiba doa form stating that hard drive failure was the cause, that left me the option to change the laptop or get my money back and chose the get money back to see what i could get else were still looking I am thinking of getting a Sony vairo instead

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Windows Registry: Hard Drive Died

May 18, 2010

I have a Vista home system. I recently did a windows registry back up on my PC (Cleanmypc) i have about 20 gigs of zipped files in the back up folder. Since then my hard drive died. I have two questions.

1. What is actually backed up in this system ?

2. Can i transfer the data (Zipped files) to a new hard drive without any issue using the cleanmypc software.

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Upgrading Hard Drive, Reactivate Windows

Mar 23, 2008

im having problems with my hard drive and im going to install my windows vista ultimate 64 bit in a new hard drive, what should i do to reactivate my windows if im living in Dominican Republic? i dont wanna loose my windows

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Windows Search Still Indexes Hard Drive

Sep 27, 2008

I have my vista ultimate for a few months already and I really don't understand why windows search still indexes the hard drive even when I have my data almost unchanged for a long time I found some MS article about it The Indexing Process but it does not seem too simple So can anyone tell me if this service will ever let hard drive relax a little or will it alway be crunching something? Look on my performance monitor:

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Import Windows Mail From External Hard Drive?

Mar 12, 2009

I recently had my main laptop "crap" out and had the hard drive put onto an external hard drive. I have many contacts, folders and e-mails that I need to put into Windows Mail on my backup laptop but for some reason I can't import them due to permission access? Can anyone help me please get this figured out?

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External Hard Drive: Windows Cannot Access The Specified Device

Feb 28, 2009

I'm having a very strange problem with my External Hard Drives (I have 2). What happens is that I am unable to open either of the external Hard Drives in 'Computer' by double clicking them. It just doesn't do anything. But when I right click and select 'Open' it says: "Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item."

EDIT: Forgot to mention that I have checked the security details for the drives and I should be able to access them just fine. But here is where it gets weird. I can right click and select 'Explore' and it will open up like normal and I can browse the folders just fine! I used to be able to access these Hard Drives just fine before, but then they just went like this and I have no idea why. Since it happened to both Hard Drives simultaneously, I figure it is a Vista problem and not related to the specific drives.

Other symptoms are that the icon for the drives no longer shows up in 'Computer', although the name and disk space turn up fine. Also, I've noticed that the drives are operating much slower than usual, nearly a tenth of the normal read/write speed.

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Hard Drive Crashed, Find Inbox In Windows Mail

Mar 31, 2009

My computer crashed and I currently have my hard drive set up externally to copy the information off of it onto another computer. I was using Windows Mail that came with Vista on my old computer when it crashed. I've been able to salvage my data, but would like to find my messages stored in my Inbox in Windows Mail. I cannot open the program (Windows Mail) currently, but will be able to open it when my new computer arrives. For now, I'm copying needed files off my hard drive and storing them temporarily on my children's computer. I do not know what folders from Windows Mail, or Windows perhaps, that I need to save in order to hopefully open my saved inbox messages.

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Windows Speech Recognition

Dec 23, 2009

The "Analyze Written Documents" feature of WSR appears to be broken. I try to keep up-to-date on three different SR apps, which is not easy, because of the differences. The three SR apps are:

1) Dragon Pro
2) WSR (Vista Speech Recognition)
3) MacSpeech Dictate

....using most recent versions of above 3 apps. Without going into the reason _why_ , I would like to be able to speak the following, and have it come out exactly as shown in the two examples below:........

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Plugging Away With WSR (Windows Speech Recognition)

Aug 31, 2009

Groking speech recognition, there are many subtle
ways to fail, as some of you have already found out.

The so-called Help system in WSR is next to useless.

Now that I am well on my way to learning WSR,
I can ask my computer the Really Big Questions
in life, such as:

1) What is the meaning of life.

2) Who invented toilet paper.

3) If all personal computers disappeared,
what real effect would it have on mankind.

4) Is eating beans allowed inside the ISS.

5) Will a USA colony on Mars be democrats or republicans.

6) Now that I can speak directly to my computer by voice,
what should I do if my computer suddenly starts
talking back to me.

I doubt if WSR has any practical uses for the "average user",
but it certainly is fun to play with.


I was not going to post the following crap, but "andy t"
likes it. It gives him purpose in life, to go into
one of his long abusive tirades; I can't deprive him
of that pleasure.

The following "test" is what I am going to subject WSR to,
about a week from now. To pass the test, no more than
two mistakes can occur, when I "speak in" this article.

It will take me roughly 3 minutes to speak-in this
roughly 200 word medical abstract.

I know, that is a sluggish 67wpm instead of a persons
normal 160wpm normal speaking rate, but this slow
rate is common for intricate technical dictation.

I copied and pasted this article from its original
medical website.

I'm sure most will agree that this is a very stiff
"test" for _any_ speech recognition app.

My bet is that WSR will pass this test, but we
will see for sure in roughly a week from now.

This week is needed by me to get the rest of
my smarts about using WSR.

I know very little about using WSR, as my time has
been spent with other speech apps, namely
Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10.0 and
MacSpeech Dictate 1.5.2

Test abstract begins after line of asterisks


Maximizing therapeutic gain with gemcitabine
and fractionated radiation.

Mason KA, Milas L, Hunter NR, Elshaikh M,
Buchmiller L, Kishi K, Hittelman K, Ang KK.

Department of Experimental Radiation Oncology,
The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer
Center, Houston, USA.


The nucleoside analogue gemcitabine inhibits cellular repair and
repopulation, induces apoptosis, causes tumor
growth delay, and enhances radiation-induced
growth delay. After single doses of drug and
radiation, maximum enhancement of tumor
response was obtained when gemcitabine
preceded radiation by at least 24 h. Conversely,
the cellular radioresponse of the normal
gastrointestinal epithelium was slightly
protected when gemcitabine and radiation were
separated by 24 h. This differential response
created a time frame within which therapeutic
gain could be maximized. In our present
investigation, we sought to define the most
therapeutically beneficial scheme of gemcitabine
administration when combined with fractionated

All 3 schedules of drug administration produced
therapeutic gain; however, when gemcitabine was
given more than once in a 5-fraction radiation
treatment schedule, normal tissue toxicity
increased. The highest therapeutic gain (1.4) was
achieved by giving a single dose of gemcitabine
(25 mg/kg) 24 h before the start of fractionated

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Windows Speech Recognition Vs. Dragon?

Jun 6, 2010

I see that Vista offers Speech Recognition software that allows you to open apps and dictate speech into Word, Wordpad, etc. Does anyone have any idea on how this free Speech Recognition software compares to the Dragon software that I've been seeing advertised on TV commercials?

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Customizing Windows Speech Recognition

Mar 8, 2009

I must say I'm very impressed with speech recognition. I'm proud to be one of the stubborn first users to insist to use speech recognition even though I've made my computer use extremely comfortable using either the mouse or the keyboard (hopefully soon I can add or speech recognition).

Am I the only using speech recognition? I'm interested to know if there others using speech recognition, and how they're using it. The entire writing of this post, including opening Firefox, opening my password manager, logging in to and navigating through Vista forums, setting cookie options, editing and posting this thread was done solely using Windows speech recognition without mouse or keyboard (in a record breaking 40 minutes!).

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Is Possible Copy Entire Hard Drive Onto An External Hard

May 27, 2008

Is it possible to copy my entire hard drive onto an external hard drive. Vista Premium, all the data, etc. and what would be a good software to accomplish this?

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External Hard Drive: Hard Disc Is Unavailable

Sep 27, 2008

I have an external hard drive, I reformated it so I could use Vista's backup.Now it seems that when my brother inlaw tries to put some music files(Itunes) that the hard disc is unavailable to his computer. At this stage it seems that Vista has conned me into destroying a perfectly good WD harddrive!I have created a second partion on the hard drive and I am reformatting that, as I write this, but the only formatting option seems to be this NTFS, and that is what I had already formatted the ExtHD to so I think this formatting will be to no avail!From what I can figure I need to format into FAT but I tried a quick format an ex-fat option was there, but the problem was the same. I am becoming more frustrated with Vista, seems I just keep running into things that should be simple and aren't!

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NewLine Bug Of Windows Speech Recognition Revisited

Feb 16, 2009

$MS, the same idiots who brought us that turd of an OS called Vista, are doing their usual trick by trying to disguise a bug in Windows Speech Recognition
as a "feature". Namely the "New Line" bug, which capitalizes the first word of every new line, whether the WSR user wants it capitalized or not. This forces the user to waste time correcting the capitalization of lines in his text document............

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Disable Windows Speech Recognition (WSR) Command Vocabulary?

Jul 29, 2009

Is there a way to disable WSR command vocabulary? I will be using Vocola instead.

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Windows Speech Recognition:how To Make User-created

Aug 6, 2009

how to run the speech app. (WSR is short for Windows Speech Recognition). I gave up, nothing in the Help section about how to make user-created macros, or user-created commands. Knowing how to do that is absolutely necessary if you desire to get WSR to be even halfways accurate and fast. WSR has absolutely the worse Help section I have seen in ANY speech app. After a lot of searching on the web, using search phrases like: How to Make User-Created Macros. I literally stumbled over this excellent site - After you spend a lot of time and effort creating your own macros and commands, WSR might perform much better, at least I hope so. Let you know for certain in a couple of weeks. It will take me that long to build up a bunch of user-macros and user-commands, guided by that excellent website.

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Windows Speech Recognition Backup/Restore/Transfer Tool

Jun 21, 2009

Two of the biggest criticisms of WSR, Windows Speech Recognition built into the Vista and soon to be released Windows 7 operating system were:

1. No easy method to transfer, backup and restore one's user training profile.

2. No way to keyboard corrections into the Alternates Panel, the corrections box of alternate choices for words that were misrecognized.

We're now pleased to announce the WSR team at Microsoft has released an easy to use transfer, backup and restore tool. Rob Chambers of Microsoft's Speech team suggests: "Be sure to download the release notes as they contain useful information as well as user instructions. Please note that this is a "technical preview" version and as such there are a few known issues with the tool."

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Does 'Local Disc' D Mean It Is A Drive Inside My Machine Or Could It Be My External Hard Drive

Jul 2, 2008

Does 'Local Disc' D mean it is a drive inside my machine or could it be my external hard drive?

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Ethernet Hard Drive: Both Operating Systems Unable To Browse Drive

Apr 17, 2008

I was wonder if anyone know a solution for the following problem. I have a ethernet hard drive and I've never had a problem until using vista and windows server 2008. both operating systems are unable to browse the drive, instead it completely crashes explorer.exe. Windows server 2003 & XP have never had trouble.

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Hard Drive Installation: No Designated Lettered Drive Appears

May 18, 2009

i bought a kit for an old hard drive. i got it to work once ealier today, and now it doesn't work. when i plug it into the usb, it will not successfully install. the kit is a rocketfish hd 35, the hard drive is seagate u8 model st313021a. the "remove hardware" icon appears in the tray, but no designated lettered drive appears on the computer.

the hard drive was part of an older tower that i couldn't get to boot. it's strange because just today i accessed the hard drive and located old pictures, music and other files that i hadn't seen in a few years. had i known this would have happened i would have started saving right away. i thought i had it working.

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Changing Boot Drive But Still Booting From Old Hard Drive

Mar 26, 2008

I've upgraded my machine at some point in the last year, where I added a new 500GB drive and moved my C: partition across to it. The previous 250GB drive was left in for additional storage. Just recently (while upgrading my BIOS) I realised that my system was still booting from the 250GB drive even though Windows was on the other disk. There is a fair possibility in the not too distant future that I'll replace the 250GB disk with a larger disk, in which case I won't be able to boot. Is there a safe and reliable way to change it so that the system boots from the 500GB disk?

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External Hard Drive Crash: Drive Is EMPTY

Oct 6, 2009

I was starting my computer today (that has Vista), and during the start up process, a black screen came up stating that there was an error opening up my external hard drive and it was checking for errors. After it finally booted up, I went to open the hard drive files, and it was totally BLANK! I then restarted the computer, and still the hard drive is EMPTY! I had ALL my important files in there!

The ONLY thing that looks promising is that when I go to Start then to Computer, it shows the hard drive there, and it still shows that 43GB are free of 111GB of storage (same info shows by right clicking on it and going to Properties). Why would it show this if nothing is on the hard drive anymore? Is there ANYWAY to recover these files again you think???? I NEED those files!!!! Remember that the hard drive STILL PHYSICALLY WORKS. It's just that I cannot access the files on my pc at the time for some reason.......

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