Windows Startup 2 Pop Ups

Jun 8, 2009

Started getting these pop ups, i know there not called pop ups. what are these called? (for future reference) how can i get rid of these?

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Registry And Deleted The Item From The Startup Tab And Disabled Startup Tab

May 23, 2009

I am running Vista 64 and installed a program which apparently had a virus or I got it using IE8. I found an entry in the start up tab that was causing a problem. I went into the registry and deleted the item from the startup tab and I also disabled it in the startup tab. The startup tab still shows the item even though it is disabled and deleted from the registry. Why does it still show in MSCONFIG and how do I delete it from the start up entry

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Fix Startup Error Windows

Aug 1, 2008

Does anyone know how to fix the problem with Windows Desktop Search. When I apply the update from Microsoft (Windows Search 4.0) it will delete two folders. Windows which is located in C:ProgramDataMicrosoftSearchDataApplications & Config which is located in C:ProgramDataMicrosoftSearchData I can't take this anymore my main purpose of using this was to work with Outlook 2007. Everything on my PC is up to date. I have removed every possible security program. Oh yeah and I already followed the steps in the thread : How to Fix the Start Error for Windows Search Service to Enable the Index in Vista

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Windows Slow Startup

Sep 13, 2009

i got a message from my system performance monitor telling me this: "these start up programs are causing windows to start up slowly.

Name: AVG Resident Shield Service
Filename: avgrsa.exe
Publisher: AVG Technologies CZ, s.r.o.
Date reported: Wed Sep 2, 2009 9:33AM Time taken: 53.8 seconds

i looked in my startup folder and it is empty can u tell me how i can fix this problem.

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Windows Installer Keeps Popping Up At Startup

May 30, 2008

Every time I login to my account, windows installer pops up and then this error pops up.

Is there a way I can prevent this from popping up? It started happening last reboot.

I've already tried system restoring. The last thing I did was uninstall a few programs.

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A Program Starts Together With Windows, But Is Not In StartUp

Feb 11, 2009

I installed on my brand new Windows Vista PC an unnecessary program (D-Link Monitor, but it is not important). The program is not needed and also it didn't install properly. Now when I start my PC, the program starts up displaying several messages to inform me that it cannot

I had a look in StartUp - it is not there. I tried to uninstall it to no avail.

How/where else can start of this program be triggered? And how to make it not to start?

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Post SP1, Windows RE (Startup Repair)

Mar 24, 2008

The computer is a Dell Inspiron with a recevery partition (D. Iinstalled SP1 two days ago. Since then the computer has been rebooted about 5 times. On the 6th, all hell broke loose. I don't believe any changes have been made since then. Naively, I want to question how RE does not know how to work with Vista SP1. Perhaps RE is on the D: partition and was not updated?

== Startup Repair ==
Number of Repair Attempts: 1

= Tests =
Check for Updates
Error Code = 0x0

= System Disk Test =
Error Code = 0x0

= Disk Failure Diagnostic =
Error Code = 0x0

= Disk Metadata Test =
Error Code = 0x0

= Target OS Test =
Error Code = 0x0

= Volume Content Check =
Error Code = 0x0

== Root Cause ==
The operating system version is incompatible with Startup Repair.

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Windows Has Blocked Some Startup Programs..

May 28, 2008

I have used System Configuration, Startup to NOT start some programs including:

OmniPage Pro

How do I prevent the message that pops up several times when I start/restart Windows Vista? Even once would be enough....

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Windows Defender Not Loading At Startup

Jun 1, 2010

It's ticked in msconfig - Startup, but never loads Alert each time loaded manually and 'Turned-On' but never loads on reboot

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Windows Blocked Startup Programs

Apr 2, 2008

I have installed BOINC client and Vista blocks it after logon, so I wanted to enable it, but why the hell should I do it? :o It shows as "not yet classified", but the only active buttons are remove and disable! Meanwhile it scans, so shall I wait until it scans whole drive and then it will be active or what should I do to permanently enable this?

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Turn Off Windows Messenger On Startup?

Feb 25, 2010

Everytime I start up my computer, that runs and pops up. How do you turn it off? I never use it.

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Windows Explorer Crash On Startup

Apr 21, 2008

At every startup now, Windows explorer gets an appcrash in module ntdll.dll. I can however start Task manager. Using TM, I can start various programs such as Firefox, Thunderbird etc. It now seems that if I maximize Task Manager, I can start Windows explorer (using TM) and WE will come up without crashing. However, if the desktop is (or rather, would be) visible upon an attempted start of WE, it will crash. When trying to start explorer using TM, the crash will be in various modules, not only ntdll.dll. So, my understanding is that WE crashes upon startup because of something that is visible on the desktop. But there are only various icons, and nothing special.

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Multiple Windows OS Startup Processes

Jan 25, 2009

So, I was getting bored and decided to follow up on some of the performance tweeking I've been doing. Anyway, I got a bit sidetracked and decided to go to the "Reboot Time" tread, which them prompted me to go ahead and diable some of my useless startup processes. Thing is, something strange kind of popped out at me... Why are there two "Microsoft Windows Operating System" processes when as far as I can tell from the reboot thread, people have 1? I'm assuming it isn't smart to randomly diable either, so I came here to ask.

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Repairing Startup With DVD Windows Gave

May 10, 2008

I tried repairing startup with my vista DVD but after the repair windows gave me 3 days to activate.I have a very legal copy of vista ultimate 32 bit running on my pc. I already tried system restore but no use and the only thing that should work is to reinstall the whole thing.

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Windows Live Messenger Fails On Startup

Mar 23, 2008

I have a Windows Vista Home Basic Acer Aspire laptop that a client bought last week. When I installed Windows Live Messenger (downloaded from the website), it started like it should but as soon as I tried to sign in, a "Windows Live Messenger has stopped working". When I chose the option to "Check Online for a solution", after a few seconds a notification that Windows DEP has stopped Windows Live Messenger and a help screen with information about how to configure DEP both appear. If I try to configure DEP so that Windows Live Messenger is allowed to run unaffected, DEP tells me that DEP cannot be disabled for Windows Live Messenger. So in short, DEP is stopping Windows Live Messenger from running and I have no idea how to fix it. The only other thing I noticed is that when I removed and reinstalled Messenger, it says that it is from an Unknown Publisher rather than from Microsoft as it usually does. Also, this machine is running the Acer eMpowered services including eData Security and I hear (but cannot confirm) that there could possibly be an issue between this and Messenger.

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Windows Live Messenger Remove From Startup

Aug 16, 2009

No matter how many times I uncheck it from the start up in msconfig, it seems to find a way to re-check itself. Any suggestions on how to make it stay OFF!?

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Startup Failure: Windows Explorer Not Responding

May 1, 2009

Having a massive problem here with vista! Windows explorer decided not to respond and then said that it required restart, while in the process of restart explorer the laptop crashed with blue stop error screen. Afterwards, new startup screen came on saying the vista is unable to load and to chose either Startup repair or Resume Windows normally

now when I tried to use startup repair it was unable to fix problem and then tried to resume normally but this showed only a blank black screen. What is happening and how can I fix this?! Im trying to do this without formatting if possible since there are still important documents and programs that I need to backup!

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Checking Windows Startup Programs Without Restarting

Jan 15, 2010

I am just eager to know if there is a method to check if the programs are executed in desired sequence during the startup of the windows without actually restarting windows? Should i need to restart for sure to check it?

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Puzzled By Windows Mail Startup Behavior

Jul 29, 2009

With my installations of Vista (3 desktops and one laptop) I have observed that the Windows Mail (WM) program takes between 5 and 10 seconds to load after booting up. After that the program gets cached and opens very quickly. Shortly after I installed SP2 on one of the computers I noticed that WM would open very quickly without the delay even right after bootup. I originally thought that SP2 improved the performance of WM to open very quickly just like Outlook Express always did. But after installing SP2 on the other machines I did not notice any difference - WM still took the usual 5-10 seconds to load after booting up.

Any ideas as to why WM would load so quickly after booting up on one machine and not the others? All hardware platforms are equal. I cannot see winmail.exe anywhere in any of the typical startup locations. All registry settings look similar. I know it's not because of the number of contacts or messages, ruled that out... I thought I had an opportunity to discover a new tweak but I've given up.

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Windows Defender - Messenger Startup Block

May 27, 2008

i'm posting in the right place as i think Windows Defender is classified as a System/Security feature. Windows Defender is blocking my Yahoo Messenger 8.1 during startup. I keep getting the Startup Program blocked notification whenever i boot up Vista although i have already disabled the Windows Defender services. I've tried to uninstall and reinstall YM after restarting numerous times and the problems still persists. FYI, I did a installation of the YM for Vista version and encountered no problems.

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Startup Windows And Folder Settings Have Changed?

Oct 3, 2009

i'll startup windows and notice that my folder settings have changed,icon size etc,what is causing this.

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Network Cable Unplugged Windows Startup

Apr 7, 2010

i have windows vista ultimate x64 since i first got my computer, never formatted it afterwards and its the same install since first. I have a problem that started some time a go (i think it started in md autumn last year) after installing NIS 2010 (i suppose this is when it really started). And if you ask me, no, it's not original. Or it may have started after an update...this is the problem cuz i can't pinpoint accurately when it first appeared. So here's the problem: my windows loads normally i type in the password to my account, and then i get the "X" icon on the Networks (it appears like this, the X doesnt appear after "it loads") i have to wait like 30 seconds and i'm not kidding, when my computer normally fully loads vista in 12 seconds or so (with all the startup progrms). AND HERE COMES THE S@#T biscuit: almost anything windows-related operations don't work until that stupid icon turns to normal (without the X)... like User Account control (UAC appears after the icon turns to normal, eventually), On-screen keyboard i found out that it doesn't appear until that stupid X disappears (i had probs with my keyboard).

There's another curious thing: if i wait a few seconds at the log in screen and then decide to log in, everything loads normally (as if that stupid X has a fixed timer when it disappears). Internet works fine, no network problems... except one minor, windows-related problem: i can't click the damn icon or right click it doesn't do jack !@@# as if the icon is frozen... if i hover my mouse over it nothing appears (the list of connected networks would normally appear if you hover the mouse pointer). I have Hamachi and Tunngle installed (they are both progrms which create virtual networks,i removed tunngle a few weeks ago though), but i had them before this problem first appeared and worked fine. Another thing i need to mention is i started to get some retarded "device is not working" like 4 of them under network adapters something called Windows 6to4 Adapter #4, #5 #6, but i solved it (unninstalled them, then reinstall ONE of it).

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Vista Startup: After Two Minutes I Get The Welcome Screen. Then The Monitor Goes Black For A Full Two Minutes Before Continuing The Startup Process

Mar 23, 2008

I have just puchased my first Windows Vista computer - an HP laptop. I have purchased at leat five laptops since 2000 so I am familiar with setup and
comfortable with installations etc. I have three questions here.

1. My last computer had Windows XP and an 80 gb hard drive with 70 gb full - After copying the data only (55 GB) to my new 250 gb hard drive I have only 107 GB remaining of the 222 GB C drive partition. I have not yet added many programs. That tells me that Vista must be using 50-60 GB or more of the drive. Can that be correct?

2. My new computer takes 5-6 minutes to start up. After two minutes I get the welcome screen. Then the monitor goes black for a full two minutes before continuing the startup process. Is this normal for Vista?

3. Occasionally the monitor goes dark for a few seconds and a window pops up saying the display driver has failed but is back. Is this normal?

I certainly gained no speed with this new computer. There are many things I like about Vista. Since I have no previous experience with owning it I am trying to sort out if this computer is a lemon that should be returned or if I should just put up with the downside.

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Startup Failure, Startup Recovery

Apr 27, 2008

The last couple of days I had a few times a startup error. It said something like Windows couldn't start normally. Run Startup Recovery (Recommended) Start Windows Normally. I did the Startup Recovery and then it worked again but the next day or so the same thing, otherwise my system runs fine.

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Downloaded Dreamscene From Windows Update, Slower Startup?

Dec 19, 2008

My vista (ultimate x64) is working perfectly, and only one thing bothers me.When I installed vista, and some programs (cc cleaner,winamp..), everything was fine during startup. But, when i downloaded Dreamscene from Windows update, now when desktop shows-the background is still (frozen), and the only thing I can click with mouse is taskbar, and icons on taskbar. Then, after one and a half, or two minutes, the circle on the mouse shows, like its loading something, the background start playing, and then everything works perfectly.

I was looking at programs that starts with windows, but nothing-those are the same programs that were before dreamscene (java, windows defender, roccat drivers, nvcpldaemon, nvmediacenter). When I uninstaled dreamscene, everything was fine again. But, since I want DS, is there a soultion? Is there a manual dreamscene instalation, so that I can try with that-without windows update? Or its not DS, its something else.

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Windows Explorer Startup: Open Windows Explorer In Either XP Or Vista It Opens The "My Document"

Jun 8, 2009

When I open windows explorer in either XP or Vista it opens the "My Document" folder as the default. However I only want "My Computer" to be expanded and everything else left unexpanded.

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Windows Defender Startup Programs:"Remove, Disable And Enable" Grayed Out

May 18, 2008

My OS is Windows Vista Business and I am attempting to disable the auto startup of a program. I located the program in Windows Defender, Category: Startup Programs but all options to "Remove, Disable and Enable" are grayed out. I also noticed the majority though not all auto startup programs in the Startup Category are grayed out. Why is this? What other course of action may I take to disable the unneeded auto startup of unnecessary programs? Also, my inquiry pertains specifically to an HP Digital Camera software.

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Startup With Windows "C:PSHD.dll Is Corrupt"

Jun 14, 2009

Having some serious issues with my computer...when I turn on my computer, and after loading for a minute or two on the blue HP screen, it goes STRAIGHT to the System Startup/Recovery page. I even did the diagnostic scan to see what was the problem...which it did find one result. It was something called: "C:PSHD.dll is corrupt"

This all happened yesterday when my mother bought my little sister The Sims 3. I let her install it on my computer to play it. (I was at a friend's house). She basically told me that when she finished installing it, a pop up screen came up asking if you want to allow the game to come up or cancel it (pretty normal)--She allowed it. After a few minutes of playing, the computer suddenly shuts down. Once she turned it back it, it would always just go straight to the Start up/Recovery page.

And another thing, I was gonna try and just do a system recovery, but I don't have any flash drives that can hold it all. (I have DVD-Roms but for some reason it wont show them) So yeah...I'm on my mother's desktop computer right now. Anyone know what I can do to save my files from being gone in a deep, dark oblivion? =( Or just how to just fix the problem?

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IE Flashes "Windows Installer" On Startup

Mar 28, 2008

Everytime I start Internet Explorer the screen flashes 20 or 30 windows with title "Windows Installer". After that, it works fine. This began happening after installing Vista64 with SP1. The first time I started IE after the install UAC prompted me about 30 times to allow Google toolbar, Flash, and HP to give administrative access. Every subsequent time I just get the flashing. Long ago I relocated the folders in my User folder to the D: drive. I'm suspicous this is a security thing perhaps related to permissions of the re-located folders, or a missing relocated folder, or one in an unexpected place but I haven't been able to figure it out.

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Nov 5, 2009

I dl'd Mozilla Firefox a day ago, and everything dl'd correctly and completely. But, when I shut down the cpu, it wouldn't start up at all. I did every diagnostic i could let the cpu do, ran a system restore (went all the way back to 10/25/09 restore point). then, i got it to run in safe mode. played with start-up options, and got the desktop to come up in normal mode, but then got error msg 0x800106ba (windows defender won't load), this meant that none of my security stuff loaded either. i ran a chkdisc thing too, and it stopped when looking through file data (stopped at 16%). thus, i am running the cpu in safe mode with networking, and the cpu is running fine. i know this means that there is a file issue. but i am not sure how to find it.

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Msascul.exe? Startup?

Sep 19, 2009

i have begun to notice a particular startup item by the name of MSASCul.exe, now google has been confusing it with MSASCui.exe which turns out to be windows defender, so still somewhat confused i have obtained autoruns and tried a verification on msascul.exe only for autoruns to come back as not verified, googling so far the correct msascul.exe has brought little information up and would hopefully like some verification on if its a genuine executable or some little nasty i need to catch.

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