Windows Home Premium & Admin Account

Aug 8, 2009

Since the Power User isn't available in Vista Home I wold ike to make the main user a standard user. I have the admin account enabled, but I would like it to be visiblle on the login screen. The laptop is for a cousin going off to college. I will give him the admin password, but he'll be instructed to use the normal account except when he installs stuff. I want to set the machine up so he has the easy login screen with Administrator and his name as the two choices. How can I get the admin account to show up there?

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How To Bring The Admin Login Option On The Welcome Screen In Home Premium

Oct 19, 2009

I am using a Dell XPS 1330 machine running Vista Home Premium.

I needed to replace some files(tcpip.sys,tcpreg.sys etc)in the system 32 folder with their new versions. But Vista wont let me copy them to the destination folder(system 32) citing admin reasons.

Read a bit and found out that "Administrator" account is by default disabled in Vista.

So ran the following 2 commands from command prompt to enable Admin account and set the admin password.
net user administrator password
net user administrator activate:yes

After that logged off and was expecting to see the admin login option on the welcome screen. But it didnt come.

Actually in the control panel user accounts I can see myself as Administrator....but I guess that is some administrator with limited powers and there is a greater/stronger/divine/all-conquering "Administrator" above this crappy admin category to which I right now belong and which Microsoft has due to some inexplicable reasons kept undercover. So plz plz help me and lemme know how to get that all-conquering admin to come on my welcome screen so that i can log in and try out what I want.

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ASPNET Or Network Service Account On Home Premium

Jul 29, 2009

I'm trying to install DotNetNuke on Microsoft Vista Home Premium. I already have .NET framework 2.0, Visual Studio 2005 and SQL Server Express installed on my PC. To install DotNetNuke

- Give the ASPNET (WinXP) or Network Service (Server 2003) account Read, Write, and Modify permissions on the directory you unzipped to. See the Host Settings page, ASP.NET Identity under the new Site Configuration section to be sure. Now I'm on Windows Vista Home Premium. I cannot find ASPNET or Network Service accounts. What do I do now? How can I create them on Vista Home premium? Can we do that on Vista home premium? Also, if I cannot create any of these accounts on Vista home premium then is there any workaround to acheive the above?

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Admin Account Added Standard User Account Will Not Open

Mar 23, 2008

I use a admin account on my computer but when I added standard user account it will not open some web pages for example when I go to my yahoo mail it will show the email but when I click on it, it will not show any text, but when I use the administrator account the web page works fine, I can see and read all emails. Another example is when I go to and search under the standard user it comes up as a blank page but will show search results under the administrator account. I have windows vista home and 7.0 explorer.

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Upgrade From Windows XP Home To Win-7 Home Premium

Oct 26, 2009

Do I need an upgrade version of Win-7? if so, which? Or do I simply wipe off WinXP and install a Win7 Home Premium full fresh install?

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Windows Mail Won't Work And "hidden" Admin Account

Feb 9, 2009

After reading: how to enable windows mail tutorial. Windows mail still will not start? I have enabled the "hidden" admin account and windows mail works fine - configured got email, logged off, logged on still working. BUT in my normal account but still an admin account, no other accounts on system. Windows mail will not start :mad: have downloaded the reg file and that has done its job. Logged of, still nothing, switched off - still won't work.

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Windows Home Premium 32 Bit IE

May 15, 2010

I've a weird problem with my IE8. Any page I browse to shows a 'Done, with errors on Page' at the status bar and most other sites such as hotmail turn up blank, with the 'Done' at the status bar and a warning sign next to it.

Its driving me crazy, and I cannot spot anything in Event Viewer System/Application logs that corresponds to this occurrence. Is this a virus that has taken over ...? Should I try restoring the system to any restore point?

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Upgrading To Windows 7 From Home Premium

Sep 27, 2009

My son is running Vista Home Premium onto his machine and just downloaded Windows 7/RTM and he wants to install it desperately. I'm hesitant to do so: it's easy to "uninstall" Windows 7 and revert back to Home Premium if he thinks that he made a mistake?

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Windows Home Premium Upgrade

Mar 26, 2008

My computer crashed. I re-installed HP Recovery Disc & Windows Anytime Discs - all seemed well. Then it started telling me I needed to - "Activate Windows in so many days or it would (I believe it said) become inactive? Which it did I'm now back to just Windows Home Premium.

Does this mean I have to fork out more money? and I guess and can't even just get the upgrade this time around can I? because I'm already on the Home Premium? I fairly new at all this. I'm not a computer tech, just a someone that has a homebased computer.

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Can Not Get Windows Installer On Home Premium

Mar 26, 2008

i can not get programs to install when they have been downloaded on the Internet. They progress as far as the 'Windows Installer" and then it just sits there and stalls out. I am trying to download and install both Itunes and Acrobat 8.0 Professional. I have not been able to find any solutions on the Internet

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No Aero In Windows Home Premium?

Oct 21, 2008

I recently installed Windows Vista Home Premium on my home computer and I cannot seem to find where Aero is. I looked in the obvious place. But it just isn't on here. What is wrong? I have a 32bit Vista Home Premium.

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Format Windows- Home Premium

Aug 9, 2009

How To Format My Pc(vista-home-premium)? What I Need Do This,all Step By Step,info.

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Windows Vista Premium Home SP1 Windows Defender Doesn't Start Automatically

Jul 29, 2009

I am running Windows Vista Premium Home SP1. When I boot my computer, Windows Defender doesn't start automatically. It works fine if I start it manually. I have never run Windows OneCare, MSCONFIG shows it set to start, the Windows Defender service is set to automatic and Tools | Options has all the checkboxes checked.

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Windows Home Premium Upgrade Problems

Mar 23, 2008

I purchased from Staples (07/05/2007) the Windows Anytime Upgrade disc to go from; Windows Vista Home Premium to Windows Vista Ultimate. (This was all from from a complete witch over from Windows XP to begin with as I bought a new computer system. Which, quite truthfully has been nothing but frustrating and headaches right from the beginning).

My computer crashed. I re-installed HP Recovery Disc & Windows Anytime Discs - all seemed well. Then it started telling me I needed to - "Activate Windows in so many days or it would (I believe it said) become inactive? Which it did I'm now back to just Windows Home Premium.

Does this mean I have to fork out more money? and I guess and can't even just get the upgrade this time around can I? because I'm already on the Home Premium?

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Windows Mail Screen- Home Premium

Aug 23, 2009

I seem to of lost the side panel on my email screen showing Inbox Sent mail Deleted mail
Outbox etc,etc

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Windows Home Premium Black Screen

Apr 24, 2008

I've had my HP laptop for almost about a year, and two days ago I started it up and logged in. Once logged in the screen went completely black except for the cursor. No message, no text, just black with a cursor. At first I thought it was a crash, but after several reboots still nothing. Eventually I tried Ctrl-Alt-Delete and got task manager, and then managed to get some apps up including a web browser. This doesn't sound like the descriptions of reduced functionalty mode I've read here and elsewhere. Is it? I tried going back to the oldest restore point, 2 weeks ago (I've had two auto-updates since then) but no change. Also tried running slui.exe as was suggested in anothe post here and all it says is "Activation Successful".What's going on and how can I get my system back?

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Windows X64 Home Premium Freezes Randomly

Aug 29, 2009

I've just orderdered a series of compatible hardware to assemble a new computer Now that I've installed windows vista 64 x home premium i've experienced random freezes, BSOD, and i can't play crysis either!

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Stucks For 5 Minutes Windows Home Premium

Feb 16, 2009

I have genuine windows vista home premium in my Laptop.However it takes nearly five minutes to come up to full performance after i logged(Stucks for 3 minuts after loading the Desktop and takes another 2 minutes to come to full performance). It takes so many time to load the Windows Side bar so i removed it from the start up. But for my wonder now it starts to load even slower.This problem never occured as soon as i created a new user account and logged from that.However after some days it becomes slow again.

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Upgrade Home Premium To Ultimate Or Windows 7

May 15, 2010

This might be a silly question, but I need some advice. I have Vista Home Premium 32 bit, and since the release of windows 7, the price of Vista Ultimate has dropped dramatically. My questions are these. What would be the benefit of upgrading to vista ultimate on a home PC or should I just upgrade to Windows 7?

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Activating Windows Home Premium Did Not Work

Mar 26, 2008

my activation key didi not work and when i called microsoft suppport, they said my key was actually from windows ultimate beta 1. they told me to come to the forums and put up this question to ask for help from tecnicans like u. how to solve this problem, my acivation period is gone and i'm running a one hour low support mode.

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My Admin Account Has Been Taken Over

May 20, 2008

my partner has taken control of my admin account and has locked me out of my computer...

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Firefox Start Up In Windows Vista Home Premium 64 Bit

Nov 23, 2009

Whenever I start Firefox on my Vista home premium 64 bit system, I always get a window asking me what I would like my home page and search engine to be. I check yahoo for my home page and my search engine, check "don't ask me again" and save. However when I start firefox again, it goes to the firefox welcome page and the same box pops up again. Anybody know what's going on? This is a recent phenomenon, and happens no matter which search engine or home page I select.

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Can I Use An Upgrade Edition Of Windows XP Pro From Vista Home Premium Or Do

Mar 26, 2008

Can I use an Upgrade edition of Windows XP Pro from Vista Home Premium or do. I have to buy full version?

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Expired Product Key Of Windows Vista Home Premium

Mar 23, 2008

I recently received a new computer with all new parts that had Windows XP Media Center Edition on it. I had my copy of the upgrade disc for Windows Vista Home Premium and wanted to upgrade. Well now Windows is telling me that my Product ID has expired and when I try to re-enter the ID it says it is not valid, even though it is a legitimate copy of Windows Vista. I did have this installed on another computer but then reverted back to XP for other reasons. Is there any way to get my system registered without buying another product key?

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Upgrade Home Premium To Windows 7 And Full Backup

Jan 1, 2010

My subject on this posting may be misleading. I am actually looking for a reliable full backup solution so that I can perform the upgrade with some confidence that I won't lose everything. Vista Home Premium (also Home Basic) does not include Complete PC Backup. (It was a surprise to me too!) I need a full/complete backup solution. Otherwise, the restore task is piecemeal... and very cumbersome to do and contemplate.

Should I purchase backup software? Disk imaging software? Recommendations? I purchased a sizeable disk drive and can connect it with usb. Does the Windows 7 upgrade have any options to perform the needed backup? Not likely I imagine.

Does Windows 7 Home Premium have the same defect of no Complete PC Backup or equivalent Yeah, I think it's a bad defect! This must be the first OS without a full backup solution! Or am I missing something?

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Windows Home Premium : Mouse Pointer Out Of Alignment

Apr 14, 2008

I recently bought a Dell Inspiron 530 running under Vista Home Premium. It was supplied without a monitor. I have tried it with two monitors, a small LG flat screen and a 20.5" widescreen Samsung. In both cases the mouse pointer is about 2 mm (1/8th inch) out of true so that when for example selecting files from a list in Windows Explorer it is easy to select the one below that intended. How do I synchronies the mouse pointer with the hotspots? An obvious answer is to contact Dell, but, if it comes to that, if there is some simple registry tweak in Vista, then hopefully I can fix it with kind guidance from this newsgroup.

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Windows 7 Easy Transfer Does Not Work On Home Premium 32 Bit.

Nov 24, 2009

After I started windows 7 easy transfer on Vista Home Premium 32 bit, it runs for a while, then says "please reboot your PC and try again". Rebooted a few times and still get the same error. I got tried chkdsk at reboot time and 'Repair your computer' using vista DVD instal disk.

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Windows Home Premium Ed., Control Panel Will Not Open

Aug 15, 2009

I didn't see this topic listed already. I've researched on the Net and have not been able to find a solution. Since Thurs., apparently for no reason that I can find, I have lost access to the Control Panel and all associated prorgams. I have no Windows Welcome Centre, no access to the Backup/Restore. And when I go to Microsoft to validate my program it's says I'm not running a valid version of Windows.

I've tried several different things to correct the problem ... To begin with I did the obvious -- I have checked for viruses and malware. Not the problem. I ran a scan/repair, I did a defrag. Nothing. One site said it was a problem with Software Licensing so, as it suggested, I turned off the SLUNotify Service and the Software Licensing service and then restarted both services. Nothing happened. Both are set to automatic.

Another site said it was a problem with the Nero In CD ... but I don't have anything by that name on my PC, so I know that isn't my problem. Another site said it was a problem for PCs that didn't do the Service Pack 1 update -- Well, I have that so that's not the problem either. I tried going to a restore point a couple weeks before the problem started -- did nothing to solve the problem. It was suggested I hadn't gone back far enough so I went back to the first date listed under the restore points available on my PC. Again, did nothing.

At this point, my PC keeps trying to install the Windows Updates from after my restore point -- no troubles downloading them, but when it tries to install them it gets stuck on the configuring and says it is reverting ...I'm out of ideas ... Anybody out there have anything I can try short of re-installing Windows Vista? Obviously since this problem was so sudden, I don't have my most recent files backed up and can't access the program to make a backup -- and some of these are work files I need to keep. Meanwhile I will continue researching ..

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Windows Home Premium: Profile Screen, Nothing Showing

Feb 16, 2009

I am having issues with Vista. I accidently turned off the computer while it was updating with Windows Update. Now, when I try to turn it on again, the only issue is the Windows Profile screen where you log in to your account. There is nothing showing on the screen instead. The mouse works alright. I can move around on the screen.

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Blue Screens: Windows Home Premium 64bit

Dec 31, 2008

I was having constant blue screens in my new Gateway comp. Its a laptop, M Series, 15.4 inch screen. It brought along the Windows Vista Home Premium 64bit OS with SP1. Dual processors, 4GB of memory. After countless of blue screens, they seemed to come and go, I figured the comp was just being dumb. I unistalled all the things I had placed on it [which really wasn't much] so the laptop was running with all the things it brought from scratch only. Blue screens disappeared for a day or so, and then came again, though with less frequency. I was using it today, left it for a few minutes, and when I returned it had gone to the usual stand by mode.

Moved the cursor so it would restore, but after twenty minutes of a blank black screen I decided to turn it off and on again. And that's when it started to refuse to boot. Whenever it tries the bar appears for a minute or so, and afterwards it's replaced by the BSOD. To my disdain they always disappear quickly, so the most I can read on it is something about a driver malfunction, or whatever, and the error code 0x0000007E. So yeah, if anyone has a clue as to why it won't boot, and how to fix it, I'd be grateful. Of course, I could just re-format it -- but I want to leave that option as a last case scenario.

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Admin Account Missing

Mar 14, 2009

i was messing around with the user accounts. For some reason when i go to switch user or log of I only have the option to log on as a regular user without admin rights. its says AMD below the picture... Now if i go into the user account settings i see my created admin account but i can not make any changes since I have no admin rights on the account i am logged in with. When I try to switch users I cant because only the account with no rights appears.

I tried to boot in save mode to see if the admin account is is not but it says ASP.NET with the name of the admin account ( no idea if that means any thing) When I try to unhide a account if gives me error messages. So I have an admin account but it is not visible when trying to log order for me to install programs or allow downloads in need to be the admin.

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