System Performance Can Be Improved Even After Defragmentation

Nov 17, 2008

I have my defrag set (not to run on a schedule) . After i defrag and check back it always tells me file system performance can be improved no matter how often i defrag. Is this normal?

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How To Increase System System Performance

Jun 10, 2009

I thought I would share this with you all, a few little tricks to boost Windows performance. If you have a spare USB flash drive or you are willing to get a cheap say 1GB flash drive. First we plug in the flash drive. Go to Disk Manager and assign it a drive letter, like Z: (this is just to get it out of the way and optional). Go to Advanced system settings, Evironment variables. Change the Temp variable under User to Z: (I didn't see any point creating folders, but that's optional). Change the Temp variable under System variable to Z:

This will cut down on I/O traffic to the hard drive. Starting an app like Word, would cause the HD to read the program into memory while at the same time writing into the drive, temporary files. This causes an I/O queue to form and degrade Windows performance. By off loading some of the I/O traffic to another storage device, the hard drive read/write head doesn't have to move around as much either. All performance gains.

Another trick I tried was moving Windows Search Index to a flash drive, but it won't let me select even a 16GB flash drive. Even though the Index doesn't grow beyond 1GB. It's max size seems to be just under 1GB. You can move to it to a removable drive, though. I rebuilt the Index on an external 500GB USB drive. Again, this cuts down I/O traffic to the internal hard drive..........

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Improved Graphics And Adaptability To More Complex Programs

May 15, 2008

Amidst all of the naysayers and whiners, I cast one vote in favor of VISTA which is much superior to any prior MS OS in terms of improved graphics and adaptability to more complex programs. The main problem with this forum is that too many people have just enough knowledge to get themselves into a jam and not enough smarts to get out. Looking backwards at XP will avail you nothing but a stiff neck. Get with the program !

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System Performance Increase

Aug 7, 2009

I would like to know the best way to increase performance on this system. I am already using system mechanic and it is very fast running vista but i would like to squeezze the last bit of performance that i can out of this system.

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ReadyBoost: Port And Configuring 'Improve System Performance'

Sep 6, 2009

I've just started to use readyboost by pushing a 4GB usb stick into the port and configuring it to 'Improve system performance'. I can see its little light flashing, so I assume it is working. Is there anyway of measuring how much it is improving (or not) system performance. I have 2 Gb ram.

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Effect Of The Software Maintenance Activities Carried Out Has On The Performance Of A Computer System

Feb 19, 2009

Tell me the effect of the software maintenance activities carried out has on the performance of a computer system??

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APIs And Kernel Features That Really Do Improve System Performance And Make It Easier

Apr 16, 2008

"I think the most disappointing thing for me is that part of me wants to like Vista, because there are a lot of interesting APIs and kernel features that really do improve system performance and make it easier to write for Windows" Many of them even work on older computers, and I doubt these features are why Vista is bloated. That is why I suggested trimming down Vista once.

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Mar 10, 2008

Has anyone defragmented a hard drive under Vista My Ultimate says 'it will take anything from a few minutes to a few hours' I rather liked the XP defragmentation in that it at least gave you a general idea of how it was going. Does anyone know of a way to get Vista to show some sort of 'progress' display?

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Cancel Defragmentation.

May 15, 2010

I have a laptop with 250 gb hd. Haven't defragged in over a year, and I have almost filled the drive and then moved a lot of files to an ext. hd, several times, so it should be well overdue for a defrag. Vista Defragmenter analyzed and told me there was no need for a defrag. I started the Defrag anyway, and that was about 4 hours ago and it's still going. This is the 2nd and last time I will ever use the Vista Defragmenter - the only other time I did it took overnight before it turned off, probably 12 hours or more.

My questions are:

1) Is it okay to click "Cancel Defragmentation".
2) Can I use the computer while it is defragging? At least for web surfing?
3) Why do you think it said that I don't need defrag, and then when I choose to defrag anyway it's not done after 4 -5 hours.
4) I read in a thread somewhere that anytime the computer is used during a defrag, causes the defrag to restart.

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Defragmentation Does Not Loading Bar

Feb 24, 2010

i have a vista home premium with a 138GB HD (82GB full, 56GB free) on an HP pavillion computer. my computer is about 2-3years old.

1) how long does it take to defragmentation for the 1st time? the last time i did it (and the 1st time, with all the info above, my computer didn't finish even after 12hrs+. unfortunately, defragmentation does not have some loading bar, so i could not tell if the thing just stopped or it was just taking a super long time.)

2) also, when i did defragmentation for the 1st time, my computer started losing free space! what's going on?

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Defragmentation Not Working

Jul 29, 2009

I have a rather peculiar problem. The system I'm trying to defrag is currently 51% fragged, and, as you can imagine, that's just much too high. I've tried defragging using both Vista's built in defragger and the software Defraggler, but each time, the fragmentation level goes UP by a percent or two when it's finished. I've never encountered defrag issues on this level before. The system is running Vista Ultimate 32-bit, with quite a bit of hardware power behind it. If you need specs, ask (I'm not actually at that computer right now, else I'd post them now).

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How Do I View Defragmentation Process?

Mar 27, 2009

How do I view the progress of a HD Defrag in Windows Vista Home Prmium SP1 x64. In Win XP you could watch the progress by clicking on the window while the drive was being defragged.

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Defragmentation Feature Request!

Apr 17, 2008

the defragmentation-tool-developer-team, add some progress information to the tool.

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Disk Defragmentation For VIsta

Mar 23, 2008

The disk defragmentor that came with Vista shows only a circulating icon as it progresses. Is there a defragmentor which shows a) how badly the disk looks iniitally and b) how the defragmenting is progressing (as in my old XP system?

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How To Bring The Old-fashion Disk Defragmentation

Dec 2, 2008

i was wondering if it is possible to bring the old-fashion Disk Defragmentation which we used previously in Windows XP

i mean this one:

instead of this one:

the problem facing me when using Disk Defragmentation in Windows Vista is i cant see reports or see the graph of my disk before and after the Defragmentation process. besides, i feel more comfortable with the old Defragmentation appearance found in Windows XP.

is it possible to bring back the Disk Defragmentation appearance in Windows Vista

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Vista Board Defragmentation Tool

Feb 6, 2009

I recently installed a beta version (build 7000) of this O.S. The installation went very well and on a previously formatted disc, completed in 20 minutes. All of my Vista software was installed without problems. I realise that this a beta version, and as such may be subject to quite a number of improvements and bug fixes during the next few months. My initial impression though is that this a good system, but not very much better than Vista. There is an on board defragmentation tool, which operates automatically, in addition to spectacular new desktops, but overall it looks more like the result of a Vista service pack. Being quite satisfied with my currentVista ultimate, I am at this stage definitely not prepared to spend money again on this "new" operating system as soon as it appears in the shops.

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Performance Drop

Jan 20, 2010

I've suddenly got a steep proformance drop that makes playing all my games pretty much impossible.

It usually states when I'm playing MW2. I turn on the game and have no performance issues. I enter a game and no performance issues. The game starts and no performance issues. It's only until around 5-10 minutes in that I experience the performance drop. When that happens, I can't do anything except to hope that the performance goes back up again. Reducing the resolution does not help. Changing my graphics card from quality based to proformance based does not help. Increasing my performance vs power saving does not help. I'm not running any other programs that are using up all the space (How would I? you can't even tab out of MW2 while you're playing it). Restarting the computer also does not help.

Worse still, this performance drop also affects everything else randomly as well.
I really don't know what I can do.

This has happened before, but not for this long.

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Performance Indicators And % ?

May 15, 2010

I have just set up my two Vista systems and would like to know what the rest of you get as far as your CPU and RAM% are concerned.

On my small Benq joybook it hovers at 55%cpu and 50%ram.

On my Dragon it hovers at 2%cpu and 55% ram at idle.

Any help and info would be great. Ide like to try and reduce the cpu on the Benq obviously as well as the ram on both machines.

Both machine are quite fresh, not really loaded with software. Running N360 on both machines.

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SP1 Performance Still AWFUL!

Apr 10, 2008

Full backup across my network:

Started 4/10/2008 1:37:55 AM
Scanning 'C:'
Completed 4/10/2008 1:08:27 PM
Folders Compared: 17445; Files Compared: 0; Folders Created: 17445; Files
Copied: 145057 (26576807906 bytes)

Just short of 12 hours. Dreadful...just dreadful!

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Very Slow Performance With 32

Mar 23, 2008

I have a Sony Vaio VGN-FZ11S, with Vista Home 32. The laptop has a Core 2 Duo T7100 @1.8GHz and 2Gb RAM. I run Office 2007, Dreamweaver, Flash, Fireworks, Corel, etc... Sometimes the machine becomes so slow I almost fall asleep (literally!) while waiting for it do perform a simple task such as opening IE or showing a menu or opening an email message. I should add that my PST has 5.6 Gb. I'd like to reduce its size, although I don't think it is the cause of the slow running, but I need to keep many emails... I have talked with Sony and they simply refuse to let their customers downgrade to Xp. So, besides tweaking (which I don't know how to), what can I do to my laptop to avoid these episodes of EXTREMELY slow running?

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Sluggish Performance In 64

Mar 4, 2009

I have been battling a problem with my new build for almost 3 months. My rig:

Gigabyte EP45-UD3R
Core2Quad Q6600
G.Skill DDR2-800 2x2GB
Geforce 6800 GT
PC&P Silencer 500W
WD Black 1 TB
Vista Home Premium 64-bit

My performance is terrible! This is my first experience with vista. My pc runs sluggishly, sims 2 game crashes at startup, my other 2 games (half life 2, left 4 dead) are very choppy and unplayable. Browsing playlist in iTunes with cover art displayed is choppy and slow (unusable, i have to turn the cover art off).

If I take out 1 of my sticks of RAM it seems fine. If i load XP, it seems fine, even with both sticks.

I have ran memtest on my ram, tried my ram in all the slots, ran prime 95 for hours with no errors, ran diagnostics on my hdds, rma'd my motherboard (they returned it saying nothing was wrong with it), purchased a new motherboard (asus p5q), tried 2 other kinds of RAM, updated all of my drivers, reinstalled vista a billion times, and NOTHING has worked.

The only thing left to replace is my cpu and before I go through that hassle, I just want to exhaust the last avenue, since the problem is only evident in vista with all my memory sticks installed.

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Performance Tuning

Aug 1, 2008

I have a 2 FX-74 2 core 64 bit 3Ghz CPUs and 8 GB of ram.
I run Excel 2007 but can only get about 55% CPU utilization.
The main task at hand is to run a spreadsheet over and over again with different data. Each pass is taking 6 min.

I have never seen the system CPU 100% busy. Is there a way to extend the time slices so the threads run longer and do not have to start and stop as much? (cut down the context switching?)

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SP1 Gaming Performance

Mar 23, 2008

Just wondering if anyone has had any issues and/or problems since SP1 was released today.I know it may be too early to tell what with the manufacturers rushing to create drivers that will actually take advantage of the over 550 hotfixes incorperated into SP1, but so far for me at least I have seen at least a 20% increase in overall gaming performance and system response. One main thing I've seen that has not improved is any source games. It seems the source engine is either not a fan of vista, or the 8800 series cards. But as for games such as World of Warcraft and Unreal Tournament III, all seem to have an increase in FPS and load times.If anyone has a positive or negative comments for SP1, please let me know; very curious to see what Microsoft has accomplished/screwed up.

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IncreasE CPU Performance?

Mar 23, 2008

I'm really interested in a possibility of increasing my CPU performance on my Vista Ultimate 32-bit PC. Cooler Master Gemin II processor cooler (non-stock) Note: Windows Experience Index is 3.0 because of Processor, all other ratings are 4.5 and higher! Note 2: I have all newest motherboard (and other) drivers! Question: Should I try overclocking, and if yes, by how much, and how?

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HDMI Performance?

Aug 27, 2009

I just got a new LCD monitor for my PC that has a HDMI port. I have a couple of newb questions about HDMI on the PC.

1. Will the image quality be any better?

2. I mainly play games on my PC. Will using the HDMI be better or worse?

3. I have a HT Omega Claro + audio card. Will using HDMI effect this audio card?

My video card is a Sapphire 4870 card. I virtually know nothing about HDMI on PC's.

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Poor Performance With X64

Apr 8, 2009

I'm new to a x64 OS, I did have Home Premium (32bit) on my PC but upgraded yesterday. Since upgrading (clean install) I've notice that the boot times are longer and the shut down times have increased significantly. One of the reasons I moved to x64 was because of the faster boot and shut down times. A few other programs are taking longer to load/respond but I'm not sure if that's because they are 32bit programs running in a x64 environment....

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Performance Aero 2.7 Now 2.0

May 1, 2008

My performance rating for Aero was 2.7 and is now 2.0. How can I improve my performance rating?

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Vista SP1 Performance Still AWFUL!

Apr 11, 2008

Full backup across my network:

Started 4/10/2008 1:37:55 AM
Scanning 'C:'
Completed 4/10/2008 1:08:27 PM
Folders Compared: 17445; Files Compared: 0; Folders Created: 17445; Files
Copied: 145057 (26576807906 bytes)

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Slow Performance Within Vista

Nov 8, 2007

I've finally decided to jump on the Vista boat ( or off the XP boat as it may be ), so I've installed Vista64 on my secondary hard drive and have been trying to get it in shape to use all week.

Unfortunately it hasn't been going smoothly. I've had no crashes or lockups to speak of, but my performance within Vista is just abysmal. The windows chug as they scroll around, and launching Internet Explorer is an exercise in frusteration. In particular, any page with a Flash ad running at the top absolutely cripples me.

I'd have to guess that something is amiss with my graphical setup. I'm using an EVGA GeForce 8800 GTS as my display adapter, which is currently rated 2.9 in Windows Aero, and 5.9 for Gaming Graphics. Everything else is right around 5.0. The Gaming score seems on par with what I've heard elsewhere, but 2.9 seems pretty low for Aero. Does this sound funny to anyone else?

I've installed every update available, with the exception of Extras and Language packs. I've gotten the latest Forceware driver for Vista64 ( 169.04 ), as well as all the Windows Update hotfixes that Nvidia reccomends.

Does anyone have any further suggestions that I should try? Or does anyone have similar hardware with much better performance?

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Vista SP2 Big Performance Increase?

Mar 11, 2009

Does someone know it the nex version og Windows vista will introduce performance increase?

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Fix Slow Firewire Performance?

Jun 1, 2008

I have vista64 and service pack one. I have tried several hotfixes but they "do not apply to my system." I have also disabled Remote Differential Compression. My Firewire transfer speeds slow and eventually hang. The drive is fine, I have tested it on other computers. How do i fix Vista64 to properly copy files to and from my firewire drive?

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