Processes Tab On Task Manger

Mar 4, 2009

I've been working with a new audio recorder program and after working with it I close it down. When I attempt to open it up later it will not open. I started checking and saw that under the Processes Tab on Task Manager it was there. So not knowing what else to do I ended the process. Then the program opens as usual. Can anyone explain this? Why would the program still remain there and NOT appear under any other tabs such as Services? How can I fix this so that I don't have to repeat this each time I want to use the program?

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Task Manager: Click On The "Show Processes From All Users" Button From The Processes Tab, Nothing Happens

Apr 14, 2009

Running Vista Business with SP1. When I click on the "Show processes from all users" button from the Processes tab, nothing happens. I expect to see a window asking for elevation credentials. However ... nothing. Nor is there anything (that I could find) in the Event Viewer logs.

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Task Manger Disable Admin

Mar 23, 2008

I'm having some problems with my PC, I use Vista home basic by the way. I think its to do with administrative privilages. Basically my account is the Administrator account but some things won't work for me. For example, if i want to change my IE homepage i can't because the field to type in is unclickable. At the bottom of the options page it says "Some settings are managed by your sytem administrator". Another problem is when I try use Task Manager, a message appears saying "Task Manager has been disabled by your administrator". I have run scans for malware and stuff like that but nothing has been identified. I can't remember making changes myself but I do have younger siblings that may have in advertantly.

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Task Manger 238 Mb Cached Doesn't Show

Aug 10, 2009

i have a computer with only 512 mb, so i decided to buy some new ram, i got it today and bought a 1gb memory, after i put it inside my computer, i switched on my computer and it says 510 mb in task manager 238 mb cached, and 1 free, how come it doesn't show 1.5 gb in the physical memory bit under the performance part?

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Blank Box Task Manger Stop Update Process

Oct 29, 2008

running vista home prem. when i go to windows update I just get a blank box. the only way to close it is to go to task manager and stop the update process . there are no error messages

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How Many Processes Should Be Running In Task Bar?

Nov 9, 2009

Right now I have 52, CPU usage hovers around 5-15, phisical memory 21%. I have 2 terabites of memory, mostly music software for composition. 1 terabite is being used, theres still well over 500 gigs of free space. I have like 13 svchose.exes running, 6 avgs, and a bunch of other crap Ive never heard of. Searching these in google doenst really do anything, I mean it tells me what it is kind of, but Im still afraid to mess with it. If this computer goes I'm ruined. I dont want to uninstall anyting or make a music application not run for some reason. I've ran spybot and avg full edition, encase it was a spyware issue. Would taking it in to a PC shop solve the problem? Or will they remove something valuable, accidentally. Perfomance is still excellent, but 52 processes,

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Task Manager/Processes

Aug 8, 2007

Vista 64, 2gb ram, Geforce 8600, 250 gb sata hd, intel 6420 core2duo cpu, asus P5L vm mobo. Anyone suggest a tool that will let me see what exactly is running in the background. In the task manager/processes there a "Host Process for Windows" going on thats using approx 107,212K of memory. Image name is Svchost.exe, would this be the Superfetch at work here ? Also I seem to have 68 processes (which I think could be reduced)going on in total, cpu usage when idle is at 1% and physical memory at 58 %. Are these figures near normal for the above specs ? The computer does'nt seem any slower.

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Task Manager Does Not Appear To Show Me All The Processes

Jul 29, 2009

64-bit Vista Home Premium. I've noticed that task manager does not appear to show me all the processes that are actually running. The number of processes as displayed on the program's status bar is invariably larger than the number of processes actually shown. Is there some way to reveal ALL the processes that Vista says is running?

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Task Manager. Why Does Is Show Only A Few Processes Running At Low Power?

May 15, 2010

In Xp when I used the task manger it told me how much CPU is being used. this was very helpful because if one particular process was taking up to much power I ended task.

Yet in Vista x32, even when the cpu is going at full pelt, it only register a few % on the odd program. Something is running, but I do not know what. This has been an ongoing problem for years, and I have installed and reinstalled, and run ant viuses and malware and root kits. Yet when running fully loaded, it never shows what is running, even when showing all users.

My laptop is a Dell inspiron 1720.

I would be grateful if somebody could shed so light on this upgrade from Xp.

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Taskbar Manger Did Not Consistantly

Jan 26, 2009

When I right click on the taskbar and click on the notification area, then under Icons I click customize I notice this weird inconsistency. See the Icon symbols (like the green grid you get for you task manager) did not consistantly match the titles. Like the green grid would be with both Task manager and with Antivira - Antivirus. This seems like a small little problem and it very well maybe but it keeps on bothering me.

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Dell Inspiron 530 Not Showing Networking Device Manger

Feb 20, 2009

I have been asked to look at a problem with a computer at our local social club. It's a Dell Inspiron 530. It was not showing anything to do with Networking in the device manager so I went to the BIOS and enabled the network.

When I restarted Vista this time the network device was showing in the device manager but that there were no drivers installed for it. If I can manage to locate the Vista installation CD would that help me to get it working? If I cannot locate the original CD would it be okay to use my own CD instead?

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Scheduled Task - States Task Ran - No Results

Mar 8, 2009

I have a bat file that runs without errors on the command line. Uses robocopy to back up document drectory. The scheduler history states it started, action completed with an error code 16 (don't know what this means) and task successfully completed? But I do not think it is actually executing the bat file.

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Cannot Delete Task In Task Scheduler

Mar 9, 2010

When I open task scheduler a pop up says "an error has occurred for task MCVsurveyReminder4 Error message the specified name is not vailid.". It repeats 4 time when i click OK and is followed by 4 of "an error has occurred for task MCVregistrationReminder4 Error message the specified name is not vailid". And finally by "an error occurred for task reminders - username Error message the specified account name is not valid"

I think it is something to do with a task to register my vaio or take part in a survey but I cannot get rid. It is in task scheduler local and there is no delete. I found a similar situation on the vaio site but cannot find now.Found it

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Using Over 2gb Of Ram In Processes

Jan 22, 2008

So i checked my task manager and noticed vista was using over 2gb ram 2.14 to be exact with very little programs open. Is this normal? Im on 4gb of ocz reaperx ram 5-5-5-15 1000mhz, and ive done the usual msconfig disable stuff that doesnt need to load at startup from loading but this seems rather high? would hate to think what it would be like with only 2gb of ram. Currently have 50 processes running in task manager.

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101 Processes Going In Taskbar?

May 7, 2010

I am sorry but I am ignorant about the computer system. I have a Toshiba I bout about a year ago that runs Vista. On the computer it says Vista PC Workgroup Processor Intel(R) Core(TM)2Duo My Internet connections have been glitchy lately. Our service is in a package deal (phone, cable, Internet) and usually is pretty good, but lately it was taking several tries to change websites. Someone said that it was due to the number of processes in my task bar. They said it should be around 24, but my has 100.

I am a school teacher and I have Smart Board software which takes up space, but I was wondering how I should know which processes to delete/ end. I tried deleting programs and I somehow lost my sound icon on my toolbar,

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Running At Opening Processes Are Not

May 6, 2010

I like to keep my Vista running efficiently. Right now I have 60 processes running on opening and was wondering if I really need them all. So, and here's the dumb part, I thought that if I moved about twenty icon from V's taskbar and put them on the Desktop, that I would reduce the number of processes running. Didn't seem to make any difference. So I guess this is a three part question:

1. Does it make any difference where I have the program icons positioned - Taskbar or Desktop?
2. Are 60 processes running at opening too much. Or to put it another way, does this effect performance?
3. And if it does, how does one determine which processes aren't needed on start up? BTW, going to msconfig and startup, I only have 4 items checked.

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Startup Processes Can Disable

Jan 4, 2009

i got my laptop about a year ago and have just started to dig into all the microsoft crap that runs on it. what i want to know is any and all processes that you guys know of that can be disabled in msconfig. its disappointing that my old desktop computer.

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Hdd Shows Up Folder Empty: Vistas Disk Manger Shows File

May 23, 2009

My buddy was bringing over some files for me on his laptop hdd running xp. I plugged it into my vista x64 computer via usb and I am having a few issues. The hdd shows up in My Computer and shows stuff in it but when I open it, it says that the folder is empty. I whent to Vistas disk manager and it shows everything is fine with the hdd but for some reason the files just wont show up.

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2 Instances Of Sidebar.exe Showing In The Processes Tab

Apr 25, 2009

I just noticed when looking in task manager that I have 2 instances of sidebar.exe showing in the processes tab. This is true for both my desktop running 64 bit and my laptop running 32 bit. Both are using different amounts of memory and both are running under the same user name. Is this normal and if so why are there two instances?

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Updating Processes: Upgrade To A Quad

May 7, 2009

Right now I have Intel® Core™2 Duo Processor E6850. What would I have to do to upgrade to a Quad? What do I need to check because I would like to upgrade to one of these. Extreme Desktop Computer - Intel. Multimedia Computer - Intel

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Hacked: Unable To Close The Processes

Jul 1, 2008

Internet Explore and Windows Host Process Server on my computer are attempting to connect multiple times a day (20 or more) to numerous ip addresses across a wide viriety of ports in the 45000's. I have been unable to close the processes. The Internet Explorer process has been running as a seperate program that I am unable to see and uses 45,000k of ram. It is also not possible for me to shut the program down. I have nine svchost.exe (windows host process services) running which are also attempting to communicate with These events are of great concern to me as I work for a financial firm and keep large amounts of proprietary knowledge on my computer.

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80+Running Processes And 50%+ Physical Memory

Mar 31, 2009

I just want to know how to optimize vista,I run very few programs except Zone Alarm Pro and Symantec antivirus. But in the task manager, there are 80 running processes, and 50%+ physical memory,the CPU usage is usually 15%-50%. Is there any professional software to optimize vista PS, friends told me vista is crappy and xp is better, but I have no other choices cuz the OS is from the HP.

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Multiple Windows OS Startup Processes

Jan 25, 2009

So, I was getting bored and decided to follow up on some of the performance tweeking I've been doing. Anyway, I got a bit sidetracked and decided to go to the "Reboot Time" tread, which them prompted me to go ahead and diable some of my useless startup processes. Thing is, something strange kind of popped out at me... Why are there two "Microsoft Windows Operating System" processes when as far as I can tell from the reboot thread, people have 1? I'm assuming it isn't smart to randomly diable either, so I came here to ask.

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Kill Processes From Command Prompt

May 16, 2009

I'm sure you are familiar with the traditional way to kill or end a process in Windows using Task Manager.  This method is effective but not nearly as fun as killing a process in Command Prompt.  Additionally, killing processes in Command Prompt provides much more control and the ability to end multiple processes at once....

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Identify Processes To Delete (free Up Memory)

Feb 6, 2009

I need help identifying processes running and how to shutdown so that I can free up memory...I have anywhere from 80 to +90 processes running. I have 2GB memory and 80%-90% is always being used? I have like 12-16 svchost running and have no idea what they are.

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Power Outage During Computer Wake-up Stops 32-bit Processes From Running

Apr 16, 2009

Recently, while taking my Vista x64 Ultimate computer out of sleep mode, a power outage occurred. When I turned my computer back on, no 32 bit applications run - not even the operating system's own services such as Windows Installer will run if they are 32-bit.

I tried typing 'firefox' in the Task Manager to see what happened. The process appeared for a moment, then was instantly killed. I don't know why. The Windows event log has been unhelpful in diagnosing the problem.

I also looked at Task manager at startup, and saw that all the * 32 processes were dying moments after Vista boots and show the desktop.

I have tried system restore, nothing worked. I tried to auto-repair my system in the windows recovery console, that didn't work either. Is there anything I can do to fix this problem short of simply reinstalling the OS, which I am reticent to do? If so, what should I do?

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Software To Show Real Time Boot Processes On Screen

Nov 13, 2009

Is there any software that show what process is currently starting and running on screen in real time? I have Vista Ultimate. Somewhere along the startup of Vista there is a long wait. I think the perpetrator is the AppLauncher in the Vista Sidebar containing too many icons. In fact 56 of them. I guess the wait is while hte software is locating all relevant folders. But then again, I really don't know, as the wait is still there even when the sidebar start up is disabled. All I want is a few words on screen stating that this or that process is now starting... The list of started processes I can see in my Sysinternals Process Explorer. Do you guys know of such a ultility?

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Make Mapped Network Connections Work For Privilege Escalated Processes

Mar 5, 2007

Ever wonder why you get network authentication errors when you are trying access a mapped network share from a process that was elevated by UAC? Josh over at WindowsConnected has a great article on how you can fix this annoying issue:

On Windows Vista when you map a drive under your admin account you will find that your mapped drive is not available after you switch to your full token via a RunAs or Consent dialog. This is by design because there are actually two tokens in play here. What happens is the LSA recognized that you are admin at logon and creates two logons. The first with a "filtered" token or non-admin which is used to render your desktop and the other containing your full token to be available after consent dialogs. 

Because there are two separate logons there are separate logon ID's.  When network shares are mapped they are linked to the current logon session for the current process token. Meaning you don't have access to the network drive from the alternate logon. This can come into play with logon scripts and a number of other areas where you may require access to a network share from both tokens....

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Task Bar Is Missing

Mar 23, 2009

I have a system in which the Task Bar is missing - but the start button is there - only the bar is missing - or you can say i cannot see it.

What will be the Fix for it.

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Task Icons Do Not Appear

Feb 25, 2009

I don't see my sound mixer / aim icons or any other icons anymore in the start bar.

I do see the clock & date, normally under that i saw for example the icon for external drives, processes, my virus scanner, etc. but they are gone now.

First my taskmanager was disabled, but i got it to work with the tutorial here on the forum. But still no icons.

Is there anyone that could help me getting back my icons?

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Create A Task

Apr 16, 2008

I have been trying to figure out how to create a task in Task Scheduler.
I would like my machine to create a restore point daily. I am ok until the
Actions dialog.

Quote: When you create a task, you must specify the action that will occur when your task starts. Am I correct in assuming that I can create a task that will create a restore point
on a daily schedule for me?

As y'all are aware it wants me to specify the name of the program I want it to run.
I have no idea of the name of the program that creates restore points.
And I have no idea where to find the name.
I have been using this tutorial but I need the name of the program.

Task Scheduler - Create Task

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