Physical Memory: Change The System Config But It Will Only Allow To Select 2048 Mb

Jun 21, 2009

Recently had reason to return my PC to the store because it would not post. After weeks the store said it was a RAM failure. I had 4 GB of Ram installed. Eventually I got my PC returned and they had put 5 MB of RAM in .... The problem is my PC can only see 2 GB of physical memory. I have now got three 1 GB and one 2 GB of ram installed. My PC is preforming worse than ever. I am stating to think my PC can only see or should i say use the 2 GB bar for some reason. I have even tried to change the system config but it will only allow me to select 2048 mb.

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Vista 64 Installed Physical Memory Vs Total Physical Memory

Mar 26, 2009

I'm running Vista 64 Home (SP1) Premium on a homebuilt machine w/8GB (4 X 2GB modules). Windows is reporting 8 GB of Installed Physical Memory but is reporting only 4 GB of Total Physical Memory. I first noticed this when, after installing a game, the game system specs said 3092 MB of RAM.

I have checked the BIOS and it recognizes 8 GB. Memory Remapping is Enabled. Under Memory Remapping is "PCI MMIO Allocation: 4GB to 3328 MB" (?). MSConfig Boot Options shows Max Memory is not checked and no value in the box below. I tried enabling it and using 8192 as the value, but it made no difference. DxDiag shows 8 GB installed RAM. how I can get windows to make available all 8 GB of RAM? (Motherboard is ASUS Maximus II Extreme w/Intel Q9550 processor running at Q9650 clock speed, memory running at 1127 MHz

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Total Memory Available 3.3GB With 4GB Physical Memory Under Windows 7 64 Bit

Nov 29, 2009

I had 4GB physical memoryon the PC. With Windows vista 32 bit, available memory is shown as 3.3GB. I asked and was told that only under 64 bit windows, will the available memory be 4GB. When I upgraded to windows 7, I chosed 64 bit, but the available memory shown in the system is still 3.3 GB. Why is this and is there a way to make the full 4GB available? It's possible that my video card is using RAM instead of its own RAM. If I install a video card with its own RAM, will the full 4GB be available?

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Total Memory Available Is Only 3.3GB With 4GB Physical Memory Under Windows 7 64 Bit

May 16, 2010

I had 4GB physical memoryon the PC. With Windows vista 32 bit, available memory is shown as 3.3GB. I asked on usenet and was told that only under 64 bit windows, will the available memory be 4GB. When I upgraded to windows 7, I chosed 64 bit (I did clean install of course), but the available memory shown in the system is still 3.3 GB. This is show in both task manager under performance->Physical memory->total, and 'property of My Computer'->Installed memory (4GB/3.3 GB usable)........

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Physical Memory/RAM

Jun 30, 2008

I have an HP Desktop Pavilion m8150n, Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600, Windows Vista Ultimate (32), 4GB RAM, 640GB hard drive, NVIDIA GeForce 8400GS. I have upgrade Vista with sp1. I have been having some problems with my pc hesitating when I'm clicking on things in a game. I have just recently upgraded my memory from 3 to 4GB, thinking this would solve my problem. It hasn't. When I go into the Task Manager, it shows Physical Memory (MB) Total 3581, Cached 2730 and only 56 Free. Is this my problem? I have a long list of processes and services running and I'm sure I don't need all of this running at the same time. This could also be causing my problem, but not sure. I have shut down some of these processes, but I'm not sure which ones I actually need to run the computer. This problem is extremely frustrating. I have 211GB free on my hard drive and the box is checked for Index drive for faster searching. I would be happy to provide any other information.

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4 GO Ram : Memory Still Cannot Use Physical

Mar 23, 2008

We see lots of messages on many forums related to people wondering why their system does not show their full 4,0 GO. I have 4 GO on both my desktop and laptop. It showed 3,325 GO on the desktop before I upgraded to SP1 RC. Now it shows 4,0. Same thing happenned when I upgraded to 4 GO to my laptop. Since SP1 RC was already installed, it showed 4 GO right off he bat. I guess it only shows the total memory but still cannot use it since the physical limitations are still there. Or are they? Of course I am using Vista Business on both systems, x32 version .

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How Windows Uses Physical Memory

May 21, 2008

I'm trying to settle a debate with someone about how Windows (32bit)
allocates memory. In short, my opponent seems to think that ALL applications
will be swapped in and out of the SAME 2 GB of *physical* memory. I suggested
that this was nonsense and instead the OS will use whatever physical memory
it has available. Thus, in theory, if you have a 4 GB system with no swap
file, you could run three applications that take 1 GB assuming that the OS is
consuming no more than 1 GB. Can I get an engineer at Microsoft to confirm
that this is how it works and if so, can I get a link that outlines that

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Physical Memory: Constant 80 To 90

May 10, 2008

My memory usage (shown in task manager) is at a constant 80 to 90 used even though I have nothing running.(cpu usage minimal) What is causing the problem or what is using this much memory?

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Clear Physical Memory

Jun 7, 2008

i wanted to know if you can clear your physical memory?

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Appropriate Physical Memory Not Shown

Jun 14, 2009

my sys says 4gigs of physical memory but i have 8 gigs of stix whats up & how do i eneble the rest ?

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Installed Physical Memory

Jul 6, 2009

ive always ran XP but i heard from a friend that XP could only read up to 4gig of ram. So not wanting the ram to go to waste ive gone out and bought Vista Home Premium 32bit because he said vista could handle the ram.

After installation ive discovered that my installed physical memory is only 4GB Originally i thought maybe all the drivers have to be installed so i did that but still no difference. Then i googled it and ended up on vista forums, from what ive read 32bit can only handle up to 4gb but the 64bit can handle...well it didnt say a figure but just said "all of your ram".

Just wanted some clarification as to what i am reading is entirely true. And whether its worth going out and buying the 64bit edition. Also if i did go buy the 64 bit edition is it easily enough to just install it over the top of my current 32 bit?

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Physical Memory Dump?

Dec 2, 2007

My wife has gotten a Blue Screen saying "Physical Memory Dump" twice today (after several hours both times). Any idea what's causing this? What does it mean? Running x64 bit Vista

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8GB Installed But Only 4GB - 'Total Physical Memory'?

Mar 13, 2009

Hi all, I've just upgraded from 4GB to 8GB of RAM. When I look in system information its says the following:

Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 8.00 GB

Total Physical Memory 4.00 GB

Available Physical Memory 3.16 GB

I'm basicaly wondering why its says that I have 8GB installed but only 4GB - 'Total Physical Memory'? In Task manager - Performance, it says that I have 8GB of physical memory so it is being used.

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Hogging Physical Memory On Bootup

Feb 3, 2009

for a coupla months now but it finally got to me last night, my Vista 32bit PC is hogging my physical memory on bootup---seems like forever. my light on front is constantly on. i ran through a lot of tests last night to see whats up. i did see major spikes in my resources moniter. but i could not see or find what was useing it up. my physical memory showed 65% usage. i managed to do some windows updates and reboot which helped. i also ran chkdsk for my C hard drive.(i have 3 hard drives total). since it rebooted without me there, i assume the C hard drive may be ok.

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80+Running Processes And 50%+ Physical Memory

Mar 31, 2009

I just want to know how to optimize vista,I run very few programs except Zone Alarm Pro and Symantec antivirus. But in the task manager, there are 80 running processes, and 50%+ physical memory,the CPU usage is usually 15%-50%. Is there any professional software to optimize vista PS, friends told me vista is crappy and xp is better, but I have no other choices cuz the OS is from the HP.

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Physical Memory Not Shown Correct

Feb 14, 2007

I just added 1 GB of memory to my computer bringing my memory up to 1280 according to Vista and after I restarted the computer and everything loaded I noticed that the Task Manager is showing a different amount of available memory then what the system information is showing. Task Manager was showing that I only had 15 MB of memory free I knew that something was wrong so I went to the system information in the system tools menu and it showed I had 800 MB of memory available.

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64 Bit Physical Memory Is Shown Less On Summary Page?

Feb 19, 2009

My system is a Vista Ultimate 64-bit with 12 Gb installed physical memory,

however, on the system summary under system information it only shows 3.99 Gb of TOTAL Physical memory.

Why is vista not able to recognize the full 12 Gb ? I thought the 64-bit OS was supposed to recognize up to 128 Gb. Any ideas???

My motherboard is an ASUS P6T Deluxe Intel X58, CPU= Intel Core i7 Extreme 965(4x 3.2 GHz;8MB L3 Cache).

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Installed/Total Physical Memory Discrepancies

Mar 7, 2009

As you can see this is a 64-bit OS. I'm getting these contradictions in Vista and not Windows 7 on the same machine. A picture is worth a thousand words so ... below are 6 snips, the top 3 are Vista and the bottom 3 are Windows 7 for comparison.

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Free Physical Memory Drops To Zero Right After Reset

Mar 7, 2009

I have 4 gigs of RAM and Vista Home Premium. My memory free goes from 4000 to 9 in about seven minutes flat. What is going on? Dropping to 0 is sorta nuts with 4 gigs of ram and only explorer running.

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Rating Index Shown Physical Memory

Mar 23, 2008

I have purchased a new computer with Intel Dual Core 1.6 GHz, 256 MB Nvidia card, 1 GB RAM, 250 GB SATA HDD. My rating index is shown as 3.0 even though I have updated it several times. Also, available physical memory is also shown just above 300 MB. Is anything needs to be updated, I am unable to understand what is going wrong here.

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Physical Memory : Server Error Can't Download Extra

Aug 13, 2009

I have Windows Vista Home Premium 32bit and the problem I'm having is my computer is not using its full Memory, like, It came with 3gigs, and I upgraded it to 4.50 gigs and it says I still have 1.56 remaining. Now I've heard people say have I remaped it...But I dont know how. Apparently I can use my extra 1.56 thats...Not being used since I upgraded it...I thought it was automatic. I'm just looking for a answer so I can use my extra RAM.(I have looked at a hotfix and when I go to download it, it says a server error or whatever and I can't download it.)

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0x00000123 Stop Error Physical Memory Dump

Jun 15, 2008

0x00000123 stop error physical memory dump. I searched it on google and to avail a few people fixed it by over-clocking, I'm not sure if they over-clock their memory or CPU though, also I don't like over-clock, anyone wanna help me figure this out? I can give any information needed. I'm also concerned about my CPU's voltage:

it's reading 1.27 right now which seems high concidering people with the Q6600 have around 1.27 X_X. Also what settings in the BIOS goes with RAM and CPU over-clocking? like I said though XP runs fine, Vista does do this.

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System Config Services Audio Off

Jan 11, 2009

I'm a bit of a luddite but i've been trying to get less services to start when i start my computer and thus Vista, and have inadvertantly now turned off my audio services (remarkably, even after turning off loads of other things, this seems to be the only thing that has changed). I can't tell from my active services list (after doing msconfig) which one is affecting my audio. I've made sure the obvious ones are still ticked, of course. Is there anyone who could give me an idea of which one should be ticked in order for the audio service to come back on? I'm loathe to start them all back up again to try and find out...

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Total Physical Memory On Task Manager Shows Wrong Value?

Jun 4, 2008

This is with Vista SP1 installed. I added 2GB RAM making the total installed RAM size to be 4GB. My problem is that although BIOS recognize the RAM size to be 4GB and the Properties/System shows also 4GB, but both of the System Information/System Tools and Performance/Task Manager show 2GB. How can I check to see if 4GB is being made available for the system to utilize?

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Turning Off All The Startup Programs In System Config, Upon Rebooting

Oct 7, 2009

A friend had issues with his laptop, the system (Vista Home Premium)came with lots of preinstalled acer software, he had tried getting rid of them but had no luck, anyhow, he ended up turning off all the startup programs in system config, upon rebooting, he had the error no os found, i have since managed to get passed htis, however i cannot get any further.

The HD is recognised in Bios. The repair from a disc was completed Now it will boot into windows but nothing, no user, no task bar, nothing just an arrow on the screen with a background. I have tried removing memory and starting up repair for a second time bootsect via cmd nothing, i cant boot into safe mode, it just loops back to normal boot, it has no restore points.

I only have vista basic and vista business discs, and he does not have a disc, it came with a partition, i have tried recovery but it tells me there is not backup, yet i can get the task manager up and into cmd, this shows me all the files, so i know there is no issue there. I am assuming that the boot file in boot.ini is up the duff. Is there any way i can get this thing to boot up with his user and all back to normal?

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PAE Switch In 32bit: Checked Added "BCDEdit /set PAE Forceenable" But Task Manager Still Can See Only 3070 MB Physical Memory

May 4, 2009

I have 32bit Vista Business and since yesterday there is 4 GB of RAM. Now, I've checked added "BCDEdit /set PAE forceenable" but Task Manager still can see only 3070 MB Physical memora. How to setup Vista to use whole 4 GB RAM?

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Can My Computer Support 2048*1152? Options

May 8, 2009

I have a computer, see below, which has an ATI Radeon X1250 graphics
card. I want to upgrade my LCD display. I see a good Samsung LCD
monitor which has 2048*1152 resolution, but I cannot decide my
computer can support that LCD resolution or not. Could anyone tell me
how to know the X1250 capability?

Acer Aspire 500GB 5100 Desktop PC with AMD Phenom 9500 Processor,
Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium edition.
Processor Type: Phenom Quad-Core
Hard Drive Size: 500 GB
System RAM: 3072 MB

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Change The Memory Clock With GTX 285

Mar 3, 2009

Is there a way in Vista to change the memory clock of my GTX 285? The stock speed is supposed to be 2500 MHz but GPU-Z displays it as only 1250 MHz. If I cannot change this in Vista could somebody recommend a simple program to use to set my clock to the correct setting?

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Access More Memory, Even On A 32-bit System

Dec 18, 2008

No matter how much memory you have in your PC, you may not be getting the most out of your installed RAM. A few little-known system tweaks can improve the way Windows manages memory, freeing up more RAM for your applications. As described in an entry on the Microsoft Developer Network, all non-server 32-bit versions of Windows XP and Vista impose a memory limit of 4GB. Your system may allow you to install more than this amount of RAM, but with few exceptions, the extra memory won't do Windows or your applications any good.

Moreover, even if you have 4GB of memory installed in your PC, you may not be able to use it all. For example, if your video card comes with 1MB of memory and you have 4GB of RAM, your system actually has 5GB of memory physically installed. But Windows will use only 4GB of that total, regardless. It gets worse: according to a comment posted to the MSDN article, Windows itself is getting only 3GB because the video card gets 1GB. This happens because the memory aperture — a portion of system memory — is used to work with the video system. Ways to break through Windows' RAM ceiling

Fortunately, there are techniques you can use to get around Windows' system-memory limitations. One method is to use Physical Address Extension (PAE), a feature of x86 processors that lets 32-bit operating systems overcome the 4GB memory limit. Another MSDN article explains that 32-bit Windows operating systems support PAE. Even though XP and Vista still cling to the 4GB limit with PAE enabled.....

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System Memory Dump

Jul 29, 2009

Im under the impression that a virus has hit my laptop as i am unable to boot up now everytime i try top it just preforms a system memory dump i am aware that a system memory dump trys to free space on my pc to make it run. also my laptop is about 1 year old and i have installed new hardware (hard drive and ram) i am running windows vista ultimate 32 bit my laptop is a toshiba satellite a210. im thinking of formatting my partitions and re installing vista but i want to know if there is a last hope.

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System Locks - Aka Another Memory Issue.

Apr 12, 2009

System is 1 month old.

Gateway FX6800 6Gb Ram, i7 CPU.

System locks up every 3 days +/- or so.

System is now approx. 2 hours since reboot. TM reports.

Physical: 6134
Cached: 4299
Free: 34

Physical Memory Usage show 2.1Gb/35%

Over the course of the 3 days the amount of Physical Memory Used will grow to 5.5Gb+ at which time the system slows down to a crawl and the system needs to be rebooted.

There are 3 users with accounts on the system and all stay logged in 100% of the time. Switching between users as necessary. Early warning of the system needing to be rebooted is the system taking 10+ minutes to switch between users.

If I add up the reported (in TM) Working Set of RAM for all of the running applications it adds up to only a fraction of the amount of physical memory reported as being used.

I at first thought the problem was related to Norton 360. But after uninstalling/reinstalling it several times and eventually leaving it uninstalled the problem is still there.

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