No Permission To Save Files In Download Folder

Feb 19, 2009

All of a sudden I'm getting an error message saying I don't have permission to save files in the Download folder in Vista Ultimate SP1, using IE 7, and to contact the administrator for permission. I'm the only one using the puter and it's never done this before today. What went wrong and how do I fix it?

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Unable Bmp Files Don't Permission To Save

Mar 1, 2009

I am unable to post bmp files to my C:Windows folder. "You don't have permission to save in this location. Contact the administrator to obtain permission." (Bummer -- I am the computer administrator and this computer's sole user.)

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Can Save Desktop Do Not Permission Save Location

May 25, 2009

Something has changed in my Home Premium system such that I can no longer save to the desktop! When I try, I get an error message stating " You don't have permission to save in this location." I do not recall changing ANY permissions to prevent this. I did have a problem installing Office Home 2007 and maybe that caused a change. Where do I need to go to set the permission back to allow me to save to the desktop?

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Cannot Save, Open, Download Or Upload!

Jun 29, 2008

I cannot save as on any (ANY!) program that I have. This includes programs that came pre-installed when I picked up the notebook (like Wordpad, for christ's sake). Now, I cannot upload or download anything at all. The dialogue box opens and the hour glass appears. After about five minutes, it informs me that such and such is not responding and the program will have to restart. I recognize that MS has put added percautions in order to prevent piracy. But I cannot even use Wordpad, let alone upload a frickin' video.

I am surprised that someone at MS hasn't been assassinated because of Vista. It is the single worse computer product I have ever (EVER!) used. Send me an email if you want. Just someone please, shed a light on this.

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Save On Flash Drive "You Need Permission To Perform This Action."

Aug 8, 2009

I am trying to download a game file I bought. It is an .exe file. No matter what folder I try to save it to, even if I try to save to a flash drive, the computer tells me "You need permission to perform this action." I can "Try Again" or "Cancel" but Try Again only brings up the same message. I am running from the administrator account. I have already tried shutting off User 'Access Control'

How am I supposed to give myself permission to do this? I've already tried going to Internet options and making sure it is on default... and it is. Please help, not sure what else to do.

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"Unable To Save Permission Changes On USB"

Mar 23, 2008

Few days ago my mp3 player wouldn't synchronize to my computer so I went to see whats wrong.. I've checked with the manufacturers knowledge base and I got to a part where you have to change something in the registry editor..I tried to do this but the message I always get is "Unable to save permission changes on USB. Permission is denied." I don't see whats the problem as theres only one account on this computer.

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Move Drive To Different Folder, Don't Have Permission

Nov 18, 2009

I am using Vista 64 bit with SP1. I have files on the drive that were copied from when I had XP installed (installed vista on a second partition). I am trying to move them to a different folder. Can't do it no matter what it says I don't have permission. I am logged in under Administrator, and I have made sure the account is enabled (I added it since it was installed under a different name and got rid of the old one)

No matter what I do nothing will give me permission. I have tried everything - used a registry change to add the 'move to' to the menu, I have gotten the 'run as administrator in the menu now, I have turned UAC off. I have tried changing permissions, I have tried taking off the read only (I don't know if maybe in XP it was already set to read only?), I have tried the DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS thing, and I have tried the tutorial here of taking ownership of the file and adding it to the menu (When I try to run the file through the elevated command prompt it gives me the access denied box again.) The only thing I can get to work is copying the file which is not an option as I have hundreds of gbs to move. I'm only trying to move it to a different place on the same drive. I also tried copying with testdisk because when I copied files before to a different drive it was so fast but for some reason now it barely moves.

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Deleting Files That Need Permission?

Nov 1, 2008

I am the only user on my computer and am an administrator obviously. I am trying to delete some *.gdp files that a software did not remove when uninstalled. It says I need permission. FROM WHO? How do I rid myself of these files and is it possible for VISTA to be set so it recognizes that I am the only one on the planet actually with the permission to do anything on this stupid OS?

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Need Permission To Delete Of The Files

Dec 4, 2008

I was trying to remove a program file AT&T security Installation Wizard. The folder was corrupted. I was able to delete a few of the files. but two of them kept saying need permission. Now I am the Admin and I do have UAC unchecked. In God's name whose permission do I need to get rid of these 2 remaining files.

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Permission To Transfer Files Or Folders

Nov 26, 2008

They are connected through a wireless network set to private, with file sharing and network discovery and no passwords required. Both users are set to administrator with no password required. What I want is permission to transfer files or folders between the C drives of both machines.

I get as far as seeing these drives when I click on the computer's network location but then cannot gain access to the drive itself. I feel as if I'm close. I've trying playing with the permissions on both C drives and it looks like I've set everything I can.

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Get A Warning Box Saying The Temp Folder Is On A Drive That Is Full Or That I Do Not Have Write Permission For

Mar 31, 2008

Vista now will not install new programs. I get a warning box saying the temp folder is on a drive that is full or that I do not have write permission for. The temp file is where? It is on the C drive, which is nearly empty, and I am logged on as the administrator. What a pile of c***.

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Destination Folder Access Denied :: Need Permission To Perform This Action

Mar 23, 2008

I have Vista Home Premium, I am trying to add a Maxtor Shared Stroage II 320 GB Hard drive that is networked connected. I have installed the supplied software. The drive is up and running. I can access the drive but anytime I try to Move, Copy or send any file to the drive I get the following: "Destination Folder Access Denied, You need permission to perform this action." I have been on the phone with Seagate for hours, they have never seen this before. I have shut off my firewall, USC, Antivirus but no help.

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Cannot Save .png Files

Aug 28, 2009

After right clicking on a .png file in either internet explorer 8, or, firefox 3.5. The images end up a blank file? There is no image, and I cannot open it? I can save .jpeg images ok though? Does anyone know why I cannot save .png files?

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Opening Mail : Save Into The Drafts Folder

Mar 23, 2008

How do I open an email message in Wndows Mail. There appears to be no open button? It also seems rather complicated to save into the Drafts folder (with all the changing of directories).

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Save Vidw Specific Folder Won't Change

Apr 5, 2010

I was wondering if there was any way to save the view type of each folder. Example: I have my music folder in list view as its easy to scroll down through to choose, but I like my picture folder in the large icon view so I can see each picture better. The problem is that it seems to change the view of all the folders when I change one, and sometimes I open a folder and get a completely random view type that I never use, like extra large. I there a way to save a view to a specific folder so it wont change?

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Cannot Save Or Run Downloaded Files

Jul 29, 2009

A friend of mine has Vista on his 2 home computers. His and his Wife's. They recently rearranged furniture, including the computers. When they plugged them all back in to their router, neither their computers, nor their xbox, could connect to the internet anymore. They called their ISP(Charter Communication) and Charter told them nothing was wrong that their cable modem was showing up fine and seemed to be working just fine. So they had a tech come out to their place and the guy was baffled. He swapped out their cable modem but said nothing was wrong with the old one, he just swapped them to make them feel better I guess. But even the tech guy couldn't understand why they suddendly cannot access the net. Even removing the router from the equation did not help one little bit. A buddy of theirs brought his laptop over to their house and was able to connect to the net through their cable modem so we know the modem is working just fine.

Well, thats when my Brother told them to call me. I did all the basic things you'd expect, starting from scratch. We started with connecting directly to the cable modem and got what I expected, zilch. I checked ipconfig and noticed they had a 169.*.*.* IP on both computers. by the way I'm doing all this long distance since they live several hours away from me. That 169 is wrong, or at least it seems like it to me so I banged away trying to change that with no results. Every change I made
reset to 169 instantly. Even a restart didn't help. So I had them plug it into the router and got a normal 192.*.*.* IP. At this point, several hours after we began, I gave up for the time being on that particular problem............

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MP4 Files Save As Anamorph

Feb 22, 2009

Is there a way (program) to save my MP4 files (1280x720) as anamorphic files (720x576) that can be burnt as such on DVD?

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Save File Dialog Default Folder Location

Jun 13, 2008

Save File dialog default folder location, Anyone cracked this one yet?

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Download Files Using Firefox Or IE : Files Vanish

Aug 29, 2008

When i download Files using Firefox or IE once they have downloaded they vanish from the files i save them too. I cannot find them anywhere on the computer i have even tried opening the files rather than saving them using IE. still no luck it jsut wont open.

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Cannot Save Opened Files, Freezes

Apr 4, 2008

At times a Vista laptop cannot save opened files to the Vista desktop. It freezes the word processor we use. The desktop will always freeze on shutdown and the amount of memory used often drops by a hundred MDs or more. After weeks of documenting when this happened, we discovered that it seems to happen on days we do a backup. We use Robocopy to backup. there is a patch on the MS website we are trying, but does anyone have any more information about problems with Robocopy?

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Windows Mail Save Attachments Via Rule Or Script Into A Folder

Jan 2, 2010

Do you have any useful links to resources to save attachments with a script or rule in windows mail. What I have seen, there is only an option to move the message to a special folder in the windows mail rules

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Blue Screen, Unstable Save Files

Jun 9, 2008

I was sure to save my files every half hour or so, thinking that that would be enough to not lose my work in the event of a malfunction. However, I pressed save and my entire summary of work simply disappeared! Fair enough. I wouldn't be so angry, but this is the second time it has happened. The first time (on my previous computer), it completely erased 7 weeks of work. So, I got a new computer, and guess what? It has happened again. Not only that, but a BRAND NEW computer has had the blue screen of death twice in the last month. Before it died at 6 months of age, my last computer had the blue screen regularly (at least 3 times a week). This has never happened on any of my other computers before that.

This loss of work has also happened to 2 of my friends. I have also noticed, that
anything that makes the hard drive work hard, also results in blue screen. The only link that I can see between the 2 computers, is vista. I also find, that my computer has to think hard about all the appearance graphics and animations that have been put on Vista to make it look nice. I have simply ditched the niceties and opted for performance, even though my desktop now looks like window 95. What did I get? Blue screen............

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Can Save Registry And Files For Restore To Another Hard Drive

Aug 6, 2009

I backup up data to a remote Western Digital drive using the Vista Backup verything seems fine. I selected to backup all files on the "Back Up Files" menu except TV Shows, Compressed Files and Additional Files. My question is, If this hard drive dies and no longer lets me access it (which is what happened to my last XP computer) can I save registry and all other files that will let me restore to another hard drive with the least amount of hassle? Also is there anyway I can save profiles and passwords and the like. Ideally, I'd like to backup my entire hard drive and be able reinstall it to a new hard drive if this one dies. When my XP hard drive died I had my documents saved but had a real problem with this other information.

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Reinstalling Vista Erase Existing Files Could Not Save Data

Sep 17, 2008

I may have to re-install the Vista operating system on my primary hard drive. According to Dell, installing/re-installing Vista will erase any existing files (gee, why couldn't they have configured Vista like XP which would save your data?).So as not to loose my files, my plan is to install a new primary hard drive. And once the new drive is functioning properly, to add the old one as a data only secondary drive (The drive hasn't failed, it's just inaccessable due to a user logon password issue which I'm working in another thread). Does anyone see a problem with reading the data files/folders on the old drive? Will the existance of an operating system be a problem? I'm hoping the drive will act as a ghosted drive, and the answer will be no.

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Folder Delete "You Need Permission To Perform This Action."

Nov 25, 2009

I have a folder that I delete periodically and replace with a folder from another computer on my home network. The problem is a message that I get when I attempt to delete the folder - "You need permission to perform this action." Permissions all show full control. I'm attempting to delete it with an administrator account and I've attempted to run MS Explorer as administrator and still can't delete the folder. What is odd to me is I can delete the folder if I log off and log back in again as the same user. Is there anything I can do so I don't have to go through the process of logging off and back in again?

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Icons/Files From User Folder Showing Up In Computer Folder

Nov 26, 2009

I have several icons/files from my "User" folder showing up in the "Computer" folder (several in duplicate), PLUS numerous blank icons. This seems to have occurred after the Common Files folder became corrupted, after I somewhat riskily decided to power off while Vista was attempting to come out of Sleep mode - it had already taken about 3 mins and I was in a hurry - bad move, I know. That delay appears to have been due to an old version of Online Armor, and has now been fixed (by an update). Chkdsk scanned and (apparently) corrected some errors, and I also ran SFC which said it had corrected some errors but had also found some that it couldn't correct.

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Program Files Folder Switched To Pictures Folder Type...

Apr 15, 2008

I don't know how this happened, but I didn't do it myself. For some reason,my Program Files directory has been changed to the Photos directory type, so it changed from the details like file type, size, etc., to rating, photo size, etc.I cannot figure out how to change the directory back to a General file folder type. The toolbar shows things like Slide Show, etc.The sub-directories are all fine and appear as a General type. I'm running Vista Ultimate 32-bit, without SP1.How do I change the folder type back to General?I can't figure out how with this single folder.

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Downloading Movie After Download Folder Is Empty?

Sep 22, 2008

I was downloading a movie off the internet to watch. When the download was finished I when to my downloads folder to open the movie. When I put the mouse arrow on the folder it says that the movie is there. When I go to open the movie folder, it says that it is empty?

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Download Files

Feb 12, 2009

How do you download files from a cd/dvd? I don't see any options after I load the disk.

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Moving A Few Files Around And Organising My Folders When I Lost A Few Files From A Folder

Sep 16, 2009

I was working on my laptop earlier this evening moving a few files around and organising my folders when I lost a few files from a folder. I don't know exactly what happened, I probably mashed the touch pad. Anyway, now I can't find the files anymore. I've tried running a search but it has come to no avail. How do I find my files? If it makes any difference the files were on a memory stick.

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Empty Folder Icon, Folder Has Files In It

Sep 30, 2008

I have files in the folder, but it still shows the folder as 'empty'. I've tried refreshing, but it didn't help.

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