Mac Style Speech The Voices

May 15, 2010

Are there any programs with similar features to the iMac speech software made for windows. Especially the voices. ???

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How Fast Modern Speech Recognition App' Translate Speech?

Oct 3, 2009

How fast can a modern speech recognition app' translate speech into text with no mistakes?In my case, 384 wpm, because that is the very fastest that I can speak, and still have another human understand what I am saying. Neither my hardware nor my software limited me, only the rate at which I talked limited me. My computer is a run of the mill model that has a 2.4 GHz Intel core 2 duo CPU. Ram is 4 GB. OS is Vista Ultimate, with all the patches............................

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Music But No Voices Within Music Files, Wierd

Mar 23, 2008

My vista home premium seems to have a problem with its music media replay. When I open a song file, the music id fine but the vocals sound distant, inaudible and a large amount of echo. I did download an mp3 player called morpher or something very similar but deleted after playing two songs, has this damaged my music files or my computer? I am unsure if the mp3 player is the culprit but all was fine beforehand.

I have updated the realtek driver but has made no difference to the vocal reproduction. I have also tried a system restore to a date well before the mp3 player was put onto the computer, it still made no difference.

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How Can Turn Just 3 Buttons (min, Max, Close) Of Into Mac OS X Style.

Jan 15, 2009

How can we just turn only 3 buttons of window vista: "minimize, maximize, and close" into Mac OS X style? I just would like to change ONLY 3 of them, do not need to turn the whole system into MAC.

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XP-style Folder Tree In Explorer

Feb 6, 2009

I seem to recall reading somewhere that there is a mod you can make to change the style of the tree view from the Vista little arrow style back to the XP and earlier "+ / -" with dotted lines indicating the nesting levels. I like the arrows in Vista, but the indents are way to small for me to be able to "read" the tree view at a glance and of course, the arrows don't show up until you mouse over. I can't find where I read this anymore.

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When Resize A Window And Change The View Style

Apr 10, 2008

When I resize a Window and change the view style, that Vista Home Premium actually keep those settings and does not keep changing the Window position and view every time I reopen the window and after a reboot as well. It is actually starting to drive me mad with frustration.....

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Change Vista Login To Win 2000 Style

Jan 15, 2009

I would like to get vista to use the login style used in Win 2000 ... ctrl+alt+del gives a login box in which to enter the user name and password.

Win XP Pro had this option also, but, it's default was like vista (pictures showing all users).

I have been able to get the ctrl+alt+del part but instead of the login box I still get pictures.

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It Appears To Be Impossible To Create The XP-style Directory

Jun 10, 2008

I recently upgraded from Windows XP to Vista SP1. I have many years of WP documents using the "Image on Disk" feature to create my company's stationery on the fly without having to store a copy of the logo & graphics in each document. I used WP's default directory structure when storing the images and documents. Under Vista, it appears to be impossible to create the XP-style directory location for WP 12 or WP X4 to find the graphics.

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XP Style Slow Search, Unable To Find This Primitive Operation?

Mar 23, 2008

I must be missing something obvious... How do I do an XP style search? You remember, right-click a folder, click "Search", and have Vista search the selected folder? I've been unable to find this primitive operation. I'm willing to give up search control to Vista for local drives, but indexing our entire network, and each and every USB stick/USB Hard drive seems, well, silly for the once or twice a month I need to search in those locations. I'm willing to wait the thirty seconds it takes to search, because I can normally limit the size of the search ("Let me look through the code tree for December", for example).

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Change Vista's Visual Style With Hacked System Files

Mar 20, 2007

Changing the visual style of Windows is something that has become very popular over the years with Windows XP.  In Windows Vista, this is just starting to gain momentum with the release of a few cool hacked visual styles. These alternative visual styles are replacements for the default Aero glass style and offer slight tweaks on the design.  Over time there will be more and more higher quality visual styles released for Windows Vista. 

If you want to get started, you will need to download the hacked visual style skinning engine files from Rafael Rivera’s  site.  Rafael has both x86 and x64 versions available. These modified system files remove the requirement for visual style files to be digitally signed by Microsoft.  If you need help replacing the system files with the modified files, check out my article on working with system files in Windows Vista. 

UPDATE: There is now an automated utility that allows you to patch your visual style skinning engine files with just one click. Click here to check it out.

Make sure you replace all three hacked system files:...

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New Windows Live Messenger Skin: Switch Back To The Current Skin Style

Oct 3, 2007

I really don't like the new Windows Live Messenger skin they have for beta. I really hope they make an option to switch back to the current skin style.

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Speech Recognition (SR) - Just How Useful Is It ?

Mar 2, 2010

Hopefully this will be a constructive upbeat productive
thread, unless the usual trolls pollute this thread.

(SR = "Speech Recognition" to save space)

Just how useful is SR, to Windows users?

That of course depends on the user.

One could say that SR is 100% useless to 99% of the
people in this NG, which would be a compelling argument,
difficult to dispute.

However we Windows users get SR free, so it would be
a shame to waste it, *IF* there is any reason at all
for us to use SR.

So, is there a reason?

Yes, a "free form" blog is one reason.

If you have anything at all worth "talking" to another person,
then that is a candidate for doing faster and easier with SR.

Of course if you have NOTHING worth talking about...

So it all boils down to _your_ "worth" to other people,
as perceived by those people themselves.

To close this post, I have one more thing worth mentioning,
namely that our thoughts are fleeting, Great Thoughts often
"get lost in the shuffle".

It is only when we commit those thoughts to permanent text
that those Great Thoughts can do any good for other people,
or even for ourselves.

SR is an excellent way to "capture" your Great Thoughts;
I carry around a 3 ounce digital recorder just for this
purpose - - - and yes, you have guessed right, my real
name is Bill Gates, and I owe my fortune to that tiny
digital recorder, which is one important difference
between me and you ordinary mortals.

because I CAPTURED my great thoughts, while you let
your great thoughts slip through you fingers.

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Windows Speech Recognition

Dec 23, 2009

The "Analyze Written Documents" feature of WSR appears to be broken. I try to keep up-to-date on three different SR apps, which is not easy, because of the differences. The three SR apps are:

1) Dragon Pro
2) WSR (Vista Speech Recognition)
3) MacSpeech Dictate

....using most recent versions of above 3 apps. Without going into the reason _why_ , I would like to be able to speak the following, and have it come out exactly as shown in the two examples below:........

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Consider Life Without The Power Of Speech

May 19, 2009

Mankind uses speech extensively to communicate. Imagine how your life would be affected if you did not have the power of speech. You would carry your handy dandy keyboard and instant printer around with you daily. If a friend were about to step off the curb and get run over by traffic, you would frantically whip out your keyboard, type WATCH OUT! in big bold letters, and wave it in front of his face. Imagine your frustration at the local grocery store, as you and the checker exchange notes about the on-special price of an item, while the line builds up
behind you..............

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Can Stop Speech Recognation?

Feb 8, 2009

How can I stop Speech Recognation? I have not install it but when the pc starts up SR pops up and ask for setting up the microphone etc. I dont want to use SR.

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Speech Recognition: Sleeping

Jul 30, 2009

Every time I open an Office application (Word, Excel, etc.) or Outlook, then Speech recognition seems to fire up. When I have my headset plugged in (USB Logitech headset & Microphone) I get a little panel appear which has a microphone icon and it says “Sleeping” or “Try saying “Start Listening””. I have to close this every time. If I unplug my headset & microphone, then on opening the applications I get a pop up message saying “Speech Recognition could not start” with accompanying text of “make sure your audio hardware is working properly and check your audio configuration in the Audio Devices and Sound Themes control panel”.

Every time I open an application it starts, and I don’t find that friendly. Even with the microphone plugged in, and the setting turned to “Off”, it fires up. Just how do I get it to go way for good (and be controlled when I want to use it?) – any ideas? (On Vista Home premium 32 bit SP2)

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Speech Recognition Is Deleted

Jun 15, 2008

i was just looking for vista voice recognition and i cant find it anywhere ive check in the vista ease of access and still no luck. is there a website where i can download this from?

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Plugging Away With WSR (Windows Speech Recognition)

Aug 31, 2009

Groking speech recognition, there are many subtle
ways to fail, as some of you have already found out.

The so-called Help system in WSR is next to useless.

Now that I am well on my way to learning WSR,
I can ask my computer the Really Big Questions
in life, such as:

1) What is the meaning of life.

2) Who invented toilet paper.

3) If all personal computers disappeared,
what real effect would it have on mankind.

4) Is eating beans allowed inside the ISS.

5) Will a USA colony on Mars be democrats or republicans.

6) Now that I can speak directly to my computer by voice,
what should I do if my computer suddenly starts
talking back to me.

I doubt if WSR has any practical uses for the "average user",
but it certainly is fun to play with.


I was not going to post the following crap, but "andy t"
likes it. It gives him purpose in life, to go into
one of his long abusive tirades; I can't deprive him
of that pleasure.

The following "test" is what I am going to subject WSR to,
about a week from now. To pass the test, no more than
two mistakes can occur, when I "speak in" this article.

It will take me roughly 3 minutes to speak-in this
roughly 200 word medical abstract.

I know, that is a sluggish 67wpm instead of a persons
normal 160wpm normal speaking rate, but this slow
rate is common for intricate technical dictation.

I copied and pasted this article from its original
medical website.

I'm sure most will agree that this is a very stiff
"test" for _any_ speech recognition app.

My bet is that WSR will pass this test, but we
will see for sure in roughly a week from now.

This week is needed by me to get the rest of
my smarts about using WSR.

I know very little about using WSR, as my time has
been spent with other speech apps, namely
Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10.0 and
MacSpeech Dictate 1.5.2

Test abstract begins after line of asterisks


Maximizing therapeutic gain with gemcitabine
and fractionated radiation.

Mason KA, Milas L, Hunter NR, Elshaikh M,
Buchmiller L, Kishi K, Hittelman K, Ang KK.

Department of Experimental Radiation Oncology,
The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer
Center, Houston, USA.


The nucleoside analogue gemcitabine inhibits cellular repair and
repopulation, induces apoptosis, causes tumor
growth delay, and enhances radiation-induced
growth delay. After single doses of drug and
radiation, maximum enhancement of tumor
response was obtained when gemcitabine
preceded radiation by at least 24 h. Conversely,
the cellular radioresponse of the normal
gastrointestinal epithelium was slightly
protected when gemcitabine and radiation were
separated by 24 h. This differential response
created a time frame within which therapeutic
gain could be maximized. In our present
investigation, we sought to define the most
therapeutically beneficial scheme of gemcitabine
administration when combined with fractionated

All 3 schedules of drug administration produced
therapeutic gain; however, when gemcitabine was
given more than once in a 5-fraction radiation
treatment schedule, normal tissue toxicity
increased. The highest therapeutic gain (1.4) was
achieved by giving a single dose of gemcitabine
(25 mg/kg) 24 h before the start of fractionated

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Speech Recognition: Make This More Accurate

Apr 28, 2009

I have started tinkering with the built in Windows Speech Recognition within my Vista operating system. I find it quite novel that you can talk to the screen and your words come out on it. Granted that I have cheated at times when it goes wrong and I have to type in corrections but I was wondering if there are any experts out there who could tell me how to make this more accurate?

I have also invested in a program called Dragon Naturally Speaking and loaded it onto my machine today. I started tinkering with this but I believe I have to learn completely different commands to that of Windows Speech Recognition.

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Speech Recognition Only Good For Business?

May 21, 2008

I see big bucks being spent for speech-to-text uses in business (billions) - but I question if speech recognition has valid use for us "hobby" users. Anyone here use Dragon NaturallySpeaking for trivial uses?
If so, what can it do better than simply banging on a keyboard?

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ACTIVE Forums For Speech, Or Has It Died?

Aug 3, 2009

My interest in Vista Speech is limited to finding out why I am having trouble getting _consistent_ speed/accuracy out of it. By accuracy I mean at least 98%, preferably 99%. By speed I mean at least 80 wpm. (plain everyday words, not technical words)

I normally speak at 160 wpm, so if I speak for two minutes, 320 words get changed to text. Of the 320 words, I expect 3 words to need correction, which takes another two minutes for me to do. 320 / 4 = 80 wpm on average...........

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Speech - Does Doc Scanning Really Improve Accuracy?

Feb 25, 2009

Does WSR (Vista Speech) provide a way of selecting _which_ documents to scan in order to improve speech recognition?

Near as I can determine, it does not seem to matter at allwhether my Vista Document folder is empty, or chock-full of text documents, as far as speech recognition accuracy
is concerned.

I _did_ check-mark the box that allows user documents to be read, but it does not seem to have any effect one way or the other.

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Pondering Speech Recognition Application

Feb 21, 2010

To me, it is just an alternative way to create text. Some advantages, some disadvantages over the regular keyboard way of creating text. There are two modern speech app's that Vista users can run on their computers, WSR and DNS. Vista users who happen to use Macs can run three speech app's on their Mac, WSR, DNS, MSD.

WSR = Windows Speech Recognition
DNS = Dragon NaturallySpeaking
MSD = MacSpeech Dictate

WSR is free, provided you use the built in microphone that comes with your PC. I think a lot of WSR users wind up buying a microphone, which can run the cost up to $50 or $300, depending on the microphone. DNS costs up to $1,600 which does not include all the auxillary hardware and software, which can easily run up the total cost to over $7,000 if you happen to be a doctor. MSD costs $200, microphone included.

Everyone has their own opinion about the value, or lack thereof, of speech recognition app's. Some people speak from experience, others speak from a broad base of ignorance, still others are trying to sell you something, like microphones for example. In my case, I do not really care whether you use WSR, DNS, or MSD - - -my only concern is for the medical community, where I do volunteer work...........

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Speech Recognition/dictation Stopped

Jun 4, 2009

When I'm dictating text to the computer, if I repeat a phrase that I've dictated before (and I often repeat things like book titles), it will stop taking dictation and instead move the cursor to the place where the phrase appears previously in the document. The only way I've figured out to get it "unstuck" and continue taking dictation is to type the repeated phrase myself.

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Windows Speech Recognition Vs. Dragon?

Jun 6, 2010

I see that Vista offers Speech Recognition software that allows you to open apps and dictate speech into Word, Wordpad, etc. Does anyone have any idea on how this free Speech Recognition software compares to the Dragon software that I've been seeing advertised on TV commercials?

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Vista Speech Recognition Function

May 8, 2008

Does anyone know if you can take a sound file created with a handheld digital recorder and turn it into written text by using the Vista Speech Recognition function?

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Speech Recognition, Pros And Cons

Dec 16, 2009

Pros and cons of using speech recognition (SR) on a "personal" computer in 2009/2010 This might be opening up a can of worms, let's see if I can stick to the subject, without straying off on all the side subjects that might crop up.

1) generally faster than typing
2) frees up hands
3) can be done without immediate access to a computer, i.e. with a tiny digital recorder
4) frees up more of a persons brain, i.e. because speaking is more natural and intuitive than typing
5) can be done while a person is wandering around his house doing chores, i.e. wireless microphones like the Samson Airline 77 have a 300 foot range
6) modern SR apps can be used in very noisy places,such as next to a loud TV, without adversely affecting the text accuracy

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Customizing Windows Speech Recognition

Mar 8, 2009

I must say I'm very impressed with speech recognition. I'm proud to be one of the stubborn first users to insist to use speech recognition even though I've made my computer use extremely comfortable using either the mouse or the keyboard (hopefully soon I can add or speech recognition).

Am I the only using speech recognition? I'm interested to know if there others using speech recognition, and how they're using it. The entire writing of this post, including opening Firefox, opening my password manager, logging in to and navigating through Vista forums, setting cookie options, editing and posting this thread was done solely using Windows speech recognition without mouse or keyboard (in a record breaking 40 minutes!).

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NewLine Bug Of Windows Speech Recognition Revisited

Feb 16, 2009

$MS, the same idiots who brought us that turd of an OS called Vista, are doing their usual trick by trying to disguise a bug in Windows Speech Recognition
as a "feature". Namely the "New Line" bug, which capitalizes the first word of every new line, whether the WSR user wants it capitalized or not. This forces the user to waste time correcting the capitalization of lines in his text document............

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Confession For My Nasty Abuse Of The Dragon Speech Engine

Nov 25, 2009

I am ashamed of myself, for what I did recently to my loyal Dragon Naturally Speaking speech engine. To properly suffer penitence, I feel I must offer myself up to one of andy t's long tirades. ....y'know, where he interminably carries on about the really important things in life, such as minor spelling errors.

Confession is good for the soul, so here is the shameful description of what I did to the loyal Dragon engine. I dictated my speech into the $200 version of the Dragon engine, but not just any speech. Complex medical terminology, such as: "perioperative transesophageal echocardiography"

Shameful, because the $200 version of the Dragon speech recognition software was never designed to handle such complex jargon. My dictation was roughly 600 words, roughly 1,479 syllables, which took me 7 minutes to dictate. If all the words were one-syllable words, that would be a dictation speed of 211 words per minute!

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Speech Recognition In Word 2003 Command Mode?

May 16, 2010

I have used Microsoft Office's built-in speech recognition successfully with Word 2003 on XP. Now I am trying to use Vista's speech recognition with Word 2003.The training program recognizes voice properly, as evidenced by saying a training phrase improperly it won't let you advance to the next screen until you say it properly. So it is hearing and understanding voice.But no words EVER appear in the Word document. Not the wrong words, NO words.When turning on speech recognition with Word open one of two things happen,either:

1. A variety of commands seem to happen sidebars open, dialog boxes pop up,

2. Speech recognition dialog shows "What was that?"

It is clearly hearing and responding. Set mic volume several times, and db meter in speech recognition shows normal response. It's as if it's in what in Office used to be called "command mode" where it only listens for commands, not words.

I mention Office's command mode, but Vista does not seem to have a "command mode," although it is behaving as if everything is either a command or unclear, and never a word. Note that choosing Tools>Speech in Word has no effect. No checkbox appears, clicking the speech option and speaking, then clicking again and speaking, etc. has no effect.

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