Home Premium / SP1 Stand Alone Clean Install Procedure

Mar 26, 2008

I recently updated my main Vista Ultimate PC with SP1 without problems but have 2 more PC's with Vista Home Premium full retail O.S. I would like to format the hard drives in each while installing Vista and wondered if I needed to install the latest Intel motherboard drivers/software before installing SP1 from a purchased stand alone disk or if I would be better off to just install Vista and then SP1 with it's built-in Intel drivers, then update them later if needed? I am on a dial-up internet connection and don't want to download SP1 twice more! Both of these PC's have the same Intel DG965WH m-board, same DVD multi-drives, same Core2 Duo processors, same 3 GB's of DDR2 800 Mhz RAM, same nVidia 7600 GT GPU's, same IDT onboard audio. All of the above are listed on Microsoft's Hardware Compatibility site as Vista Certified.

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Home Premium/SP1 Stand Alone Clean Install Procedure

Mar 24, 2008

I recently updated my main Vista Ultimate PC with SP1 without problems but have 2 more PC's with Vista Home Premium full retail O.S. I would like to format the hard drives in each while installing Vista and wondered if I needed to install the latest Intel motherboard drivers/software before installing SP1 from a purchased stand alone disk or if I would be better off to just install Vista and then SP1 with it's built-in Intel drivers, then update them later if needed?

I am on a dial-up internet connection and don't want to download SP1 twice more! Both of these PC's have the same Intel DG965WH m-board, same DVD multi-drives, same Core2 Duo processors, same 3 GB's of DDR2 800 Mhz RAM, same nVidia 7600 GT GPU's, same IDT onboard audio. All of the above are listed on Microsoft's Hardware Compatibility site as Vista Certified.

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Clean Install ? Upgrade From Home Premium To Ultimate

Jun 1, 2009

I've been trying to upgrade from Home Premium to Ultimate, but the only available button is the clean installation, which I don't want to lose my files. I went to the help and support and checked to see if Premium to Ultimate was available without doing the clean installation, and yes, I should have the upgrade button. But why don't I have it?

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Clean Install Upgrade Home Premium From Xp Media Center - Partion

Mar 26, 2008

I had already upgraded my xp media center to vista home premium. I want to reinstall it but don't want 2 partitions if i don't need them. xp was backed up along with other program that came with the computer at time of purchase on partition D: FAT32. my question is do i need this or is it safe now for me to delete it via computer management? I want to run my computer partition free.

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Check The Memory For Errors BEFORE I Load/install Windows Vista Home Premium X64 To Avoid Install Hang-ups

May 25, 2008

I would like to check the memory for errors BEFORE I load/install Windows Vista Home Premium x64 to avoid install hang-ups. Can you make an ISO CD of this program, load it in your CD/DVD drive and check your memory for errors? I recently updated the BIOS on the board (DP35DP) and it does show all of the 4GB of Kingston ValueRam PC800 1.8v (2x2gb) installed. I have good reason to believe that it's from a respectable manufacturer. Just want to make sure the memory is good before I load up the OS.

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Install 64 Home Premium

Jun 12, 2009

Can anybody tell me How can I install vista 64 home premium?

I have xp 32 bit on my computer, and I used the upgrade advice manager from Microsoft, and it tells me my system is compatible with vista. Thank you for any help you can provide, and this is my system info....

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Ultimate Will Not Install Over My Home Premium

Jun 26, 2008

I have a full version of Home Premium and have been running it for a year or more.

I bought Vista Ultimate upgrade. However when I try and install and upgrade
to Premium I get a message saying.

You need a newer version of this software to upgrade.

I am running Vista SP1. It offers to do a clean install, which I do not want.

What does Ultimate want? It is so vague.

If it is an upgrade it certainly does not need a clean install.

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Wont Install Home Premium

Mar 23, 2008

Last night i tried to install vista, but after loading the disc in and rebooting, it went through the windows is copying files bar with the black background, then it went to the green vista loading bar, then it went to a blue/green background with a mouse cursor and said installing windows. I left it there for an hour, and it didnt change. I then rebooted into XP, and ran the installer from windows, where i selected which drive to install to, and then it copied and expanded the setup files. It then rebooted, and after the vista load bar it went to a black screen with a mouse cursor. i left it there for an hour and no change. Ive got new hardware in my computer, and after running the vista compatibility tool it said i'd have no issues running any version of vista. I was trying to install Home Premium btw.

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Install Vista Home Premium

Jan 9, 2008

Please forgive me for not being very knowledgable, but I'm doing the best I can. I've got a laptop and I'm trying to install Vista Home Premium on it (I have no idea whether or not it's x64 or anything like that). I put in my product key and it works fine, but when it asks where I want it installed, it says "Windows cannot be installed to this disk. The selected disk is of the GPT partition style." No matter what I do, I cannot get it to work. I keep getting that same message. I don't know what to do.

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64-bit Home Premium Wont Install

Apr 4, 2008

when attempt to install vista 64-bit it freezes at 0% during the expanding section. I have tried everything under the sun I can think of. Including new drivers and updating the bios, running with my sata controller on every setting and with only 1 HDD. I have tried three dif dvd players all internal.Its been four days of about 8 hours a day screwing with this, if anyone has a link to drivers they know work(posts I have seen say some work some don't, I have tried some that others recommended) or have any ideas pls let me know.

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Home Premium Tells Me To Install Win XP SP3?

Jan 10, 2009

I notice a windows update icon for new updates available. As is my habit, instead of blithely installing, I checked to see what it was, and to my amazement, it is telling me I have an "Important Update" of Win XP SP3! Hmm I thought, maybe they had me on about what my OS was... so I checked... Windows Vista Home Premium SP1. Why would Windows update think I need XP SP3? I am wondering what will happen if I try to install it, but don't feel like rebuilding a machine today, I have better things to do with my time.

Can one of you vista gods please tell me why I get this? I have not mucked about with any settings on my machine as yet, it's straight out of the box, I have been far too busy to start playing with stuff like that. The only thing I can think of is that I installed Frontpage 2002 yesterday. Maybe that is fooling it into thinking it's an XP box? (and I was intending to install an old version of .NET (developer, not framework) too, not sure if that will work or not either)

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Installing On My IMac, Can't Install Home Premium

Jun 27, 2008

i have an iMac and i want to install windows vista home premium Hardware Overview. would i be able to install it? What is the minimum space i have to give it? If i can't install home premium which one can i install?

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Install SP1 On Vista Home Premium System Manually?

Jun 3, 2008

Windows Update has not yet installed SP1 on my Vista Home Premium system. Should I install it manually?

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Sidebar Gadgets Wont Install Home Premium

Sep 1, 2008

I have a problem with the sidebar on Vista HP. New Gadgets wont install. The sidebar loads properly and the gadgets that are there already work fine. If I go to vista gallery to download new ones they download ok I click open then run, the sidebar comes to the front and blinks but nothing installs There is nothing in the sidebar and nothing in the gallery and nothing new in the gadgets folder in either C:program files etc or C:users etc. I have tried lots of different gadgets from the vista gallery and none of them install. I tried. Downloading and installing from ie8b2.......

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Use Ultimate Disc To Install Home Basic/Premium?

Feb 6, 2009

I have a disc and a code of Vista Ultimate, can it be used to install Home Basic/Premium? Or I need a seperate disc of Home Basic/Premium?

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Install Upgrade Home Premium From Xp Media Center - Partition

Mar 23, 2008

I had already upgraded my xp media center to vista home premium. I want to reinstall it but don't want 2 partitions if i don't need them. xp was backed up along with other program that came with the computer at time of purchase on partition D: FAT32 my question is do i need this or is it safe now for me to delete it via computer management I want to run my computer partition free.

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Home Premium 32 Bit Disc: It Doesn't Give The Options To Format Or Which Hdd To Install System On

Sep 4, 2008

i bought this acer PC and i hate the recovery disc. i have a cd key on the side of my case. Can't i borow a Vista home premium 32bit disc and use the cd key on the side of my case because i H8 recovery disc's. it doesn't give the options to format or which hdd to install system on

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Cannot Install An Epson Perfection V200 Photo Scanner On My Vista Home Premium Equipped PC

Mar 23, 2008

I cannot install an Epson Perfection V200 Photo Scanner on my Vista Home Premium equipped PC. Epson technical support personnel have been zero. This is a new model scanner that is supposed to work with Vista. I have used the software disk that came with the scanner, and I have downloaded and used the latest driver from the Epson website. I have installed, uninstalled, and installed both of these numerous times. I always get the same error message......

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Install Adobe Reader On My Vista Home Premium (SP-2) System, Encountered Numerous "privilege"

Jan 10, 2010

Trying to install Adobe reader on my Vista Home Premium (SP-2) system, I encountered numerous "privilege" problems. UAC is disabled, I R-Clicked on the installer and selected "Run as Administrator". The installation was interrupted numerous times, saying the installer lacked privileges to write to various different folders, mostly under the Program Data folder, and also in the Start Menu folder. On each occasion, I had to open Explorer, R-Click on the folder in question, and "Take Ownership" of it. I am the sole user of this system, so if I don't own the folders, who the hell does? My account is an administrator account.

This turned what should have been an uneventful 15 minute long procedure into an hour long hassle. Is there ANY way to get rid of this ownership nonsense so I don't have to go through this every time I install something? I thought disabling UAC was supposed to solve this problem. Unlike many, I'm not a real Vista basher, but this privilege/ownership business just has to go if you ask me.

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Clean Install, Verify Previous Install Of XP/2000?

Jan 30, 2007

I'm assuming a clean install with an upgrade license will be identical to a clean install with a 'full' copy, except that at some point during the process, it will ask for my key for Windows XP? I just want to confirm this is the case before I go buy an upgrade copy. one last question to tack on here - if I have a desktop and a laptop computer will it let me install the same copy and license key of Vista on both? I know some MS products in the past have allowed you to install on more than one computer because they realize a lot of people have more than one computer but they only work with one at a given time.

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Upgrade Home Basic To Home Premium

May 22, 2008

I understand this can be done online. The information says that I need the Anytime upgrade disk to complete the process. Is this so? Sorry to be stupid but need to know the steps involved. If I dont have an anytime upgrade disk, how do I get one?

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Upgrade From Windows XP Home To Win-7 Home Premium

Oct 26, 2009

Do I need an upgrade version of Win-7? if so, which? Or do I simply wipe off WinXP and install a Win7 Home Premium full fresh install?

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Premium Repair Install Make Changes To The Premium OS On P1

May 24, 2008

I am considering a repair install for sometime in the future if I can't get the misc. issues fixed. I could do a clean install but wouldn't learn much that way.
Premium on P1 is the manufacturer's preinstalled OS from which I have removed the bloatware, cleaned it up & installed SP1 but am left with a few quirky behaviors.

sfc /scannow doesn't find any integrity violations. I have a Vista SP1 install DVD with all versions and the Upgrade/repair option is available in Premium using this DVD, I checked. I've read the tutorial but just double checking to be sure. I have everything imaged with Acronis but still wouldn't want to get into restoring the images.

A repair install should only make changes to the Premium OS on P1? I may have to repair my triple boot? (I'm using EasyBCD)

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Clean Install Or In-place Install?

Feb 27, 2008

i will be upgrading my Dell desktop from XP Pro to Vista Ultimate in the coming days and i need some opinions. I've never upgraded OS's before but i do understand the difference between a clean install and an in-place install. My question: what would you do and why would you chose one over the other?

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Clean Install

May 9, 2008

I purchased a new PC and would now like to give my old PC. It had been upgraded from XP to Vista. I did a clean install with Vista and deleted the windows.old folder which was taking up space but the computer isn't as fast as it would be if I had formatted the drive before the install.

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Clean Install & SP1?

Mar 23, 2008

Clean install & SP1. If I do a clean install of Vista home premium will SP1 be the only Vista update that is downloaded and installed? I am wondering if all of the old updates are still hanging around somewhere that is listed in the installed history. Are there old files that could be removed after SP1 installation?

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Will Not Boot Following Clean Install

Mar 23, 2008

I apologize if this issue has been dealt with already but I can???t seem to find a solution. I have built a pc with AMDx2 4200, 2gb 800mhz ram, ECS AMD690GM-M2 board, sata 80gb hdisk, and pioneer dual layer drive. I have no add on cards and the motherboard is on failsafe settings. I have installed vista home premium 32 bit and the installation proceeds normally, and after the dialog boxes where the PC name is requested and the background, the system reboots and then does not boot beyond ?loading vista 2.1.2 ? starting ACPI ?. I have re-installed vista and the same problem occurs. I am not able
to access a safe mode.

I wonder if there is a simple solution to this I am not aware of.

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Clean Install Without Dvd Drivw

May 8, 2008

I picked up the Vista Ultimate DVD at the "Heroes" seminar. I'm trying to intstall it on my test machine. The machine has no DVD drive. I tried copying the DVD contents to a secondary partition, but I can't find any .exe files that will run from a dos boot. Is there any way to get Vista install started without a bootable DVD drive? I do have a CD drive on the machine...can I split the DVD into CD's? Anticipating the most likely input...let me say these...

Yes, I have googled my ass off. Yes, I have IDE DVD drives, I have external usb DVD drives. What I DO NOT HAVE is a way to get THIS machine to BOOT from any of them. Buying a new DVD drive won't help me. I can boot from a CD or floppy or hard drive. I want to do a CLEAN build without leftovers from previous OS. Yes, you can order Vista on CD if you want to wait...and they won't even tell you what it costs until you enter personal information...sorry, but that really chaps my...

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Not Boot Following Clean Install

Mar 26, 2008

it seem to find a solution. I have built a pc with AMDx2 4200, 2gb 800mhz ram, ECS AMD690GM-M2 board, sata 80gb hdisk, and pioneer dual layer drive. I have no add on cards and the motherboard is on failsafe settings. I have installed vista home premium 32 bit and the installation proceeds normally, and after the dialog boxes where the PC name is requested and the background, the system reboots and then does not boot beyond ???loading vista 2.1.2? starting ACPI?. I have re-installed vista and the same problem occurs. I am not able to access a safe mode. I wonder if there is a simple solution to this I am not aware of.

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Clean Install Work?

Jun 17, 2008

Everything I've read said that doing a clean install would delete all of my files during the process which is what I needed. I wanted everything off of my computer except what came on it. I called myself doing it correctly but when I checked, none of my files were gone and my Recovery D drive has no space left which is why I needed to do a clean install in the first place.

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X64 Lock Up, After Clean Install

Mar 30, 2008

I have tried other hardisks, and all combinations of RAM in all slots, but Vista still locks up after a seemingly random period of time. The lock ups occur with a fresh install (with no other software installed), and sp1 has no effect. The starnge thing is XP (both x64 and x32) work perfectly fine. Where would I be able to get support for this bug (I have Vista x64 Ultimate OEM).

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