Hibernation Password Timeout

Aug 28, 2008

I have Vista set to sleep after 1 hour, and then hibernate on the 2nd hour. That works fine, and it comes of of sleep & hibernation just fine, as well. I have Vista set to ask for a password when it comes out of hibernation. However, upon coming out of hibernation, it displays the password screen for all of 10-20 seconds. If I don't put in my password in that amount of time, Vista goes back into hibernation mode.

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Hibernation Password Timeout Too Short

Aug 5, 2008

I have Vista set to sleep after 1 hour, and then hibernate on the 2nd hour. That works fine, and it comes of of sleep & hibernation just fine, as well.

I have Vista set to ask for a password when it comes out of hibernation.

However, upon coming out of hibernation, it displays the password screen for all of 10-20 seconds. If I don't put in my password in that amount of time, Vista goes back into hibernation mode. Very annoying.

What I would like is to be able to tell Vista to wait a longer than just a handful of seconds before dropping back into hibernation.

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Network Quick To Timeout

Mar 23, 2008

I have a home server running WinXP that goes to sleep and takes 3 or 4 seconds to wake up when accessed over the network. Vista never waits for it wake up. It times out almost immediately and even worse seems to "cache" the timeout for several minutes. So even though the server is up and ready, Vista still says it's not available. This only happens when using Vista. Is there any way to make Vista try a little harder and not be so quick to give up?

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Browsers Or Router Get Network Timeout

Oct 12, 2008

My laptop is running on Vista Business 32bit with Firefox 3.0.3 installed and connected to a Belkin wireless router. Whenever I try to open certain sites FF, 50-80% of it will get network timeout. Moreover, sites like Facebook will take ages to load and stuck at Connecting to static.ak.fbcdn.ne

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Connection Timeout With All Mail Browsers

May 4, 2007

My Box is an AMD 2400 + 1.50 GHz, 1.50 GB of RAM double boot on seperate Hard Drives Windows XP and Windows Vista Ultimate. All functions perfectly on XP, however ON VISTA all mail clients (Windows Mail, Outlook, Opera, Mozilla Seamonkey Mail and Thunderbird refuse to receive or send Mailand inform me connection to server timed out.

Thinking it might be my Norton Internet Security Vista, i uninstalled it and installed Avast! 4 instead or maybe the Windows Firewall which I stopped. Nothing seems to work, I have searched in Google and on this forum and Windows Vista Forums and can find no similar problem. I have now reinstalled Vista times on a clean boot with no success. Please note All browsers function fine and I can surf with all of them.

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USB External HDD & Flash Drive Timeout

Oct 4, 2009

I've got everything up and running with my Vista x64 pc (finally!) and I wanted to put my pictures/videos/music on it. I plugged in my 1tb (WD MyBook Essential 2.0, powered separately from pc) external hdd and heard the "beep" or whatever that sound is that Windows makes when it acknowledges a USB device. However, when I tried to open up "Computer" it froze (just that window, not the whole pc) and I realized it was still registering the drive. I have to wait about 10 minutes before I can actually pull up the contents of the drive. Every time I plug it back in it does the same thing. This DOES NOT happen on any of the 3 or 4 XP machines I have plugged this into...it is immediately recognized and I can view the contents instantly. When it comes to transferring files, it is VERY slow (approx. 2mbps) and in some cases, it won't let me transfer the file because it says the file/folder is corrupt. But if I plug it into my XP machine, the file/folder is fine and I can view or open it no problem.

I tried using a SanDisk 4gb flash drive to make sure it wasn't just my drive. It recognized this no problem (Windows made the "beep") and I could view the contents instantly, but I when I try to transfer files, it starts out fast (approx. 30mbps) then slows down, freezes, and eventually "loses" the drive. It says it can no longer find the drive. When I go to unplug it, I notice the flash drive's light is off and when I unplug it, I hear the Windows "beep" acknowledging that it was unplugged. I've updated all drivers I can find and the BIOS to 1101 and nothing has fixed this problem. It's very annoying that there are no USB specific drivers for this board.

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Power Settings Option, Set Timeout

Feb 18, 2010

Had to do a rebuild on my pc, before rebuild, on power settings option I could set timeout for screen and put the computer to sleep. After the rebuild Put the computer to sleep is greyed out and will take no changes. PC is on a domain, I am an admin, yet it keeps saying it may be a group policy, but Dammit I'm an admin.

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Window Mail Cannot Send '451 Timeout (4.4.4)'

Mar 23, 2008

error message with incomplete email upload I am using Windows mail with Vista ultimate set up for an upgraded Yahoo! mail account which uses SMTP for outgoing messages. I can send up to a 20Meg attachment from the Yahoo! site. If I send a message having a 15Meg attachment, or smaller through Windows Mail it doesn't complete uploading. I use Verizon DSL.

"Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes for this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of inactivity. Subject 'whatever', Account: 'pop.mail.yahoo.com', Server: 'smtp.mail.yahoo.com', Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '451 timeout (4.4.4)', Port 587, Secure(SSL): No Server Error: 451, Error Number: 0x800CCC0F"

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Invalid Password: Setup And Changed User Password From Set To Clear But Left Other Passwords At Set

Oct 31, 2009

I have Vista Home Premium on an Acer Laptop and all was fine until I decided to change my user password. I had or have (who knows now at this stage) an Administrator,User and HDD password installed on my machine. I went into my setup and changed my user password from set to clear but left my other passwords at set. when I exited and saved changes and rebooted I could not get back in with any and all passwords. To make things worse I cannot boot from cd either. It goes to press <F2> go to setup , Enter Current Password: ? then Invalad password I have tried the F10, F12, Del, F5, F8 keys and nothing seems to get past that login screen. Does anyone have any inexpensive suggestions on how I can get into this computer, or how I can get to a command prompt. Can I un-solder the internal Battery and then re attach it.

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Won't Come Out Of Hibernation

Aug 8, 2009

I have a new HP Pavilion dv-4 laptop with Vista Home Premium 64 bit. When I try to
restart from hibernating, I receive a fatal error message the computer can't come out
of hibernation. I tried to disable hibernation and delete the hiberfil.sys file through the Disk Cleanup application. After it was run, the Hibernate option disappeared from
the shutdown menu but hyberfil.sys was not deleted. I deleted hiberfil.sys from
the command prompt and then ran powercfg -h on which recreated hiberfil.sys and restored Hibernate to the shut-down menu - but it still fails when I try to come out of hibernation. I have RollBack RX installed on the system and I wonder if this is causing the problem.

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Still Does Not Hibernation

Feb 6, 2009

I am running Vista Ultimate with the appropraite power settings but it still does not want to go into hibernation. I have searched the posts but see anything like this.

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No Network After Hibernation

Feb 2, 2009

Was having a strange network problem after computer woke from hibernation; it did not happen before Service Pack 1 and never happened with XP. The problem was the internet connection would time out, partially load pages, and generally stumble & fail after resuming from sleep or hibernation. I went into Task Manager and grabbed this screenshot of the network throughput:

The green is throughput, it goes from 100% to 0%, it is apparent the computer was turning the connection "on" and "off" at regular intervals.

My network card is an Intel Pro 100/1000 built into my Abit IC7-G motherboard.

The problem was apparently the sleep mode setting on the card itself; there were no settings available for sleep mode, etc on the card using the default Vista drivers, but after installing the updated/specific drivers from Abit I was able to go into the Device Manager and there was another properties page (with Intel logo) that allowed me to disable sleep mode for the network card. That seems to have fixed it, I have not had the problem again in over a week.

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Get Rid Of The Hibernation Function

Aug 28, 2008

I have vista and am wondering how to totally get rid of the hibernation function?

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Cannot Power On After A Hibernation.

Aug 13, 2009

i have an hp laptop running vista home premium. Well my girl hit the power button to put it into hibernation, she said it didnt do anything.Then she went to the start menu and put it into hibernate from there. now the pc will not power on, it is showing no signs of power whatsoever. The onlt sign of power to the machine is the little light
around the AC input jac is lit up when its plugged in.

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Awaking From Hibernation?

Jul 18, 2009

my laptop keeps on awaking from hibernation is their any solution to this problem..

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Hibernation Can't Working

May 12, 2008

On my previous Vista HP computer, after not using the bubbles screensaver, I was able to use the hibernate function. On this new computer I cannot get hibernate to to work. I set it for no screen saver and there are no different programs running, so why am I not able to get hibernate to work? I have the power features set for hibernate but when I click the Sleep it only goes to sleep for a minute or so and then the blue light is back on.

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Hibernation Wake Up On Its Own

Jun 14, 2009

Ever since getting the Hibernation feature functioning on my machine about a month ago I've noticed a very peculiar problem with the machine waking up on its own, usually when I'm not around, and I need to know how to stop it. It usually happens after the PC has been powered down for several hours. Today I had put it into Hibernation and then went out, and several hours later when I got home the thing was on, apparently having turned on by itself.

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Hibernation Failure

Nov 17, 2009

Windows Vista home premium with SP2 and later fixes installed. No apparent malware detected by Microsoft Security Essentials, Malwarebyte, spybot. Hibernation is turned on. Checked all devices to ensure none have the "wake on" feature activated. When I select hibernate, the screen goes black for a few seconds then the logon menu is presented. Hibernation never occurs.

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Hibernation Button Disappeared

Feb 20, 2010

You know how when you go to your shut down settings on the menu bar, they say sleep, shut down, and hibernate? Yeah, well, my hibernate button disappeared. How do I get it back?

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After Hibernation System Not Starting Up?

May 16, 2009

my niece's Laptop is going into hibernation when she go's to log on. As far as i know vista isnt starting up at all.she's using vista home premuim 32bit.

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What Is Hibernation File Cleaner In ?

Apr 2, 2009

I was going to do use Disk Cleanup to clear some of the clutter from my computer but was not sure what all to put a check mark on. There was one file in particular "Hibernation File Cleaner" that had 3.24GB of stuff in it. What is that folder, why is it storing so much stuff in it, and is it safe to "Clean" it?

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CPU Usage At 100% , After Waking From Hibernation

Mar 23, 2008

I'm completely confused on this issue and I've baffled people at Dell, which from experience isn't hard to do. I have a Dell Inspiron 1501 with Vista Home Basic as the OS. My CPU usage bumps between 10% and 44% after I first start up my computer. And when I allow my computer to sleep and then wake it up, it runs at 100% constantly. I've tried stopping programs from running in MSCONFIG, I've ran Ad-Aware 2007, Spyware, Registry Cleaner and McAfee Virus scan. Nothing has corrected this problem and the programs have cleaned off a few items, but still nothing has changed. I tried checking the Reliability and Performance Monitor and I'm not educated enough in computers to know what I'm looking at. Dell thinks I should reinstall my OS and start over, but I don't want to do this unless it's the last possible recourse.

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System Hibernation And Freezes

May 17, 2009

A while back, I had a power failure. My machine is on a UPS and when the battery got low, it started to hibernate. I think the UPS must have failed all the way before the hibernation finished. I don't know this for sure because I was away from my computer when this happened. When I got back and powered up the machine, it would start to come out of hibernation and then freeze. I found out how to delete the hibernation data so that the computer would start normally, but ever since then the computer will freeze after it's been running for about 45 minutes or so. It's hard to say for sure because it will run fine as long as it's busy doing something, but if I let it sit idle, it will freeze after awhile. I've looked in the event viewer after restarting, but I don't see anything except routine messages. Is there some specific place I can look to figure out what's happening? I'm running Vista Ultimate x64 on an ASUS A8V Deluxe w/ an AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+ and 2 GB of memory.

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Windows Restart During Hibernation

Mar 23, 2008

Very often, my computer will restart during hibernation. Occasionally, after the restart it will give me an error message to the effect of "Windows had to shut down unexpectedly...". Very occasionally, it will tell me it was a hard drive error associated with hibernation.

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Vista Keeps Waking Out Of Hibernation

Nov 29, 2008

My computer used to go to sleep but recently I've changed some settings and downloaded some new things and now everytime it goes to sleep it immediately wakes back up. Last night when it did hibernate I could not get the computer to come back on. I had to take the battery out of my laptop and put it back in to get it to start. The only way I can get my computer to hibernate now is to lock my computer first. Does anyone know what could be causing this? I turned off the sidebar, and have closed all programs and that doesn't help. There was something I found online last night about the network card and now allowing it to wake the computer. That's already been done (sorry I'm not a computer person lol this probably makes no sense to you).

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Hibernation The Computer It Will Stay That Way (all The Night)

May 28, 2008

When I put my computer into Hibernate sometimes it will stay that way (all night), but, other times, with nothing changed from the night before, it will be Awake in the morning. What should I do to have Hibernate work all night every night?

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Re-enabling Hibernation After Disk Cleanup?

Jan 5, 2010

I know about powercfg -h on. It doesn't work. Disk cleanup deleted the hibernation file, now when I put that line in the command prompt it tells me: "Hibernation failed with the following error: Access is denied. The following items are preventing hibernation on this system. The system could not create the hibernation file. The specific error code is 0xc0000022."I am an admin account, running the cmd.exe as an admin. Doing this in safe mode produces a different error which I can post if you want (along the lines of a VGAsave). There are no options in the control panel remotely relating to hibernation. Is there any alternate way to enable hibernation or to get the powercfg tool to work as it is intended?

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Hibernation Hangs; Strange Event In Log

Jun 10, 2008

I always use hibernation, never had a problem with it up until today. When I tried to start the computer, the "Windows is resuming" screen just sits there. indefinitely and the green progress bar at the bottom is extremely slow. I tried deleting the hiberfil.sys file and re-enabled hibernation, but the same problem keeps occurring. So I started browsing the event logs and I found that every time I hibernated the system today I got an: The previous system shutdown <at time/date> was unexpected error. Which is strange as it was not unexpected for me, I initiated it. What could be causing this?

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Hibernation: Unexpected Shutdown Or Reboot

Apr 12, 2008

I've just been using my computer (XP) and have lots of applications running, taking up a lot of memory, even when minimized. Then it hit me - why not (probably in an upcoming version of windows) have an extra button near minimize/maximise, that puts the application into hibernation? The idea being that if the application needs no interaction, like possibly you are writing a word document, but you are waiting for some information to put in it via email. In this case, you don't really want to close word, as the email may arrive at any time. On the other hand, you aren't using word, so it is running in the background, taking up resources.

Why not make it so that when you click the 'Hibernate Application' button next to minimize, it minimizes the application, and writes the active memory onto the HDD. Then when it is restored, load it back out of the HDD into the RAM (much like the way the Hibernate Windows feature works). Certain applications won't be ideal for this, such as if you hibernated an mp3 player, it would result in stopping playback. But for other uses, this seems an excellent feature. It could even be expanded to restore individual applications to their working state after a full reboot (the applications would be there when you logon). This would safegard against losing your minimized word documents that you have open, if there is an upexpected shutdown or reboot. I understand that there is some optimisation going on when you minimize applications anyway, but I'm talking about total hibernation.

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Windows Freeze After Hibernation/monitor Off

Oct 4, 2009

After doing a ton of updates for my Vista (haven't been able to update for months, but the problem was solved two days ago), it's been freezing up every single time hibernation mode is exited or if the monitor just turns off automatically after X amount of time to save power. After automatically going into hibernation mode/monitor off, I move the mouse, the desktop comes back, and only the mouse is movable, everything else is stuck. Only option is to reboot every time. Have done several virus/other scans with Nod32, Windows Defender, etc., all with negative results. I'm using a Dell 1525 laptop with Windows Vista Basic.

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Hibernating Immediately After Waking From Hibernation

May 15, 2010

Vista takes some time to wake from hibernation (2-3 minutes, before my wireless network is detected and browser is usable, say). To not waste my time staring at the screen, I hit the power button, leave the computer, and come back when all systems are running. However, by the time I've returned in maybe 5 mins, the laptop (Thinkpad T61) is back in hibernation mode. It seems like without any keyboard or trackpad input, the computer simply returns to hibernate. how to configure Vista to remain on without this keyboard input? I don't see any options in my power settings (in advanced as well). I also don't require a password upon wakeup, so I can go directly to my desktop.

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