Hard Drivve Not Sowing Accurate Space

Apr 10, 2008

I have a new HP Laptop that I have had about three months and it has a 100GB hard drive in it. I am looking at the available disk space left on the drive it shows only 10GB left and I have hardly loaded any software or data to this computer. how can I quickly figure out. where that data is stored so i can see if it is able to be removed?

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How To Bring Back The Amount Of Free Space And Used Space On A Hard Drive

Nov 28, 2008

I would like to get vista to use the login style used in Win 2000 ... ctrl+alt+del gives a login box in which to enter the user name and password.

Win XP Pro had this option also, but, it's default was like vista (pictures showing all users).

I have been able to get the ctrl+alt+del part but instead of the login box I still get pictures.

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Hard Disk Space: Showing Less Space

Jun 14, 2008

i reformatted my whole c drive and then clean installed vista ultimate onto it and at start i had 268Gb out of 274Gb. now its gone to 243Gb and i've only installed a couple of programs and when i highlight everything in the c drive it says its 7.38GB. I've Defragged it a lot of times and the space keeps on going down.

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Where Did My Hard Drive Space Go?

Dec 10, 2008

last week i was recoding some video's using Nero's Recode program (sidenote worked great) but now my 100 gig laptop on has 2 gigs of space left from the original 60 gigs free space. where did it go?? the video files have been deleted, i've used the disc clean-up program to remove the temp files and used the registry to enable Pagefiles removeal from another post of this forum. that clean up some on the space i now have 20gigs free space but i still am missing 40 more gigs that i have before i starting the recodeing.

in my disk de-fragmenter is shows me that i have a huge "yellow" portion of paging files still left and by just guessing it should be that extra 40 gigs just by seeing the size of the "yellow" bar.

how do i get rid of these "paging files" and how do i reclaim my lost space?

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Hard Drive Space Being Used Up

Jul 6, 2009

So i just got my laptop its a compaq presario and it came with 138gigs. Initially it came with around 119gigs and after awhile i started to see that it started to decrease like around a gig aday or when i left it on to long. I took it in and geek squad and they said i had a virus but i restored it and nothing on my trendmirco has detected anything. I run proccess explorer and i cant see anything weird that is poping up using alot of CPU and now after i restored it twice i think its slowly doing it again but i heard that Vista uses alot of memory stored in cache called superfetch is this the reason why i see the decrease when im doing something on the system or what is serverpack 2 the guy kept telling me that this could be the case also. Please help im trying to understand all of this

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Not Enough Space On The Hard Drive ?

Apr 8, 2009

my C drive is 160g with a 12 gig partition and 2x 9g partitions, that are now cleared. After Vista crashed, from not enough space on the hard drive ( Started up then crashed once it got to the Windows loading screen with auroa picture, by crash i mean self restart) So next i tried to reinstall vista via DVD command prompt, using Partdisk format C: took about 20 mins and i noticed it was still on 2% so i thought it had frozen so i closed it down to just do a Quick format, format C:.......

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Hard Drives Is Not Showing All The Space

May 15, 2009

I recently installed Vista Home Premium and one of my hard drives is not showing all the space that it use to. The hard drive in question is a 1 Tb hdd and was working fine in XP as were the other HDD's. When I installed Vista, all the other disk's worked fine except for this one. I have gone into Computer Management and it shows the drive as having 859 Gb of unallocated space that I cannot format. I am unable to create a New Simple Volume or any other volume types for this drive.

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Lsing Space On Hard Drive?

Aug 8, 2009

Since I installed SP2 on the 22nd of July, I am losing 1-2G of space from my hard drive. I have plenty of space so it's not a really bad problem, just irritating. I started out with 280G free of 338. When I installed SP2 it went down to about 260. Last night I was down to 239 and this morning it's 237. It usually happens overnight and I don't know where to being looking. Would it be restore point's or system check points? Other than that the computer is working fine..

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Hard Drive Space Increasing

May 13, 2008

My Vista Hard Drive space seems to use more than the average space than my Xp machine. The space used keeps increasing for no apparent reason.

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Increasing Hard Drive Space

Apr 27, 2009

I have a 2 disk, dual boot system.

Drive 0 has Vista Business installed. I'm dual booting Server 2008 Standard which is on Drive 1.

I want to increase the size of Drive 1. What is the best way to do this?

I was thinking I could boot in Vista (Drive 0) and make a full backup of Drive 1. Upgrade Drive 1 to the large disk and then restore Drive 1 from backup. What other method can I use?

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Lost 45 GB Hard Disk Space

Mar 23, 2008

Hey again I???m here as a new user of vista and Im going trough a bunch of problems. As for now one day I ran the diskeeper and some how I lost 45 GB of hard disk space for no real reason. After that I ran it again but it didnt help, I don???t know if it has to do with the diskeeper or maybe some other type of problem with the computer applications.

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Increase Hard Drive Space

Apr 8, 2008

I want to know the list of applications(freeware on which I can realy) to increase the hard drive space of the Computer.

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Hard Drive Space Lost?

Feb 6, 2009

Since a couple months ago, roughly July of last year, I've been losing disk space on my C drive even when I haven't downloaded a single byte or installed any programs. Though this might sound crazy, I've looked for viruses like a detective, in hopes that it's what's causing this. But I don't have a virus, and I'm down to 16.4 GB out of a 232 GB HDD. I'm going crazy, because since then, I've had a 32 GB average of anything on that drive, and I had a couple games and programs on there even with that in there. In 3 weeks, I've been losing at least 3 GB.

-Deleting every restore point/shadow copy except the most recent
-Overlooked the winsxs folder, it's only 8.35 GB, I can live with that.
-Downloaded TreeSize, found that a folder called [Files], taking up 201,663 MB: should I delete this file? The owner is called 'TrustedInstaller' according to TreeSize.

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Hard Drive Space And Attachment

Apr 25, 2009

I currently own a HP Pavilion dv9000 with Vista Ultimate , memory 2.00GB: Processor: Intel Core, T7200 @ 2.00GHz 2.00GHz my system type is 64 Bits and 32 Bits. My problem is Hard drive space see attachment pic below. For some odd reason my C drive is full but if you look at my D drive it's free is their anyway to use this drive?

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Missing Hard Drive Space

Feb 1, 2009

I reformatted my computer by myself and Before I had 160 gb and now I only have 40 gb ! Can someone tell me were is my lost memory??

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Lost Hard Drive Space

Jul 7, 2008

I am not sure why but for some reason my c drive is displaying incorrect information. When I view the total space for C: from "My Computer" it displays 21.3 GB of 133GB used. However, when I go into my c drive select all files and folders, right click and select properties, the most space being used in C is 30GB. For some reason my system restores have all been lost. I do not have a vista install disk, but I do have the factory restore that I made upon purchase of my laptop.

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Hard Drive Reporting Less Space

Mar 10, 2009

I have a 120 GB hd on my lenovo laptop with windows vista. the SW_Preload says 13.8 GB free of 104 GB. However, when I check the size of each of my folders/files within my C drive, it only adds up to barely 20 GB. I'm wondering what could be causing this discrepency? The folders for example are "users", Windows, Program Files, etc.

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8MB Of Unallocated Space On Hard Drive

May 9, 2008

When you install Windows XP it always leaves at least 8MB of unallocated space. I seem to remember that it had a possible functional use. Do I need to do the same in Vista Home Premium?

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Unallocated Space Hard Drive

May 5, 2008

I'm running Vista Home Premium SP1. I'm trying to add a new volume (as I think they're called) from unallocated space on my hard drive. However, when I try to do so, it tells me at the end that it's unable to do so as it's hit the max number of partitions. It all came preinstalled from Dell, and there are 4 partitions:No letter - really small, has the tag "EISA configuration" No letter, no tags. Possibly recovery software. Drive C: - Vista drive Drive D: - backup drive How can I add another partition?

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Dissapearing Hard Disk Space

Jun 8, 2008

I have a total of around 196 GB of hard disk space in my c:// drive and no data in it at all instead of my operating system(vista) and other installation files. every 1 or 2 days, my free hard disk space on this drive becomes less even though i am not saving anything at all on this drive, The total of all the files including all hidden system file is also different(Less) than the total total used space on my hard-disk. I have had a disk cleanup, cleaned internet files and cookies.The automatic file back up system in system tools is also turned off. The problem has already consumed nearly 15 - 17 gb of my hard disk space and still continuing to do so as i keep using my computer,.

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Hard Drive Space Disappearing

May 4, 2009

So my hard drive was originally like 200 GB or something, but of course the operating system took up about 25 gigs, so it says it's out of 174 GB. It currently says I have 102 GB free. However, I added up everything on my computer, and it says I've used only 45 gigs. That means I should have 129 gigs left. I know all about the system restore thing and I've deleted "all but the most recent" like 80 times in the past day lol, but it doesn't do anything. I've run CC Cleaner and Defraggler and everything. So I'm wondering where the 27 or so gigs I should have is and what I can do to get them back.

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Hard Drive Back Up : Not Enough Disk Space

May 8, 2010

getting Vista to work with my Garmin etrex and Memorymap. I have bought a new cable because it came with a disk to ensure I had the correct driver, still doesn't work. The reason I have come to this site is my computer presented me with a choice, it said that I should back up my hard drive, to ensure that I wouldn't lose any info in the event of a breakdown. I clicked yes and was told after a time that there was not enough disk space. When I looked at my hard drive page, the recovery drive (E) is full and now in red!

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27.2 GB Missing From 72.5 GB Total Hard Drive Space

Mar 17, 2010

Just received a PC with Vista Business 64 bit and a 80 GB hard drive. I've downloaded Opera and surfed the internet. I've noticed that the total free memory is being reported as 45.3 GB. I've done some research and found this forum. I've checked vssadmin list shadows and it's reported as:

used shadow copy storage space: 3.576 GB

allocated shadow copy storage space: 3.82 GB

maximum shadow copy storage space: 10.882 GB

Where did the entire 27.2 GB go?

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Managing Hard Drive Space / Partitions

Mar 7, 2009

I recently purchased a laptop with Vista x64 on it. When I went to manage my hard drive there was a ~150gb C drive and a ~140gb D drive. There was also a 10gb partition in front of the C drive with absolutely nothing on it, so I turned it into unallocated space. Is there any way to merge this with the C drive to gain the 10gb? I can format this 10gb but It is only contiguous with the C drive. I was thinking possibly using other software to do this but i'm not sure what would work.

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Assigning Free Hard Drive Space

Mar 23, 2008

Have just suffered a catastrophic software meltdown and had to do a clean install of Vista and Office. All are running fine, but I have noticed that instead of a single drive C like I used to have, Vista has partitioned the hard drive. I have managed to free up all the space on the Single Volume that used to hold my data but I cannot reassign the free space to the main drive C. I can shrink the volume on the free simple volume but it only creates yet another one and I don't seem to be able to expand the space on the main drive

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New Feature Allocates Hard Drive Space?

Nov 4, 2007

Is there some new feature in windows vista which allocates hard drive space? I installed vista and windows updates (19Gb just for drivers, updates, and vista ultimate). Here is all that I have installed, now look at how much space is gone. Can anyone tell me how to fix this?

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Hard Drive Space Consumption High

Mar 29, 2009

I have a new Dell Studio XPS desktop that is running vista 64 bit. Love the machine...it works great. However, the hard drive loses free space on a daily basis. I've been working with computers for about 14 years and this is the first time I have had anything like this happen. Last night is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. I was going through my library of music files deleting duplicates(to open up space). When I went to bed I had about 45 GB of space open on my HD. This morning/afternoon when I got back on the computer, I only have 35 GB of space available. I'm not d/l anything, the only thing that was going on was that Itunes was running, playing music from a playlist. There was one new system restore point from sometime last night, but that only accounts for 1.5 GB at most. I have really only used WinXP since about 2001. I did have a new computer last year with vista, but hated the performance and switched it to XP. Any ideas on how I lost almost 10 GB of space overnight? Is it a vista issue? A system restore issue(currently set to automatic)?

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Hard Drive Space Decrease After Defrag?

Feb 12, 2009

Why does my hard drive space decrease after defrag?

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I'm Losing Around 5-10gb Of Hard Drive Space Every 2 Days

Mar 13, 2009

I just installed Vista x64 for the first time (first time I use a 64bit Windows OS, I have used Ultimate 32bit before back in 2007) and realized updates are being installed almost EVERY day, the disc I have is already updated with Service Pack 1 so I don't understand why there are so many updates being installed all the time.

That's not the issue, the issue seems to be I'm losing around 5-10gb of hard drive space every 2 days or so, seems vista updates are HUGE, when I installed the first time (I have a 500gb drive, in reality it's 465gb) I had 451gb free fair enough, then after some updates the next day I had 440gb! where did the 11gb go? I mean 11gb in updates?Then a day later I had around 425gb! without me putting all my music, games, pictures etc etc!!, after I installed 2 games I had around 409gb which is fair considering they are big games, then I put my pictures in which is not that much, around 1gb And now, a day later without having any extra files myself I already have 398gb free!!, does Vista install something all the time that takes that much space? I know the OS after updates and such it's supposed to take approximately 15gb or so I should have (providing I had not installed my things yet) around 450gb or so.

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Hard Disc: How Much Space Re-gain By Using Compress Drive Tool ?

Mar 23, 2008

I have Vista Home Premium running on a PC with a 40GB C drive primary hard disc. My programs are on this C drive, all my docs etc are stored on either of separate D drive and H drives. My primary drive is running at about 30GB used/10GB free space. I continually clean out my C drive of temp files etc, clear my cache but how much space would I re-gain by using the Compress Drive tool (visible when I look at C drive properties)?

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Speech Recognition: Make This More Accurate

Apr 28, 2009

I have started tinkering with the built in Windows Speech Recognition within my Vista operating system. I find it quite novel that you can talk to the screen and your words come out on it. Granted that I have cheated at times when it goes wrong and I have to type in corrections but I was wondering if there are any experts out there who could tell me how to make this more accurate?

I have also invested in a program called Dragon Naturally Speaking and loaded it onto my machine today. I started tinkering with this but I believe I have to learn completely different commands to that of Windows Speech Recognition.

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