Connecting To Other Home Computers

Mar 26, 2008

A new Vaio laptop with Vista Home Premium. (They pre-installed Norton 360) Having a home network of a few computers, I disconnected one of them and connected the Vaio instead. I can get to the Internet but I don't "see" the other computers. Looking at any one of the other computers - they see each other but not the Vaio. (I did named the network with the same name). I suspected it is the Firewall (They pre-installed Norton 360) I turned Norton's off AND Vista.No success.

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Not Connecting To Other Home Computers

Mar 23, 2008

Having a home network of a few computers, I disconnected one of them and connected the Vaio instead. I can get to the Internet but I don't "see" the other computers. Looking at any one of the other computers - they see each other but not the Vaio. (I did named the network with the same name). I suspected it is the Firewall (They pre-installed Norton 360). I turned Norton's off AND Vista.No success.

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Connecting Computers Into Local Network : Unsuccessful

Aug 11, 2008

I can't connect my laptop (Vista home premium 32 with wireless connection) and Desktop (XP professional with cable ethernet connection ) in local network through wireless router D-Link (DI-524). Please help.

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Home Network: Can Not See All 3 Computers

Mar 23, 2008

I can not see all 3 computers on the home net.

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Home Network Of 3 Computers Can't Work

Aug 30, 2009

I have been using this forum as a guest for quite sometime now and decided to join the forum as I really like the community here. I have an issue w/ a home network I have that includes 3 total computers: Comp A: 1 Vista Home X32 PC (that is wired into a WRT54G router) w/ Windows firewall Comp B: 1 Windows XP Professional Laptop w/ Zone alarm (free) firewall connected to the network via wireless Comp C: 1 Vista Home Premium X64 Laptop w/ Windows firewall connected to the network via wireless Here are some notes to highlight what is going on:Originally, Comp A and Comp B were networked together with no issues Yesterday, I purchased Comp C and am trying to include this computer into the networkComp A and Comp B can communicate w/ no issues and both can access Comp C w/ no issues Comp C can access Comp B, but CAN NOT acess Comp AAll comps can PING each other w/ no issues When Comp C tries to Access Comp A, this Error message is displayed: 'Comp A' is not accessible.

You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions. Logon failure: the user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer. All Comps (A,B, and C) have access to the (1) network printer w/ no issues Things I have tried to remedy the issue:I have tried to turn off firewalls for Comp A and Comp C Spent a huge amount of time reseaching on the internet to no avail Network discovery is on for Comp A and Comp C I tried to edit the settings for my WRT54G router, but didn't know what to do I know there are some other things I have tried, but can't remember exactly.

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All Computers Not Visible On Home Network

Mar 23, 2008

I have 2 Vista machines and 1 XP media center machine which were all visible to each other and between which files could be shared. Today I installed the MS updates for the Vista machines and could not see other computers on one of the Vista machines (Desktop Vista machine), nor could the other two machines see the Desktop Vista machine. I system restored back to a day previous and the same situation prevails. Strangely, the other Vista machine (Laptop Vista) can see the XP machine, and the LT Vista was updated and remains so.All machines are discoverable and all have shared folders.

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Connecting To WS_FTP Home V.7, Unable To Get Onto Webspace

May 29, 2008

Been using Vista Home Premium 64-bit for a couple of months now, and until now all has been ok. I upgraded from Windows 98:eek::eek:; on my old PC I, happily, used Ipswitch's WS_FTP95 to upload images to store on my webspace. I've downloaded the evaluation copy of WS_FTP Home prior to purchasing it. However, I'm unable to get onto my webspace. I'm receiving the following Connection Log after each connection failure.

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Xbox360 Stopped Connecting To Hp Laptop (vista Home Premium 32bit)

Apr 8, 2009

I don't know why but for some reason within the last week or so my xbox360 has stopped connecting to my hp laptop (vista home premium 32bit). I have a 2wire 1800hg gateway, with both the laptop and xbox connected wirelessly (using Intel link 5100/official microsoft wireless connector respectively).

As I say before a few days ago I could access my shared media via my xbox dashboard, as well as via the media center extender. However now it's not working. The 2wire has it's own firewall but I have opened the laptops connections up completely today (although this wasn't an issue a week or two ago?). And I've opened up many ports in windows firewall too.

When I look at the full map in the network and sharing connections window it does indeed show the xbox and laptop connecting to the router, so it is seeing it. However no connection can be made in either direction (i.e. the xbox cannot find any pc's and the pc's media center can't find the mc extender). I've tried numerous things so far, opening ports etc.. but nothing has worked, so this is my last resort!

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New Computers Without Op Sys CDs

Mar 26, 2008

I am ready to buy a new computer, probably HP, but it is my understanding that regardless of manuf., computers no longer come with CDs for the Oper Sys (like Vista, or XP). In the event of a hard drive crash, how would a recovery take place? What are the options? Using of Win XP Pro, FrontPage 2002, Outlook XP, Word-PowerPoint-Publisher 2002, Word 2002 AMD Athlon 1.2, 512mb mem, 80GB disk, DVD and CD burners.

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Cannot See XP Computers

Dec 29, 2008

I am having some trouble in seeing networked XP computers through Vista. I click 'Network' from the start menu, and I don't see any XP computers. The XP and Vista computers are on the same workgroup: MSHOME. When I ping the XP computers from vista, I get a timeout response. I have turned off the firewall service. I can see the Vista computer from XP fine.

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Can't See Other Computers On Network

Mar 23, 2008

I have a Vista Home Premium Laptop and a Vista Ultimate PC. Both are connected to the same network and workgroup. The laptop is wireless and the PC is wired. If I connect the laptop to the PC with a crossover cable I have no problems with the network. Both computers have sharing enabled for all but Password and Media.

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Using Different Computers To Access WM

Jun 28, 2008

I recently set up WM on my desktop using my AOL email account information. I can view email in AOL until WM refreshes and the emails are visible there as well. However, if I read the AOL mail first, it doesn't make it to WM. I also set up my laptop with WM using the same AOL account but I can't seem to see my emails there, unless of course, I intercept them just as they come in. Is there a way to see ALL my emails on WM on either computer? I don't care if I can't use AOL anymore but do want the ability to see my emails regardless of which computer I'm using. Am I supposed to save to a server? If so, which is considered the server?

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Cannot See XP Computers On Network

Jun 17, 2008

I am very new to Vista. I have a small home network. The three XP machines on the network use static IP addresses. One of the XP machines shares a printer. When I open Windows Explorer and click on Network the only computer listed is the Vista Business machine.

I cannot find any way to search for a computer by entering the computer name or IP address as I can in Explorer on XP. I have no idea what the search box in the upper right corner is supposed to do but it does not work. As soon as I type any character in the box it says "No items match your search." I can ping the XP machine from a command window on the vista machine. If I do DIR \COMPUTERNAMEPRINT$ at the command prompt the directory on the XP machine is listed. I can see the Vista machine in Explorer on the XP machine. What must I do to allow Vista to see the other computers on the network?

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Using 2 Computers Need Same Emails On Both

Mar 23, 2008

I have 2 computers - 1 is a laptop - other is desktop. I use laptop when abroad and leave it there when I go home and work off my desktop. If I read or send an email on one sytem then when I go to use the other system then there is no record of emails seen or sent. Want able to have duplicated emails so I have the same on both systems?

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Computers No Longer Without Op Sys CDs

Mar 23, 2008

I am ready to buy a new computer, probably HP, but it is my understanding that regardless of manuf., computers no longer come with CDs for the Oper Sys (like Vista, or XP). In the event of a hard drive crash, how would a recovery take place? What are the options? Using of Win XP Pro, FrontPage 2002, Outlook XP, Word-PowerPoint-Publisher 2002, Word 2002 AMD Athlon 1.2, 512mb mem, 80GB disk, DVD and CD burners.

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How Many Computers Can Use The Same OS Disc

Aug 2, 2009

I have 4 32 bit laptops. All 3 have the same OS and the same Valid key when I updated from home basic (4th) I entered the key and it said this is already in use? is there a limit?

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Connecting Laptop To TV

May 4, 2008

I have a Gateway MT6452 laptop connected to a LG 32LC2D HDTV with SVGA cable. Followed installation instructions and connection works for about five seconds before screen begins flashing and TV disconnects displaying "invalid signal". Software problem, hardware problem, or stupid human installer problem?!

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Wireless Is Not Connecting

Mar 23, 2008

I have a home network with a linksys wrt54gs router and 3 pc's running XP home. home and pro. I got a new Vista computer and inserted a linksys wmp54gs wireless adapter into it. I updated the router firmware a week before I got the new computer. I connected to the internet even though I had the wrong workgroup name. In attempting to find the other computers I fixed the workgroup name so it was the same and tried other things to no avail. I updated the adapter drivers because I found it had generic ones and yesterday I installed Vista SP1.

Now I can't get the internet anymore, much less file sharing. I disabled all firewalls for awhile. In Vista Network and Sharing: Network Discovery: ON, Network set to Private, File Sharing: ON, Public Folder Sharing: ON, Password Protected: OFF, Media Sharing: OFF. I've run the repair wizard a number of different ways. I don't know enough to fool with Wireless Network Connection Properties unless someone holds my hand.
Here's what ipconfig says: Windows IP Configuration

Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : HPQuad

Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :

Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid

IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No...........

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Connecting To Modem

Mar 23, 2008

i am currently using vista. I'm trying to connect directly to my modem, and it asks for a username and password. I dont have one, and neither xp nor mac require one. Is there some way I can connect?

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Connecting Second Monitor (LCD)

Jan 3, 2009

I got a small problem which is to extend my desktop into second monitor. I used to do that in windows XP it was so simple, how ever it seems I got hard time doing it on Vista even thought I never did it on vista before. I went to Control Panel > Personalization > Display settings, it shows only 1 monitor and saying "(Multiple Monitors) on NVIDIA..." I'm using Vista-64Bit. And on SLI mode and plugged the 2 monitors on the same graphic card. I tried Ultramon 3.0.3 but there still a problem, Ultramon detects only one monitor when I'm trying to use the second. I've been trying to do it in Nvidia software. How ever I ended up switching between monitors only. I tried to search around and ask around for more than 4 hours, And still no good.

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Is Not Connecting The Internet

Nov 11, 2008

We have a wireless network setup in my house. I however am connected directly to the router with an ethernet cable. This was fine until recently when I was having a latency problem and RoadRunner had me bypass the modem to connect directly to the modem so they can make sure my router wasn't the problem. After that, I plugged the ethernet cable back into the router and now I keep getting prompted for a username and password for the PPPoE stuff.

My problem isn't connecting to the internet, I'm able to do that. But randomly, and it truely is random because sometimes it pops up and sometimes it doesn't on the same website, this PPPoE username/pass will pop up and sometimes if I hit cancel I'm able to load the page like normal and continue on. Other times when I hit cancel it does not load the page and I have to wait until later to try and load it again. The internet is broadband and from my reading should not require PPPoE or a username/password. Hopefully I've provided enough info, I'm not very techy and am not the one who setup the network. T

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Booting On Different PC Computers No Label

Mar 23, 2008

I install Vista Ultimate on one PC. It is an HP Pavilion a1700n. I remove the 40 GB IDE HD from the HP PC and put it into a Compaq EVO 510 PC. Result: Vista does not boot. I have researched the subject but still have not found a solution. The microsoft vista deployment step by step seems awfully complex. Has anyone found a simple way to solve this problem? I have also tried the reverse (from compaq to HP PC): Same result!

With XP I could boot into safe mode or just boot normally and XP would detect and install the new hardware it finds. Somtimes I would need to install XP from CD on the target PC to copy the boot.ini and hall.dll files to a usb flash drive. Then I would restore the image of XP on the target PC. I would boot into recovery console and copy the files form the flash drive to the target PC (boot.ini to C: and hal.dll to C:windowssystem32). Most times I could then boot the target PC normally or in safe mode

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Suddenly Cannot See Other Computers In My Workgroup And They Can't See Me

Apr 20, 2009

I have a home network that consists off an XP Desktop, a Vista Desktop, a XP Notebook and a Vista Tabletpc. They could all see and access each other with no problem. The Tabletpc and Notebook both are connected by wireless while the desktops are connected by Cat5.This morning I went to use the Tabletpc and it cannot see either of the other computers and they cannot see the Tabletpc., regarless whether I am connected by wireless or Cat5. However, they can see and access each other fine. The other three computers can see and access each other fine.I have tried everything I can think of to get the tabletpc to recongnize the other computers an vise-versa to no avail.The last time I used the tabletpc on my home network was about 8 days ago and it was working fine. That night I was admitted to the hospital for a week. While there I connected to the hospital's wifi. Not sure if this changed something or not but other than that I have not downloaded any software, updates, etc.

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Find IP Of Computers On Network

May 31, 2008

I have 2 computers connected at my home (A PC running XPsp2 wired connection and laptop Vista Home Premium via wireless connection). The connection is working fine and I can see the desktop PC from my laptop network page. Is there a way I can find the IP address of the desktop without manually having to go there? I can do it for my laptop by going to network and sharing center >> view status etc. Is there a way preferably without using cmd to find the IP of a remote computer connected via LAN?

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Is It Possible To Synchronise The Two Computers With SyncToy2?

May 17, 2008

I have been trying to set up SyncToy2 between my XPSP2 desktop and my Vista Home Premium laptop. The results have been irregular at best. Is there a problem of communication between the two systems? Is it possible to synchronise the two computers with SyncToy2?

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Install AD Users And Computers?

Apr 17, 2009

I have Vista 64 and I want to install AD Users and Computers like I did in 32 bit XP. How can I do that?

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Can See All Computers In The Full Network Map?

Mar 23, 2008

I had to reinstall Vista on my laptop and now I can not see any other computer in the network window but they all show up in the full network map. I have ensured that my fire wall is set to allow the other pc's access. I have four XP machines and one additional Vista and I can see the xp machines on the other Vista box. I am at a lose as to what to do.

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How Connect To Network Of Several Computers?

Feb 7, 2009

How do I connect a laptop running Windows Vista Home Premium to a network of several computers running Windows XP Professional using network cables? When I select "Connect to" in the start menu, set up a "connection or network", the available options include:

1. "Connect to the internet", but the laptop is already connected to the internet
2. "Set up a wireless router or access point" - I don't want this
3. "Manually connect to a wireless network" - I want to connect to a non-wireless network
4. "Set up a wireless ad hoc network" - I use wires!
5. "Set up a dial up connection" - I have a broadband connection already working
6. "Connect to a workplace" - I want to make the laptop part of the home network

Which of these options should I choose, or should I do something totally different?

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Not All Messages Coming To Both Computers

Oct 22, 2009

I have an email account for my small business that I would like to be able to access from both my laptop and mty desktop. I have done this,but not all of the messages are coming to both computers.

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Cannot See Computers In Network Window

Dec 25, 2008

Two PC's, a Linksys WRT54GS router and an ADSL modem connected via ethernet cables. Internet works fine on both computers but file sharing not quite well. I am able to reach the contents of shared folders by IP, using form "\" or "\computername" but I cannot see the computers in Network window. I have installed LLTD on computer runs xp. I also have got the lastest service packs (vista: SP1, xp: SP3) and the latest updates installed on both computers. This 64 bit vista is newly installed, because of new hardwares (mobo, cpu, ram). I used a 32 bit version before and the sharing stuff worked fine. XP system is the same, I did not touch it except LLTD. Both computer belongs to the same workgroup. Of course in vista I have enabled File sharing, Network discovery and Public folder sharing. I have set a Private Network. I can access other computer's content by typing IPs or computer names in Run dialog box, but I cannot see them (only local computer) in Network window.

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Mail Not Connecting With Att Site

Oct 27, 2009

My emails would send and receive fine until this morning. Now Windows Mail keeps asking me for my user name and password, and not accepting the one I enter. I know I am entering the correct info because I have checked with the document I keep that information on. Also, I am able to log in at the att site. If I close the window asking for the info I get this error message

Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Server Response: '-ERR authorization not enabled', Port: 995, Secure(SSL): Yes, Server Error: 0x800CCC90, Error Number: 0x800CCC18

It hs been a bit sporadic. For example I just hit Send/Receive three times in a row. The first two times it went fine, the third time it asked fo my info again.

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