32 To 64 Installation

Feb 19, 2009

I have a PC which came with Vista Home Premium 32 and I have an upgrade set with both 32 and 64 Ultimate. If I do a clean install of the 64 will I have a problem with activation, I have already activated the 32 install but would format first.

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Installation Hangs At "Completing Installation"

Jun 16, 2009

I am trying to clean install Windows Vista Home Premium 32 bit. If you read my other post, I got around the blue screen about page in non paged area. I got the bad ram stick out and got a new one for my computer. (Toshiba Satillite). And I install it and it goes good until completing installation then it hangs.

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Apr 24, 2008

I have Ultimate 32 bit that can't be upgraded to 64 bit because it is OEM. Can I leave it installed on one partition and then install Vista Business 64 bit on another partition, running both versions on the same PC? I already have the 64 bit Business which is why I'm asking.

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Installation Of XP Pro OS?

Mar 26, 2008

I am currently using Window Vista 32 Home Premium.However,I discovered that certain of my hardware do not have it installer or certain of my program cannot run in Vista,as such,I decided to use back my Winow XP pro.But after insert my Win XP PRO disc and restart my computer,it prompt me something like your "computer is facing some problem which may damaged your computer and need to be shut down". how to reinstalled my WIN XP PRO while my current OS is WIN VISTA HOME PREMIUM 32bit.

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Can't SP1 Installation

Mar 26, 2008

When I try to install the full Vista SP1 package, I get an error message that the installation failed because "the server returned a referral." I'm a home user not connected to a server so I don't know what this means.

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SP1 Installation

May 3, 2008

My PC came with Vista Home Premium 32bit. Since SP1 was released, I've tried several times to install it both through Windows Update and manually but it always fails.I looked at the information in the nowledgebase article about the error message I was getting and it suggested running a system scan utility through the command line interface which I did. The utility said that it fixed some files but I had corrupted files that it was not able to repair.I went out and bought an upgrade version of Vista Home Premium that contained SP1 thinking I could just upgrade it as a workaround. No dice,the upgrade option is disabled unless you already have SP1 installed. It will only let me do a clean install.This brings me to my first question. If I do the clean install, it's going to format my HD right? I'll have to reinstall all my software? My second question is, does anybody know how I can get SP1 to install on my current installation? Any way to find and repair those supposedly corrupt files?

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Installation Of XP Pro OS

Mar 23, 2008

I am currently using Window Vista 32 Home Premium.However,I discovered that certain of my hardware do not have it installer or certain of my program cannot run in Vista,as such,I decided to use back my Winow XP pro.But after insert my Win XP PRO disc and restart my computer,it prompt me something like your "computer is facing some problem which may damaged your computer and need to be shut down". Can anyone pls assist me in how to reinstalled my WIN XP PRO while my current OS is WIN VISTA HOME PREMIUM 32bit.

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VISTA Installation On New HDD

Apr 5, 2008

I have a gateway barebone with P4 @2.8 motherboard and will get a HDD
and some ram. I already have a dell computer with windows Vista on it,
and extra vista dvd that says (for installation only with new Dell
If I install it on the GATEWAY computer with the new HDD will I have
any problems?

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FSX Deluxe DVD Installation

May 2, 2008

I have just installed Windows Vista, updated to SP1 and put in my FSX Deluxe DVD and the following error message appears: "Error reading initialization file" How do I bypass this to be able to install FSX?

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FSX SP2 Installation But It Won't Install

Mar 23, 2008

Running Vista Home Premium with an NVidia 8800 GTX video card. Have SP1 installed but do not have Acceleration. Trying to install SP2 but it won't install. I first tried clicking "Run", and then also tried downloading the patch to the desktop and then running, but it simply will not install...just cancels itself. I disabled McAfee VS before trying to install, but results still the same. Anyone else having this problem? Any ideas how to get this to work? I looked on this board and MS site, and so far have found no other mentions of this problem.

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Cannot Restart Installation

May 2, 2008

I Just got a new computer and upon first turning it on my daughter accidentally hit the button on my power strip turning the computer off mid-installation. Now when I turn on my computer it looks as if windows is trying to start but goes to a message stating "Windows could not complete the installation. To install windows on this computer, restart the installation." I then click "OK" and it just brings me back to the same message after re-starting. Could anyone please help me get this thing back on track?

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DVD Not Recognized For Installation

Mar 23, 2008

I had been running Vista since it came out last year with no compatible issues at all. However, there were several issues with performance and finally late last year I gave up and went back to XP. Now that the SP1 is available, I want to go back and install Vista, but for some reason, my computer won't recognize the disc. It trys, but just can't load it. I've tried other DVDs and have burned a couple and they all work fine. For whatever reason, the problem is with the Vista DVD.

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Software Installation

Aug 29, 2009

I just found these forums and now hope that you may be able to help me out with a very perculiar problem I'm having.I use Windows Vista, and have done so without any major problem. That is, until now.Whenever I try to install a software from a CD/DvD or a downloaded file, it will give me an error. If I use a downloaded setup program, it tells me the file is corrupt. It does so with every file, even ones I've had no problems with before. The same happens when I try to install through my DvD Drive. It tells me that it cannot read the installation right away.This problem occured only a week ago, when my hard drive suddenly went defect. I turned off my computer and went away from a good six hours, came back, and then my hard drive had apparently died in the meantime. I sent it to get it repaired, and it was determined that the hard drive was defect, and they had given me a new one. Alright, awesome. I install Windows Vista without problems (except some error I can't remember when it tried to update Vista during the installation, That is when I got the before-mentioned problem about installing software. I had no issues installing the drivers needed for my motherboard's network card. But anything else turns out to give me some kind of error.I have never seen anything like this, and cannot possibly begin to determine what's wrong. It happened also when I put in a different hard drive as the boot device before I sent the computer in to be repaired, so I'm quite positive that it's the machine, and not Windows Vista. I somehow suspect my motherboard to have been affected by the hard drive that suddenly went defect.

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Installation Hangs

Mar 23, 2008

I just bought parts for a new computer, today i finished putting together, now when I try to install Vista, it hangs at the 'loading files....' screen. I've tried installing XP Pro too, and it gives me a STOP C0000221' Unknown Hard Error' after it copies all the files, and tries to start the installation.

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SP 1 Fails During Installation

Mar 21, 2008

trustedinstaller.exe crashs. All pre-SP1 updates are installed. Using Vista Ultimate x64.

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DVD Cannot Read The Installation DVD

Mar 26, 2008

I am running Windows XP media center edition and have just bought an upgrade DVD to Vista. I have 2 DVD players on my machine but neither of them run the DVD. The only file that appears visible is a readme file and that says "This disc contains a "UDF" file system and requires an operating system that supports the ISO-13346 "UDF" file system specification."

When I boot from the DVD drive with the Vista DVD in it it starts the installation but the product key I have only allows for an upgrade and tells me I have to launch it from my current operating system. I am tearing my hair out at this stage.

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Can Not Properly Installation

Mar 26, 2008

I have a new motherboard (abit nh-m2sv), X2 +3800 processor, 2 gig pc4200 memory ATI graphics, DVD RW, Maxtor SATA drive, all are suppose to be Vista ready, but vista either won't install, or installs with BSOD's then will only run in Safe Mode. I have tried Home Basic and premium, the same issue, I install my old faitful XP and it goes straight in. I have run memtest, all fine, I have removed the gfx card, no change, I have tried an IDE hdd rather than a SATA no change.

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Installation Complete Used The Cpu 100%

Jul 1, 2008

Open it by ultraISO then extract it in a new folder in your desktop n then run the setup.exe wait until they do there job hahaaa... its working for me after the installation complete. 100% u can see 3.5gb change to 4gb

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SP2 Freezes During Installation

Jun 6, 2009

I have Home Premium SP1 on a Dell Dimension 9200 machine. I downloaded SP2 from Windows Update and during installation, the process freezes with the following message: !!OXCO190036!! 279614590 (WAB32.DLL). The middle set of digits changes everytime I try to reinstall SP2.

I did not deactivate my antivirus program before installing but I did use the Vista Update Readiness Tool to no avail. Now I know the "wab" file refers to an adress book in Windows. I don't use Windows Mail but Mozilla Thunderbird. Could this be causing me this problem?

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Have Not Software Installation

Mar 26, 2008

I purchased a new computer that came with Vista Home Premium pre-installed. I purchased the Any Time Upgrade for Vista Ultimate. MS had to mail me the Any Time Disc, which is taking a long time coming. I haven't installed any software, including my anti virus, thinking it would be best to do the system upgrade first. Is this correct, or can I just go ahead and load the other software (Office 2007, QuickBooks 2008) and Trend Micro Internet Security?

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Installation Across Raid5

Mar 26, 2008

I have 4GB RAM, Intel Q6600, 3xHD in RAID 5 and installed 32-bit Windows XP SP2. I tried some times to upgrade this to 32-bit Vista across this RAID5 but without success. Upgrade already crashed in the last step "Complet upgrade", PC was restarted and upgrade was rolled back to Windows XP. Can me sombody tell why?

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Installation Window Does Not Appear

May 2, 2008

When I put the cd into my driver, the installation window does not appear.

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MY DVD Cannot Read The Installation DVD

Mar 23, 2008

I am running Windows XP media center edition and have just bought an upgrade DVD to Vista. I have 2 DVD players on my machine but neither of them run the DVD. The only file that appears visible is a readme file and that says "This disc contains a "UDF" file system and requires an operating system that supports the ISO-13346 "UDF" file system specification."

When I boot from the DVD drive with the Vista DVD in it it starts the installation but the product key I have only allows for an upgrade and tells me I have to launch it from my current operating system. I am tearing my hair out at this stage.

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Removeing Xp Installation?

Nov 18, 2009

Got 3 harddrives,

Disk 0 : d: Xp (system, active, primary) g: (primary)
Disk 1 : e: (primary) f: (page file, logical)
Disk 2 : c: vista (boot, page file, active, crash dump, primary)

dont ask me why i set so many primarys lol.. Hope it wont affect me. i want to get rid of xp completly, prefrebly without having to reinstall. Basicly i got a chuck of boot stuff on the d: drive like, autoexec, boot.ini, bootmgr, bootsect, config.sys, io, msdos, ntdetect, ntldr, and of course the pagefile. How do i go about removeing my xp installation, and still keeping my boot?

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Corrupt Installation?

Sep 22, 2008

I've been having some trouble with my installation of Vista today. It had been running without a hitch for nearly a year. I think the problem started since Windows was taking a long time to shut down, I assumed (wrongly perhaps) that it had frozen, and so I forced it to shutdown by holding the power button for 5 seconds. Another possible cause could be I plugged in a USB joystick (driver conflict?).

When I started my PC back up I noticed things seemed to be running very slowly at times, as if the system was having trouble accessing some files. I scheduled a Disk Check and restarted. It found and fixed some errors, brought me into my desktop, and then a pop up kept appearing in the bottom right tool bar saying '*.exe could not be accessed' and something about a folder named '$Secure'. My browser bookmarks wouldn't load, for example. I restarted again and this time during startup the green loading bar would run its course, and then a black screen and a cursor appeared, rather than the Vista logon screen. I booted off my Vista DVD and ran Startup Repair. It found and fixed some errors but I still have the black screen problem. I also ran another Disk Check, as well as some HDD diagnostic software - it said everything was fine. When I try running Startup Repair again, it tells me it doesn't see any errors and to remove any recently added hardware (I have). I'm stuck at this point. I would like to repair (upgrade) my installation of Vista, but I need to be able to get into a working install in the first place to do that.

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Premium 64-bit Installation

Jul 3, 2008

The installation just stops after loading all the Windows files after booting from the DVD. Everything loads ok (seemingly) but then there's just this blue/green screen and i get no further. Mouse is movable however so it's not quite frozen either (confusing). I have currently got an installation of XP Pro 32-bit running perfectly and it has shows no problems with the hardware, which is as follows:

The full name of the new OS is Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium SP1 64-bit SWE OEM, which I got with the new pc i purchased. BIOS has been upgraded to the latest version, I have tried with only running 1 (one) memory module (2gb), but still this problem persists. I have yet to try the Slipstream SP1 Tutorial that I've found on this forum, as I still think it's a Vista vs hardware compatibility issue.

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Never Re-Activate After Installation

Jul 6, 2008

Never Re-Activate After Installation. if you have to reinstall Windows XP you normally will have to reactivate too. Well not anymore. Just copy wpa.dbl after you activated the first time. It is located in the WINDOWSsystem32 folder. Now if you reinstall Windows XP just copy the file back and you're up and running again.

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Won't Completeing Installation

Sep 20, 2009

I installed the RC version of Windows 7 and wanted to go back to Windows Vista but when I try to Install Windows Vista Home Basic back on to my Laptop It won't complete installation it don't say there's an error anything it just sits there. My laptop came with Windows Vista Home Basic on it, so I know it can run it. I have tried a clean install already.

Here is my laptop's details
-Acer Aspire 5335 (My Laptop)
-Intel Celeron Processor 585 (2.16 GHz, 667 MHz, 1 MB L2 cache)
-Up to 732 MB Mobile Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 4500M...

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Installation Of Vista

Dec 26, 2008

I have changed my motherboard and processor (dual core). The old motherboard was corrupted. Vista Ultimate upgrade version, not OEM, didn't work anymorrow. I tried to reinstall Vista. System refused to reïnstall, because it was an upgrade version. Then I tried to reïnstall my original Windows XP version. This was unsucessfull because Windows XP don''t support Dual Core! What do do? Going tomorrow to the shop and buy a new Vista?

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Installation Of SP1 Will NOT Complete

Mar 26, 2008

I downloaded en_windows_vista_enterprise_with_service_pack_1_x64_dvd_x14-55934.iso and burned it to a DVD. Then I ran SETUP.EXE on a 64-bit Vista system. The installation ran as an UPGRADE for hours. Literally hours. When I awakened in the morning, the computer was stalled in the cleanup phase of installation. I power cycled the computer. Vista decided the Upgrade was a failure and reverted to the state before the Upgrade started. I see no reason for this behavior.

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Installation Of Vista

Sep 22, 2009

I had been able to do it.. but wondering if its something common Can we use the Vista Business installation cd to install vista home or Home premium?? I know the repair works with any vista installation cds

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