Uninstall Zone Alarm / Program Does't Seems To Be Work
Jun 5, 2006
I've just downloaded the trial version of Zonealarm security suite from its official website. But after I restarted my computer, the program didn't seem to work, even when I manually clicked on it. I wanted to uninstall it, but an error message shows up that says "TrueVector Service has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." How do I uninstall ZoneAlarm now?
I've tried everything. After download of SP2 I tried several things to no avail. I uninstalled ZoneAlarm. I uninstalled Norton 2003. But the options to turn on XP firewall are still grayed out.
With a new laptop tried to install and run Zonealarm but in vain. Then i deleted windows xp home edition firewall but still i download zorealarm but it doesnot work. Also i try to run ''Spywareblaster'' but it says:'run-time error 438: object doesn't support this property or method.'
I've been using Zone Alarm's firewall for several months now without a hitch. I turn on my computer today and get a Windows Security Alert notifying me that no firewall is detected even though it seems to be on. Is it something wrong with Windows or Zone Alarm? And how can I tell if Zone Alarm is actually in this case functioning?
i have used Zone Alarm almost since they have started. Unfortunatly they have been bought by Check Point an Israeli Company. If you get a notice to update say no. They have added what I call a VIRUS OF THE WORST KIND!!! It says your computer has an error and won't let you get on the INTERNET! I have tried everything. Reformatting my disk, reinstalling windows and leaving Zone Alarm out and it still comes back. I have tried almost evey ANTIVIrus on the Internet plus almost every Spyware. I righclicked on it and Notepad came up and said that it has intwined itself in Bellsouth DSL Software so I can't get to the Internet. I reinstalled Bellsouth and for a short time I can get to the Internet like now. BE very careful. Bellsouth has a security suite that allows me to get to the Internet, But I can't go to more than one site and I have to Reboot. It also fouled up my Printer even with the Bellsouth Security Suite and I had to remove my printer and Rinstall it. CAUTION!!! I also deleted it out of the Registry and it came back!
Windows XP Home Edition.I had the free Zone Alarm edition installed and working for some considerable time.I did uninstall it with the uninstall procedure.Now I have downloaded the free Zone Alarm program again but when I go to intall this my pc shuts down.
I have xp home, and have Zone Alarm.I have been getting this message come up quite often, which I deny, because I can't find out anything about it. does anyone know what it is and should I allow or deny it please? The only thing I can find out is that it 'could be potentially malicious
I suppose I became bored(or stupid) but I decided to give Windows Live One Care a try. I like the idea that it has a two way firewall.I've tried Zone Alarm, but it's just too much trouble! Any opinions on this? I haven't read anything on this forum one way or the other. It has a 90 day free trial, so if I don't like it I can always reinstall my Avast,which I was having NO trouble with.
I have my winXP firewall enabled and at the same time, zonealarm. Will it have a conflict? Do I need to disable WinXP firewall? Or can I have the two running at the same time?
Though not being a computer professional or expert, wish to state that for many years I have been using ZoneAlarm Free version as my Firewall software. Recently tested the Kerio software and realized Kerio better in appearance, presentation, uncomplicated etc. and the best is the easiness in creating rules. In Kerio you could create Firewall rules straight away from the connection prompt. I am using the free version of Kerio.With best regards, Brother Brock.
Can anyone suggest a free firewall for Windows XP? I have used ZoneAlarm for years but recently have been having a lot of problems with "server not found" and am sick and tired of rebooting everytime I want to get on the net.
I run off XP and have Free ZoneAlarm Firewall installed. No problem up until today, but after an XP download upgrade, could not get internet access. Removed ZA and used Windows Firewall and no problem. Reinstalled ZA and no access, so now back to MS Firewall.
I am currently running the free version of ZoneAlarm so that I can use the firewall. I am getting a blocked message that indicated that the firewall blocked something that seems to be coming from my cable internet provider.
My housemate had a terminal case of unprotected windows, i sorted his machine out (spybot, adaware, regclean, avast!, zonealarm, mst defrag, mbm5 - as was overheating prevoiously - sorted now).Now the system sometimes hangs after zonealarm requests access for a MS process.I am also getting an error i don't understand, not sure if its anything to do with the first problem; The browser service has failed to retrieve the backup list too many times on transport DeviceNetBT_Tcpip_{B31AE179-7318-4162-86B6-D25BF39A9BD9}.
I updated ZoneAlarm. Now, my XP machine will not bootstrap normally. I see the BSOD go by, but, it vanishes so quickly, I can't read it. I downloaded a tool that claims to read the minidump file, but, it's empty, so no help. How can I view the vanishing BSOD?
I am working on my friend's computer which is running Windows XP Home edition on a Compaq Predario computer with 512 MB ram and 160 GB hard drive and AMD Athlon 2.16 GHz CPU. I was trying to install Zone Alarm but get the message that I don't have permission to use the Add/Remove Windows Components. I need to log on as administrator but don't know how. My friend has three user accounts (Mom, Kelsey and ******** Account). None of them use passwords so I doubt if any administrator account has one but I can't figure out how to log on as administrator. I tried accessing the .exe file in Windows Explorer but when I did I got the message: C:DOCUME~1MOM~1YOULOCALS~1TempVSINIT.dll. You probably are missing a necessary root certificate.
My sister tells me that after receiving a Windows update about a week ago, Zone Alarm stopped allowing access to the Internet. She uninstalled it and went to ZA website. They told her to download a new version that would compensate for the Windows update. She did, but it slowed her computer quite a bit. She also says that it interrupts Outlook Express from time to time.
I keep getting asked by ZA firewall to allow access to programs I have repeatedly "allowed" in the past, i.e. "Firefox is trying to access the internet..." I read in a forum that I have to allow for more time during shut down for XP to save all my settings but I can't find that ..
Recently Zone Alarm is blocking all of my internet access. If I leave the computer on for a long period of time(>6 hours), zone alarm will block all internet connection w/o notifying me. If I restart the computer or turn off ZA i get internet back. I have the free of of ZA. any suggestion?
I am using windows xp- keep getting window that states Zonealarm has detected a problem with your installation and has restricted interent access from your machine for your protection, then it gives me steps to follow which I can't because zonealarm does not show up on all programs, it also gives me a # to call to get running again. I have interent access and I have Xoftspy upgrade. I checked my firewall and I see zonealarm is now listed and it was never there before. Is this serious or is someone trying to get my money.
I've always used ZoneAlarm as my Firewall but I was just now questioning the necessity of it when my OS already provides me with a (FW). XP Prof Would the integrated FW suffice or is there really an adv to having Zone alarm? related question: If my goal was to gain on resources would getting a router eliminate completely my need for a FW? Thus maybe freeing-up resources?
Windows XP, recently updated, ZoneAlarm, Firefox recently updated, IE6. WebSweeper runs in the background, Windows Firewall is on, I have a router and a modem router.I've reinstalled ZA from scratch before, and of course have run numerous updates, and have never had a problem, until now.This started with some visitors. I created a 'visitors' limited account, and put it in just the 'guest' group. A teenager has had use of the computer. Now, she's mature for her age (14) and her computer use was monitored, so I don't think she did anything intentionally, if she did anything at all.Problem started when one of the adults had the system freeze on her, twice. Once with IE, the other with Firefox. Both times Firefox was up with whatever the teenager had up (beebo?), another window or tab with something else the adult was doing, and msn.com - hotmail - was reported to me as "hotmail froze".
when i open zone alarm and the hp printer toolbox the display goes off the page as demonstrated in the attachments. I can open the zone alrm box to full screen but i cannot open the hp toolbox to full screen how can I fix this.
trying to download z.a. firewall on my new hp laptop.Every time I boot up, first thing that pops up is a window that is showing a folder called zone deluxe games. The typical Zone alarm icon is not showing up as "working" down in the toolbar. It seems there must be a conflict with za and windows firewall on this puter.
Hp pavillion 2.7 ghz 1.5 gig ram 80 gig hdd all updates and sp3. Ran virus scan ,(avast) ok. malware bytes scan. ok. have zone alarm. Whenever I right click on an icon on desktop or in a window the little please wait hourglass appears...and never goes away . zone alarm icon in taskbar at bottom freezes and avast icon as well. I can hear my hdd periodically run. Ctrl-alt-delete does bring up taskman. if i look at performance cpu useage goes in sine wave form from 3-4% to about 35% up and down. every so often it peaks up to mid 80% then goes back to cyclying. at this point taskman locks up if I try to close it out.reboots don't help. I have not installed anything new in a while
So what are you guys running to protect your PC? Right now I'm running... - Zone Alarm Security Suite as my primary protection. (Firewall, AntiVirus, AntiSpyware, IM Protection, Email Protection, Program Control, Identity Protection, and Parental Control)For backup software (the more, the merrier) I'm using... - AVG Free (AntiVirus) - Spybot: Search and Destroy (AntiSpyware) - Symantec Client Firewall* (Firewall) - Symantec Client Antivirus* (AntiVirus)
when i updated my Zone Alarm firewall, I uninstalled it cos I was getting severe problems with the computer completely hanging, after uninstalling and reboot chkdsk ran and on the first 5% or so of checking the index it found problems then ran thru chkdsk pretty fast until fixing unreadable security description datastreams. windows works absolutely fine no problems whatsoever, then next time i reboot it does the same, this time problems are non-stop until about 10% then fine from there on in, then when it finishes repairing the drive it gets stuck at repairing unreadable security descriptions date stream , says unable to read and boots straight into windows, again windows works fine except a little hanging.
In january of this year, I bought zone labs, zone alarm pro, after using free zone alarm for over 1 year. It ran flawlessly until the 1st of August,2005.After the latest update,(from zone labs) I received an error message (every time I logged on to the internet)that IE 6.0 was encountering errors and would have to close.Then the program would not close due to its inability to respond. I had to use task manager to close it, and that did not always work. The next error message came on right after that and stated that True vector had shut down; as soon as that message displayed another came up asking if I would like to restart True Vector. I clicked 'yes' on this and thereafter my ISP's connection (earthlink) completly froze up. Task manager again used to log off of earthlink. I googled True vector, and found that it was something included in zone alarm pro. They said the problem had been fixed, but I do not think so.After using 'add remove programs' to rid myself of zone alarm pro,and editing my registry to the best of my ability, everything returned to normal: ISP loaded normally and ran correctly. Zone labs will not deal with my problem, (would not even allow me to contact them unless I used their expensive phone support).So, as of now, my system is up and running wonderfully, without zone alarm pro; but I do not feel that winxp, service pak 2's firewall is adequate. What to do?