Disabled Boot Drive Control Panel - Now Can't Boot

Aug 30, 2008

I had a drive that was beginnning to squeal and i figured I could disable my drives one at a time to see which one was squealing. Of course, disabling the drives through the control panel doesn't actually keep them from spinning, so the whole thing was an exercise in boneheaded stupidity. Anyway, as soon as I disabled the c: drive the screen went blank (of course), and now when i try to reboot it complains about a non-system drive and asks me to insert a system disk. did I mention that this is a home-built system and it doesn't have a floppy, so i can't boot off the floppy? I tried booting off the XP install CD, but it won't except that either (this seems odd to me).

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Cd Rom Drive Letter Not Showing In Control Panel

Oct 11, 2005

Cd rom drive letter not showing in control panel. No recordable device found on system. Running xp.

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Changed Boot Drive Letter And Now PC Won't Boot - Installed New Hard Drive

Oct 8, 2008

I recently installed a new hard drive into a friends computer and installed XP Home.
I ran all the updates and service packs.

I left later that day and let him install all his applications.

I got a call tonight from him saying he really screwed up and doesn't know what to do.
I had to follow his thinking over the phone so I hope I get this all correct.

He had trouble loading the drivers for his HP printer. He would get an error saying that a C: empHP_WebRelease folder was missing. He did manage to figure out that for some reason when I installed XP it called the Boot drive "I" instead of "C"

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Installing Old Boot Drive - System Current Boot Drive

Sep 19, 2007

I have an old HD From a system that I got rid of. I want to put it into a friends system to see if I can retrieve the files off of it and put it onto my external HD. The hard drive was the boot disk and the computer I am installing it on has it's own boot disk. If I boot up with two boot disks will there be a problem? Is there anything I need to take into account before doing this? I am planning on installing the old HD onto an ATA cable that I unplugged from the DVD drive. The HD that is in this system is not on an ATA cable, I'm not sure what it is connected to, just a small plug with a blue cable going to the mother board.

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Ethernet Card Disabled On Boot - Enable By Default?

Jul 20, 2008

A friend's Acer laptop, running XP, has a Broadcom Ethernet card which is disabled at boot. I'm told it started this a few weeks back, so I don't know if it's related to a M$ patch. Although I can turn the driver on in the device manager it doesn't want to remember the driver state when rebooted. Last time, when I thought I'd fixed it by disabling unneeded startup programs, I'd stumbled over a program advertising ability to set drivers to be enabled at boot but I don't want to buy a program to solve a simple problem. atm there are just Kaspersky and the Windoh$ firewall plus a few Acer and normal startup programs obvious. How do I set the Ethernet's driver to enabled from boot?..and is it clear what might have triggered this?

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How To Replace Master Boot Record On Dual Boot System & Delete Linux Drive

Mar 8, 2006

I have a dual boot system (2 hard drives) booting Suse and XP and boot up through Suse's built in boot manager which gives me the option of booting to Windows or Linux. But since I barely ever use Linux I want to delete it off the 2nd drive so I can use it for a storage drive, so I'm wondering how to replace the Windows Master Boot Record so I can just boot into my XP drive. I'm scared that once I delete/reformat the contents of the 2nd hard drive (I'll probably use Partition Magic to do this through my XP drive) that I won't be able to boot XP up anymore. So before I do anything I want to just be able to boot into XP and bypass the linux drive before I delete it to make sure everything is ok.

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Laptop Won't Boot / Can't Change Boot Order / Cd Drive Just Clicks

Nov 5, 2007

I have a HP ze5568cl laptop (Windows XP SP2). For a few years we've had trouble with the power connector. We've just wiggled the power cable to keep it connected and lived with the problem. It also gets very hot and the fan runs constantly. Yesterday when I powered it on there was no power, absolutely nothing. My husband has some electronic knowledge so we took the laptop apart and he soldered the loose part of the power connector. While he was doing that I cleaned the fan (couldn't believe how much dust was in there.When we plugged in the power cable the orange light came on so we were excited. When we powered it on all the keyboard lights lit up so we thought we had fixed the problem but.that's all it did. It went no further except that the fan kicked on.There is a clicking noise coming from the cd drive about every second with the green light flashing. I suppose it is checking to see if there is a bootable cd in the cd drive. I have attempted to change the boot order by holding F1, then F2 but it still continues to try to read the cd drive. I can't get to the screen that will allow me to change the boot order.

I also put the OS disk in the cd drive, hoping that it would start with the disk but it just clicks. Hubby removed the cover of the cd drive and I could see that the cd is spinning.There were no problems with this laptop prior to the power problem. It was really working very well especially considering the age of it.
The information in my sig is not for the computer with the problem. It's actually for an old computer which my son now has at college.

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Changed Boot Drive Letter From F To C - The System Does Not Boot At All

Jan 22, 2006

I bought a computer for my wife and kids. Well months go by and my wife tries to install something and notices that the MAIN drive is H: not C:

I figured that it was weird but no big deal. Well I purchased a printer for her and while trying to install the software it was giving me a "Windows - No Disk in Drive" error.

I did some research and spoke to HP tech support and they suggested that I search the web for a way to change the drive letters from H: (current hard drive) to C: (supposed to be default drive)

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Dual Boot Will Not Boot After Cloning Drive

Apr 3, 2007

I have successfully cloned my primary c partition of a dual boot system with XP Pro on the 1st primary partition c: and XP Pro on the 2nd primary partition as d: I can boot into my XP on the c: drive with no problem, but when I attempt to boot into my XP on the D drive it hangs on the blue screen right before booting into the user profiles. And believe it or not it continuously loops making the windows startup sound and the shutdown sound. It does the same in safe mode. I will try to explain the process on what I did so it can help you experts figure out this dilemma that I'm having. My old drive an IDE 100GB IBM primary drive was partitioned into 3 parts:

c: 30GB FAT32 primary
d: 30GB FAT32 "
e: 30gb FAT32 "

All ran great in XP's on c: ,D: and :e except that i was running out of room in all the partitions and the drive is getting very old , I think (5yrs). I used XXClone Pro v.0.58.0 to clone my old c: and d: partitions to a WD IDE 160GB. I tried many other cloning proggys like Acronis True Image, Drive Clone, Paragon Drive Copy, Drive Image 2002, HDClone 3.1 Pro but they all either changed my new drive NTFS file system to FAT32 or made exact same size copies. I formatted and partitioned my new drive as follows:..............

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Won't Boot (error On Boot) / Can't See SATA Drive

Mar 31, 2010

I had voltage fluctuations last night due a snowstorm and the voltage dropped crashing my PC.It now won't boot and gives the error that a file is corrupted.Windows/system32/config..The PC runs an OEM XP home edition on a SATA drive, the PC also has an IDE drive (D) but the OSes are on the C drive.Inside the XP installation I have Linux Mint installed.When I boot I get the 2 options I always used to , XP (default) and Linux Mint.XP won't boot when selected and gives the error above.The Linux Mint, also on C and in fact installed as a program within XP, will boot, hence I believe the SATA drive to be undamaged.I can see the C drive and all the XP files from the Linux installation.I've tried using the original full CD and the recovery console but when the recovery console opens all it can see is the IDE drive which it labels D (and of course doesn't contain the original XP install.I can't remember how I got XP on the SATA drive in the first place, I don't appear to have any Hard drive drivers in the case I keep all software CDs in and I'm a bit flummoxed. I can only imagine I just fitted it and loaded the XP install disc but that's at odds with what seems to be happening now.Spent a large part of today Googling but can't find anything that will fix this. so far.I don't want to have to wipe and re-install everything unless there's no option, it's a fast way to kill a couple of days over the holidays.

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Control Taskbar Auto Hide / Launch Control Panel Taskbar

Sep 1, 2005

I want a single desktop click to enable/disable windows XP taskbar auto hide.I can do this if I write a script for the AutoHotkey macro tool to open the relevant dialog box and then check or uncheck the appropriate check box.I'd like to open the dialog box with a command line from AutoHotkey, or a similar operation. Right-clicking the taskbar even in the program is uncool.The catch is, I can execute any CP dialog EXCEPT this one as a command line, either passing a dialog parameter to Control.exe or else using a *.cpl file name with Control.exe or directly. But I can't find "Taskbar and Start Menu".

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Dual Boot OK - Can't Boot Off Second Drive Alone

Sep 29, 2009

I'm running Windows XP and want to migrate to another hard drive. I used the excellent open source utility CloneZilla to clone my hard drive to the new drive, and used the equally excellent EASEUS Partition Master to resize the cloned partition to fill the new drive. Next I edited boot.ini on my original Windows to add the cloned drive as another boot option. After a bit of trial and error guessing the disk path for boot.ini I was able to dual boot into the original or the clone.

Now I want to boot off the new drive directly without dual booting off the original drive as I intend to wipe the old drive after I am satisfied that everything is working OK. But here's the catch: the original drive is SATA, while the new drive is IDE. So I can't simply swap the cables around and be done with it. So I configured the boot sequence in the bios to use "HDD-0" instead of "SCSI" (for some reason this old BIOS thinks SATA is SCSI) and restart. The system gets as far as detecting the boot source (floppy first, then CD-ROM) and then stops. No "operating system not found" or any other kind of error, just a blinking cursor and no activity.

I get exactly the same behavior using "HDD-1" to "HDD-3" as the boot drive in the bios. The bios detects the drive itself OK. I have also edited boot.ini on the new drive to point to the same location I used to add it to the dual boot menu on the original drive, but that didn't help. I also booted off the Windows installer, went into Recovery mode and ran Fixmbr and Fixboot with the original SATA drive unplugged and without specifying a device name.

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Wont Boot Boot When There Is A Dvd On Dvd Drive

Aug 2, 2006

I'am using xp with service pack 2 i am using p4 2.8 ghz with 1024 ram maxtor 80gb hdd when i start my pc the logon screen does not show up if there is a cd/dvd on my dvd drive if i remove the dvd then restart then it's fine

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Boot Failure: Select Proper Boot Device Or Insert Boot Media?

Nov 11, 2006

I am unable to boot my PC most of the times.Whenever I switch on my PC,I see the following message nine ot of ten times. DiskError/Boot Faliure Reboot and select proper boot device or insert Boot media in selected boot device If I press enter after this messages & keep pressing following messages appear from time to time (Not simultaneously). If just after making the switch on, I press F2 key to check the boot device preference

If just after making the switch on , I press f11 key to reach the boot menu I always find the 1.44 MB Floppy option highlighted as the booting choice.(though there had not been any floppy in the floppy drive, I dont have any really)I make the hard disk option highlighted & it solves the problem only a few times. But next time when I try F11 key to check the boot menu again I find 1.44 MB floppy highlighted.

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Disabled Video Adapter On The Dispaly Control And Now Blank Screen Appears

Sep 8, 2010

I accidentally disabled video adapter on the dispaly control and when i restart my desktop suddenly the screen went into a very low resolution so i opened the display icon again and disable the adapter hoping that it would go back to its regular screen display. i restarted my computer again but blank screen has appeared. i can not retrieve now the normal screen display. the screen remains blank whenever i reboot my computer.

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Control Panel Function

Sep 9, 2007

I have lost my control panel function. When I click on "control panel" I get the message "This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please contact your system administrator.My PC is not networked with any other equipment.

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Display In Control Panel

Apr 28, 2005

I have not been able to access the display configurations in my control panel. I click on the icon and nothing happens. Anyone know what happened?

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Control Panel Display

Mar 21, 2007

I can not get a photo or anything other than a "color" to be my desktop wallpaper. When I am in the control panel - display - the only buttons that are active are the "browse" and "color" buttons. The "position" button does not work. I can't even get one of the Windows backgrounds to display. The photo I choose to use is there somewhere because it is visible briefly when I start mycomputer. Then it disappears and is replaced by a "color" only screen.This is a very recent problem. I'm guessing some settings are incorrect.

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How To Display Control Panel

May 3, 2010

in my system control panel has been hided so how to unhide it?

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Display In Control Panel

Mar 25, 2008

I accidently posted this in "Vista" so I'm reposting it here as the operating system I have is XP Professional. I'm having a problem with "Display" in the Control Panel. Yesterday I visited a website and opened a file. After I did that, my wallpaper changed and it appeared to be whatever the website was. I was able to somehow get it off (don't ask me what I did, I couldn't tell you). Now, when I click on "Display" in the Control Panel and go to "Desk Top", the only thing that I can change is the color and I can also click on "Customize Desktop", but I cannot change the background or click on browse...".

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Control Panel Will Not Load

Mar 19, 2005

When I try to open "Control Panel" it gives me an error dialog box that says Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience. "Control Panel" has been taking longer and longer to load, but now it just stops. Running Windows XP Service Pack 2.

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Uninstall Ie7 Through Control Panel?

Dec 10, 2006

We recently downloaded a number of critical updates from MS. I didn't notice that ie7 was included in the list and installed it. We all dislike ie7 and would like to return to ie6, Can I just install/uninstall ie7 through control panel and ie6 will come back? Or will this leave me with no ie at all.

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Control Panel Has Disappeared

Oct 14, 2007

My control panel has disappeared and I can't fix it even though I've run AVG anti-virus and Spybot Search & Destroy. I'm also getting the following pop-up (with misspellings).Warning! Potential Spyware Operation!Your computer is making unauthorized copies of your system and Internet files. Run full scan now to prevent any unathorised access to your files! Click YES to download spyware remover.

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Lost The Control Panel

Sep 15, 2007

I have spent 14 hours trying to get this mess off my computer and get my life back.This warning screen popped up as you know after I got blasted by a porn page and had shut my computer completely off and rebooted.I did not download the spyware offered but something still got in.Lost the control panel and had restricted access to certain things.After many hours went into control panel through another user and was able to do a few things.I found a site that had a control panel fix and did get that restored on main user but everything is slow and not running right.I have also run Xoftspy, prevx, spybot,and spyhunter.I have run Norton none of which has solved the problem.

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Remove Icon In Control Panel

Jul 16, 2005

I un-installed a program (The Weather Channel) from the add & remove Programs and all other locations, including Icons have been deleted, excepting the Icon in the Control Panel. When I right click to open, an error #126 comes up stating (could not get local SMS.INI for current machine).Is it possible to delete thiss icon ? My OS is XP

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Install IIS With An Executable Instead Of Going To Control Panel?

Oct 25, 2006

how to install IIS with an executable instead of going to control panel, add remove programs, windows compents. I want to add it to a batch file that I run to install applications. I would just add it to the XP Install build script but I dont want it on every machine.

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Hibernation Tab Is Missing From Control Panel

Nov 25, 2007

I run Windows xp sp2, I often use hibernation option, recently I am unable to do this. When I go into power options in the control panel the hibernation tab is missing, also in the turn off computer options in the start menu the standby tab is greyed out

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Control Panel Opens With Windows

Feb 15, 2009

Recently, my XP Pro SP3 Control panel started opening upon Windows startup. I've found no one on the Net who has this problem, and have no idea how to stop this behavior.

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WIndows Control Panel Useless

Nov 11, 2008

When I attempt to make any selection in my Control Panel such as Add/Remove programs etc, a DOS screen pops up along with a dialogue box that reads like this: 16 Bit MS-DOS Subsystem
The NTVDM CPU has encountered an illegal instruction.
CS: 0000 IP: 0077 OP:fo 37 05 0c 02
Choose 'close' to terminate the application
Trying to reinstall WindowsXP from the original CD fails and just gives me an error message telling me it can't install because I have a newer version of Windows. Can someone help me with the best course of action to take? I need my computer for a job search and it is getting more unstable all the time. Also, I get two of these same DOS screens with the same error message at startup. I would really appreciate some help. Now, here is what someone at another forum told me to do that didn't work, unfortunately:

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Really Need To Get Into Control Panel To Remove Some Programs

Apr 14, 2007

I have not been able to get into my control panel for quite some time now. Every time I try to get in, I get the "Windows has encountered an error and must close the program error" I really need to get into my control panel to remove some programs.thought? I am running windows xp

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(Control Panel) Log On Sounds For Log On - Deleted

Feb 1, 2009


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