I have some questions about using checkdisk for xp. How often should you use checkdisk? What kind of errors does it really fix? Also, should you check " automatically fix file system errors" or " scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors" or both? Any help would be gladly appreciated!
Recently, I have had Windows XP's check disk utility come up during start up and run through the disks to check for corruption. Every time, it would just scan and be ok. Yesterday however, after my computer was on stand by, I tried to open up thunderbird to check my emails when I got the corrupt file windows message. I restarted and the check utility came up again..this time a lot of messages popped up saying that it was "fixing" the disks etc. When I got back into windows and opened up thunderbird..my entire inbox was gone. Everything else with thunderbird is there instead of the inbox. The check disk is still coming up on startup.
When I boot up my computer, I get several messages from Windows which read this way: "[insert file with a .exe extension here] - Corrupt File The file or directory C:WINDOWSsystem32UACmqiemusiwu.dll is corrupt and unreadable. Please run the Chkdsk utility." This message comes up every time that I try to run an executable file and seems to prevent some of them from running altogether. I can run Chkdsk in Safe Mode, but after it completes file verification it says "Errors found. CHKDSK cannot continue in read only mode." I have a virus (Total Security 2009) that is preventing the computer from displaying the command prompt in regular mode, but the programs that I need to get ride of the virus are all executable and cant be installed because of this glitch. Any help with what this file UACmqiemusiwu.dll is or how to fix it would be great. I've tried deleting it, but the computer won't let me because it is corrupt and unreadable.
when i run chdisk for errors in win 2000 by right clicking the hard drive icon and then clicking properties of c: harddrive, then tools tab, then click the check now button, and in the check disk options ticking "automatically fix file system errors" and clicking ok I get this message "The disk check could not be performed because exclusive access to the drive could not be obtained. Do you want to schedule the disk check to occur the next time you restart the computer."If i chose yes to that above it performs the diskcheck at reboot and when windows loads i go back to the checkdisk and i get the same problem again.
I am running Windows XP Homedition. I have two drives inside, the regular C: drive and I have a Slave drive F: with all my photos and music and documents. The problem I'm having is that everytime I restart or reboot my system it say it needs to check F: drive for consistency. It haven't been doing that until now. Then once it goes through that the system comes up. I try to click on an icon like my internet or registry program, nothing comes up, its like a read only file or something. Its not executing the program. THEN all of a sudden I get a blue screen. It says this::"Check to be sure you have adequate disk space. If a driver is identified in the stop message, disable the driver or check with the manufacture for driver updates. try changing video adapters. "Check with your hardware vendor for aany BIOS updates. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing. If you need to use SAFE mode to remove or disable components, restart your computer, press F8 to select Advance SStartup options, and then select Safe Mode."
System automatically restarts, if i disable restarts.Blue screen appears and informing to check for harddisk errors by run-chkdsk /f.But still i cannot clear my problem because check disk is not working when system restarts.
In the past few months I've added a 512 stick of RAM and replaced the hard drive in my five year old laptop with a brand new Seagate Momentus. The laptop itself is a Pentium M 1.8 running Windows XP Home (Service Pack 3). Also in the past few months I've started receiving BSOD's for Machine Check Exception errors. The numbers tend to vary, though I can never catch one long enough to write them down, as the system flashes the error screen and then shuts off or reboots.
I've run MemTest as recently as this afternoon and the results came back with no errors found in the memory. I ran a SMART test from SpeedFan on the new HD and it was deemed perfectly fit. Still, I can't shake the feeling there's something going on with the new hardware in this laptop, as I had never even heard of a Machine Check Exception since I never got one until some time after installing the parts.
I notice I get this specific error when playing a computer game (Diablo 2, for Christ's sake, so the game isn't particularly taxing!) or watching video, ie intensive activities. It never happens while just browsing the net. I am not overclocking the processor. In fact, I'm undervolting it to keep heat down, though I've turned off Notebook Hardware Control to go back to normal voltage setting and I still get the Machine Check Exception errors with the same frequency.
For a whole month now I have carefully set up the new notebook described below after successfully, but laboriously, running a 1997 Dell PII300-SCSI 128-SDRAM Win98SE system for 8 years. I've now reached a point where I need help on several issues from some of you who are far ahead of me when it comes to running a modern system. There are no major problems so far, just some minor performance issues and a few questions in areas in which I know little or nothing.
One instance of a freeze (when running Norton Speed Disk) which turned out to be a bad cluster and was repaired by ChkDsk. One instance of stalling @ the "windows is shutting down" window (shutdown only). There have been two instances of noticeable decline in peak performance: A.) after installing Norton System Works. I immediately uninstalled Go Back, which really helped, and B.) after replacing one of the installed 256mb sticks of RAM with a 1GB stick from Crucial. I only mention this because I deliberately delayed installation until maximium system performance had been consistently sustained. [This is nothing major, just a slight delay and/or menus briefly going blank when starting some programs and a slight delay in application reaction time, which usually manifests itself at the start of sessions, and late sluggishness in long sessions] I only mention this in the event that I'm wrong and can be corrected, because I believe this must be a coincidence and not due to the hardware (unless there is a setting or something in Windows that needs changing to accommodate the additional RAM) - and the solution to regaining peak performance lies in Windows and/or Norton System Works....
I am trying to run Defrag which I have in the past, but when I try now, I get the following message:Disk defragmentor has detected that chkdsk is scheduled to run on the volume C. Please run chkdsk / f.
have a PC running XP Home SP2.According to the Microsoft URL below, it is advisable to run Check Disk weekly if you use your PC daily, and Disk Defrag monthly, although more often in certain circumstances. Does that sound like a good time schedule? I realize there is no "official".
I always have errors reported on my hard drive, even after chkdsk /f and /f/r."Freespace marked as allocated in the volume bitmap". Why does it never go away? Windows XP Pro with all of the updates. Machine runs fine.
so what i did was scan for and attempt of bad sectors, when it was done i restarted the computer, then a blue screen pop up reading and checking for errors the last time i check it was on 33% so i was just sitting watching tv and all of the sudden my power for the whole house went out for about couple of min then when i turn on the computer, i tells me if i want to reboot in safe mode or normal, so i pick normal(tried safe mode also same thing happened) when it start loading a blue screen pop up saying A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer if this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen, restart your computer. If this screen apperas again follow these steps Disable or uninstall ant anti-virus, disck defragmentation or back up utilities. Check your hard drive fongiuration, and check for any updated drives. Run CHKDSK /F to check for hard drive corruption, and then restart your computer.
I would like to run disk check but each time I schedule it and reboot, the message that I see upon reboot is that disk check has been cancelled. How can I get it to run?
i've been having slow computer problems. lots of generic host errors and some programs that would hang and freeze the computer. i went to the Security area of this site for help. i had no major problems just a lot of startup programs i didn't need.i downloaded two programs to help me with that. then i decided to run defrag. that froze at 3% done. i also tried check disk, i got the screen to restart the computer. it was running fine. i had lots of bad sector stuff in stage 4. i went to bed at 24% next morning it still was at 24%. we left it on and it still would not move. so we restarted. i went and did a few more things, deleting things i no longer wanted and so on. last night i tried check disk again and i went to bed at 20% (tired). this morning there were no bad sector items, but it was still at 20%. i gave it a bit longer, but still nothing.
Is there a way to run a check disk if xp will not work? I had a system that started to give me strange error messages. I mean they were very odd. The last error that came up, said that I did not have a valid copy of xp and would not let me login to the PC. I even tried to login in safe mode, but that did not work. How would I go about fixing this?
After a recent "Browser hijack" I cannot defrage my hardrive when I do a window appears saying it cannot defrge this volume as Chkdsk is sheduled to run!I have checked Sheduled tasks" and have stopped it from running I have no Idea what else to to.When I start my pc Checkdisk runs gets as far as stage two and stops with a message "checkdisk has stopped due to an unspecific error" when I run checkdisk in cmd window it will scan normaly in read only but if i run it with fix enabled it says "cannot lock current drive" and then offers me the option to run at system start up.
Iv started getting strange errors on the computer like: "memory cannot be read/written" in different programs and different situations. I have run memtest86 and there doesn't seem to be a problem with the RAM. I have run a diagnostic from my harddisk maker and it checks out fine. I am suspicious of the hdd because of the following. When i run chkdsk it usually says: Errors found chkdsk cannot continue in read-only mode. I ran a boot-time check, with /r, but still when i boot to windows i get errors in the volume. This does not happen to my 2 non-primary hdds.
Out of the blue I thought it would be a good time to run Scandisk or Checkdisc. I did the usual thing and went to C properties and checked the two options where it said to have CHKDSK run on the next reboot. So after I rebooted I got a brief message that CHKDSK wouldn't run.Then I tried running CHKDSK in command prompt in Windows and it ran fine and reported some problems then it said to run CHKDSK /f and I did but came up with something about the volume is locked and all.So obviously I've got some file problems but what should I do. Run Recovery Console and run CHKDSK in there?
I have Win 2000 pro service pack 4. Running on a Sony Viao laptop. Something is screwed up on my C disc; trying to run checkdisk utility. Will only run in "read only" mode. Says I need to set "F" parameter to get out of readonly.How do I set "F" parameter? NOTE: I've tried running chkdsk from the RUN command in windows, also from the command prompt in safe mode. Same message each time.
Check Disk scans come up OK, I've independently tested the Secondary drive with other drive utilities and it comes up fine. I'd like to unselect CHKDSK at startup. I was thinking it might be in the BOOT.INI file, but am not at home to look.
My computer every now and again makes a churnign sound, freezes and the ngives me a blue screen which says that it is dumping physical memory. I tried to run check disk on the c: drive but a box tells me that 'windows was unable to complete the disk check'.I also noticed that I tried to analyze the disk for defragmenting but nothing happens it simply says that 'disk defragmenter could not start' - I have 23% disk space left (if that means anything).
Apparently she was trying to save some files to a floppy drive, and after several failed attempts, a "bubble" popped up (the little yellow pop-ups on the bottom right) that told her to run checkdisk on the A-drive. How does one go about accomplishing this? I've been looking around and found how to run it on the C-drive, is it any different for the A-drive?
I scheduled a checkdisk when I turn on the computer. Now I can't get it off. It ran and said everything was fine. I can't get out of it. ctrl,alt & delete doesn't even do anything.
Everytime I boot Windows, I get a message saying that I should allow check disk to run. However, if I let it go through, it will never complete. After about 27%, I get another message for about 1 second that I can't read. All I get out of it is that windows incurred a problem and then it disappears to start the same process over again. I can't run check disk from windows, either. If I just cancel it, everything boots up as normal.
It's a long story, but I've run chkdsk because of a McAfee problem. Their support asked for this. When I run chkdsk it finds problems, so I run it with the /f. I then rerun chkdsk. The problem I have is that it doesn't fix the problems that it finds.
I'm running Windows XP Pro SP 3, Intel [R] Core[TM]2 Quad CPU, Q6600 @ 2.40GHz with 3.00 GB of RAM.When I booted up just now a Windows light blue screen came on suggesting I should let Windows run a 3 stage Check Disk. I clicked Okay and it started . It was running down the screen too fast for me to write any of it down but it found a whole lot of files that were unreadable. I think in the second stage it said it was (perhaps) correcting problems, and doing something with orphan files but I don't know what any of this means. Some of the code language would often refer to things that looked like $350 or $128 (approximately) along with other code I couldn't read. It took about maybe twelve minutes, or so, and when it was done everything seemed to be working. It didn't tell me anything is wrong with my computer but could it mean my C Drive is faulty? That's my main concern. It's a fairly new 300 Gig hard drive and I haven't backed it up yet, and I guess if it's already faulty there wouldn't be much point in backing it up now, or would there?
I have an Acer Aspire 5100, which I bought last August. It runs Windows XP Media Edition.About 2 months ago, I had some major problems with the laptop. The screen went crazy -- blue and white lines everywhere. I had to unplug and take out the battery to turn the computer off. After that, it would not boot up. The power light would come on, and I could hear the hard drive start up, but the screen would remain black and nothing else would occur.I sent the laptop in for repair. They replaced the mother board. I did not have any further problems and everything ran super smooth.Until about 3 days ago, when, quite suddenly, it started to act funky. I first noticed it when I tried to listen to music or play any kind of video. The video was and continues to be slightly sluggish, and in both audio and video, there is a noticeable static-like sound, especially when I try to scroll on a page ... or blink at it, really. I also got one blue screen. Mmm, those are fun (also my first with this computer).It continued to hate me after the blue screen, so I rebooted again. Which took forever. "Windows is shutting down." would stare at me, for seemingly an eternity. I knew when I got the machine that it had a fairly slow shut down and boot up, but this was ridiculous. Boot up, of course, wasn't any better.
I cannot boot a friends XP computer,Even in safe mode ect.It started by saying XP cannot display desktop innsuficient resources. When I restarted it as It would do nothing,not even ctrl alt del to task manager ect,It did a disk check, I did not see result.Then it boots only to safe mode ect, when you click safe mode it just tries then comes back to the safe mode, safe mode with net ect.tried to re install XP repair but it says to accept press F8, but when you press F8 Nothing works the only button that does something is esc and then it cancels tries to boot and then back to the safe mode selection.
My system crashed a couple of times this week and automatically ran the checkdisk function. Where is the report kept, if it is kept at all. Am I able to see it? The checkdisk page runs so fast that there is no way of reading the errors it has found. If I run the function myself from: Local Disk:C/Properties/Tools/Error-checking Automatically fix is there some way to specify a destination or log under which this report can be kept?