Takes No Responsibility For Any Problems

Nov 6, 2004

Warning: Prior to making changes with the group policy editor please use System Restore to create a known good Restore Point in case you encounter issues. takes no responsibility for any problems that may occur from using the Group Policy Editor incorrectly.Note: The group policy editor is not available to users of Windows XP Home Edition.To access the Group Policy Editor follow these steps:1. Click Start - Run.2. Type "gpedit.msc" and press ENTER. To understand navigation and available options click on the available options and read their descriptions. You can also find information on the Group Policy Editor by searching for "Group Policy" in Help and Support.

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Explorer Takes 50% CPU

Dec 23, 2006

Whenever I open explorer it turns my entire computer into molases. In task manager I see it takes 50% CPU and almost 100MB memory.

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Explorer.exe Takes 100% Of CPU

Apr 23, 2006

For some reason, explorer.exe (nothing to do with Internet Explorer or Windows Explorer) sometimes shoots up and uses 100% of the CPU. Which makes the computer useless unless you shut explorer.exe down in the Task manager and restart it. I haven't been able to see a pattern. It's almost completely random, from what I've seen. I've got Service Pack 2 and all patches from Windows Update, plus any I could easily find for the motherboard.

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Explorer Takes 100% Of CPU

Aug 26, 2006

About 3 minutes after boot up explore takes up 99-100% of the CPU. I go to task man (ctrl-alt-del) and go to the processes tab and turn it off. The CPU % goes to 0. Then I go to the aps tab and hit new task and turn it back on. In about 3 minutes we are back to 100% of CPU. I now run all my aps through task man but I need to use explorer to move my files around from one folder to another. How do I get explore to stop doing this. I run the virius scan but can't find anything.

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SVCHOST.exe Takes Up All Of The CPU Usage?

Mar 19, 2007

The computer is nonresponsive for the most part at first. I click on the start button and nothing happens, but if i click on any desktop items they become highlighted because I clicked on them, but if I try to open them, they don't open immediately. After about 2-3 minutes of doing nothing, everything that I wanted it to do happens all at once.

When I open task manager, the thing that is taking up all of my CPU is this thing called SVCHOST.exe; there are 5 of them running - 3 for system, 2 for network service, and 1 for local service. While the computer has an episode, one of these for the system will use 99% of the CPU. That is when things are nonresponsive and slow.

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Web Addresses Takes Me On Other Site

Dec 4, 2008

When I click on a web site address in an email or other document, my xp goes to and not to the address. I can copy the address and then go to my browser and paste it in and get to the site, but it is a real pain.

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Do Right Click Takes Too Much Time

Aug 2, 2005

When I double click over a file or right click to open it, it takes 30sec to 2minutes time. That really irritates me. Instead if i open the application i want and then drag the file over it...its really fine, no problems. but i am really fed up doing so...My exact problem....If i wanna listen to an mp3 file if i double click over that it takes 30sec to 2min...if i open the media player and drag the file over that....its fine

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Computer Takes Several Minutes To Do ANYTHING

Jun 25, 2010

Im running Windows XP. I've encountered an extremely frustrating problem. My computer takes several minutes, sometimes a half hour, to do ANYTHING except open My Computer and the Explorer. Now I've looked at several posts on this site and I've tried things like CCleaner and Ad-Aware (which pretty much freezes my computer now whenever I turn it on) and neither of these have solved the problem.

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Takes Ages To Shut Down

Jan 10, 2006

The problem now is, when we goto close down the computer, it takes ages, doesn't seem to do any thing for ages. A error box comes up for "ccApp" which is part of norton antivirus (apparently)It literally takes about 4mins to close down.We have been using firewalls and did virus check.

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Jqsnotify.exe Takes 100% CPU Cycles

Nov 2, 2008

On an MSI P7N SLI Platinum motherboard, dual booting Windows XP and Vista - I mainly use XP - here also, this happened on XP. Ever since I updated Java Runtime Environment to 6 Update 10, jqsnotify - the Java Quickstart process, automatically starts up after some interval and consumes 25% of my CPu's cycles, - thats one core basically. Soon, there are 4 instances of this process - using up all my CPU power. I can close them down from the task manager - but when I'm playing a game- it suddenly slows down and I know what's happening but its frankly very irritating.

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SP1 Takes Many Hours To Download

Aug 6, 2005

Hello, can someone tell me where I can get a Service Pack 1 CD mailed to me? My computer crashed and I have to re-install Service 1 and 2. I have the CD for Service Pack 2. Downloaded SP1 is about 4 hours using the Internet.

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Delete Window Xp And Use The Memory It Takes Up

Sep 18, 2005


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Shutting Down Windows Xp It Takes Ages To Do

Aug 29, 2008

when i click the turn off compuotr button on the start menu it takes ages to load the other window, ive tried windows washer, defragging,Ccleaner, and all the dll add ons on them programs

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Store.exe Takes Soo Much Memery On Exchange?

Apr 11, 2006

store.exe file take stoo much memory on exchange?

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Desktop Takes Too Much Time To Load

Apr 8, 2010

My computer is very fast, intel q8300 etc... and used to load very quick. But after the windows update that installed internet explorer 8, the icons and start menu take at least 5 min to load, if they do at all(sometimes they don't even load at all). There is no internet explorer 8 to uninstall

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Computer Takes Up To An 11 Minutes To Boot Up ?

Oct 31, 2005

Hello all, at the point of exasperation here and am requesting any assistance or insight which can be provided. I Am up to 11 minutes to boot my JetBook laptop with Win XP pro I also have trouble with and reappearing in the registry and starup, as I understand it these are malicious things too. I have used registry mechanic, trend micro, spyaware, adaware and no adware to try and track these things down, apparently to no avail. There is a message I receive when booting up looking for a registry item which is at least four (4) boxes which makes no sense, how to do a registry search to delete the value?

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Laptop Takes 10-15 Minutes To Boot Up?

Jan 3, 2009

I bought a laptop in 2006 from my school board. It came with Windows 2000 Pro but I was not given the disk. I no longer work for that schoolboard but the laptop takes 10-15 minutes to boot. I don't know what to do.

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Does Not Shut Down Properly - Takes Too Much Time

Dec 6, 2006

I have Windows XP and recently when I click on turn off the computer to shut it down or re-boot it sort of slows down and it takes a very long time before it finally shuts down, if at all.
Sometimes I have to repeat and click on shut down/re-boot several times before it finally shuts the computer down.I have looked at my computer/properties/advanced/start up and recovery to make sure that the box for automatic restart under system recovery id un ticked and it is

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Control Panel Takes 30 Secs To Appear

Oct 29, 2006

Would this point to a disk prob

What could I do to verify if it is anything else ?

I have XP pro with 1gb RAM

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Starting My PC With Home Takes Too Much Time

Jun 25, 2005

I am having problems starting my PC. Each time I boot up, the PC is very slow and it can take up to 10 minutes to see desktop icons on the screen. At first, it displays the Windows Welcome page, and this is displayed for about 3 minutes. Eventually, the desktop is displayed with the background picture,
the cursor is also there, but there are no shortcuts/icons are on the screen.

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Pro Takes 20 Minutes To Reach Log In Screen

Jun 28, 2006

My Dell Dimension 4500 PC has Windows XP Pro SP2 installed. When I start the computer it goes through the DOS screen and then moves to the black Windows start up screen with MS Windows XP Logo and the blinking blue progress indicator. At the end of this cycle an error message in a square box appears for a fraction of a second making it impossible to read it. Then the blue Windows screen appears with the message Windows is starting up. It stays like that for about twenty minutes before the log on screen appears. After the password is entered the computer works normally.

Possibly if I could read the error message it would help. Is there a way of stopping the start up process at this point to allow the error message to be read? Would this error message be recorded by Windows elsewhere so that it can be examined? The other option is to reload Windows but I would like to try to fix this issue before I take this path.

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Computer Takes Five Minutes To Boot

Dec 12, 2004

I have a new IBM x40.It came with 256 RAM. Booting up was SO slow (4 to 5 minutes) that I added another 256 of RAM. The operating speed improved but NOT the speed in booting up. It still takes about 5 minutes.

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Takes A Long Time To Boot

Apr 11, 2005

Last week i turned my computer on and windows xp took so much longer to boot up. when the windows xp loading screen (with the blue progress bar) appears, its there for a few minutes, it used to be a few seconds. I scanned for viruses with Norton, scanned for spyware etc with Ad-Aware and Microsoft's Anti spyware, everything is all clean. All programs are up to date in definitions too. I cleaned my registry(registry mechanic), defragged my drives, done disc cleans, i have 2 programs in my start-up (norton and mcafee firewall) and still no joy. I have also used winxp manager and tried optimizing and xp still takes a long time to load.

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Computer Takes Too Long To Boot

Aug 28, 2005

Running XP Home, SP2 w/1 gig. All of a sudden my machine is taking too long to finish a boot. I've not added any soft or hardware before this started.Specifically, the Welcome screen stays up for 30 seconds. Then I get a blank desktop and 30 seconds more elapse before the icons appear. Finally, it takes 1:40 before all tray icons are in place so my total boot time is over 2 1/2 minutes.I've reviewed all Start up items in MSConfig and in my Start up folder, and have run a non-destructive restore. I've used Registry First Aid to check on registry content, and, of course, a virus scan (NAV), and have also defragged.

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Computer Takes Five Minutes To Shut Down

May 2, 2006

I run Windows XP had to recently restore my laptop.Things are getting back to "normal" except that now when I click on the "start" button and then "turn off computer"I have to wait about 4-5 minutes while the hour glass icon spins before I get the "log off, shutdown, restart" menu. Once this appears and I select "shutdown" everything goes okay and shuts down pretty fast.What might be causing this long delay?

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Computer Takes Time When Shutting Down

Aug 15, 2005

have a odd issue with xp pro, running boots fine, doesn't complain of any issues, no spyware or viruses running.It makes any difference im running NIS.If i am at a blank desktop (no programs open) you can do a ALT+F4 to bring up the log off,shutdown,reboot menu or click on the start button click on turn off the computer. the time it takes to bring up that menu is over 2 minutes. if i hit ctrl+alt+del and shutdown from there it instantly shuts down.if i wait for the menu to appear and then hit shutdown or reboot it also works fine. It just takes an exceeding long time to do such.I also have had the task manager open when i do this to check CPU usage and such none of the TSR's or services go above 3 in CPU
usage.Anyone else having issue?

also tried a SFC /SCANNOW to check and it came up with no errors.
This only does this when i upgrade to sp2.

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Laptop Takes 25 Minutes To Shut Down

Jan 28, 2007

I was wondering if anyone might be able to help me out. I'm unable to shut down my laptop. It's HP branded and runs on XP Pro. What happens is that it sits or seems to be stuck on the process of "closing network connection" when trying to shut it down. It takes about 25 minutes to shut down because of this "closing network connection". I wonder if anyone might be able to tell me what may be the cause and how to fix this? If i can ask what's really happening in the event of "Closing network connection" during shutdown process?

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Computer Takes 5 Minutes To Shut Down

Jun 24, 2007

Whenever I start up XP, or shut it down, it takes literally about 5 mins to do either. Any ideas what might be causing this?

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Computer Takes 5 Minutes To Restart

Feb 16, 2005

When I do a restart it takes 5 minutes.I have cleaned the reg. all temp files and defraged the hard drive.

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Computer Takes Few Minutes To Shut Down

Aug 18, 2005

Reduce the number of processes loading?and how can i improve The shut down time because I'm taking few minutes to shut down I'm using XP Pro.

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System Takes Too Much Time To Boot

Feb 7, 2009

Alright, so I have a Dell Inspiron 6000 laptop that runs Windows XP. It's a rather old computer, a few years old, but when I got it the specs were on the high end. Not top notch, par se, but certainly good. Now, however, I have a problem with it: It is agonizingly slow (I should, perhaps, also point out that it wasn't nearly this slow when I first got it...).

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