Remote Desktop Connection Only Works With Password?
Jul 10, 2006
I use the Windows xp remote desktop connection for my PC and my laptop via Wifi. When I first established it and sent an invite to my laptop my main pc had a password that was required to log on, so I used the same password to log onto the PC through the remote desktop via my laptop. Now, I have removed the password from my main PC but when I do that I cannot log onto through the remote desktop connection via my laptop because it won't accept a blank for the password. It will only work if I have a password on my user account on my main pc.
I have the lastest RDC installed (v6). I enter in the computer I am trying to connect to (name/IP). It then has a pop up for the 'user name and password'. Both computers start up without the need for a user name or password, so what do i enter here? Both running XP home with all the latest updates and McAfee Security Center (comcast version).
I have two different computers both running Windows XP professional. I am trying to connect to one remotely using the Remote Desktop Connection. I have enabled the remote computer for remote logins but for some reason I cannot connect with it. I get the error message that the client could not connect to the remote session. I have 50 other computers on this network all set up the same way and have never had a problem. Everything seems to be configured exactly the same. I can ping the remote computer.
I've been trying to use Remote Desktop to connect from my home computer to my office network's machines. I've followed all the instructions except for the part where it talks about getting a "virtual private network connection". Not sure if I have this part done right. Not even sure if this is the problem. Is there something that needs to be set up before being able to connect from a home computer to an office machine?
Can you only use remote desktop connection over a LAN or WAN? Is it possible to use it over internet with 2 pc's having a broadband connection if you get the ip address of the 2 pc's?
We have one server and 14 computers here at where I work. Some of the people want to connect to their computer from home. I would like to use the remote desktop connection integrated with windows xp just because its easy to use. I tried to connect to my computer and got the server, how can I basically select the computer that I want to connect to.
I am having the hardest time using remote desktop over my network.Everytime i try to remote to my pc downstairs (the name of this computer is downstairs) I get an error message "Client could not connect to remote computer". I have xp home on both pc's, with remote desktop connection enabled on the windows xp firewalls, and all the remote services enabled.
I have a Win XP Sp3 pc sitting on the school network to which I do RDC using the SSH tunnel with putty. It works fine and I can connect to it with no problem. The problem arises when I reboot the computer. I am unable to connect to the machine unless a local login has been done first. After a local login, I am able to see winlogin in the RDC window and go ahead from there. This is a big problem as I have to be around the machine when an update that requires a reboot is performed. Other pcs sitting on the same network do not have this problem.
At work I have a PC running WinXP x64 with dual monitors At home I have a PC running WinXP with dual monitors (Both have SP2)
I would like to use Remote Desktop Connection to work from home, on my work computer, USING dual monitors. Right now the remote window opens (with the size of one monitor) while spanning both monitors. IE Half of the window is on one monitor, the other half is on the other monitor.
I can't seem to expand the window to span both monitors. (I've tried doubling the deskwidth resolution in my .rdp file.)
Has anyone managed to accomplish the above? With my setup?
I have just installed XP pro SP3 and all is fine except that remote desktop connection gives me an error when I open it.'the pre release version has expired, download full version or contact administrator' I have downloaded the full version but get told when installing it that XP already has RDC pre installed, is there a problem with SP3? and can I fix this without having to reinstall OS?
how do I find the port of a computer to set the ip address for remote desktop connection? we have many work stations that share the same IP, but we just added a station and I can't figure out how to get the four digit port number
I have a Pentium 4 hp desktop computer running win xp pro with service pack 2. I can use remote desktop to connect from this pentium 4 pc but cannot connect from pentium 3 running windows xp pro service pack 1 to the pentium 4 pc.What might be the cause of this?I have selected remote desktop and remote assistance under exception tab in windows firewall on the pentium 4 hp computer running the service pack 2..How can I get to connect from the pentium 3 with service pack 1 to the pentium 4 with service pack 2?
Problem with remote desktop connection from one PC at one country to another PC at another country. I cannot make remote assistance work either. I asked remote assistance from a friend who is abroad. Both of us have Win XP Pro.
I want to connect from my home computer to my non-profit business computer that I just upgraded from XP Home to XP Pro. At home I'm running XP home and have a cable connection and the remote computer is connected with a DSL modem, there's no routers involved. I enabled RDC on the remote computer, and cleared the "Don't allow exceptions" box. The remote machine has a dynamic ip which hasn't changed in a while. The host says it's listenning on port 3389. One thing is that shows my ip address as one thing where ipconfig shows a completely different number. I tried connecting from the client using both numbers. In both cases I get the message: The client could not connect to the remote computer. Remote connections might not be enabled...
I have rdwc working great using my laptop computer to access my work computer over the internet......after some small problems with set up.I do this using my DSL internet connection, however, when I try to connect using my cell phone internet connection it just times out.....never connects. The cell phone is accessing other internet sites fine. It just won't get to my work computer. I have checked the settings and they seem fine (firewall,router, etc..).
Are there any more sophisticated packages out there that can connect to standard Remote Desktop enabled Windows machine?I need to connect to several remote computers on a regular basis, and would like something that would remember my login settings for each one of them. The standard Remote Desktop Connection client that come with Windows 2000 only seems to remember the settings for *one* connection. (Or are there perhaps some call arguments that I could put into the shortcut, in order to define certain login parameters?)
When I click om remote assistance it shuts down just the program not the computer,also when someone send me an invitation I accept and it seems like its going into it but shuts down.And about remote desktop I go into system then remote but theres no options for remote dektop just remote assistance what should I do
I have done some reading up on the internet, but I am still slightly confused about the full capabilities of a Virtual Private Network (VPN).I set my home desktop up to be a VPN server and connect my laptop to the VPN. Now, can I access my home network through any internet connection? Also, I use TightVNC for a remote desk connection. When I am connected to the VPN through any random internet connection, can I use this to remote access my desktop?
I am having problem in setting up a remote desktop connection to my workplace through my Linksys BEFSX41 router at home. I know it is the router causing the problem because when I physically bypass it, I can connect to my workplace no problem with Remote Desktop Connection. Linksys doesn't seem to be able to help me, they keep talking about VPN tunnels. I don't think that this software uses VPN. I have tried disabling the built-in firewall, port triggering port 3389 (don't really know what that does), creating a static ip on my end and port forwarding port 3389 to that computer, and even a DMZ doesn't work! Ultimately I would like to be able to use Remote Desktop Connection on all my computers at home to connect to work, so I think that port forwarding is not the right choice anyways. I don't see why the client-side router should have to do port forwarding, I thought only the host-side router should be port forwarding.
I have got windows server 2003 running on 1 of my pcs and i got other computers networked. and on my computers running windows 2000 i cant do remote desktop connection to those computers. Does anyone know how to do it?
I have tried to setup up Remote Desktop Connection But I get this error. Quote: The remote connection has timed out.Please try connecting to the remote computer I go to the troubleshoot help thing and it says this: Quote: The remote connection has timed out.Please try connecting to the remote computer again.Cause:The terminal server disconnected your session because you did not send a response within the time limit set for responses.
I have 3 PC's. I would like to connect to PC1 remotely from PC2 and 3, but there is a problem that I can't figure out. If PC2 is connected (to PC1) and I try to connect with PC3, I will kick off PC2 and connect. I don't wont this. How can I check if there is an active session on PC1 so that anyone who tries to connect first can see that there is another user connected?
i have two computers that are running winxp home edition. what i want to know how can i get remote desktop connection running. i have set up a small home network and can see the other computer on the network.
After an automated Windows update, I found that I could no longer use the Remote Desktop Connection program that is built into my Windows XP Home SP2. I can go to Programs Accessories/Remote Desktop Conn/ and click on it, but nothing happens. I can also go to MyComputer/Windows/System32/mstsc.exe and click on that, and again, nothing happens. No dialog box appears. It worked fine just yesterday, but seems to be dead today. And I couldn't find a download on the MS windows site.
I am connecting to a client's server via a VPN connection using Remote Desktop Connection on my XP home system.I have to run reports, convert to excel and then need to either print the report or transfer it to my local drive or a USB stick. I have checked access to local drives and printers, like I have in the past, but I can't get the file to print or transfer. My printers aren't listed as installed and when I copy and attempt to past on the local machine, I get an error that the source and file disk are not available