Outlook Email Recovery

Sep 1, 2009

Since Outlook is no longer available, I need an alternative email client. I can't install Windows Live since I'm using XP. I do have Microsoft's Office Outlook, but I can't get it to work. I followed the instructions word for word from Microsoft, but it's just a no-go.When I had Outlook, I would move the emails I wanted to keep in folders I created under the Local Folders. I must have 1 000's of emails backed up. I want to go through them and delete what I don't want/need anymore, but can't because

1. I never got the Import Messages working in Outlook [it keeps telling me that the program is in use and therefore can't import

2. Outlook no longer works anyway and

3. although I downloaded Thunderbird, it won't even put in the folders I created while actually logged into Hotmail [not even the Sent or Junk folders that are there by default], let alone the ones I created in the Local Folder in Outlook.

A lot of the emails I've saved I really need. They're ones sent to me after signing up with a forum or site and have my username and password in them.How can I recover these emails so that I can forward them to an email account so that I can not only view them and copy out all the usernames and passwords, but also so I can delete the ones I no longer need?I'm running Windows XP Home Edition and Outlook Express is 6.00.2900.2180.

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Outlook Express Email - Not Receive Email

Aug 27, 2005

I just got a new computer with WinXPHome. All works OK except I can not receive my email into OE 6, all email stays with AT&T's Webmail, which I do not want to use. My old Win98 computer has no problems with getting my email. The settings on both computers are the same. I have disabled NAV email scanning. I have no idea what to do. I like OE, and want to continue using it.

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Cant Use Outlook Express Email

Oct 21, 2006

How To Use Outlook Express Email. How Does It Work? I Want Run It Through My Yahoo

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Backing Up Outlook Email

Dec 17, 2005

I really hope someone out there will help me to solve my problem.Im using outlook express to check my mail.now i want to reinstall my xp from scrap.The problem now is I dont want to lose my message.I just want to back up my message only,not the whole hard drive.

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Backup Outlook Express Email

Oct 18, 2004

One of the most important things to create backup copies of, is your email messages. Here's a short guide on how to do this if you use the Outlook Express mail client. Copy the following folder: C:Documents and SettingsusernameLocal SettingsApplication DataIdentities{long sequence of numbers and letters}MicrosoftOutlook Express to a backup location (blank CD, Zip disk, backup HD, etc.). To import the email back into OE: 1) Open Outlook Express 2) Click File - Import - Messages 3) Highlight Microsoft Outlook Express 6, and click Next 4) Choose Import mail from an OE6 store directory, and click OK 5) Browse to the location (folder) where you backed up your email and click OK. That's it. You've now imported all your old emails. This is especially useful for clean installs of your operating system, or moving emails to a different machine.

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Outlook Express Locks Up On Certain Email

Oct 31, 2006

I have an email in my inbox that will not delete! I can't open it or anything. It is from a friend of mine, so I am almost positive it is not infected. I have adaware, spybot and avg all on my system updated and have ran scans--nothing found. I have tried to delete the email in front and behind it while all three are selected and it locks up oe. I have booted into safe mode to delete it--locks up oe. As soon as you click on the email it locks it up--will not even open it.

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Email Notification - How To Work In Outlook

Aug 31, 2005

I have been looking for a good notification program forever. I've tried just about the first 10 pages of hits on google. It's either they don't have multiple account support or they don't work with gmail and thats what i need. I'm using outlook and i really like it. I've heard people say that there is a notification tool built into outlook but i can't figure out how to work it.

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Default Email For Outlook Express

Jan 17, 2010

I use Outlook Express for e mail. Every now & then when I check e mail I get a message telling me that Outlook Express is not my e mail default, and do I want to make it my default. I check the box to do that, and its ok for awhile, maybe 2 weeks, then it does it again. Apparently something in the system keeps switching it. This has been happening intermittently since I bought my present computer about a year ago.

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Share MS Outlook Email Accounts On Two Computers

Nov 6, 2008

I have two users sharing one email account from two computers and different versions of MS Office Oultook.

One uses MS Office XP Outlook and the other uses MS Office 2003 Pro Outlook.

Just a day ago some emails arrived in the inbox of the PC with MS Office XP Outlook and did not show in the PC with MS Office 2003 Pro Outlook, wonder why, it has been okay since the day it was setup.

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Free Email Account That Works With Outlook.

May 30, 2006

I want to change from my regular email which is still Juno to a free account that I can use with outlook.

It seems with hotmail and yahoo you have to have the pay accounts to have Outlook be able to use them.

Does anybody know of any free email sites that would work and maybe some info on the differnce between Outlook Express and Office Outlook.

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How To Automate Outlook Email Account Setup

Jun 24, 2005

Is there a way to automate email account setup (Outlook) for Windows XP from workstations? We have users that need access to email at different locations. Currently the first time they logon to a machine we just go there and setup an email account, but it would be really helpful if the account would set itself up tied to the user's logon ID.

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Email Addresses And Emails On Outlook Express

Nov 11, 2008

excuse my ignorance but is Outlook Express part of:

a) the operating system (in this case windows xp)
b) microsoft office
c) something else

I'm trying to set up a new computer for a charity, just one problem they did not back up their email addresses and emails on outlook express from their last machine (which failed) so what do we do to restore everything? just wondered if anyone knew WHERE on the hard drive does outlook express store its emails and email addresses?

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Outlook Express - Open The Picture In Email

Aug 4, 2005

I can send and receive email without any problems, also photos and PowerPoint slide shows. But I receive some email that contains text which I can read but in the same email is a photo etc but where the photo is, there is a box with a red x in it which doesn't open.I am using XP home edition.

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Outlook Express Email - Delete The Emails

Sep 8, 2009

He goes into his INBOX and reads his emails. He does not delete the emails he has read and then he signs off. When he goes back into OE the read emails are now in his DELETED folder. I have checked the settings and cannot seem to find anything that he may have selected in error and cannot stop this from happening?

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Outlook Express Sending Email With Attachment

Jan 27, 2006

About a month ago my husband was having trouble sending emails. I would sometimes, but it would eventually work for me, but still not for him. He told me he had heard about the email antivirus scanners and somehow they block outgoing mail. So I reinstalled our Grisoft AVG antivirus without the email scanner. Now we can not send any attachments at all. Pictures, documents, nothing. I since reinstalled the email scanner since when trying to send I would get the message that a virus was attached. It still happens. It kicks it back along with about 50 messages telling why. Looks something like this..........

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Outlook Express Email - Language Only In French

Jul 7, 2010

spell check for emails indicates that there is no dictionary and when I check Tools etc the language is only in French

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Outlook Express - Forwarding Email - No Attachment

Dec 8, 2005

Windows XP Pro - SP2 most of the critical update - auto update) NAV 2005, Adaware SE, Spybot SD, Spywareblaster - all with the latest updates. Scan with all of the above + with online Housecall, found no pest or virus. Problem: When I forwarding an email (with or without attachment), the email arrived in receipient pc with only part of the email message and no attachment.

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Cannot Open Links In Email On Outlook Express

Nov 21, 2007

I have XP and Use Outlook Express. I cannot open any links I am sent in emails. I get a blank screen when I try. I saw a similar question in this forum from tony 007 and went to the link he received as an answer from Tufnuf. I ran all the .dll suggestions and I still have the problem.

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Configure Outlook / Add Email Account Or Manage It

May 4, 2010

I am new to outlook. i have just installed outlook on my pc. i dnt know how to add email account or manage it. and what is the term outlook connector and what is use of it? can i add gmail and yahoo account also in outlook? can my differrent accounts work together in outlook?

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Outlook Express - Email PPT Attachment - No Warning Box

Aug 9, 2007

XP Pro - SP2 - Outlook Express Sometime ago - some strange force compelled me to uncheck the box that says "Always ask before opening this file" for a PPT attachment. Now PPT attachments automatically open without the Warning Dialog Box. I have gone into Folder Options/File Types/Advanced/Confirm - made sure that the box is checked. Still doesn't matter. I have tried to attack this several ways - still no go. How do I get the dialog warning box back?

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Outlook Express Stopped Working On One Email?

Oct 24, 2009

I get the Outlook Express has stopped working and needs to shut down" pop up when I click on one specific email. It is from a trusted source so I know it is not virus related. I can not delete the email because as soon as I click on it, it stops working and shuts down.I did the error reporting but don't know what to do now. I need to delete the one email.

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Outlook 2002 SP3 Exchange Email Account Set Up

Jun 12, 2006

My daughter is traying to set acces to her job's Exchange Server using Outlook 2002 SP3. But had no success so she asked me to help, but I could not get it to work either. Her OS is Win XP Pro SP2.I go to Control Panel -Mail -Accounts- Email Accounts and click on to set a new account for Microsoft Exchange Server.In that panel I enter the name of the server.server. and her user name it asks to check the name and I click on and it brings up an error message thet it could not connect to the server that no connection could be established and that I need to connect to the internet. I know we are connected since it is a DSL connection she has. Also checked for More Settings but nothing in there indicates that I need additional info for a connection.I also tried to go through the HTTP set up and it to no avail. However if I just open the browser explorer and enter that HTTP address I can connect with no trouble at all to her logon page.

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Getting Email From Multiple Accounts On Outlook Express

Feb 12, 2007

I use Outlook Express 6.0 for the majority of my e-mail. I also have 2 other e-mail accounts. Is there any way I could see if I have any e-mail on these 2 when I open Outlook Express 6.0?

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Outlook Express Email - Not Able To Change Font Type

Aug 14, 2005

why am i not able to change the font type after i type in the typw on the subject line

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Forward / Move Message From Outlook Express To Another Email

Sep 9, 2005

Using Windows XP Home and Outlook Express I have thousands of messages in OE in various folders that I would like to save in my gmail folders (Google mail acct).Is there anyway I can tranfer a whole folder of messages to my gmail address. Or if not an entire folder at least 20 or so messages at a time?

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Outlook - Attached MS Access File To Outgoing Email - Not OE

Jul 16, 2005

I attached a MS Access file to my outgoing email. I received the warning about others using Outlook may not be able to access the attached file. I decided to send anyway... Now Outlook is unwilling to send the email and I cant get access to my access file...surely I can choose to send and receive attachments?

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Open Outlook Express 6 (email) - Send Error Report

Mar 24, 2008

Windows XP totally up to date. I think. When I open Outlook Express {email} I keep getting messages that "Outlook Express has encountered a problem and needs to close".....and it does close when I click on send error report. At times when it does work for awhile, when I click to delete a email, that email won't show as deleted from inbox, but when I then go to the deleted folder it shows up there....checking back at the inbox the email is now gone from the inbox.

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Outlook Express Email - Couldnt Use Disk To Download Files

May 15, 2010

I have xp home edition operating system and My Outlook Express folder is tottally empty. When I tried to use my existing xp programe disk, I received the message that my current system was updated & couldn't use the disk to download the outlook files. Where do I find the updated outlook files? do I have to buy files I originally purchased?

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Outlook Express Email Error - Message Not Saved To Sent Folder

Sep 1, 2009

I'm running Outlook Express on Windows XP Professional. When I send an email the message is sent with an undisplayed warning and the message remains in the Outbox after it has been sent resulting in it being continually resent until I manually delete it from the Outbox. A copy of the message is not saved to the Sent Folder even though the option is checked.I have run Nortons Utilities - and other utilities - and cleaned up Windows Registry and other Windows Errors - to fix my problem (without success). Is my Outbox damaged? Do I have to restore Outlook Express?

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Update Outlook 2003 Junk Email Filter / Keeps Saying It Failed

Sep 15, 2005

How come when I tried to update outlook 2003 junk email filter it keeps saying it failed. Then I tried to go to the website to download directly from them instead of windows but it still did not work. Also, when it said that i need to install activeX it failed because it does not know publisher. and the icon keeps popping up saying I have to update but everytime I try to update it it keep failing.

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Outlook Express - Cant Receive Or Send Email - Host POP1 Not Found

Sep 14, 2005

The error message reads as follows; Host POP1 couldn't be found. Verify Server,POP3 server,POP1 Protocol SMTP port 25 secure(ssl) no, socket error 11001, Error #0X800CCCOD

I need help getting my outlook express running correctly. I can''t recieve or send e-mail. errors keep popping up.

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