Fix Folder View Memory Loss

May 6, 2003

Windows XP forgets my folder view settings. Is there a fix? By default, Windows XP will remember the view settings for the 400 most recently used folders. After that, XP will begin overwriting the data of the oldest folder, and its view setting will be lost.

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Loss Of Memory In Lexar Jump Drive 256Mb

Sep 15, 2005

I brought a Lexar JumpDrive key memory of 256Mb. One day, after 6 month of use I saw the disk space was reduced to: 205,599,232 bytes196MB..There is a problem with the memory stick? Or is caused by using several USB mass storage devices?

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Folder View Icons

Aug 13, 2005

It seems that I have lost the Explore icon within the folders. This is the iconyou see when you are looking in a folder with and HTM or HTML file their I have tried to reset the without any luck. How can I get the icon back.

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Folder View Options

Sep 9, 2005

Every time I open a window now, I get a "folder list" (explorer?) to the right and inside the window proper. I have tried clicking and un-clicking just about every option in the folders options list under "View". I eben click apply changes to all windows, I have clicked and unclicked "Remember each window's view settings".I even unclick the folders button on the tool bar of the window, and close the window, hoping the window will remember I don't want the folder list displayed, still no luck.

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Xp Folder View Settings Not Being Saved?

Jun 5, 2006

Open a folder. Go to the tools menu, then go to the view menu.One of the boxes down on the list, says Remember Each folders View settings.I have that checked.HOWEVER, after I shut off the computer, and sometimes after I have ran any number of programs, all my folders reset to Icon view. Something is wrong with the system as it is not saving each folders view setting. Could this be due to a virus, or a corrupt entry in the registery file?

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XP Folder Options Will Not Allow View Hidden

Jan 6, 2007

Windows XP service pack 2.I have a churches computer that was infected with "INFOSTEALER", "TROJAN.VB.jy" and "DOWNLOADER.CRYPTIC.f" that I volunteered to try to fix.I searched the threads and followed the instructions listed to remove them and was successful. Thankyou for the help.But still have the issue of not being able to change the "FOLDER OPTIONS"/ "VIEW"/ "HIDDEN FILES AND FOLDERS" selection has both "DO NOT SHOW---" and "SHOW HIDDEN-" selected. If I select either one it will stay only as long as I do not close the Folder Options box. As soon as it is closed it will again default back to both hide and show.I cannot find any threads with this issue except the mention in the one thread about "INFOSTEALER" that I used to get me this far. What did I miss?

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Folder In List View Mode

Mar 3, 2006

I would to have the list view mode and the folder icon be selected by default whenever I open the window or a folder.

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Saving Folder View Settings

Jun 14, 2005

Running windows XP Pro and networked wirelessly to a windows XP home with admin priveleges. Both have latest service packs. Had same problem as some past threads regarding recalling folder view settings. Followed that advice and deleted the recommended registry lines + applied Kelly's BAG Limit fix. Reset individual folder views/settings and these now saved OK. EXCEPT as follows:Through My Comp I open Drive C: and window opens at size/pos saved but does not remember that I set VIEW/FOLDERS for a split pane.If I then continue and expand, say, My Documents, or any other folder which has had its view defined and saved, then close current window, the next time I open a folder from my desk top (eg My folder, Download, etc) it opens at the size and view settings of the "Drive C:" window. I can then reset that window view again until I repeat steps above when it is again lost.

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Changing The Folder View From 180 To 300 Pixels

May 6, 2007

Is there a setting in XP home and pro where you can set the number of pixels in the name from 180, which appears to be standard, to about 300 and have it reset all the files in folders set to open in "details" but do it all at once (registry or somewhere else), so I won't have to change this setting for each folder set to open the files with "details". I've got all this space out in the right 1/3 of the window and I would just like to set all the folder options which are to open with the "details view" to open with the file name at about 300 pixels instead of 180 pixels, so I won't have to reset each one manually.

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Disable Classic Folder View

Jul 7, 2005

For somereason i can no longer enable Common Tasks, how do i go about fixing that. Also My Default folder view for all folders is not being set globally, it has to be set for each single folder After countless efforts of going through the process

1)view>list and arrange by name
2)tools>folder options>view tab>apply to all folders doesn't seem to work. Attached is a screenshot of the classic view error

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Can't View Folder Tree In Explorer

Aug 5, 2006

My preferred view of Windows Explorer is a window with details listed and the folder tree on the left side of the screen. I recently purchased a new Emachine and cannot change my default view so the folder tree is present when I open Windows Explorer. When I click on ''tools-folder options'' and select ''apply to all folders'', the desired change does not take place. I noticed that the ''apply'' button does not activate when I click to make this change.

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Change The Default Folder / File View

Nov 16, 2007

And of course you can go in and change it to sort by "Type" or view as "Icons" or "Thumbnails" but as so as you close it it reverts, and the next time you open it it will be back to "List" view, arranged by "Name."Having it sorted by name is acceptable, so as i said it never really bothered me, but now one of my computers is sorting by "Modified" which is just not working for me.So basically I'm trying to find out if there is a way to change the default folder/file view in these basic Open, Save, Save As, etc dialog box's.

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Folder View Won't Stay Full Screen

Jul 27, 2010

I'm unable to keep the folders to open in full screen after going into nthe folder options and selecting "allow this to all folders".

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View And Modify User Folder Location

Aug 12, 2002

Microsoft Windows XP uses a lot of folders for each user. Everything from  "My video" to your personal documents folder. Below is where you can view the locations of these folders and can change them. Start Regedit. If you are unfamiliar with regedit please refer to our FAQ on how to get started. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerShell Folders Right click on the folders and select Modify Change the path to a new path if you want to change the path. Reboot your computer.

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Unable To Set Mass Per Folder View Options?

Aug 12, 2006

I have my Audio Files in a folder Called Mp3s, Which contains subfolders of genres which then contains subfolders of artists/albums etc. Now, For My Computer I have veiw settings to Detail / Groups.For the rest of the computer I have View Settings to List. However for the specific D:/MP3 Folder I would like to Have Details and my own columns. How do I set it so that I can have all my folders in D:/MP3 Are in Detail + my colums view without Overwriting the defualt all use list..?

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Apply Folder View Settings To Subfolders

Aug 18, 2005

I have quite a few albums of photos that I've taken from vacations/parties/weddings. I have them all in the "My Pictures/Digital Camera" folder. I have the events setup as the subfolders names. I do not like to use Folder Task to set my view settings, and instead of changing the view settings one by one in each of the subfolder, is there a fast way so that I can apply the same folder settings to all my subfolders in "My Pictures/Digital Camera" without changing other folder's view settings?

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Win Folder Options Missing General & View Tabs

Aug 16, 2007

For some reason there are a couple of tabs missing from the "Folder Options" window...(The General & View tabs are missing.)Anyways, for the longest time I've been trying to find a fix for this.. ive tried numerous registry tweaks and such, but to no avail.

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General View Tab Missing In Folder Options - C Drive

Oct 13, 2005

I am using Win Xp Pro and somehow the general and the view tabs are missing as an option under My computer -- Tools and then folder options. The only tabs that are available are the File types and Offline files tab. The general and the view tabs are missing. I became aware when I wanted to show all hidden files with a folder on my C Drive.

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Window Explorer Keeps Reverting Back To ICON View Instead Of DETAIL View?

Apr 3, 2008

Ever since I did a factory reinstall 3 months ago, every time I close my machine down and restart, my Windows Explorer settings keep getting reverted back to ICON view instead of my saved DETAIL view.I'm using the button under tools and folder options, View Tab, and Apply to all Folders.Is there something else I'm missing?

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Cannot Open Every Folder - Re Open File View Closed

Dec 22, 2006

Why can't I get XP to open every folder using the "Details" option? I do have it set so that it remembers (most of the time) to re-open that folder with the file view it was in when it was closed, but I want XP to open every new and old folder with the "file details" view. Seems like a simple thing, but I can't get XP to understand that's what I want.

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Having Folders View Be Default View In Explorer?

Aug 15, 2005

When I click on the Windows Explorer icon, it opens up with the left side being the blue bar with File and Folder Tasks, Other Places and Details showing. I have to manually click on the Folders button at the top to get the view I want. Is there a way to make this Folders view be the default view when I open Windows Explorer?

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Changing From Thumbnail View To List View?

Jan 14, 2006

Whenever I save a picture from IE 6.0, the "Save Piccture" window always opens in a thumbnail view of "My Pictures". Is there any way I can make it open in the list view instead?

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View Changed To Classic View?

Jul 5, 2005

I run all of my anti-spyware/malware programs, disc defrag, chkdsk every week. I then create a restore point.Today, for the first time ever, I needed to restore my computer to a previous date because my XP view changed to Classic view and the option to change it back to XP view wasn't available. But the restore points that I saved were not available. I was given a choice of July 1,2,3,4 and 5. The last time I created a restore point was last Monday, June 27th,but when I clicked on the << arrow to go back to the month of June, it wouldn't go back.What happened to the restore points that I created and why couldn't I access them?I know that they were saved because I received a message that they were created.And I have no idea why my XP view changed to Classic View when I turned my computer on yesterday.

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View PSD Files As Thumbnail View

Sep 23, 2004

A folder full of PSD files. I have the folder on thumbnail view so I can easily find a look I wan't and choose it instead of opening up each one. The problem is that the folder is not generating a preview of the file anymore but instead shows the PSD icon. I just got a new computer and it is since then that this has stared, as on my old computer the previews showed up fine. Is this a setting I need to change somewhere?

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Loss Of Cursor While Typing

Jul 15, 2005

While typing a document, a sound will occur and I will lose my curser. Subsequent typing does not appear on the screen. I have to click where I want to type to reset the cursor. This happens frequently while typing. This occurs in my Word Processor, in my email, or anyplace I type. I found that the Title Bar also dims at that time and if I click on the Title Bar the cursor will return. My operating system is Windows XP. There are no error messages.

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Loss Of Administrator Rights

Aug 13, 2007

I have a home computer with windows XP and I have lost my administrator rights. Most likely a virus or a hijacker has taken over but i cannot do anything to clean up the computer. I cannot uninstall, run the virus program or even reinstall XP. Is there anything I can do to gain access back to my computer.

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Time And Date Loss

Aug 2, 2009

I have a Dell PC running Windows XP that will not retain the date and time settings. Usually within a 24 hour period I have to go in and manually change the date from January 2003 to the current date and also put in the correct time. Does anyone know how to fix this problem?

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Loss Of Internet Connection On One Machine Out Of 3?

Dec 2, 2004

I go to install a new machine (P4 1.9 ghz) with a fresh install of windows xp home w/sp2.It starts up fine,I go online and update windows to current security patches. Then after about 15 minutes, I lose internet connection, but just one that one machine. I've swapped cables with my working machines, and that doesn't help. I've swapped network cards (gone thru 3 now) and the problem persists. I've changed ports on the hub, still no change. I read it might have been a virus, but I've gone to 3 different virus scan services and come out clean.

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Loss Of Power Schemes Options

Sep 5, 2005

I have lost the selections of different power schemes. How can I retrieve these?

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Random Audio Loss And Freezing

May 2, 2007

i'm running a custom built pc with windows xp home sp2, amd sempron processor 3300+ 2ghz, 10/08/2005-sis-760-6a7i7fkac-00 motherboard (according to aida32), 512mb ram. often, when i play an audio or video file, it plays perfectly well for a while (ranging from a few seconds to several minutes) and then audio is completely lost (also Internet videos only will play for 2 seconds after this happens). at first i thought that maybe it was a software problem, but it still occurs with each multimedia application i have. the sound returns on a reboot, but the problem still occurs all the time. any ideas about how to solve this?

also, on a slightly unrelated note, the pc also sometimes freezes; usually when several applications are running, bit it has been known to happen when barely anything is open. strangely, the cursor will not move, but remains on screen for a few seconds and then disappears completely. is this due to a lack of ram, or is there another way to solve this?i hope i have provided enough information.

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Admin Accounts Loss Of Privileges

Jul 15, 2005

Im trying to uninstall a program on works comp but even though ive signed in as myself(administrator account) and the default administrator account. but error message about having no administrator priveleges. Three other computers set up same time and exactly the same users are working fine. I can log in as Administrator, no problem. Running winxp pro sp2.

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