Chkdsk Not Run Properly

Mar 31, 2006

I have been trying to use the scandisk (CHKDSK) utility and been having some annoying problems.When I go to run CHKDSK (My Computer -- C:/ -- right click -- properties -- tools -- error checking). I check both boxs ("automatically fix file system errors" and "scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors"). It then tells me that it needs full access to the drive to complete the task, so it needs to restart and then run on the re-boot. I do this, and when the CHKDSK utility comes up (before the logon screen) it trys to start and then is says "Cannot open disk for direct access" and then just proceeds to normal boot, never completing the task. I have tried re-doing it and re-booting, but the same thing happens over and over. Why is this and how do I fix it? Thank you very much!

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Chkdsk Log?

Oct 19, 2006

im running windows xp home and im trying 2 find the log for chkdsk as i ran a scan but the results never stayed up long enough 2 read so is there a log somewhere ?

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Where Is The Chkdsk Log ?

Nov 16, 2006

I did a chkdsk on startup , and am wondering if windows keeps a record of what it found during the process, as I would like to analyse it

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Is There A Chkdsk Log?

Jul 4, 2005

Is there a chkdsk log file that is created after chkdsk is ran and if so where might it be found?

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Feb 22, 2005

I was trying to defrag my aunt's comuter witht the Windows (xp home) built in defragger. I got an error message that said to run scan disk or chkdsk.
While I'm familiar with scan disk, I know it's not an option on xp. So I went to "start", "run", and typed in chkdsk and hit ok...up pops a dos window and it says something to the fact of : "f parameter not specified. running chkdsk in read only mode", and then it does a quick run and nothing happens. I still can't defrag. How do I run chkdsk.

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Aug 20, 2006

I have been getting this error lately
something like.... the file or directory -- --
is corrupt and unreadable please run the chkdsk utlity

I am running CleanCachev3.5
is this progam unusable? I got it off that evergreen geek program

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Nov 22, 2006

I keep getting and error message Windows - Corrupt File - The file or directory C:|$MFT is corrupt and unreadable. Please run Chkdsk utility. I have run the utility many times and get nothing but verification of files. I can't turn on either /f or /r. which would hopefully correct the problem. I am using Windows XP Home.

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Dec 17, 2006

every time i boot my computer chkdsk runs on my #2 hdd i've run maxtor utilities and everything is fine .
how do i stop it?

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Help With Chkdsk

Feb 25, 2007

exactly what do I put in the "run" part to check the below error message?.
C:PROGRA~1common FilesAOLACSSinf.ini
is corrupt and unreadable please run the Chkdisk utility.

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Apr 25, 2007

To bring you up to date here is what I said last time
I am running Win XP SP2.
The last 3 times I turned on the computer it put itself through CHKDSK.
Each time finding loads of problems with $130 also loads of orphaned files.
What is going on? How do I fix it?

Go to
All Programs>Accessories>Command prompt and type
chkdsk /r (there is a space before /)
Reboot and it will run


I followed the advice and it all worked perfectly for the next 2 times that I turned on my computer. This morning I turned on and it was back to going through CHKDSK again.

I have up to date AVG anti virus.
I ran a full system check. Nothing found.
I have up to date Spybot.
I ran a full system check. Nothing found.
I hace Comodo Firewall. Up to date
I ran Registry Mechanic.

What else can I do?

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May 7, 2007

I am using an IBM Thinkpad R40 that runs XP. It was running extremely slow, so I asked someone for some ideas. The first thing they told me to do was run a CHKDSK. (start run ect.) and walked me through the scheduling process. Well, when I rebooted, it took 4 plus hours, to tell me an error had occured and I am stuck looking at a blue screen. If I let it sit long enough, it repeats the process. I have attempted to cancel the check, but again it freezes on the blue screen. I have attempted to start it in safe-mode with the same result. How do I get to windows?

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Nov 2, 2007

I am getting an error in the cmd when I performed a CHKDSK
The error is WINDOWS discovered free space area marked as allocated in MFT
I tried using the scan disk option and performed a thorough scan but again when i run that in the cmd i get the same error . I also did a recovery console where it said that windows has fixed one or more errors but still the problem persisits.

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Chkdsk ?

Nov 14, 2007

can i stop a checking file system on C ?
CHKDSK is running can i stop it at 35% completed?

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CHKDSK /f /r

Feb 28, 2008

I had something happen to my computer after I did a �CHKDSK /f /r�. When I went to use excel, and clicked on my tab key, the cursor went backwards. Then I tried to select a file and it would not let me select one file, it hi-lighted all the files. I finally closed out excel and tried to restore my computer to an earlier time thinking I got a virus. I did not open any e-mails that day, and it was running ok the night before. The restore froze and would not work. I just shut down my computer at the master switch and re-booted. Everything was ok after that. Excel worked fine, and all was good. I ran my AVG virus program to check for a virus, it found nothing. I thought it was a coincidence that this happened after the CHKDSK /f /r parms. Does anyone know what happened? The reason I did a CHKDSK /f /r was my Perfect Disk program did not defrag completely and the vendor told me to do this to do an offline defrag. I tried an offline defrag before, but I got errors on my drive and could not do it, that�s why they told me to use the CHHDSK /f /r. Also, is there anyway that I can put something in my restore to not let �ANY� virus come in so I can restore in case I got a virus? I use xp professional

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Feb 29, 2008

When runnning chkdsk/f upon boot , is there a way to cause the process to pause long enough to read the results ?

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Chkdsk /r

Apr 7, 2008

I recently had a virus and have an error of "Unmountable Boot Volume" when starting my computer. I googled it and found out that if I type in "Chkdsk /r" Into the recovery console it will fix it. But I was unable to find out whether chkdsk /r effects any of my files on the computer. Will this delete them or keep them untouched? Or is there any other way to fix my problem without losing my files?

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Oct 3, 2008

I have been running chkdsk /f and it continues to find errors, should I keep running it until it reports no more errors? I am doing this to try to speed up the computer it is an older pc that runs very slow.

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Jun 23, 2005

 i am just usin xp again after a long break and have forgotten how to run
chkdsk doh i used to right click on something and tick both boxes? what
is it i do?

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Oct 30, 2009

Trying to a chkdsk, gets reply that cannot continue in read-only mode. What do i do now Somewhat computer illiterates

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Jul 27, 2010

I am unable to clean up my C drive and when trying to run the defrag program I keep getting the message
"Disk defragmentor has detected that Checkdisk is due to run on the volume HP Pavillion C: run Chkdsk /f. "
However when I type that into the command box I get the message "chkdsk cannot run because the volume is in use by another process" It then asks if I want to run it at next startup but this makes no difference and so groundhog day begins.

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Aug 4, 2005

Since running CHKDSK on my XPSP2 PC, it keeps starting up with a CHKDSK run.
After completion I get a normal Windows startup and perfect running. Is
there something that causes this behaviour and can this CHKDSK be skipped?

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Aug 10, 2005

I have a dual boot system; XP and W2000. I am having a problem with the XP
drive (D. The system would not boot up in XP, I would get a blue screen
that flashed on and off so quickly that I could not read it. I did see
chkdsk and virus. Since the drive was recently scanned for viruses and I
had recently installed a DVD-RW drive, I tried to chkdsk. Windows 2000
(C worked properly and I was able to run chkdsk / f on the C: drive and
the extended drives. The D: drive and its extended drives did not appear in
My Computer so I could not chkdsk. Finally, I was able to boot the D:
drive in safe mode and ran chkdsk. The process did not complete, after
about 9% it would restart. Since the D: drive now appears in My Computer
in W2000 I ran chkdsk /f on the drive and got the following message: "Chkdsk
cannot run because the volume is in use by another process. Chkdsk may run
if this volume is dismounted first. ALL OPEN HANDLES TO THIS VOLUME WOULD
THEN BE INVALID. Would you like to force a dismount on this volume" This
reads as something I want to do, but I don't have a clue.

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Sep 1, 2005

When I set chkdsk to run on next boot, and it finds a bunch of stuff
wrong, what is the log file where I can see what it found/repaired?
I see .evt and .edb, but they are still in use, so must not be the

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Sep 15, 2005

BlankFor some reason, my daughter's computer ALWAYS runs chkdsk on startup
every day. It normally finds nothing wrong, which makes me think that she
has turned on a switch somewhere to perform this task daily.
She is running XP Pro with a FAT32 (!!!) file system.

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ChkDsk Keeps Going And Going

Mar 29, 2005

Last week I installed a new harddrive (200GB) via an ATA/133 controller card
to use as a backup for my primary and secondary harddrives that are installed
to the motherboard ATA controller. The controller card hard has been in the
computer for over a year with other devices attached.

My boot drive is an 80 GB drive that came with the computer.
The slave drive on the motherboard primary is a 120 GB drive that has been
acting strangely lately (becomes "unreadable" after extended use, problems
with finishing speed disk). It contains some large video files (up to 20 GB).

While attempting to copy the contents of the 120GB drive to the backup
drive, the 120GB drive became unreadable (stops copying, disappears from
Windows Explorer).
Upon restart, CHKDSK apears to have started and has been running for several
days. The screen is currently going through "Insufficient disk space to
hotfix unreadable file" and a number. The number is now over 165000.
Any idea if this thing is looking at clusters and will try to go to multiple
millions on the 120GB drive? What will shutting down the computer so that
other diagnostics can be run do to the drive and its data ?
All volumes are NTFS with XP SP2 running as the OS.
Any ideas?

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Chkdsk Ignored

Aug 2, 2005

My computer has started to show the dreaded blue screen, when I run chkdsk
without any parameters it states; there are file errors, but there are no bad
However when I try to run chkdsk /f; I go through the usual procedure ; type
y to run when I next start Windows, but when windows restarts it ignores this
and goes back to my desk top.

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My Pc Won't Run Chkdsk

Apr 22, 2010

i am getting an error message saying "documents and settings is corrupt or unreadable".i have tried running chkdsk but nothing seems to work.

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CHKDSK Log: Is Our System Ok?

Jun 21, 2010

I run a mission-critical business machine for my small company, running XP Pro SP3.

I periodically run Error Checking on the C: drive from in Windows, without checking the box for it to fix file system errors (or to check for bad sectors). Occasionally, after at least half-way through Phase 2, it says it couldn't complete (which I assume is due to encountering an open file). So, I run it again, and invariably it completes without incident.

A few days ago, as an extra measure of prudence, I told it to fix file system errors. It responded by saying it can't run that unless I schedule it to run on the next reboot, so I did.

The following is the log file (Event Viewer - Applications - winlogon). It "fixed" a few things. Is this enough to worry about, or is our system probably ok?

Event Type:Information
Event Source:Winlogon
Event Category:None
Event ID:1001
Time:6:30:05 PM
Checking file system on C:
The type of the file system is NTFS.

A disk check has been scheduled.
Windows will now check the disk.
Cleaning up minor inconsistencies on the drive.
Cleaning up 667 unused index entries from index $SII of file 0x9.
Cleaning up 667 unused index entries from index $SDH of file 0x9.
Cleaning up 667 unused security descriptors.
CHKDSK is verifying Usn Journal...
Usn Journal verification completed.
CHKDSK discovered free space marked as allocated in the
master file table (MFT) bitmap.
Windows has made corrections to the file system.

488375968 KB total disk space.
305456060 KB in 290545 files.
126988 KB in 25370 indexes.
0 KB in bad sectors.
439572 KB in use by the system.
65536 KB occupied by the log file.
182353348 KB available on disk.

4096 bytes in each allocation unit.
122093992 total allocation units on disk.
45588337 allocation units available on disk.

Internal Info:
30 e9 04 00 16 d2 04 00 57 e5 07 00 00 00 00 00 0.......W.......
27 18 00 00 02 00 00 00 da 0a 00 00 00 00 00 00 '...............
ee 1b 51 18 00 00 00 00 d8 60 e3 92 00 00 00 00 ..Q......`......
84 88 20 19 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .. .............
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 22 4e 2b c8 00 00 00 00 ........"N+.....
70 b0 5e b2 00 00 00 00 20 3d 07 00 f1 6e 04 00 p.^..... =...n..
00 00 00 00 00 f0 8e d3 48 00 00 00 1a 63 00 00 ........H....c..

Windows has finished checking your disk.
Please wait while your computer restarts.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at


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Chkdsk Log Size

Jul 4, 2005

The problem is that the max size of a single log is 16kB. More than enough
when everything is ok but
too small when your disk has some problems, and the list of involved files
may be very long.
Is there a way to increase the max size of a log? Or, alternatively, in
chksdk options can you specify a text file as log output?

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Chkdsk Log Files?

Sep 18, 2005

Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general (More info?) Does chkdsk.exe create log files when it performs boot-time checks?

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Chkdsk Not Acting Right

Nov 21, 2006

I have 4KB of bad sectors on my other HDD. I ran chkdsk with the /r command, and it didn't run any differently than chkdsk without the /r command. Alternate method to fix these sectors

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