Opening .car File Extensions?

Jul 5, 2012

I am rinning Windows 7 x64 home premium and I have been cleaning out my old cd'sI have an old win95 generations deluxe genealogy cd which will not setup in any mode on this computer. there is an social security death index set of 2 cds and I do not want to pitch it. I can mount and view it/them but not use them. The internals of the isos/cds are in .car file extensions and I cannot open these archives as I can not find a car archive r that will run on Windows 7 x64. and no 7zip or winrar or winzip will not open them. they are essentially they are text converted to database and compressed. does anyone know how to get these open so I can either use them or recreate them in another database program.

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Program Not Opening Looking For Exe. Extensions

Sep 3, 2012

When trying to open programs task box opens up and ask for the exe extension for programs. I have tried to using the Internet Explorer program highlighted but it does nothing. It asks if i want to run or save the exe extension for the program. Tried both and nothing works.

Also tried to restore computer from and earlier date, get an error message that says "System cannot start."

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Can Sort Recycle Bin On File Extensions So Can Easily Find File

Apr 24, 2011

Can I sort the recycle bin on file extensions so I can easily find a file?

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Searching For File Extensions Other Than Ones Specified?

Jun 29, 2011

Using Windows 7, is there any way to search for files that have different extensions than ones specified in a search query?I have a bunch of directories and subdirectories and I only want two specific extensions to remain in all those directories. The others I want to review and then delete.

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How To Re-assign File Extensions To New Application

Apr 16, 2012

Since WinXP I have a problem when I want to re-assign a file extension to another application (=the program which should be used when double clicking on a certain file in WinExplorer).This problem appears particularly when the old, current application is NOT existing any more! [code] So again is there a real easy way/tool of re-assigning file extension to new programs regardless of what crap stuff is currently existing in Registry for that file extension?

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File Extensions - Hide Or Show

Aug 27, 2012

How to Hide or Show Known File Type Extensions in Windows 7 ?

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Why The "ftype" Command Doesn't Display All File Types Associated With File Extensions

Jun 19, 2011

I was wondering why the "ftype" command doesn't display all file types associated with file extensions.For example if I execute "assoc", some of the output is

When I execute the "ftype" I find an entry for "txtfile" as per below but not for "RDP".file
txtfile=%SystemRoot%system32NOTEPAD.EXE %1

Note: .RDP files are remote desktop files and are opened with %windir%system32mstsc.exe

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Associate File Extensions With Batch Files

Feb 2, 2012

I have searched all over the Internet looking for how to associate certain extensions with certain programs using a .bat file... but no luck. I have spent about two hours experimenting. I'm able to do this from the command prompt: Code: ASSOC .cpp=C++_Source_Code FTYPE C++_Source_Code=E:Notepad2.exe %0 I created a small hi.cpp file to test this. It works perfectly. The command line is E:Notepad2.exe E:hi.cpp just like it should be.

However, doing the same thing from within a batch file yields the command line E:Notepad2.exe E:assoc.bat which opens my batch file when i double-click on hi.cpp... Is it even possible to perform this association from within a batch file? I have a LOT of different file types to register, and i don't want to spend 20 minutes every time i log on associating these extensions by hand.

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Add File Extensions To Show/hide List?

May 31, 2012

I have file extension .sfk that I'd like to have the files hidden by default. I can manually hide each file, but that'd take forever. I'd like it to be hidden by the "Don't show hidden files, folders, or drives" option. I'm completely blanking on this whole thing so I'm not even able to word it properly to search

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Search Drives For Multiple File Extensions

Aug 10, 2009

I've made the move (fresh install on new HDD) from XP to Win7RC x64 (I never gave Vista a look) and I want to scan my old HDD partitions for *.xls;*.doc;*.dwg;*.jpg etc to make sure I haven't missed any old files which were not saved in the right place.

The two partitions are mounted as F: and G:

In XP once you'd turned off the animated dog and chosen the advanced option, you could set "all of part of the filename" to "*.xls;*.doc;*.dwg;*.jpg" and "look in" to "f:;g:". It was a so easy

I can't seem to get Windows 7 to search for more than one file extension, let alone multiple drives as well. Is there an advanced search option which I've missed?

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Program To Batch Remove .bak File Extensions?

Sep 3, 2011

I used an Mp3 renaming program which I know cant remember and I stopped it midway through as I didnt know if it was doing what I wanted, I had set it up to remove numbers from the beginning of files, and it added a .bak extension to almost all of my files and now I need to get them off. I have since removed the program before I noticed that and I was wondering if anyone knew of a program or script that would allow me to batch remove the extensions.

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DOS Batch - Forfiles - Deleting Specific File Extensions

Sep 19, 2011

I've reviewed several different examples of how forfiles works. To set the stage, I need to automatically remove files with a file extension of .0 followed by numbers that increment and these files would be 7 days or older. Unfortunately, none of the examples or forfiles /? usage explains how to specify what I need done to file extensions that end with .0xxxxx

Here is what I have so far:

Code: echo on
rem Remove stats-bin.0* files older than 7 days
forfiles /p "c:Program FilesMySQLMySQL Server 4.1data" /m stats-bin.0* /c "cmd /c del /Q @file /d -7
rem pause Within the data directory, there are stats-bin.index files, stats.0XXXXX files and others. The goal here is to only remove those files that begin with stats-bin.<numbers>

Currently, this script isn't doing anything. Trying to troubleshoot what I'm doing wrong here. If anyone has another forum they frequent for Windows script

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Notebook Desktop Icon All Change To Microsoft Word Icon Also The Extensions Change To LNK File (.lnk)?

Oct 27, 2012

my notebook desktop icon all change to Microsoft word icon also the extensions change to LNK file (.lnk) except my computer and recycle bin icon, I used windows 7 ultimate x64?

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Pdf File Is Not Opening

Jan 15, 2013

pdf file is not open in my system

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Pet Peeve File Opening

Mar 21, 2012

It seems that a number of applications have made it their own decision as to where they think I should be looking for a file to open (Office + some other apps excluded).Anyone know of a 3rd party app or way to tell those wayward apps where to look by default?

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Opening CDR File - Any Way To Convert It To JPG?

Jan 23, 2013

I'd like to a open a CorelDraw .cdr file & convert it to .jpg or some other file type. Is there any recommendation on a good freeware program to do this?

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Opening A PDB File In Windows 7?

Mar 25, 2012

how do i open a pdb file in windows 7?

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Opening A PDB File In Windows 7?

Mar 25, 2012

how do i open a pdb file in windows 7?

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BSOD When Opening File, BC Code C5

Sep 3, 2012

just had BSOD when opening a folder on pc. I've uploaded dump file.

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Error When Opening File/folder?

Oct 9, 2012

When Try to open (double click on mouse) any file/folder/icon deleting error comes. Error Says:- Are you sure you want to Delete the icon/file/folder from your desktop/folder/drive

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Error When Opening A File In Explorer

Nov 4, 2009

This is my first time on the forums, so I hope I don't screw this up. I have searched the forums and not found an answer to this problem, so I hope I'm not re-asking an old question...

I am running Windows Seven Professional 64-bit and Windows Update isn't showing any more possible updates.

My computer is a Dell Precision M90 laptop with a Intel Core2 Duo 2.0GHz processor.


When I use Windows Explorer to open files that are associated with the program SolidWorks I receive the message: "There was a problem sending the command to the program."

I am running SolidWorks 2010 Professional SP0 which is a 3D modeling program for mechanical engineering. The program ran under XP without this issue.

I only receive this message if there is not an instance of SolidWorks running. Even after I receive this message, SolidWorks still loads and opens the file I selected through Windows Explorer.

This problem occurs no matter where the file is located (network or local).

This problem doesn't keep me from getting my work accomplished, but it is a bit of nuisance. Any help that anyone could offer would be much appreciated. I'm including a screen capture of the message.

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Opening Or Saving PDF File With Windows 7?

Jan 7, 2011

When opening a pdf file it goes to windows media center and when saving to desktop or documents it goes there also. How can I access?

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Opening Huge HTML File - 80MB

Sep 17, 2011

I have a 80MB HTML report and I don't know how to open it.

I tried Firefox and IE but they both can't handle the whole file. On IE it says "Done" but it stops working just when I want to scroll(or click on the window).

Firefox I could scroll for about 2 seconds before it stopped responding and I had to kill it.

*Okay all of a sudden IE successfully finished loading the HTML file and I can now scroll around the file but it is so slow and unusable. I am now trying to search in it and it is stuck again. I mean it will probably work, but it is too much to wait. *Again, it took about 1-2 mins to finish searching and output marked results through all the file.

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Word Crashes When Opening Doc File From Web Link

Nov 12, 2012

One of the schools we work in uses a resource called Primary Resources. It includes downloadable files that can be used for teaching. Here is a link:Primary Resources: English: Word Level: Spelling & PhonicsThe teaches are trying to download the .DOC files on the web page but they are getting a popup in IE to save saying the file may be corrupted. In the background word crashes and has a box saying "Word cannot close because there is an active dialog box open". You then have to end the process to be able to use word again.

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Bat File Not Opening Locker Even After Giving Right Password

Sep 7, 2012

I used a .bat file method to lock my files in locker in starting it worked great but suddenly it stopped working like now when I am giving password in .bat file command prompt it just don't get's open the locker and ask again and again for password even though i am giving a right password. I have some important files in .bat locker which is not opening even entering right password

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Error Opening Excel File From Windows Explorer?

Nov 18, 2012

Error: There was a problem sending the command to the program.

Windows 7 x64, Office 2007,
McAfee anti-virus
corporate laptop

I have tried all options found on the web, and noe have worked!

check/uncheck DDE request
check/uncheck Run as adminstrator

In the event log Event log:The following boot-start or system-start driver(s) failed to load: PBADRV Process **mcshield.exe pid (2736) contains signed but untrusted code, but was allowed to perform a privileged operation with a McAfee driver.Process **VsTskMgr.exe pid (2472) contains signed but untrusted code, but was allowed to perform a privileged operation with a McAfee driver.are there any registry settings to change??are there any other top secret options to tweak?

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How To Stop WMP12 From Auto-opening Last Played File

Mar 23, 2011

How can I stop WMP12 from opening the last file that was played when I load up a new instance of WMP12? Say I watch a video, close WMp, I click the WMP icon to load the player up, it wants to continue playing the video where I left off. I disabled it before a long time ago, but just reformatted and its doing it again and I cant remember how I did it!

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Slow File Loading When Opening Folder Within Program?

Jul 17, 2012

I'm moving from an XP machine to a Windows 7 machine and have transferred my project files (engraving files as well as .bmp). When I try to open a project folder in any of the programs I use it takes 2-3 minutes for it to load all the filesThere are just over 10,000 files in the folder, they are all small files (nothing larger than 100k), and on the XP machine it loads in an instant.I have done everything I can find online (turned off indexing, changed the folder prefs, etc) and nothing works. When I open the folder within Windows it loads in an instant, however when I try to open it within a program is when it dragsDoes anybody have any ideas of what else I can try outside of threatening the computer with physical violence?Also as you can tell by my screen name I'm a mac user that has to use PCs at work.

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Excel 2010 Crashes (BSOD) When Opening A File?

Dec 28, 2011

I just changed out my President's XP-Pro to Windows 7 Pro 64 bit.We store all of our Word & Excel docs on a 6.5 Netware server.Yes it's old and out of date - but it cost money to change it. so.....I had no problems ever with XP but with Windows 7 when you open a Excel file it ive the old BSOD.It may not do it every time, sometimes I have to open, close a couple of times and then it happens.I have no other problems in connecting to the Netware server.BTW - I'm using the Novell Cient 2 SP2 for windows 7

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How Does One Prevent Internet Explorer From Automatically Downloading And Opening A PDF File

May 12, 2010

How does one prevent internet explorer from automatically downloading and opening a PDF file?for example, I click on a link which I do NOT know is a PDF file. I am not given the option to SAVE the file. Instead, it is automatically downloaded and then Adobe PDF opens up in a seperate window. How do I disable this? I have disabled the plug in/add on in IE. With FireFox I was able to set the plug in so that it would always ASK me what to do if it detected I was going to look at a PDF. I could either open it or save it. IE does not give me that option.

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Permissions Error When Opening A File With Unknown Extension Type?

Sep 11, 2012

I am experiencing a problem with Windows 7 professional, 32 bit, where I am getting an error message (detailed below) when trying to open a file with an unregistered extension. For example, if I rename a file that ends in .txt and contains text, to something with a .test extension the "Open with..." dialog never appears, and I instead get the permission denied message. AVG premium is installed, however through a combination of disabling AVG as well as providing exceptions to the file extension, I can fairly safely rule out intervention from AVG. Windows Defender is disabled, Windows UAC is disabled as well. The Windows Firewall is on, but checking the settings for the firewall suggest no issues would be coming from there.To add to the fire, if I register the .test extension to open with notepad, the file will open fine and text is displayed as expected. Also of note, I can read the file from command prompt even when the extension is not registered to an application.

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