Make FTP In Windows 7 Without Using 3th Party Software?

Feb 17, 2012

can we make FTP in windows 7 without using 3th party software?

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Possible To Make An Automatic Install Disk For Third-party Programs?

Jun 19, 2012

I have found tutorials (here and elsewhere) for custom Windows (7/XP/Vista...) install disks, should you wish to tailor your Windows install to your needs. However, I have not found anything relating to my current question.While I will create one of these Windows disks, what I am wondering right now is: Is it possible to do the same thing with multiple programs from different vendors?I would like to eventually create a Windows install disk that has been trimmed of all the excesses I do not need, adding drivers, SP1 and some critical updates instead. If there is enough room on the install disk, I would like to add some third-party programs to be installed as well. It may turn out that I would need a Windows disk and an applications/programs disk also (as the programs themselves would be rather numerous and/or bulky).I know it is possible, since the big OEMs do this, but would it be cost-efficient (read: free), or even possible, for an end user to do

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How To Play Worms World Party On Windows 7 64 Bit

Jul 21, 2012

How to play Worms World Party on Windows 7 64 bit?The picture is messed up when i play Worms World Party on Windows 7 64 bit,how to fix this problem?

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Windows 7 Starting Upon Uninstallation Of 3rd Party Software

Dec 16, 2011

I tried uninstalling the bloomberg desktop software from my Windows 7 professional last night and that's when my nightmare began:First off, the uninstallation wasn't smooth. After I uninstalled the main program, there were still patches of auxiliary programs left and I had to un-installed them one by one. Win 7 did complain that some of the components were not there or program not found but eventually they were all removed from the windows program list.Unfortunately when I tried to reboot, my PC would go into this debug mode whereas the system can't 'fix' the problem automatically. I tried looking into the log and noticed the following:

Number of root causes = 1 Startup repair has tried several times but still cannot determine the cause of the problem Then a bunch of checks which yielded error code 0x00 which seemed normal.Then I dig deeper and noticed the following:

Problem event name: StartupRepairOffline
Problem signature: 6.1.7600.16385

Worst part is that I can't even recover using the system recovery as I'm missing some files from the bloomberg file holder.

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Add A Wallpaper To Windows 7 Starter Without 3rd Party Apps?

Jun 29, 2011

After recently installing 7 Starter N on my 6 year old laptop I soon found out how limited the OS is, one thing that specifically bugs me is the (almost) inability to change the wallpaper. I found a few articles online showing some registry editing to place wallpapers, but many users ran into difficulties changing the wallpaper a second time. I also realize there are such programs to do this task such as Oceanis and ThemeIt? Using basically the same use of the registry editor as many guides showed plus the use of some further permission and ownership changing to the wallpaper folder within the Windows directory to override TrustedInstaller to be able to swap out files as I please, I came across a very simple way to change the wallpaper by replacing the "img0.jpg" with a picture of the users choice, then log out/in to view the change, as detailed below:

PART 1: Changing user permissions.

1. Navigate to C:WindowsWebWallpaper, Right click the "Windows" folder and select "properties".

2. Click the "Security" tab and highlight "Administrators (User-PCAdministrators)" and click on the
"Owner" tab. Click the "Edit..." button, then highlight "Administrators (User-PCAdministrators)" and check off the box for "Replace owner on subcontainers and objects. Click the "OK" button, then again in the dialouge box that pops up next.

3. Click on the "Permissions" tab in the "Advanced Security settings" window and make sure both "Administrators (User-PCAdministrators)" and "Users (User-PCUsers)" have a permission setting of full control. If they do not, click the "Change permissions" button and edit both to have full control. Click the "OK" button on each of the windows to back out and save your changes.

PART 2: Editing the registry.

1. Open the start menu and type "regedit" into the search bar and hit enter. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelDesktop. Find the entry titled "Wallpaper" and double click it to open. Change the value to C:WindowsWebWallpaperWindowsimg0.jpg and hit "OK".

2. Right click the "Desktop" key and click on "Permissions...". Click the "Add" button and type "Everyone" and click "OK". Click the "Advanced" button and make sure the "Everyone" group is highlighted. Click "Edit..." and check off "Read Control" and hit "OK" on that window, then again on the "Advanced security settings" window. In the next window highlight "Everyone" and check off the "Allow" option for "Read". Hit "OK".

3. Now you should be able to place any image with a .jpg extension named "img0" into the "C:WindowsWebWallpaperWindows" directory, and once you log off and back in your wallpaper should be changed!

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Backup Currently Installed Windows 7 OS With 3rd Party Software?

Jan 31, 2013

I want to install windows 8 in my windows 7 pc, but I want to backup the windows 7 OS to an external HDD in case I don't like Windows 8 and want to reinstall the Windows 7 OS. I've done a file backup with Norton 360. But, Windows 7 won't let me do an OS backup. I think Norton 360 took over the backup function, and it seems it can't back the OS up. How can I backup the W7 OS? A third party backup for the OS?

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Windows 7 Or 3rd Party Seagate/Memeo Software For Backup

Dec 8, 2010

I recently purchased a Seagate external drive. I created a backup of windows to the disk using the Memeo software provided by Seagate. I tried to restore a file and I keep getting error message "The files cannot be restored at this time / try again later". I thought maybe it was still backing up but it states the backup is complete. I went to the seagate/ memeo support site and its basically useless. Of course they dont have that error message referenced.

Should I delete this Memeo software completely and let windows run the back up instead? I'm really confused now. I've been reading a lot of people have problems creating a backups with windows7 too?

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Can't Use Explorer In Third-party Programs

Mar 14, 2011

I while ago I was customizing my PC interface in the Windows folder of my OS. I use a bunch of third party programs that access Windows Explorer for browsing, and recently I've not been able to browse and find files because I think I might have deleted an important system file. I get an error message come up and the program usually crashes, too.

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Are There Any 3rd Party Drivers For Laptop

Apr 22, 2011

are there any 3rd party drivers for my laptop, upgraded from xp to seven, no sound and graphics sucks.

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3rd Party RAID Card

Nov 23, 2009

I'm installing Win7 64 on a single system drive but I plan to add a 3rd party RAID controller and drives for data storage. Do I need to hook up the card and storage drives and install the drivers on the initial install of Windows or can I simply install the OS on the main system drive and add the RAID at a later point?

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Get Custom 3rd Party Themes To Work?

Mar 18, 2012

#1 How do I get custom 3rd party themes to work? I have already patched the theme dll files with UXtheme but when I go to enable a new third party theme nothing happens.#2 Nearly every single time I try to copy files from my HDD to a USB Flash Drive the file transfer exits midway and I have to restart it again and again till it finishes, mostly with a large group of files 2gb+. My USB Flash drives are not broken they are fine I tested them.#3 When I change my cursor to a custom one it resets to the default cursor on reboot.#4 When I installed Windows7 1 month ago I could not reach other computers on my LAN by IP or SharesShared Folders, and as of now they can nolonger reach me at all.#5 How do I Fully disable Readyboost? I thought I already did disabled it. When I insert a USB Flash Drive I see a file appear on it with the name "Readyboost" and some extension I can't remember.

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3rd Party Firewall Drivers Conflicts

Nov 11, 2009

I am using a new dell computer with windows 7 64bit. I have had it about 10 days. Everything is running very smoothly except for trying install a firewall. The 2nd day I had it I tried installing a 3rd party firewall and the installation went fine and told me to restart the machine. When I did it started shutting down windows and then starting it back up....then all of a sudden a BSOD flashed and I was taken to the screen with options to either start in safe mode or start normally.

I tried to start normally but the same thing happened so I booted in safe mode and did a system restore and then they computer booted up normally. I thought this was a fluke so I tried a different firewall and the same thing happened. I have since tried 3 different firewalls and this happens every time.

The first part of the BSOD when it occurs says this DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL


I have tried to zip up the minidump folder but even though it is set to save minidump files the folder remains empty and won't let me zip.

From what I have been reading I think I am having some kind of conflict with the 3rd party kernel drivers these firewalls are trying to install. Why I am having this problem.....I do not know....nor do I know how to fix it. Of course I could be totally wrong.

I have successfully been using windows 7 firewall control plus, which does not install any 3rd party kernel drivers, without any problems. So, I guess I will stick with that unless I can figure out why I am having conflicts with the 3rd party kernel drivers and how to reso.

I have successfully been using windows 7 firewall control plus, which does not install any 3rd party kernel drivers, without any problems. So, I guess I will stick with that unless I can figure out why I am having conflicts with the 3rd party kernel drivers and how to resolve those problems.

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Third Party Partitioning Program The Only Option?

Sep 15, 2010

I set about creating a new simple volume on a brand new laptop today. You know - they come with one giant C: drive. We want a nice, manageable C: drive for imaging, about 75 - 80GB, but 100 or 125 would do.Ran up against the "fixed files" limit on shrinking the volume - could only claim 225GB out of 488GB.I'm wondering- could I (temporarily) turn off the page file, delete all restore points and turn off monitoring, and check for and delete any hibernation files - defrag - and gain some significant ground? Or is a third party partitioning program the only option, as Brink has stated in his tutorials?

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Erasing Hard Drives (without Third Party)?

Jun 8, 2011

I have a desktop and have 2 hard drives 1 is running Windows 7 and 1 is running Windows Vista. I would like to completely erase the hard drive so there is no operating system on it (the Vista drive). I would still like to store files on it. I have looked out there on google but I would not like to use third-party software.

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Need 3rd Party Screen Capture Device

Dec 11, 2011

i have been teaching people how to start 3d developing, and have recently gotten into BF3 and medal of honor.i absolutely love gaming, and back when UT2k4 was big i liked to record vids of me playing. unfortunatly medal of honor and BF3 slow down to a whopping 2FPS when using Fraps, X Fire, and 1 with camtasia.i need somthing 3d party that i can have a DVI-D in ,DVI-D out and a usb out to gather the vid when im done.ultimately id like to be able to record full 1080p at full 60-70 fps

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IE Unhandled Exception In Third Party Module And Should Be Closed

Aug 30, 2011

A couple of weeks ago this started happening : "Internet Explorer Unhandled Exception in third party module and should be closed. We are sorry for the inconvenience." Send Report Close . Then IE closes and reopens. As many as 3 - 4 times on the same site?

Here is my info :
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium , Service Pack 1, 32 bit
Processor: AMD Athlon(tm) 7550 Dual-Core Processor, x64 Family 16 Model 2 Stepping 3
Processor Count: 2
RAM: 2942 Mb
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce 6150SE nForce 430 , 128 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 293688 MB, Free - 84392 MB; D: Total - 11554 MB, Free - 1256 MB;
Motherboard: PEGATRON CORPORATION, NARRA5, 5.00, 100669550003562
Antivirus: avast! Antivirus, Updated and Enabled

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How To Choose Installation Directory For 3rd Party Software

Dec 10, 2011

Usually we create more than one partitions of HDD. Here, we have two opinions; some people say one shouldn't install software in the operating system's drive (mostly C) and the other people oppose this concept.These are my personal feelings that one shouldn't install software in OS' drive because it will give the 'typical HDD', somehow, a tough task. We will have to put more space for 'C' which will probably increase the seek time and maybe it will increase fragmentation on sectors.So which is the best option to choose and what is the true concept behind selecting the directories?

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Is MS Essential Enough To Be Secure / Need A 3th Party Software Like Eset Or Kaspersky

Jun 4, 2012

Is MS Essential enough to be secure or do you need a 3th party software like Eset or Kaspersky? I know that MS Essential does only once a day update but i wonder if the pay software is really that much better.For some years i used Linux and software wasn't necessary. On Windows on the other hand you do need protection.

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3rd Party Firewall Blocking Network Connection And File Sharing

Mar 26, 2011

I've tried both Comodo and ZA firewalls. I prefer either over Windows 7 built-in firewall. The problem I have is after installing either of these I have control issues with Network Discovery and File Sharing. More exactly, even though the system shows these two items are off and/or disabled (manually), Start> Computer> Network will start showing available computers to connect to, whereas, Windows 7 firewall will inform me that both items are turned off. I use a public WiFi so this is obviously not a good thing. How to deal with this 3rd party firewall/File Sharing issue? Is the fact that the 3rd party firewalls are blocking any connection attempts a sign that everything is okay? Or should I just stay with Windows 7 firewall?

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3rd Party Sync Software For Windows 7 64bit With Outlook 2010 64bit?

Jul 10, 2010

Windows Mobile Device Center doesn't work with Outlook 2010 if installed as 64 bit. Microsoft says to "fix" this by uninstalling Office 2010 and installing the 32 bit version!My question is are there any 3rd-party sync programs that will work with Windows 7 64 bit and Microsoft Office Outlook 64 bit and Windows Mobile 6.5 devices? I don't need to sync email but I do need to sync calendar, contacts, and tasks. And yes, I am aware that the iphone will sync with it! Silly Microsoft. I have 1.5 years left on my mobile contract with my Windows Mobile 6.5 phone?

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How To Make Ssd Boot Drive To Make System Scream

Nov 29, 2012

I wanted to use my 180gb ssd as a boot drive and I do not know what to do. I installed windows and some drivers on the hdd but i want to start over and I need some guidance.I am doing a clean install now. once thats done how do i make the ssd the boot drive to make my system scream! also will i need to put drivers on both hdd and ssd?

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Will It Make Difference To Make Partition At Beginning Or End Of HDD

Jul 11, 2012

I have two hdds (500gb 7200rpm) in my laptop and have 260gb of data on the second one. I wanted to create a partition for games at the beggining of the 2nd drive (the left side) as i heard it increased performance to put games in anoher drive and at the beggining of the drive.Will it make difference to make a partition at the beginning or at the end of this drive when it comes to gaming performance?My cousin showed me one game in the same drive installed in the 1st of four partitions of a 500gb 7200rpm (the same i have) performing with 3-5 fps more than that game installed in the 4th partition of that same drive....

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How Can I Make Windows 7 Look Like Xp

Feb 19, 2011

bought laptop, its loaded with win 7. i hate it, its horrible i cant find anything. havnt worked out how to make it look like traditional windows like xp. i am silver surfer, like gadgets but all i know i taught myself.

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To Make Windows 7 From 32 To 64 Bit

Sep 7, 2010

I want to take my Windows 7 from 32-bit to-64 bit. I know that to get from a 32 bit OS to 64 bit you have to do a clean install. Problem is, i upgraded to 7 from Vista about a year ago using a 32 bit version downloadable installer so there's no discs with 32 and 64 bit version. So I guess my real question is can i use a 32 bit upgrade version's key on a 64 bit non-upgrade version? I could download a 64 bit version ISO and do a clean install with that, right?.as long as the key i already have would work?

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How To Make Windows 7 Bootable DVD

Jun 22, 2011

I want to know how I can make bootable DVD of windows 7 64bit ultimate, and I have this windows in form of ISO file but I do not know how to make bootable Windows DVD from this ISO file by NERO 8.

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Need To Make Copy Of OS Windows 7

Aug 21, 2011

Just bought this net-book that came with Win 7 Premium. The first thing they recommend is to make a copy of their OS. Now this netbook did not come back with a burner, which i was aware of anyway. They do recommend a usb flash drive with the capacity of 12 gb's. I do not want to have to spend more money on another gadget just to make a copy of it. I do have a burner in my desktop which i have networked to the net-book, and am trying to see if i could at least copy or share it to my desktop and make copies there...but having a heck of a time so far.

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How To Make Updated Windows 7 ISO

Aug 31, 2012

Windows 7 installs million updates after format. How can I put these updates inside on my Windows 7 ISO file? Some people told that you can download manually the updates and copy them to Updates folder which is inside on ISO file. But I can not understand which updates exactly should I copy inside ISO. For example: If I put SP1 inside on ISO, should I also add the other updates which are published before SP1? I mean SP1 includes all updates before itself? I realised that after formatting-clean installation of Windows 7, first some updates are installing, after that SP1 is installing and after SP1 ome other updates are installing? So how can I find these update list or something...

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How To Make Ghost Windows 7

May 13, 2012

Daily iam Installing same model laptop more than 25 Nos. on win7 64 bit. so how i can make image? and which software is good

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Some Themes To Make Windows 7 To Look Like XP?

Oct 22, 2011

source some Themes to make Windows 7 to look like XP?

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Windows 7 Make Changes Pop Up Box Comes After Login

Jul 23, 2012

I have a new Win7 pc.It has a built-in dvd drive, but i also have an LG external USB dvd rw drive that was recognised immediately. However, it needs the software to do any burning, but since its intallation, every time i 'log-on' a box appears "Do you want the following program to make changes to your computer". I expected this after the first log-in or boot up, but its every time and therefore becoming a nuisance.

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Make Windows 7 Without An Administrator?

Feb 2, 2011

During the Windows 7 installation create a useraccount, let say USER1. This user is an "administrator" by default now.You will call your computer PC-NAME.After installation keep the pc in a workgroup (so do not add the computer to a domain)
Now log on to your computer as: PC-NAMEUSER1.Now create a new account: USER2 and do not add a password to this user USER2 will be a regular, normal user, without administrator right or any other special permissions.Now, add your computer PC-NAME to a domain. You will add your computer PC-NAME to (for example) the domain ABC.Now restart your computer.Now your pc is a member of the domain ABC.At this point you will log in your computer locally as: PC-NAMEUSER1 When you are logged in as PC-NAMEUSER1 you have administrator rights to disable your current account. So you will disable PC-NAMEUSER1 and you will see that by default PC-NAMEAdministrator is also already disabled.So when both PC-NAMEUSER1 and PC-NAMEAdministrator are disabled, you will restart your computer.When your computer is back on you are asked to log in again. Try to log in as a local user with administrator rights! For as far as I know, you have a computer without a accessable administrator account. Can you get the administrator enabled again?

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