Unrecognized Program In Task Manager

Aug 30, 2012

I have been noticing this in the task manager "InputPersonalization.exe" I have never seen this before. I have been using the On Screen keyboard after a coffee accident and was wondering if that's just a process from that. I have done some research and it's to do with Tablet pc's well this is a desktop.

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Program Need Username And Password In Task Manager

Jun 20, 2012

I need a program to start every startup of computer but this program need usernamme and password how I can do that?

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Windows 7 Installation, Task Manager Shows Program But Not On Screen?

Mar 2, 2012

Is this a normal Windows 7 error? I want to install League Of Legends but after I pressed yes to Administrator permissions to the program, then there is nothing, apart from Task manager says it is running, but I can not see anything on the desktop? I cant stop the program in task manager, which I think is a little weird?

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Game Runs From Task Manager With New Task Not From Shortcut Or Exe?

Sep 24, 2012

I have installed this game, Singularity. The game worked fine for a week then suddenly It would crash as soon as it was opened from the desktop shortcut. The game is patched to it's latest version, I have direct x all other runtimes and PhysX installed from the CD. The shortcut it set to run as Admin in compatibility. No matter if i try with the desktop shortcut or from the exe in the folder or from the shortcut in the start menu the game will crash asap. The only way this game runs is by pulling up task manager and selecting New Task then browsing to the games exe. Malwarebytes reports no viruses or any malware. Tried reinstalling, and it didn't help.

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Monitor Page File In Task Manager / Resource Manager

Dec 7, 2009

I am installing more RAM in my system, and want to monitor the page file for improvement/reduction in size and use. Other than performance monitor, can I see the page file in either task manager or resource monitor?

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Task Manager Will Not Run?

Jun 2, 2012

My task manager will not run. I have a large job running and I don't want to restart. Is there anything I can do to get it to run?

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100 % Cpu Whenever Task Manager Isn't Up?

Jan 6, 2013

Whenever I load up windows 7 with bootcamp, my cpu jumps to 100 % usage almost as soon as I log in. I can not figure out what is taking up my cpu power. When I open up task manager, there are no processes running anywhere near 100%. Also, when task manager is open, the cpu goes back to normal at around 2-3% cpu usage. WIthout task manager, the cpu gets hot fast and the fans start in full speed! Its insane! I play a lot of video games on my computer, and when I dont have task manager open, there is insane amounts of framerate lag. Games, such as Warcraft 3, are lagging my computer when they are set on low

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Explorer Use 100% In Task Manager?

Feb 19, 2012

Out of nothing my CPU run at 100% and explorer was using 98%. I had to end task my explorer each time i try to delete files from desktop or when i refresh my desktop. I tried few ways including clean reboot (only system files running), clear temp data using ccleaner, scan using online scanner and vundofix (both didn't found any virus/trojan). This is Hijackthis log :

Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.4
Scan saved at 8:32:10 PM, on 2/19/2012
Platform: Windows 7 SP1 (WinNT 6.00.3505)


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CPU At 100% Task Manager Shows Nothing

Jul 5, 2012

For the last few days I've been running some CPU intensive programs which I wrote. My laptop was getting really hot (70+�C), so I decided to blow into the vent to clear the dust out. However all this did was clog the fan with dust and it stopped spinning, so I used a safety pin to hook the dust out. The fan started spinning and it blew a load of old dust out, and my laptop is now running in the low 40's.

However now task manager shows the CPU usage as 100%, but when I sort the processes by CPU time, nothing is using much of the processor, firefox sometimes jumps up to 50%, but it doesn't stay there for long.Even when I boot into ubuntu, everything is still running really slowly.Also, speedfan reports my CPU speed as 600mhz, sometimes it shows a few other values (1400, 1200, 1800 etc), I have two core2 duo 1.83 ghz processors, so I wasn't expecting to see 600mhz!

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Too Many Processes On The Task Manager?

Aug 3, 2012

Below is my HijackThis log file. There are too many apps on the task manager and I am unable to turn them off. When I kill a process, it immediately starts again (SearchIndexer.exe Connectifyd.exe etc., and I noticed that all are running as services). How can this happen? And more importantly is there a remedy[CODE]

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Task Manager Won't Load?

Dec 16, 2012

Everyone I have Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit and I have a problem with the task manager.The problem is when I try to start task manager it loads for like half a second and doesn't do anything. If I do ctrl+alt+esc it just selects an open program. I've even scanned for malware but I have noticed something weird when I go to regedit under Policies then System there is only (Default) and WallpaperStyle. I think a virus may have disable my account as administrator.

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Task-manager Does Not Work

Mar 24, 2012

I just joined the forums here after trying(and failing)at resolving this myself,you see when i try and open my task manager it shows the icon on the task bar but no window appears.

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CPU At 100% Unless Task Manager Is Running?

Dec 13, 2012

my laptop has a similar problem to a previous topic: [URL] there did not work for me, I'm assuming it's individual pc to pc

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Lost Most Of My Task Manager

Aug 21, 2010

I've just noticed in the past two days that my Task Manager only comes up showing the Process screen. It does not have any controls for looking at applications or performance. I must turn it off with the taskbar window, close window. Does anyone have any ideas as to the cause and cure? I have used Glary Uitilities and CCleaner on the machine.

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Task Manager Will Not Open

Dec 15, 2010

task manager will not open. I looked at old post but nothing there worked

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Can't See Numbers In Task Manager

Oct 3, 2012

I can't see some numbers in my task manager. May it be a serious malware etc. or is it an awkward malfunction?

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Task Manager Won't Work

Apr 3, 2011

Task manager opens but it is an empty box with no data or tabs. I tried restarting the system but there is no difference. Update: Process monitor appears to interfere. Used System restore.

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Task Manager Is Empty?

May 13, 2011

Here's the problem: when I open task manager to close unresponsive programs, none show up. occasionally some programs do show up but they go away before i can do anything. I will record it so you can see. the same happens with record/playback devices.

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No 'set Affinity' In Task Manager

Apr 3, 2011

sorry if this has already been asked but i couldnt find a proper answer for me. I have 64 bit Win7 and i need to set my affinity to CPU 0 & 1 for a certain game that doesnt run well on my i7 860. I contacted them and they told me this is what I need to do. I do know how to USUALLY do this (task manager, go to process, show all processes, right click, set affinity...) but for some reason I cannot get the set affinity option to show up for the life of me.. also I am the administrator and I only have one account on this computer.

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Task Manager No Shutdown?

Jul 22, 2011

My windows 7 dell laptop hung on an application, no responsive desktop, no hitting start menu - nothing. I went to task manager and found NO Shutdown Option tab - I'm use to xp which had options under Shutdown, like restart, etc. So how do you shut down windows safely? I had to hold the power button until it turned off. On restart of course I got the dos window "windows did not shut down properly. Do you want to start in safe mode, or hit enter for the highlighted start windows normally

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Cannot Go To Task Manager Or ANY Other Function

Nov 13, 2011

I have a Toshiba laptop with I7 processor. Occasionally, I get complete lock up: I cannot go to task manager or ANY other function. If I have music playing, it will continue and the monitor continues to display a still image.

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Task Manager Not Able To Open

Dec 30, 2012

i'm having recurring problems with PC freezing. I originally though it was when the PC went into stand-by, but turned that off and issue continued. Ctrl+Alt+del : get error message saying task manager not able to open, turn off using power switch. As nothing responds that is what I do. Checked anti-virus, and have run various scans, no problems reported. I have tried using different web browsers and the problem even occurred even when no browser open. Music continued playing until end of track. Have updated drivers, no overheating problems, PC 1 year old; MB: ASRock H67DE3; CPU: intel i5 2500; 8Go RAM; Windows 7 64-bits; ssd 64 Go (14.5 Go free); 1 To SATA 6Gb/s hard drive (840 Go free). Had no orblems until this last month. What proceedure can I take?

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Task Manager Controls Vanished?

Sep 6, 2011

I somehow removed the controls on the Task Manager box. One section opens and the only buttons available are "show processes from all users" and "end process". Luckily, with no "close" button available, I can close it by right clicking on its menu icon and hit "close".

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Black Screen No Task Manager

Jun 3, 2012

After Windows logo my screen turns black but i can see and move my mouse cursor, and when i press Ctrl+Alt+Del it works but the problem is there is NO Task Manager, it only displays Log Off, Change Password and Lock This Computer. I also cannot use System Restore because i dont have any restore points..

ive searched through the net all of them said that to fix this is to type eplorer.exe in Task Manager, but i was really disappointed because my Task Manager is gone.

Hoping for you guys not to give up on my case, cause all of the sites ive been through already gave up on me and stops replying

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Task Manager Is Missing From Windows 7?

Aug 17, 2012

i'm new to this forum. My task manager is missing. If i press ctrl-alt-del, usually there is a menu that contain:

-Lock this computer
-switch user
-log off
-change a password...
-task manager

But now the Task Manager is missing! I don't know why! My computer is not just used by me, my brother and mother usually used it. I ask them but they said they don't know. Then is tried to search the task manager from 'start'. There is "View running process with Task Manager". I click it, but then show up a letter "Task manager has been disabled by your administrator."

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Task Manager Exit Missing?

Nov 23, 2011

When I access Task Manager the window opens and Task Manager operates fine;howeverthere is no way to exit. There is no minimize maximize close in the top right corner.The only way I can exit the program is to manually shut down the computer and re-boot.

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Task Manager Keeps Refreshing And Cant End Any Programs?

May 22, 2012

I cant use task manager cause it keeps refreshing and i cant even click on a program! .I have had expirences with this on tortoiseSVN, a svn program for garry's mod. I think its a conflict. Oh yes 1 more thing, when i click out of the window, it goes back to normal, when i click on the window again, it starts refreshing again non-stop.

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Can Ctrl+alt+delete But Task Manager Does Not Appear

Apr 6, 2012

I have a desktop, windows 7 ultimate. I now have a problem where when I enter my desktop it starts off completely black HOWEVER the mouse pointer is still there and can still move.After a few minutes the desktop taskbar pops up but it doesn't respond and stays like this. It's at this point where i decde to manually shut down my computer.I can ctrl+alt+delete but the task manager does not appear. I can enter safe mode.it might be a virus. It might be a driver problem but I didn't do any updates and I didn't do anything different.

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Windows Is Slow And Task Manager Won't Run

Sep 1, 2012

when I load windows in normal mode, its really busy,whether im browsing or just trying to open up a file or folder, as in the blue circle item spins around constantly. I have left it long periods and it still hasnt done whatever task. I try to do control alt delete to end the task and it cant even load task manager However, in Safe mode it runs like a dream, no problems whatsoever, except that because the sound drivers aren't loaded its not much fun and want to try and get normal mode back.

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Editing The Task Manager Bitmaps?

Jan 7, 2013

I am attempting to change the look of task manager in such a way that the bars which indicate the CPU / RAM usage under the Performance tab are a rainbow instead of all green. I had initially thought I could do this by opening up taskmgr.exe with a program such as resource editor, editing the appropriate bitmaps (103, 104, 125), and then saving them.

Of course, when I tried to save, I ran into the classic "System error code 5: Access is denied" message. Same old same old. I took ownership of everything relevant already (I think...?)

So then I thought, why don't I just make a copy of taskmgr.exe, edit that one, change the bitmaps in there, overwrite the original file with the copy! This resulted in task manager not being able to load at all. In order to restore functionality, I replaced the new taskmgr.exe with a copy of the original from my desktop.

This makes me think that there might be some sort of hash function that wasn't checking out or something, but I don't know why there would be one.

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How To Repair Task Manager In Windows 7

Oct 12, 2010

How do you repair task manager in windows 7?

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