HP Computer Does Not Boot

Dec 24, 2012

My computer right now will not boot up. Specifically, it will reach the part where the flag begins to form on the loading screen and just as the red and green dots touch, the computer will restart and begin the process again. I cannot boot in any safe mode.

I have the option to access the recovery console which I did. In I have tried startup repair and it told me it was unable to automatically fix my problem. It specified error 0x3712 and indicated that a driver or hardware change could cause this problem. The error is startup repair is offline. Next, I ran chkdsk /r on that partition and it reported no errors. Then, I tried to run sfc /scannow /offbootdir=C: /offwindir=C:windows but it returns "Windows Resource protection could not perform the requested operation."..

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Whenever Boot Up Computer It Shows Advent Logo-screen / Where Can Access Boot Menu

May 7, 2012

I am running an Advent desktop PC and its stats are as follows; Intel Core i5-2310 CPU @ 2.90GHz 8GB RAM Win 7 64 bit.The problem I am having is when ever i boot up the computer it shows the Advent logo-screen where I can access the boot menu etc but then it goes to a black screen with a cursor/underscore flashing in the top left... This screen stays for quite a while and I am not sure if it stops because of a key I have pressed or just because it has run its course but after it disappears the computer goes back to the logo-screen for a moment and proceeds to boot up as normal except slightly slower than usual.It is a relatively new computer and it has no problems running at all once the boot up is complete it is fast and as friendly as ever.

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Computer Won't Boot Up Anything At All?

Jul 7, 2011

OS - Windows 7 Professional 32-bit

Okay, the past few days my computer wasn't all ways booting the OS up straight away, it would freeze at the windows 7 logo screen. However, after a few times of restarting my computer, it would load up my OS fine.

This morning when I turned my computer on, it froze on the windows logo screen. I've chose both the "Launch Startup Repair (recommended)" and "Start Windows Normally", neither work. They both freeze upon trying to load.

Trying to launch startup repair, takes me to the screen where there is a gold bar scrolling across, loading, with Microsoft corporation underneath. That loads fine, however, after that, the screen goes completely black.

Trying to launch windows normally brings me to the windows 7 logo screen with the coloured flag and freezes there.

After that, I put my windows 7 installation CD in and tried repairing the OS from there. This didn't work either as i put it in, chose boot from cd, and it would load the files, then when it got to the logo screen, it would do the same thing and freeze there.

So I tried booting in safe mode... So I booted my computer up, pressing F8, I got to the advanced Boot menu, I chose safe mode, that listed all the files it was loading, then when it got to disk.sys, it would freeze. I'm not 100% sure if it froze because I only waited for about half an hour, hoping it would load.

I've tried booting with all the other options under this menu and it still freezes At one point when i was booting up my computer, it showed a BSOD that was to do with memory management, not sure, i didn't write the error message down

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Computer Will Not Boot

Jun 6, 2012

This computer is an ACER running Windows 7 with an AMD Athlon II CPU.Suddenly it would not boot.It starts up, I hear one beep, the CPU fan runs but it goes no further. I was looking in the BIOS and in Advanced BIOS Features is saw an entry "Reset Configuration Data". It was [Disabled] so in changed it to [Enabled], then rebooted and this is what I saw: After the first two lines about the BIOS version and copyright info it sat for some time then I saw this:I don't have a system disk for this computer.

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Cant Boot Any OS On To Computer

Feb 17, 2011

I started to install windows 7 on my computer got half way through when my boy pushed rest. After starting up it looked like it was starting windows when I got that windows encountered an unexpected rest error. Windows installation cannot proceed. It's telling me to restart computer and then restart installation. When I restart the installation it gets to the same point and does the same thing so I got a repair disc, set my computer to boot from DVD drive and got to bit where it says push any key to start boot from disc. But it does have not let me push any key and tries to start windows and get the same message. GRRR Ok so I try to reinstall vista but It still wont let me push any key to boot from disc.

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Computer Won't Boot

Apr 21, 2011

I don't know if this is a common issue for older hardware, but to me it just seems weird. I have an old ex-work machine by NEC which can and currently does run Windows XP (any 32bit) as well as is capable of Ubuntu. However if I attempt to boot from a Windows 7 / Vista / EmbeddedStandard7 disc, the computer just reboots itself. Before I attempted to boot W7/etc I ran DBAN to remove the sensitive data. No matter what I try, [Windows] Vista or later it doesn't seem to boot, or even get past the 'Press any key to boot from disc . . .' as when I do it reboots. I tried side loading Win7 by hooking the HDD up to my HTPC and installing 7, which all worked perfectly.... until I tried to boot the HDD with the problem computer, when it just reboots every time I ask it to boot from disc. I then tried installing 7 / Vista on top of an XP MCE install; but it still has the same problem - it cannot even finish the install as it reboots and then wont allow itself to boot to continue the install.

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Computer Will Not Boot At All?

May 17, 2011

I am running Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit and the other day while I was listening to iTunes, I heard a horrible, robotic noise coming from my computer. I noticed that it had locked up and iTunes was no longer playing so I tried a reboot. It took me four times of turning on and of the power to get the computer to boot and once it did, everything seemed fine. Now, when I turn on power, the fans come on for a few seconds then go off and after a few more seconds come back on but the computer will not even boot up. I don't even think it goes thru the POST because the LEDs on the keyboard never flash.

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How To Get Computer To Boot Up

Mar 21, 2012

I recently got rid of windows 8 from a partition, but it still gives me the option to boot into windows 8 upon bootup. I pressed enter on win8, and it says it needs to be fixed, but the partition i removed it on, no longer exists. How can I get my computer to boot up like it did before?

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My Computer Won't Boot

May 15, 2011

I accidentally knocked my computer on its side and at first it would work for about an hour or so. Then it would suddenly freeze and blue and yellow lines would appear on the screen. If I did a force shutdown, it would work for a couple of hours, then freeze again. Now, it has blue lines on the screen as soon as I turn it on. It always freezes right after the Windows 7 logo comes on and it says "Starting Windows".

I have a lot of important information on my hard drive, so I don't want to try to restore it if I can, and I think it might be a hardware issue anyway. I'm short on money as well, so I'd rather not buy a new computer or have to hire a technician.

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Can't Get Computer To Boot

Nov 7, 2011

I have an HP Pavilion PC and yesterday got an Windows Restore Virus. I followed the insturctions and thought I got it off with the malwarebytes untill this afternoon it appeared again. The computer populated with the same problems as before. I restarted the computer in an attempt to get into safe mode with networking, but after the HP symbol shows I get a black screen with a blinking underscore line at the top. When I attempt to get to system restore the computer again goes black. At the moment I can not find my restore disk and I need to know if I have any options. Everything on my computer is backed up on a hard drive in the event that I have to start over.

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Computer Won't Boot From Cd

Apr 7, 2012

I'm trying to do a repair installation but my computer refuses to boot from the dvd and immediately boot the hard drive.

I tried going to bio then advance boot options and changing first priority to cd and second priority to harddisk.

also, tryed pressing F12 which leads me to the boot menu and I chose cdrom but sill refuses to boot. Is it because I'm using a dvd-r disk instead of a cd?

EDIT: Never mind, fixed it. apparently my dvd drive was labeled different

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My Computer Won't Boot

Feb 3, 2013

[code] I've been gaming perfectly fine for about 3 weeks. I was playing today and all of a sudden I got the BSOD. I tried to reboot and windows got stuck at "Starting Windows" then it reboots and gives me a "Windows failed to start" screen and gives me the option to repair or start windows normally.I've tried:

1. Starting Windows Normally. The process above repeats itself
2. Attempting to use windows repair takes me to a black screen and nothing loads.
3. I've tried changing BIOS sata from ACHI to IDE, or Native IDE. Neither makes a difference.
4. I tried booting into "Safe Mode". This only gives me a BSOD.

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Computer Will Not Boot Up?

Mar 29, 2012

Got a blue screen yesterday and then the computer would not boot up. On pressing the start button, the power on light comes on and stays on. Can hear a buzz for a second and then nothing - black screen, no light on for hard drive. Cannot do anything.Funny thing is that after this happened yesterday, I found out that if I pressed the on button and the dvd eject button simultaneously, the computer booted up. I was able to back up all my files. I then went to the c drive properties to initiate check disk. It told me that it could only be done at next start up. So, I restarted the computer with the above trick and let it check the disk. No problems found. I then rebooted with the same trick and got into bios - reset it to default values. Did not fix the problem. Restarted with the same trick and got into "repair my computer" after pressing F8 repeatedly. Restored the system to previous good boot, etc.

Checked internet for help and noted at one place that the registry might be too long and have many bad entries. Dowloaded a regisry repair probram and cleaned the registry out. After that - no can do nothing!!! On pressing start button, the power light comes on, the dvd drive works, but nothing else happens. So, cannot get into troubleshooting or safe mode by pressing F8 as the computer has a black screen from the very beginning.

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Computer Won't Boot To GUI

Jun 5, 2012

Right, when I start my computer it boots into 7, makes it all the way to where the login screen would appear and just comes up as a black screen with a movable cursor, no sounds, no interaction, nothing.

This isn't the first time this has happened, usually when this happens I'm able to boot into safe mode and restore the computer (the restore point is always the same, critical update installed the last time I used the computer) this time it didn't work and now I can't even get into safe mode.

Specs that I know of

Intel Pentium 2.93GHz
1GB Video RAM
Windows 7 Home Premium 32 bit

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Computer Won't Boot At All

Oct 21, 2012

About 2-3 weeks ago, my computer wouldn't boot. I tried everything and found that the hard drive was too far gone to save any info/reboot it. So in the mean time, while looking for and ordering a new hard drive, i was using unbuntu to make the computer usable (as in go on the internet, type stuff up, watch videos) and all of a sudden my computer won't even boot up from CD'S anymore. My hard drive is set to come soon but for the mean time i need ubuntu to run, any one know how i can get the cd to boot . My screen stays stuck at the HP sign with the F10, ESC = BOOT MENU, F12 = BOOT FROM LAN, F11 = SYSTEM RECOVERY, F9 = DIAGNOSTICS Screen. The CD won't boot and even if i try to click f10, f12, it doesnt do anything.

P.S - No CD will load, not just the Ubuntu one, my Parmagicfix thing won't either.

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My Computer Won't Boot

Jan 10, 2012

I recently assembled a new computer, connected everything started it up - got no output even though I could hear drives spinning and everything "appeared" to work, so I stripped it right back to just the motherboard, CPU (heatsink) and PSU - I do realise that it won't POST without RAM but the motherboard should at least beep to say that there is no RAM but again, nothing.

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New Computer Won't Boot Up?

Oct 25, 2012

Built my first computer this summer. It was working good. Then problems started happening.First: The computer would freeze every time I would play any games or videos off the internet.Second: Now, I can't even get the thing to boot up. I press the power button. The fans and lights turn on in the case but with in a few seconds it restarts its self. It will continue this cycle until I hit the switch on the power supply. Thats the only way to make it stop.


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Computer Does Not Boot Up Sometimes?

Feb 17, 2011

I installed Win 7 Pro as a second OS (I also have Win XP Pro). The two are on two separate hard drives. However, my computer does not boot up sometimes. When I press restart, a lot of the times it wont go past the first screen that has a picture of my motherboard and shows BIOS options. Then if I force it to shut down (by holding on/off button), give it about 5 secs to rest and turn it on, then it will start. This problem started after I installed Win 7.

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Computer Will Not Boot Up

Nov 29, 2011

I have a t5088 computer/Intel m/b I pull four wires off the m/b and i am not sure if i put them on right. they are 2blue and white and 2 red and white.

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Hp Computer Won't Boot Up?

Jan 7, 2012

my hp home comp wont upload windows since i clicked compress boot mnger? i said yes then it shut down , all i can do is get it up to inside,

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Computer Won't Boot From DVD?

Nov 7, 2012

so I built my new pc . I checked the boot order. I downloaded windows 7 (not genuine) and i burned it on a DVD (memorex) but when I try to boot , it goes straight to bios . No press any key message.

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Computer Won't Boot To OS

Feb 3, 2013

I transferred the components of my PC to a much larger case and now it won't boot to windows 7, but it did boot to it a few times. Instead of booting to windows 7, I'm quite sure, the computer is trying to boot to an old windows vista OS that I had tried to replace, without much success, and so it boots to windows recovery and repair when I cancel the recovery and repair, the computer restarts and goes back to recovery and repair.

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Computer Failing To Boot

Jun 18, 2011

last night my computer just shut down out seemingly for no reason and when i tried to power it back up it was asking me to insert a boot device

i was planning to reformat in a few hours anyway so it didnt phase me to much so i continued to reformat the computer with no issues then once it had finished installing and i got to the desktop it just powered off again except this time it wouldnt load past bios it just kept restarting. the intersting part with the restarts was that the bios would restart but the power to the computer would not get interrupted. Also its not always the exact some position that it decides to restart some times it will be within 1 second sometimes i get to the desktop only for it to shut down again if i try and do anything

i have tried swapping out parts to identify the faulty part. no luck. ive stripped it down to its basic parts ( cpu Mobo ram n gfx) still same thing happens i dont even have the HDs plugged in so i dont believe it to be a virus on the HD. ive tried flashing the Cmos by taking out the battery for half an hour and this seemed to work but it asked for bootmgr so i reformated the HD again only for it all to start happening again.only this time the power does turn off some times.

i have checked the temperature of the CPU and its sitting on around 47 degrees so nothing out of the ordinary the cpu coolant gell is a bit dry but given that there doesnt seem to be a heat issue i dont know why that would make an immediate difference


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Computer Won't Boot Up Correctly

Nov 24, 2011

So when I came back from class today, my computer was off and so I turned it on. It never got passed what seems to be the BIOS screen (I don't actually know what it is, but that's what I think it is).

I have a Predator G Series G5900, with no modifications. Attached is the photo of the screen I have when I turn on the computer.

What I have tried:

- Unplug every USB device and take off the power supply. Hold the power button for 30 seconds. Reboot.

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Computer Will Not Boot Asking For Password

Jan 31, 2012

A few days ago, I plugged my iphone into my laptop and my computer froze up. I hard booted it and the computer booted up to what looked like the screen that you get when you hard boot it, I went ahead and pressed F1 to resume and what looks like a bios password box comes up asking me for a password. I never put a password on the Bios. So I tried to use my login password and got a password failed message. I tried again and the computer flashed and turned itself off. I turned the computer on again and I get to the Toshiba loading screen where you can select F2 or F12, I select nothing and it brings me to the password window.
I pulled the HD and was able to hook it up via serial to my other laptop and save all my stuff.

I'm at a loss of what to do, I have read some of the other posts and one of them suggested I reset the jumpers and replace the battery. I am not familiar with laptops, do they also have bios batteries and where might I find it inside the case?

Here are the specs:

I'm running Windows 7

Toshiba Satellite A135-S2266
Intel Celeron Processor
80 GB Hard Drive

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Computer Freezes After Boot?

Sep 11, 2012

Sometimes when I boot up the computer, It freezes up. It will say the network is available like normal, however when we click on anything like a shortcut, start menu, etc.. the screen goes transparent and says the program is not responding, it never responds and if we click "Yes" the whole screen is clear, no start menu, shortcuts, nothing except the desktop background.

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Computer Restarts When Trying To Boot From A Cd?

Jan 24, 2011

im trying to format my computer but the moment i insert the cd in the drive and set in the bios to boot from then the computer restarts and hangs this only happens when their is a cd inside but if i take out the cd then the computer works properly although still having the setting to boot from the cd drive but the moment you put a cd inside to boot then the pc restarts and hangs?

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Windows 7 Computer Does Not Boot

Sep 29, 2012

My Dell laptop with Win 7 home premium crashed and will not boot to the hard drive or system disc. I tried to reinstall Win 7 from the system disc and it apparently did install to a different partition as it now shows two W7 programs on the drive. However when I get to the part where the installation is complete and the program reboots I get only a black screen with a small blinking curser in the upper left of the display. This is exactly what I had prior to reinstalling W7. Shutting down and restarting all I get is the black screen and the curser on the left top. It does not respond to the keyboard or mouse. Win 7 system disc does not give the option to fromat the HD and reinstall. Yes, I did tell the machine to boot to the CD.

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Computer Will Not Boot To Windows 7?

Jun 12, 2011

I installed windows 7 onto a 500GB SATA HDD and after the installation completed and the computer restarted, it takes us to a screen that says "Verifying DMI Pool Data...............DISK BOOT FAILURE INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER"The funny part is, when we put another HDD in the computer with an installation of windows on it, IN ADDITION to the one in question, it brings us to a dual boot OS selection, letting us select the Windows installation in question, and access without an issueWhy will this installation not simply boot when that HDD is the only one installed?

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Computer Won't Boot Status

Apr 30, 2012

It's been about a week since my computer stopped working. Every time i try and turn it on I'm given the message[ Status: 0xc000000f Info: The boot selection failed because a required device is inaccessible.] I have burn a system repair disk that I acquired online but when i try the start up repair it never finishes, i know that the process should take awhile but I've left it to run for 10+ hours and still nothing

Basic Info:

-Lenovo Thinkpad T510 series

-Windows 7 32 bit service pack 1

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Computer Unable To Boot?

Aug 15, 2012

It'll boot up, but it'll immediately go to "Windows is loading files" screen like how it does when you're trying to install a new OS on a computer. Unfortunately then it takes me to the Windows repair scanner which never finds anything

Something I've tried are booting by CD to get a new OS, but the computer will not boot by CD because it'll immediately load up the "Windows is loading files". I tried to do the command in the CMD to scan for hardware changes and repair them, but that also doesn't work. It says, "Windows is already running a scan, restart the computer and try it again." It basically won't load past the 1st screen of the computer which just states what the computer is

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