Did A Fresh Install Of 7 On My Sony Vaio - Drivers?
Nov 24, 2009
After doing a fresh install of Windows 7 Enterprise on my Sony Vaio things are going well. I visited the Sony Vaio esupport site and it has recommended all sorts of drivers for my particular laptop. 2 questions...
1. What is the equivalent of Windows 7 Enterprise for driver purposes? 7 Ultimate or 7 Professional?
2. Do I really need the Vaio drivers if nothing appears to be wrong?
I have a Sony Vaio NS and I wanted to upgrape to Windows 7 RC Build. I was wondering would I have to install any drivers since I am upgraping and not clean installing?
I have a sony vaio vgn-sz430n running Windows Vista Business. I upgraded to Windows 7 and it went off without a hitch until the first log in. The desktop will not fill the screen and it only gives me two options for resolutions: ~1024x768 and 800x600. I went to device manager and found that my display driver is now standard vga driver.
The laptop has an nvidia geforce go 7400 graphics card and, from what I've read, it also shares memory with onboard integrated graphics...I think. I read other threads suggesting methods to fix this problem but none of them have worked. I tried downloading the windows 7/vista driver for that nvidia graphics card from nvidia but the setup program says no compatible hardware found.
I tried pointing Windows 7's driver installation (from device manager) to the driver's location in the setup folder but it tells me the most current driver is already installed and no update is needed. I even tried modding the driver (as suggested on another thread) but that didn't work.
It's a Sony VGN-NW265F/(B???) (Idk what the difference between the F and F/B is but on my laptop it is listed as just VGN-NW265F..I do have the Blu-ray player option though is that what the B stands for?) anyways
Device Manager is showing:
Base System Device
Device type: Other Devices
Manufacturer: Unknown
Location: PCI bus 11, device 3, function 2
Device status
The drivers for this device are not installed. (Code 28)
To find a driver for this device, click Update Driver.
How I installed the latest Nvidia M 186.81 notebook driver to my Sony Vaio VGN-AR51E laptop. Sony is supposed to supply the drivers but they don't for some reason.
The latest laptop drivers from Nvidia work if you alter two lines of information in the appropriate inf file before executing. I downloaded the latest driver from Nvidia (186.81) and ran it so it unpacked into a folder in my C drive. [Message box says it won't install].
i just installed a a new OS of older version of window 7 32 bit than the default OS on of windows 7 64 bit my Sony Vaio laptop. I need drivers to enable my laptop work properly.