Dell Studio Sees The Network But Won't Access Internet?

Nov 10, 2011

I used to be able to access the internet on this computer - on a small business server 2003 - on the Network Sharing center, it shows that I am connected to the network (doesn't matter if I'm on wireless or wired same issue) it shows an x on the display for internet. I checked the gateway and it is the same for the other computers that are on the internet. No problems anywhere else connecting to internet. I don't have any spyware/viruses. I can access files on the server and other pcs no problem - just won't let me on the internet. I read somewhere that it could possibly be SP1?

1 year old Dell Studio laptop, Win 7 Pro 64

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No Network Access - Internet Connection Lost On Dell Computer

Jan 12, 2012

I have a hp compaq laptop and am able to use the wireless internet connection..however I also have a Dell Inspiron notebook, a few days ago I lost internet connection on the dell but the HP was still connected. I have contacted my internet provider and they say there are no connection problems and all is fine. They think the problem is on the dell unit. I have tried disabling and enabling the Lan and wireless network connection. The system recognizes the wireless router but wont connect to it why and what can I do.

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Windows 7 Sees External HDD But Cannot Access?

Mar 28, 2011

Replaced HP laptop 250GB SATA HDD (Vista) yesterday with new 320GB SATA HDD Win7.Reason for replacing was having to run CHKDSK and Startup Repair a couple of times recently, thinking the old HDD could be wearing out.Win7 sees old HDD connected externally via USB but cannot access. It wants to format the external HDD, but the whole reason for accessing it is to recover data.USB ports are working.Status bar in Windows Explorer says Bitlocker status:off External HDD cable is Y configuration and have tried it with just one and both plugged in.(H > Properties > Tools > Check now > Tried to run CHKDSK on the external HDD but it says "Disk check could not be performed because Windows can't access the disk." Under the Hardware tab it shows the two WD HDD and each says "Device is working properly."Under Change Settings, Quik removal policy (default) is enabled.Under Drivers > Update driver > it has the latest driver.Win7 AutorunKiller said external HDD is safe.Avast and Comodo are running but no security message has appeared. Might it need an exclusion anyway for Comodo?There is no security tab under (H > Properties so not sure if UAC or permissions is involved. BTW, the light on the external HDD blinks rapidly while opening Properties but it takes a long time to display.So, there is where I am at the moment and if you have time to consider a path of resolution for this anomaly.Additional info: I have just connected an old ATA HDD via USB and migrated some data with no problem. Also, I have just connected an older laptop HDD via USB and migrated some data. I swapped the cable from the older laptop to the new recently replaced Vista HDD and it gave the same message wanting to format the 250 GB Vista HDD.

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I Have Internet But 'no Network Access'

Jan 6, 2013

So I have an HP laptop and I'm trying to connect to a Brother wireless printer that I got for Christmas. The printer is fine, it's connected and full of ink etc. My laptop had automatically connected to it but it wasn't working and an error said something like "error connecting over network". So I then proceeded to try and delete it and reconnect, but now it isn't appearing when I try and connect to a device. I'm sat literally next to it. I'm not good with computers etc.On the Conrol Panel it says I don't have network access: So I'm not sure what to do because I just want to connect to my printer.

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Internet Access On Dell Inspiron 1545?

Jan 28, 2012

My Laptop can see all Wireless networks even connect to them (i have tried several) but it reads limited access(therefore no internet access) i have an iPhone and when using it as a hotspot my laptop can gain internet access. all these networks works for others computers and there is no issue when it uses the iPhone as the hotspot.

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Unidentified Network No Internet Access?

Apr 19, 2011

My pc is connected a router with an ethernet cable. The router was reset and now the pc cannot connect to the internet.The message I get is,unidentified network access type No Internet access,work network connections,local area connections,we have rebooted, turned computer off then on, reset back to a previous time, changed the ethernet cable

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No Internet Access On Wireless Network

Aug 10, 2011

I have a Sony Vaio laptop, running Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit, Up until 2 days ago I had absolutely no problem using its wifi and/or staying connected to the Internet. Two days ago, however, while being on Skype, my Internet connection got disconnected unexpectedly. �With windows Network Diagnostics,I sometimes get "The DNS server isn't responding", and sometimes "Local Area Connection/Wireless Network Connection doesn't have a valid IP configuration"OR "computer is trying to use a DNS server that is incorrect or doesn't exist."Even with the cable I am not able to connect to the internet so I can't update the network adapter or fix the problem online. Looking at the 'Basic network information and set up connections' (in Control Panel - �Network and Sharing Center) I see my laptop (sometimes connected, sometimes however the line between the laptop and the 'unidentified network' has a yellow triangle on it) �and I can see the 'internet' with a red X on the connection line between that and the 'unidentified network.�When checking the 'Wireless Network Connection Status' it's showing �that it's connected, activity's showing 'sent and received bytes' but says 'no Internet access' to both IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity.I read lots of blogs and advice and tried many of those 'fixes' that were recommended, some of which were the following (shorter versions):�

- unplugging and replugging the power cable to the modem
- resetting the wireless router
-rolling back driver
- �obtaining IP address and DNS server address automatically for Internet Protocol V4 and V6


None of the above worked. Right now under 'status' it's showing:

IPv4 connectivity: no Internet access

PIv6 connectivity: no network access

�I've used this network for a while and this is the first time this problem has occurred.�Be it network driver issue or a patch of some sort i may need to download, until i can connect to the internet, I can't fix this problem on my own. In the meanwhile no other computer or phone with wifi in the house has any problem connecting to the Internet.�I took it to a computer technician who said I need to reinstall Windows 7.

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'Unidentified Network' / No Internet Access

Jun 15, 2009

I decided to just post this as a new thread, as it appears to be getting positive results for most people. I highly recommend it anyway, as you will eventually encounter this if you apply all of your updates.For those of you reporting problems with your network after updating MS Office or installing Adobe CS3..If you are having Internet connection problems related to "Unidentified Network" showing and the "!" over your NIC icon, then this should take care of it: [code] If you do, stop it and disable it. It is actually the Bonjour DNS Responder Service, and I believe it is the cause of the "Unidentified Network."The Unidentified Network disappeared after stopping this service and a quick disable/enable of the NIC, restoring Internet access.I Actually just rebooted, edited this post, and then re-enabled the offensive service to see what would happen...Immediately after enabling the NIC and this bastard service, the "Unidentified Network" returned...stopped it, disabled it, disable/enable NIC...Internet back up and running and no "Unidentified Network." (woot - woot!)

I experienced this in both build 7100 and 7127...I am running 7127 now x64 - and discovered this fix just last far so good just rebooted and then edited this post...I believe this fix will solve 7100 build issues too; however..I have not tested 7100 again yet.I also re-enabled Win 7's Discovery Mapping services, but always leave IPv6 disabled just because I am not using it.another two reboots, and a hard disk addition, and no problems with the Internet! - If you tried another fix such as changing the address of your network adapter, under "Advanced" - this is not necessary...I set mine back to "Not Configured." Everything is working fine as long as the Bonjour service is not running.. [code]

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Network Connection, No Internet Access?

Dec 29, 2011

ACER Eee PC running Win7 with all windows updates. The problem is the machine running Windows 7 Home Premium intermittently loses "internet access". Where the bars are full, but the ! shows and there is no connectivity. The other Win7 machine is set to automatically install updates and is running fine, although it seemed as though I was restoring it every week or so to get connectivity.Back to the point, the machine in question is Win7 and all available updates are installed.Bonjour service is "stopped" (but it runs fine on the other Win7 machine), TCP/IP was reset, Winsock is reset, registry/temp files cleaned via CCleaner. Zone Alarm Free and AVG are running, but they were running this morning, yesterday and a while ago when it lost connectivity again. One time I went to bed annoyed ready to set the %^&* thing on fire, but in the morning it was working fine!

I'm not exactly a N00B, but I'm dying for an explanation or a fix other than restoring every time "internet access" isn't available. Mind you, this house is full of nerds...Android phone, two iPhones, Lubuntu, Win7 Basic, Wii...all wireless and a wired Vonage that all works great.I was a member of That Computer Guy forums for a couple of years and learned a lot from the moderators and know how much work you guys do to give us this free service.

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Unidentified Network No Internet Access?

Jan 18, 2012

I recently had a virus that I had removed, but now that its gone, I still cannot connect to the internet. It does not detect the ethernet cable when its plug in, as in the LED does not light up green.This is what CMD shows me when I do ipconfig /all Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.

C:UsersAdministrator>ipconfig /all

Windows IP Configuration

Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : ADos-PC[code].......

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Unidentified Network (No Internet Access)

Feb 19, 2012

My computer had been working fine and while I was watching a movie on my computer the internet randomly gave out (wasn't streaming the movie or using the internet to watch it). Now I can't connect to the internet and it says that the network is Unidentified. I've tried a bunch of fixes such as uninstalling my drivers and letting windows reinstall them, changing my mac address, resetting the router, checked everything was plugged in, disable bonjour, tried releasing my ip and renewing it. I've tried so many things that have popped up on google that I have no idea what else to do. I don't want to reformat my computer if I can avoid it. If anyone has any idea I'd be so happy.I'm running Windows 7 x64 Home Premium. Other computers on the network are able to connect to the internet and I can access files from other computers on the network.

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:UsersTallus>ipconfig /all
Windows IP Configuration


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No Internet.Network Access After Reboot?

Mar 5, 2012

I have a laptop with a Intel N6230 wireless card which I'm having a strange issue with. I can be connected fine to my wireless network but if I perform a reboot the laptop 'connects' to the network however has no internet access (nor can I access the router via its ip address).The only way i can get it working again is delete the wireless adapter via the device manager, let windows re discover and install it, and all is fine again - nothing else is required. It continues to work fine until I shut down and reboot where it drops again (sleep modes or hibernation do not cause any problem).

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Unidentified Network No Internet Access

Jun 7, 2012

This seems to be an old problem going back to win7's initial release yet people are still having the problem now. Everybody told me to install win7, "it's awesome", "everything just works", etc...and here I can't even get online.Anyway, what I can tell you is that I'm on a wired connection. Everything else connected to the same router works fine. I've got another computer running Vista, works fine. My xbox & ps3 both work fine. This computer that's having the problem was working fine when I was running XP and Vista on it. So it's clearly an issue with Windows 7.I've checked for the Bonjour service I saw mentioned in other threads, don't have it. The next thing I should probably try is assigning a static IP manually. I'm fuzzy on how to do that since I have no experience with win7.

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Wireless Network Won't Allow Internet Access

Nov 24, 2010

I have recently purchased two new notebooks both running windows 7 ultimate 64 bit and I have a 400 Billion Telkom Router with wireless internet capabilities. During the first few days the wireless connection between the router and the laptops worked perfectly and both had internet but then all of a sudden all internet access was lost.

The network was still running and the laptops could connect without any problem but nothing I do will allow me internet access. The same thing happened with a wireless network adapter i purchased for my pc also running windows 7 ultimate 64 bit edition. I should note that the pc using the router is running windows xp and I wonder if it has something to do with a compatibility issue between the two operating systems. I have already tried changing the DNS server and ip adress but nothing seems to work.

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No Internet Access/ Unidentified Network?

Apr 27, 2011

Im having a big problem with connecting to the internet. It was working fine a couple of days ago but now i cant connect to the internet at all. I have a windows 7 compatible laptop and google chrome is the default internet Im using. I have checked the wireless network connection status which reads "IPv4 Connectivity No network access" "IPv6 Connectivity No network access" "Media state Enabled". The unidentified network is currently set at Public network and cant be switched to anything else. l have spent 4 hours trying to resolve the issue of reconnecting but have had no luck.

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No Internet Access On Wireless Network?

Sep 20, 2010

I've been battling this problem for a few months now. On my lenovo x100e laptop with windows 7 I can connect to my wifi network and sometimes go to a website before it says "no internet access" while still being connected to the network. Any other laptop or phone connects and has internet just fine except for mine. Just one day out of the blue this started and I cannot find what's wrong and this is only with my laptop. The strange thing is that my laptop connects just fine with other wifi networks and has internet. What I have tried is re installing my wireless router countless times and also I re formated my laptop and re-installed windows twice. Problem is still re accuring.

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No Internet Access And Unidentified Network?

Jun 5, 2011

so I have recently made a new install of windows 7 and now I can't seem to acces the Internet. I am using PPoE connection for the Internet which requires username and pass from the ISP, and yes I'ved checked if they're well written thousands of times before posting this but it still seems it doesn't work. The error I receive is: Quote: Error 691: The Remote connection was denied because the user name and password combination you provided is not recognized, or the selected authentication protocol is not permitted on the remote access server. As I said before, I checked thousands of times if the data for the connection is valid and also called all the ISPs I have subscriptions from and said there's nothing wrong from their side. I used Windows 7 before for about two years and never had this issue. Also if I try to disable and enable the network again it says that it is unidentified, and under the title it says that there is no internet acces, but in fact there is. Anyone knows how to solve this issue? Been trying for two days almost now, and I'm out of ideeas. And another thing is if you're asking if I have anti virus software, no I don't as the Windows OS is freshly installed, I also did an online virus check but it seems there isn't any.

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Connected To Network But No Internet Access?

Jul 11, 2011

my one month old laptop (windows 7) suddenly lost touch with my home network. one minute it was fine the next it wasn't. message says it's connected with no internet access, butwhen I try to print I get nothing. I suspect it's just not connected at all.

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Connected To Network But No Internet Access?

Dec 4, 2011

I'm running windows 7 64 bit and I'm having a strange internet issue. This has happened to me before and I've only been able to solve by doing a system restore but I figure there has got to be a much better way to solve this problem. In the bottom right hand corner beside the clock there is a little icon that resembles a little monitor (I'm no brilliant tech person so a lot of this is going to sound stupid probably) right now it shows a little yellow triangle with an exclamation point in it. When I hover over it with my mouse it says Network Connected and then No Internet Access. This is where it gets strange. I am able to connect to pretty much any website when I open my browser. Now I like to play online games and I recently got BF3. And as some of you may know you need to go through "Origin" in order to play it. Well when I connect to the Origin "library" it tells me I'm offline and basically tells me I won't be able to play multiplayer. But as I said earlier I am able to access the internet for the most part. This issue has been happening well before I got BF3 too.
So I've done everything I can possibly think of. I've emptied my cache, cookies, etc. I have also done the "IPCONFIG/ ALL" thing. Rebooted the modem and the computer. done any system updates. I have also turned my firewall off briefly and tried that. It only seems to work when I do a System Restore and I really don't want to be doing that every time I have this problem. I have troubleshooted it as well.

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Unidentified Network - No Internet Access?

Jan 19, 2012

Working with a Windows 7 Pro 64 bit OS. I set it up in my home and applied all the updates. Bought it to the persons house and hooked it up there and all seemed fine except after some time the computer could not access the internet anymore. The icon in the task bar stated "Unidentified Network, No Internet Access". I went back and went into Network Sharing and removed all the unidentified networks which there were 2 and connected once again telling Windows 7 that this was a Home Network. It all worked fine, logged off, shut down and everything came back fine. I thought all was good until about 4 hours later I get a phone call saying they have no internet access again and that the taskbar icon again states Unidentified Network No Internet Access. What can I do to resolve this?

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Internet Connected But No Network Access?

Aug 16, 2012

i'm using hp pavilion and operating windows 7 ultimate. I can connect the wi-fi, internet but it notifies me no network access. It happens even with my phone modem. Three days before i can connect but now i can't

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Connected To Network But No Internet Access

Aug 31, 2012

my desktop is running windows 7 home premium 64 bit and just recently it doesnt have anymore internet access. its connected via cable to LAN. it says that i'm connect to Local Area Network but no internet access.i thought it was a faulty network card so i bought a wireless USB TP-Link. i set up everything correctly according to the steps (install the driver etc.) and it says i'm connected to my home wifi network. but when i try to access Google or Facebook or twitter or any other webpage on my internet browser (Google chrome), it says the webpage is not available.

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Connected To Network / But No Internet Access

Aug 31, 2012

I started getting the problem where my laptop would connect to the network but there would be no internet access. I tried many of the suggestions that I found online, like flushing the dns and resetting the tcp/ip but none of them seemed to work. The only thing that I have been able to get to work is doing a system restore to the day before it began to happen. However, the next day when i swich on my laptop again I have the same problem so I have to restore again. Obviously doing a system restore everytime i want to use my laptop isn't ideal.I can't figure out what is doing this. At first I thought it was a windows update but I disabled all updates after one of my restores and it did not make any difference. I also have mcafee installed and disabled anything within that that I thought could have been an issue. As far as I can see I have not changed or installed anything after the system restores that would cause this problem to arise each time I start up my laptop.

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Connected To The Network But NO Internet Access?

Jan 31, 2013

i have hp laptop with Windows 7 64bit and i get the access to the internet through a tp-link router 2 days ago i connected the pc to the router by wirless network it connected but no internet access i tried the LAN cable also no internet access and i don't think that the problem is from the router because i can access the internet from another device such as my iphone or any other laptop

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Unidentified Network And Not Internet Access

Nov 30, 2009

Now i upgrade Vista Home Basic to Window7 Ultimate during setup, i selected Home network and connect the wireless network but I can't access internet .What should I do ? Should I change to public network?

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Connecting To Network On Win 7 - No Internet Access

Dec 25, 2009

I currently have two computers in my house. One has windows xp and the other has windows 7. When I try to connect to the Internet wirelessly the windows xp computer ALWAYS works. On the other hand the windows 7 computer is only able to get Internet access around 10% of the time.

The windows 7 computer is able to connect but there is never any Internet access. I get this picture with bars and an exclamation point on it. I've tried resetting the router but this is only a temporary solution that lasts maybe a few hours.

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Unidentified Network No Internet Access

Dec 28, 2009

i have a problem:

i got a new PC with windows 7 Ultimate 64bit and when I trie to connect to the Internet

i enter my Network Key and then it tries to conect, It stops suddenly

and then it says:

->Unidentified Network

->No Internet Access

but I am connectet to my router.... i just cant get internet Connection...

Frieds of me have tried to connect to my internet with there Notebook and it works,

its just my new Computer that is giving me this problem.

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No Internet Access Unidentified Network

Dec 29, 2009

I have a new Packard Bell running Windows 7 Home Premium. The tower has been replaced once as although I could initially connect wirelessly to the internet, it became more and more problematic. When the shop checked it they said it was dropping the connection and therefore swapped the tower (charging me for backing up my info to my hard drive) At the time I asked if could be a Windows 7 issue and I was told no.

The new tower connected to the internet for about 2 minutes before dropping the connection and since then I have had the little yellow warning triangle and "unidentified Network - No internet access" message although occasionally it does identify the network but still had no internet access.

Even when showing the unidentified network message, it still shows that the Wireless Network Connection 2 is connected to the home network.

I don't know what information you need, or how to get it but am willing to try ANYTHING you can suggest!

The other computers are all happily connected - I am using my netbook to try to find the answer to the issue.

I have not loaded any of my own info onto the new system as thought it best to sort the issue first. If I can't use the computer for the internet it is pointless me having it and I will return it to the shop!

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Unidentified Network - No Internet Access

Jan 7, 2010

I've read multiple posts about this problem but no concrete solutions. My problem is a bit different than the usual usecase.

Win 7 64 bit

Asus p5k se (integrated NIC)

Everything was working fine (a couple of months) until today. The only thing I did was trying to install some extra memory into my machine. That failed (but is a subject for another post). Problem started happening after that, but I find it hard to believe that it the two things have a direct connection.

In my case, the NIC manages to get an ip from the router (this is a direct cable connection, not wireless) and the gateway address is correct. However I still get the Unidentified Network - No Internet Access error. I'll clarify that the IP and gateway info appears on the Details screen of the network adapter. The main status screen shows (among other things):

IP4 connectivity : No Internet Access

I cannot ping my router. It's as if the negotiation phase between the computer and the router goes fine and then nothing. Looking at the DHCP table in my router I can see that my machine appearing there with a IP.

I tried all the usual solutions:

Uninstall driver and reinstall


turn off computer

power off and take out cable

disable and enable adapter

I also saw that some software named bonjoure is blamed for a similar problem but I don't have that installed.

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Dell Webcam Driver Of Dell Studio 1737 For Windows 7?

Dec 22, 2011

I upgraded my operating system from Vista to Windows 7 and the integrated webcam is not functioning well?

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Network/Internet Access Hangs After Few Hours?

Mar 11, 2012

I typically use Google Chrome for browsing, but I also have Firefox installed. I rarely use IE but that seems to be affected as well. Basically, after I've been using the computer for a few hours, all network access seems to die until I restart my computer. Furthermore, I sometimes cannot terminate all of the chrome.exe processes (an access denied error pops up from the task manager), and once the network has died, Firefox will not run (the process does appear on task manager but no window opens). Other network-dependent services also fail. The router I am connected to is working throughout this as tested by another computer and WiFi devices. This problem goes away with a restart 100% of the time. So far I have run scans with Security Essentials, Malwarebytes, and AVG. I was concerned there may have been a conflict between these so I have uninstalled AVG but the problem persists. I have uninstalled Chrome and Firefox completely (using Revo) and reinstalled but the problem persists. Unfortunately my oldest System Restore point is only about a week old and the problem has been happening for longer than that. I have disabled all extensions in Chrome but the problem does not seem to be isolated to one browser.

Here is my system info:

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 26 Stepping 5
Processor Count: 8
RAM: 9207 Mb
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GT 220, 1024 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 597621 MB, Free - 184586 MB; D: Total - 12755 MB, Free - 2295 MB; G: Total - 953866 MB, Free - 321465 MB; J: Total - 953866 MB, Free - 89965 MB; N: Total - 1907726 MB, Free - 618964 MB;
Antivirus: Microsoft Security Essentials, Updated and Enabled

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