Can't Import Speech Profile From It's Stored Location

Dec 31, 2009

The Speech store and return after restoring a system image didn't work and I found that I needed to make and export a speech profile. OK, I did that alright and then I brought back the system image, and all looked good, but I could not import the speech profile from it's stored position, and the error message went like there was a program open that was preventing the import, but all programs were closed and none showed up on the task manager.

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Windows Cannot Stored Locally Stored Profile

May 3, 2011

Windows cannot load the locally stored profile. Possible causes of this error include insufficient security rights or a corrupt local profile. If this problem persists, contact your network administrator.

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LOST A USER Profile (folder Location Has Moved + Lock Icon)?

Jan 10, 2012

I was uninstalling windows live essential on my profile and added ms office outlook 2007 for email. For some reason, when changing users to my wife's profile, the desktop has to be prepared each time - as a temporary profile. The folder location has moved from Users/wife to Users/Users/wife and has a lock icon on it. I have tried moving the entire folder as administrator and received a not responding message.Short of a restore in which I will lose data is there a way to 'import' her profile under a new user and then delete the corrupted profile?

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'User Profile Service Failed' When Changing Default User Location

Apr 22, 2011

I changed the values in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionProfileList in order to move the default user locations to my second partition. I then created a new user profile but when I try to login I get the message 'The User Profile Service failed the login'. When I set these values back to normal, new accounts work fine but I really want my user accounts on the second partition.

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Browsers Can't Load Profile Settings On Main Windows Profile

Oct 8, 2011

so I was on my desktop main account and then let my dad log on to a guest account I recently created for him since his laptop isn't working, then when I came back I logged onto my profile I couldn't open any browser, in the case of firefox this came up (firefox can't load host something, missing profile) and chrome (your preferences cannot be read)

then I couln't open some shorcuts (windows cannot find the target. and my utorrent setting reset as well, like if I had never used it, BUT the guest account works perfectly.

I'm able to open firefox with open as administrator but all addons, bookmarks are gone, I can't open the document, picture, and music links on the start menu either

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Big Mess After Creating New Profile And Deleting Original Profile?

Jul 9, 2012

Originally I had all my data files in drive D and only programs in drive C. Somehow my old user profile got corrupted and the Backgound wall paper is not working properly. So I created a new admin profile to fix it but now I have a mess.After I created a new admin profile and moved the old users folder/files to the new user , I decided to delete the old profile after everything seems to be working properly . When deleting the old profile I elected to save old user files to my desktop ( fortunately) . I now have a very fragmented system . Some of the folder/files are still under my old username in D drive, nothing in my new user name in D drive plus almost all of the folder/files from the old user ( in drive D) are now in a folder on the desktop where windows elected to place them when I elected to save the folders/files. I really need all the old user folders.I would like to have the Data in either under my old or new username in Drive D instead of fragmented all over the place. I realize I ended up in this situation because I didnt understand fully what windows will do when creating and deleting user profiles.

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Creating New Profile / Run Program From Another Profile?

May 18, 2012

i have problems with adobe cs6 installing, and it's been suggested i install it under a new profile. no problem with that, however, will i be able to access / run it under my 'normal' profile? finally, will doing this affect any of my existing programs in my 'normal' profile?

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Where Are SystemRestorePoint Stored

Mar 8, 2011

As far as I know System Restore Points are stored in a system folder "SystemRestoreVolume"Ok, but on which partition is this folder?Is it ALWAYS on the same partition as the saved/monitored partition?I have a Win7 system partition C: and a (big) data partition D:Can I tell Win7 somehow to store the SystemRestoreInformation from partition C: into the SystemRestoreVolume on partition D:?

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How To Know For Sure Where Files Are Stored

Sep 8, 2011

I want to know if there is a foolproof way to know where the source file is located. It looks like the "Library" part of Explorer, (where it seems like files are duplicates of those in MyDocuments) are just virtual addresses, and I would need to delete files in MyDocuments to actually have them not show up there. Is this true? Is there a way to have Explorer NOT use the Library option? It's nothing but confusing for me, since everything I need to reference is on one drive.

I copied my music to MyMusic folder (all in mp3 format), and then loaded iTunes, and now find that every single song is duplicated in iTunes Library -- maybe because of the reference files in Explorer's "Library," or because I also found them all in an iTunes directory under /Users? I want to get rid of the duplicates, but am wary of what files to delete at this point. I have over 2000 songs, so doing one delete at a time using iTunes software is out of the question. I figure maybe I can uninstall iTunes, delete all but one directory of music and then reload iTunes and have a clean iTunes library to sync to my new iPod. Does this sound reasonable?

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DVD - Issue With Speech

Nov 25, 2009

I have an issue with DVD playback in both MP and MC. This doesn't happen with every DVD I play, but with many/most of them. The volume on the vocal portion is very low to the point of being inaudible. The background noises and music are all perfectly loud. Basically I can hear what's going on in the world but when people talk it's like they're mouthing the words. I'm guessing it's because DVD audio is on multiple channels and there's something wrong with the way my system is handling one of them?

Audio from mp3 or non-dvd video works perfectly fine.

I'm using a SB Audigy SE.

I have tried installing from the Cd and also uninstalling and using Daniel K's support pack.

I'm running a newly installed copy of Windows 7 Ultimate x64. I had this same problem on my previous install of the RTM version of Windows 7. While using the RTM version I installed the Shark007 pack to see if any filters would help. Nada.

When I use the on-board sound instead I do not have this issue. I suppose I could switch to using it but I'd like to use my card if I can.

This computer is my media center so I really need DVD playback to work.

Any ideas?

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Where Is The Contact List Stored

Feb 25, 2012

I am using Windows 7 and Windows Live Mail for my emails. Whenever I run the deep clean option of my Advaced System Care program, it erases my contact list and I have to go back and re-enter the contacts. I would like to copy the file of Contacts elsewhere first so I would be able to copy it back after doing the Deep Care, but cannot find where it is stored. Kinda like the old .wab file I used to have.

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Where Is Streaming Video Stored

Nov 29, 2012

I'm watching a video on my computer that I opened up in Firefox earlier, that's not available online anymore. I guess its 'buffered' in my system. I assume this means its stored in my cache. How do I access this?

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Where The Excel Marco's Are Stored

Mar 16, 2009

Before installing Windows 7 I exported the macro's I use in Excel (Office 2007) and made a copy of the Personal.xlsb file. In Vista, the Personal.xlsb is stored at C:Usersuser nameAppDataLocalMicrosoftExcelXLSTART. I have imported the macros into visual basic but I can only save them into that particular workbook and when I reopen Excel, the macros are not avaliable.

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Where Is BOOTMGR And NTLDR Stored

Dec 6, 2012

Whenever I encounter a boot error like these, my first course of action is to scan the hard drive. I have done too many re-installs that have failed, fixes that only 1/2 work, and so on and so forth because the hard drive has been bad. So, the question is, are these stored right at the beginning of the drive? Or is there not specific place for them? Essentially, if I scan the first GB Of a HDD, and it doesn't find any errors, is it safe to assume that the NTLDR or the BOOTMGR isn't corrupt as a result of a defective HDD?

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Speech Recognition Software

Sep 11, 2010

I read on this forum about the speech recognition software on windows 7. So I found it but only by doing a search first. I thought it would be in the program list. I think it is great but I am only learning with it. I am suprised it actually knows what I am saying without learning like a lot of other software out there.

Anyway, thats not what I am writing about. What I would like to know is about the commands it has. I can only find about half a dozen. I have used the help menu but dont get far with that. For anyone who uses it can you tell me where to find the commands or do you have to train it to your own.

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Using The Windows 7 Speech Recognition?

Dec 25, 2010

Does anybody know where i can find the speech recognition configuration folder so that i can make a copy of it and in case i need to restore it on a later time?

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Distributing Speech Voice From Pc To Another?

Dec 6, 2011

I downloaded a program that speaks bulgarian text and it installs voice in Control Panel -> Speech Recognition -> Text To Speech and allows you to choose the bulgarian voice. So I want to use the voice in my application and the other people to use it. But they need to have the voice, otherwise the speech won't work. Where exactly are the voice files contained (Windows folder, registry...) and is there any way to copy them from my PC and to put the files in another PC, so the voice can work?

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Windows 7 Add-ons For Speech Recognition

Apr 23, 2010

I use speech recognition a lot. I think the speech recognition in Windows 7 is great, although I miss some things in it. For those who also have RSI, or just want to use the voice, I found two add-ons that I think is pretty interesting. The first add-on is the Windows Speech Recognition Macros, you can group several speech commands at once with it. The only drawback is clicking anywhere on the screen with your voice. Windows default "mouse grid" takes a lot commands to move and click. For this issue, I found another add-on for clicking anywhere that is pretty fast. It is a tiny add-on called Voice Finger [URL], and by the way I'm using it right now.

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Speech Recognition Is Not Working?

Nov 9, 2012

I have used speech recognition on my computer before, with a minor issue of it giving me grief over specific words. I haven't run it in a while and discovered it wasn't working right tonight. I thought it was my microphone, and sure enough when I unplugged the mic and ran the tutorial it was back to it's old self. Until I tried to run it in wordpad. I spent no less than ten minutes trying to dictated the words "she lifted"! Even when I finally got the right correction it wouldn't accept the numbers. I tried saying "spell it" but no, I had to manually click on it before it would open the spell it tab. Then it wouldn't correctly spell it either so I said forget it and had to type the thing myself! I couldn't even get 2 words in after typing it myself before it had to correct again. Fifty or more times I tried saying "the lid" and NEVER got the proper words out of the corrector. At this point I am extremely frustrated and angry and I will admit freely I descended into swearing at the speech recognition while attempting to close the piece of crap. Needless to say, now I don't even feel like writing.Now tell me what the ever loving point is to this program if it only works in the stinking tutorial? In trying to save my carpal tunnel from a great deal of typing I only ended up screaming in frustration at the computer and making my throat raw.

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Speech Recognition Error

Feb 2, 2009

I noticed there's some issues with this but could not fine a resolution. When i first installed Windows 7 I ran the Tutorial for Speech Recognition and it worked perfect.I also used it for awhile and it worked perfect , then i rebooted and was installing stuff i dont remmeber what. but since i just updated i installed alot of stuff. I disabled speech recognition to auto-start when windows booted up and ever since i get this error.

When i try to open speech recognition you can see it pop open for a quick second up top and then i get this.


Now. i'm not a total idiot and it was set to US the whole time, and this Windows 7 Beta 7000 32 bit English...oh and all the other speech regonistion otpions work such as tutorial and Train the computer to better understand you (yeah i sat there and read the whole thing for about 5 mins and it worked perfect).

I'm not the only one with this issue. i have a Creative X-FI new beta drivers. for windows 7. Nvidia 9600 GT. Q6600 Intel and ASUS P5K mobo. HELP?

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Speech Recognition Won't Start?

May 28, 2010

I'm quite interested in utilising Windows 7's speech recognition. I set up my mic, done the tutorial, and even trained my voice a couple of times. However, When I click "Start speech recognition," nothing happens! I don't get an icon in the tray, or the program itself at the top of the screen.

I've tried turning off all non-windows services and programs on startup (this was a Vista fix that I found on the net), but still nothing.

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Stop Recent Items Being Stored?

Aug 28, 2011

I have noticed lately that even though I un ticked the option in the taskbar/menu properties for recent items to be displayed, the items in the "recent items" folder are still generated, and can be viewed by running a simple search for a file.

So what I mean is, if I open a document called "private documents.pdf" for example, then close it, anyone could do a simple broad search for pdf's on your computer, and it would find "private documents.pdf" in the "recent items" folder...

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Speech Recognition Wireless Microphone?

Nov 25, 2012

I'm trying to get a Speech recognition microphone which is wirerless. The kind you put behind your ear and talk. All I can get are the ones you put into your phone.

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No Speech Recognition Module That Came With Software

Feb 16, 2010

I own Dutch home edition windows 7 on my new laptop. There is no speech recognition module that came with the software.Is it possible to use the English version SAPI 5.1 with windows 7? (installing with compatibility mode XP)I use software that only uses English speech recognition, and works best with XP.The SR modules that comes with thr "bigger" versions of Windows 7 gives a lot of troubles with the program, because there are a lot of instructions that works also with the Windows 7 interface.The software i use = London Control (Air traffic control simulation)

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How To Extract The Bookmark Stored In The Browser?

Jan 23, 2012

Anyone know how to extract the bookmark stored in the browser?My previous laptop died on me.I have transfer the hdd into an external casing

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Where Are Restore Point Files Stored

Jul 19, 2009

i want to exclude the restore point files from defragmentation (Defraggler has that option). Where are the restore points stored? I found a tool to make hidden files visible. There is some information on Google where XP stores the files, but it seems to be different in Windows 7.My reason for excluding that from defragging (and excluding my download and temp folders) is to speed up defragmentation. Those files ae in flux anyway and fast access is not needed.BTW: how can I add a picture to my name in this forum??? I didn't find it in my account

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How Can I Transfer My Speech Recognition To New Computer?

Feb 12, 2011

When I teach my computer Speech Recongnition and change computers, where is the database so I can transfer it to the new computer?

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Speech Recognition System - Customization?

Sep 14, 2011

I'm pretty sure a lot of you guys watched the movie Iron Man (2008) or Iron Man 2.Iron Man has like this super computer interface system that monitors his suit, home, life, work. Pretty much a life assistant.What I want is to change the voice in my Speech Recognition System to that British accent J.A.R.V.I.S. (Iron Man's super computer) had in the movie.oreover, When I say " Open notepad". I want the computer to open notepad and reply by saying "Opening notepad".

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Change The Words And Keep The Voice In A Speech?

Nov 26, 2011

Im looking for a software wich I can edit the speech : change the words and keep the voice?

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Text To Speech Shortcut - Create

Feb 26, 2010

How to Create a Text to Speech Shortcut in Windows 7 ?

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Speech Recognition Shortcut - Create

Mar 2, 2010

How to Create a Speech Recognition Shortcut in Windows 7 ?

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