BSOD At Random (unrelated) Times?

Mar 19, 2012

Is Windows 7 - x86 (32-bit) or x64 ? 64 the original installed OS on the system? OEMan OEM or full retail version? OEM = came pre-installed on system Full Retail = you purchased it from retailer What is the age of system (hardware)? Purchased December 2010 What is the age of OS installation (have you re-installed the OS?) Original install BSOD happens whether computer is in use or not..can happen several times a day, then go days without happening at all - then cycle starts again.

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Random BSOD During Random Times, Error 0x8000000000000002

Feb 26, 2012

I reformatted my computer multiple times, yet my computer seems to BSOD randomly.What happenes is that everything becomes unresponsive; cant alt+tab, cant ctrl+alt+del etc etc. everything freezes randomly... then boom, BSOD. its happened twice, with no apparent pattern.And then, when it restarts, it tries booting but then it goes into the boot selection screen and my SSD is nowhere to be found. I have to power off then power on again for it to boot up and log in.

- System
- Provider
[ Name] Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power
[ Guid] {331C3B3A-2005-44C2-AC5E-77220C37D6B4}


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BSOD At Random Times?

Sep 14, 2011

My xps m1530 crashes randomly more and more regularly.

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BSOD At Very Random Times

Mar 19, 2012

The computer is only about a year and a half old. Has always worked great and now I get random BSODs. Even after restoring it to factory systems three times, I still get random BSODs. And I can never recreate how it happens. Sometimes it won't happen for a whole day, sometimes it will happen every other minute. Downloaded BlueScreen viewer and it gives me a bunch of information. Will upload that.

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Getting BSOD At Random Times

Aug 2, 2012

I get BSOD at random times (even when I am not using the PC). I have not added any new hardware recently. I have attached that has data produced by SF Diag Tool.

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Getting A BSOD At Random Times?

Aug 9, 2012

I have no idea what the problem is. I have ran dskchk /F...and nothing. I've also ran a scan on my disk, and nothing, so i dont think it's a virus.

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Random BSOD Happens At Random Times

Mar 13, 2012

x86 (32-bit) or x64 ? 64 bit

- the original installed OS on the system? this is a built computer by myself. have had 64 bit forever on here

- an OEM or full retail version? oem

- What is the age of system (hardware)? memory is about 2 years old everything else is about 5 years old

- What is the age of OS installation (have you re-installed the OS?) os was installed a few months ago.attached is the info that was requested. these blue screens happen at completely random times. could be during boot up. could be just sitting in sleep and blue screen.

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BSOD Crashing At Random Times

Jun 13, 2012

I am getting the BSOD a lot..It happens a lot when I play games, but it does happen randomly as well.

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BSOD At Random Times On New Laptop?

Feb 16, 2012

I bought a Toshiba Satelite laptop last month and everything was working fine up until 2 or 3 days ago. Since then I have had a few BSOD messages, all when I've been doing different things (surfing the internet, playing Football Manager etc.)I was wondering if you'd be able to help me find a solution for this, whether that be take the laptop back or a fix you guys could help me with.

The laptop is Windows 7 Home Premium, x64, OEM. The laptop was bought at the begining of January and I have not altered the OS.The files I hope you will find the answer in are included

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Jun 5, 2012

I have looked through many forums and have still not found a solution. It can happen at random times, and really gets in the way of things.... I could be on a game, or just on the web, and it will suddenly crash and go to the MEMORY_MANAGMENT BSOD.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:BlueScreen
OS Version:6.1.7601.
Locale ID:2057


I tried to attach the file but it does not work. It says i need permissions even though I am administrator.

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BSOD At Random Times Even After Repair

Oct 24, 2012

I bought my Ideapad Y580 from Lenovo in August. Around the middle of September, I started getting the BSOD after updating my Nvidia driver (which it prompted me to do) So I did the typical system restore and reset to the old driver. This did not fix the problem. So I called Lenovo, who determined my motherboard may have a problem and I sent the laptop in for repair. I get it back last night and STILL BSOD! This time for multiple things. I call Lenovo back and after it was determined that the pre-installed mcaffee was to blame. (drivers) So, It was uninstalled and windows update ran until completion with the tech on the phone. I thought all was well, but about 10 minutes after i get off the phone I get another BSOD for a completely different problem. I will post my last 3 or 4 bsod reports below.I will say this, there are NO third party programs on this computer right now. Everything install came from Lenovo as is. And yes, Lenovo replaced the motherboard when it was sent for repair.a brand new 1000+ dollar machine shouldn't be giving me these headaches. [code]This appears to be a typical software driver bug and is not likely to be caused by a hardware problem. The crash took place in the Windows kernel. Possibly this problem is caused by another driver that cannot be identified at this time.

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BSOD At Random Times, Error 0x0000004e?

Aug 10, 2012

Ive recently built my own computer, however at random times when im on it, it will blue screen with a 0x0000004e error. I have Windows 7 professional 64 bit and ive also attached all the information including a few dumps from the times it has crashed. It has happened before a few times but i reinstalled the os so the dumps went with it. I will add more dumps each time it does blue screen. Also I downloaded BlueScreenViewer and it came back with a majority of the problems coming from a driver called "ntoskrnl". I have ran memtest for about 8 hours (With about 8 passes) and came back with no errors so i do believe it is a driver problem other than that, I have no clue what the problemI went on to run OCCT for 30 minutes, whilst it was testing it stopped and said there was an error in core 1. I then ran it again and it stopped again saying that there was an error in core 0. I have uploaded the graphs from both of these test for analysis. The minimum temperature ranged from about 26 - 29 degrees (Idle) and the maximum was ranged from 64 - 70 degrees.

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BSOD At Random Times, Mainly When Watching Videos?

Dec 10, 2011

I haven't noticed a exact pattern yet, it happens most when watching videos and movies, or when playing games. But it has happened at other random times.

Zip. attached.

Basic Info:
Windows 7 home premium 64bit
Original OS is the same.
Laptop is ASUS K52F
I've had this laptop for 13 months, OS is same.

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BSOD 0x09F Happens On Shutting Down And At Random Times

Mar 13, 2012

This is my second post the first time it was, seemingly, resolved but the problems came back. Now the BSOD happens almost everytime I try to restart/shut down my laptop, and it happens at seemingly random times. The first time I got these advices: uninstall avast! and update bios I did this and the problems were gone for about a week but recently they have been coming back, does someone have any ideas to solve this?

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BSOD During Random Times, Error 0x8000000000000002

Apr 14, 2012

I've been getting a strange problem that I thought I fixed a couple of months ago, although this time I was able to get a .dmp file and I was wondering if anyone is able to figure out why I keep getting this random BSOD. file attached.

- System
- Provider
[ Name] Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power
[ Guid] {331C3B3A-2005-44C2-AC5E-77220C37D6B4}
EventID 41


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BSOD Occurs At Random Times Right After Logging On?

Apr 26, 2012

I keep getting the system I just upgraded from originally using Vista home premium 32 bit to Windows 7 Home premium 64 bit, Yes I did wipe the hard drive and I have reinstalled the OS multiple times to try and navigate around this problem.

Specs:Processor: Intel Core I5-2500 3.3 GHZ
Ram: 4-gb Crucial (2x 2gb)
PSU: Antec 650 watt earthenwatts
HD:ST3360320AS ATA device 326 GB
OS: Windows 7 Home premium 64 bit, Brand new disk just got yesterday

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BSOD Occurs At Random Several Times Daily?

May 3, 2012

HP XW8200 Workstation
Windows 7 Ultimate x64
Recently purchase system 2nd hand
New Installation of OS
2 x 80GB IDE HDD

Tried to upload bsod zip files but get invalid file error?

Dump File : 050312-44687-01.dmp
Crash Time : 03/05/2012 12:38:42
Bug Check Code : 0x0000007f


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BSOD Crashes Unpredictably At Random Times

May 22, 2012

I am currently facing the lovely BSOD error. The computer was recently upgraded from windows XP to Windows 7 enterprise 64bit , this was a fresh installation from XP. The computer originally came with pre installed with Windows 7 installed but was downgraded to XP to meet company IT requirements. We have now been given the go ahead to trial windows 7. However after installation we are now facing issues of very random BSOD moments.

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BSOD Occurring Daily At Random Times?

Jun 8, 2012

Is Windows 7 . x86 (32-bit) or x64 ? x64 the original installed OS on the system? no - an OEM or full retail version? full retail What is the age of system (hardware)? 4 years What is the age of OS installation (have you re-installed the OS?) 3 months

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BSOD At Random Times Just Browsing Games

Jun 22, 2012

got a new comp a while back and its been fine up till now getting this same bsod error quite a bit now. [code]

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BSOD Occurring During Random Tasks/times

Jun 29, 2012

it seems to have been going through a series of BSODs. I've ran several tests to see what might actually activate the BSOD, but it happens when doing different things. Most notably, when I tried creating an account for this forum, I would open the start menu, and right-click on "Computer" to see the specs, but as soon as I tried, the machine instantly BSOD'd me. After rebooting, I tried to replicate the problem, but I was able to see the specs.

They are running Windows 7 Home Premium x64 SP1 on a HP Pavilion P6000. It's OEM and about 2-years since purchase date. Their current AV is Trend Micro Titanium 2012. Crashes also occur during web browsing, windows explorer browsing, and sometimes when the computer is just sitting idly as nothing is open.

Enclosed is the requested zip file containing the folder and HTML file.

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BSOD At Random Times, Error 0x0000004e

Jul 30, 2012

Ive recently built my own computer, however at random times when im on it, it will blue screen with a 0x0000004e error. I have Windows 7 professional 64 bit and ive also attached all the information including the two dumps from the times it has crashed. It has happened before a few times but i reinstalled the os so the dumps went with it. I will add more dumps each time it does blue screen. Also I downloaded BlueScreenViewer and it came back with a majority of the problems coming from a driver called "ntoskrnl". I have ran memtest for about 8 hours and came back with no errors so i do believe it is a driver problem other than that

If the attachment doesnt work, I have uploaded the information online at the following link: Free File Hosting - Online Storage; Upload Mp3, Videos, Music. Backup Files

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Frequent BSOD At Random Times Recently

Jul 31, 2012

I chose to ignore it as its the first time it happened and i hoped it wouldn't happen again.I came home 2 days after , and in 1 evening i got around 4 BSODs.Some BSODs occured while i was playing games , and they would happen with some lines appearing on the screen for a few seconds and the computer freezing , and then i would get the BSOD.I thought it was something GPU related , probably driver related , so i reinstalled the drivers and all , but nothing happened as they still occur.

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BSOD At Random Times Noob At This Forum?

Aug 11, 2012

i'm new to this forum attached in the SF diag tool folder that one of the tread recommended me to do.

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BSOD At Random Times Then Cannot Boot Into Windows 7

Aug 25, 2012

Every now and then, my computer BSODs, then restarts, but then it cannot boot into the drive that windows is installed in. It says that there is a broken windows installation and that I should use the Windows install disk to repair it. Thing is, I don't have a windows install disk because I'm using an .iso provided by my school.Anyway, after waiting some time or unplugging/plugging back the hard drive, it randomly successfully boots into windows again. I can't think of any reason why this would this a software or hardware problem?My setup is Windows 7 on an SSD and Ubuntu on a standard hard disk, with Grub as my boot loader.I also looked in minidumps and there aren't any crash logs from when my computer BSOD'd, which is even weirder.

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BSOD Random Times / Fresh Windows 7 Install

Oct 23, 2012

I keep getting BlueScreen errors and the pc is restarting after I switched motherboards from a gigabyte p55-usb3 to a biostar t5xe cfx-sli. I kept all the same components except I added another gtx 470. Thermal paste was freshly applied all around, all the idle and load temps seem normal. 30c/50c cpu and 40c/85c gpu.

1. Installed Win 7 Prof 64 bit on freshly formatted hard drive
2. Installed Drivers from motherboard cd (Biostar T5XE CFX-SLI)
3. Ran Windows update for awhile, restarted a few times, installed other programs
4. While browsing the net the pc shutdown and gave me a prompt upon startup with a "problem event name: bluescreen"

It also gave me the locations of a dump and a system file which I have included in the Shutdown #1 file.

1. After reviewing the error and searching the web I had read that it could be a possible heat issue, which didn't make sense as the first time I was just browsing the web. Idle the CPU is 30c and the GPU (SLI) is 40c for each card.
2. I downloaded the Unigine Heaven benchmark and ran it
3. PC shutdown in the middle of the benchmark and gave me different results in the post shutdown message. Files are in the Shutdown #2 file.

I used arctic silver on the cpu and on the gpu's. Everything is connected tightly and the only other thing installed is a wireless pci card which should have no problem. I used to use the exact same components on a gigabyte board (p55-usb3). The only reason I installed the Biostar Motherboard was to install another GTX 470 and run SLI.Everything seems normal as far as temps, the pc isn't slow, etc.I just decided to turn it off to avoid any possible damage and take the files I grabbed and post on a forum. This seemed like a good place to continue.

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BSOD Happening At Random Times With Different Error Codes?

Nov 19, 2011

I have had my acer aspire for about 6 months and for the past 5 months this BSOD keeps happening at random times, and the symtem reboots and then restores.I have tried various methods to stop this happening - and I am now at a loss - I have tried puting hotfix on and also restoring to factory setting, i have heard about updating the bios etc but i am not great with the technical side of things.My computer came with windows 7 on it and it no disc - so how do i unistall it and then reinstall? i am hoping that i dont have to do thi however i see no other option.i should add that i contacted acer and that they have agreed to take it back and look at the hardware, however it its a software issue which i think it is - they will charge me 80 to fix it.

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Daily BSOD Error Occurring At Random Times

Dec 3, 2011

Since I got my computer, it has been giving me BSOD's almost every day. Crashes happen most often when playing games, but it has occurred at other times also.

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BSOD At Random Times Error PFN File Corrupt?

Dec 16, 2011

I face BSOD at random times, removed some programs from startup but to no avail. It is running fine in Safe mode.

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BSOD At Completely Random Times - Memory Dumps

Jan 7, 2012

For a couple of days now I've been getting emergency memory dumps at literally random times. I could be doing a game, or searching the internet, or just typing in a notepad document. I enclosed the latest minidump.

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Computer Freezes And BSOD When Gaming + Random Times?

Jul 6, 2012

I recently changed the cabinet of my computer and since then I've been getting freezes and BSODS, when it freezes it just gets stuck at whatever I'm doing and makes a buzzing noise through the speakers. I haven't had time to read the error codes when I get the BSODS, it reboots to fast. The freezes/BSODS appear to happen more frequently when gaming, but it also occurs when I'm just browsing. have Windows 7 Ultimate x64, and have tried reinstalling it but it didn't help.

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