Reference In Newsweek; Vista Is A Disaster And That It Is Having Performance Failings

Jun 22, 2008

In the current article published by Newsweek in the MSN Explorer's Technology section called "Microsoft After Gates (And Bill After Microsoft)", one of the sentences in the article says (in part) that Vista is a disaster and that it is having performance failings. What people are saying about Vista? Do they agree with Newsweek's verdict?

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Jun 8, 2009

I discovered the mother of all inferiorities of Vista vs WindowsXP.It turns out it's incapable of one of the fundamental - BASIC tasks Operating System must perform.FILE COPY/MOVE/DELETE takes ages, progress bar is lying, "Calculating Time Remaining" - you should see that dialogbox, it's spells death to productivity, it borders on the level of completely unusuable OS in our environment where we move 20-50GB/day on my CAD laptop Hilarious! Why has God punished me so that WinXP disk was missing and I installed this joke OS expecting an "upgraded" exprience?? I wish I could ascreenshots/pictures.

Please don't refer me to the known Vista "Network Autotuning" bugfix, I am not even copying over the network, it's an external USB2 Harddisk that used to take seconds to pump fairly large files, specificlaly it achieved 15-22MBps transfer rates.

Vista humps along at maximum 2-3MBps, then stumbles into the range of KBps and calculating GODDAMN TIME REMAINING or lying progress bar, then goes back to 2-3MBps, then again down to KBps range.I'm still wasting huge amounts of my time while I wait for Vista to calculate the time remaining before even starting to transfer files.

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SP1 Disaster...

Mar 23, 2008

Auto update picked up and installed SP1 tonight.
When I cam back all seemed ok. Opened IE with no problem, opened Windows
Mail - blue screen -
It gave an 0x0000008E code and something about tcpip.sys.
I shut down and tried again - same when I opened Mail plus I realised all
sound had gone.

Then while taking out SP1 I got another blue screen -

"a process or thread crucial to the system operation has unexpectedly exited
or been terminated" 0x000000F4

I've carried on with the uninstall after the restart.

Other that run the sfc /scannow what should I do to see if all is back to

Guess I'll not bother with SP1 thanks.

New (from November 2007) fairly high spec Dell running Ultimate.

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Vista SP1 Performance Still AWFUL!

Apr 11, 2008

Full backup across my network:

Started 4/10/2008 1:37:55 AM
Scanning 'C:'
Completed 4/10/2008 1:08:27 PM
Folders Compared: 17445; Files Compared: 0; Folders Created: 17445; Files
Copied: 145057 (26576807906 bytes)

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Slow Performance Within Vista

Nov 8, 2007

I've finally decided to jump on the Vista boat ( or off the XP boat as it may be ), so I've installed Vista64 on my secondary hard drive and have been trying to get it in shape to use all week.

Unfortunately it hasn't been going smoothly. I've had no crashes or lockups to speak of, but my performance within Vista is just abysmal. The windows chug as they scroll around, and launching Internet Explorer is an exercise in frusteration. In particular, any page with a Flash ad running at the top absolutely cripples me.

I'd have to guess that something is amiss with my graphical setup. I'm using an EVGA GeForce 8800 GTS as my display adapter, which is currently rated 2.9 in Windows Aero, and 5.9 for Gaming Graphics. Everything else is right around 5.0. The Gaming score seems on par with what I've heard elsewhere, but 2.9 seems pretty low for Aero. Does this sound funny to anyone else?

I've installed every update available, with the exception of Extras and Language packs. I've gotten the latest Forceware driver for Vista64 ( 169.04 ), as well as all the Windows Update hotfixes that Nvidia reccomends.

Does anyone have any further suggestions that I should try? Or does anyone have similar hardware with much better performance?

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Vista SP2 Big Performance Increase?

Mar 11, 2009

Does someone know it the nex version og Windows vista will introduce performance increase?

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Can Improve Vista Performance?

Apr 16, 2008

i am about to tell you about what happend to vista on monday and a few other things. on monday windows vista ultimate was working fine i had to shut my computer down because i went to the gym then when i got back i turned on my pc then it went through its usual loading then right about when vista was about to startup after the cursor appeared then i waited and it did not boot up and it stayed at a black screen so i tried using last know good configuration on my pc booted up good then i logged in and just as the log on screen faded out then it locked up then i tried it again then the windows vista splash thing came on then i hear one note of the tune reapeating and the only thing i could do is restore from my backup so i did that and now my computer is back at last backup i did.

then i was using it yesterday my computer was working fine on vista and window vista starts getting choppy with me like its not being smooth and im trying to figure out why im not getting smooth performance plus vista did lock up when i shutted it down vista did not lock up on me on before the booting up issue occured
is there anyway i can improve vista performance?

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Speed Up The Performance Of Vista

Jun 27, 2008

I apologize in advance if this is longer than needed. Long question short, what can I do to improve my system performance or what am I doing wrong to improve it? Before I continue, I’ve read the “Speed Up the Performance of Vista” thread numerous times with no real success. My laptop isn’t extremely slow, it tends to be a little sluggish when scrolling on web pages [Mozilla and IE(have tried both 32 and 64bit editions of IE)], when scrolling in my music in iTunes (especially in Cover Flow), or when the system is left on for a day or two. I started with a clean install to avoid problems and to update all drivers necessary. On the Cover Flow, I have a friend with a latop with half the power of mine and it scrolls through the Cover Flow flawlessly (he has Home Premium 32bit).

Throughout the forum threads on this issue I see a lot that Vista simply takes time to update everything necessary. I’ve been running on it for about 4 months now. All drivers up to date, all Windows updates downloaded and installed as soon as they come out, and the system in protected with anti virus software. Here come the inquiries. 1) Can that be a problem? I am running McAfee on it. 2) Also, is my computer simply not able to handle all of it? When sluggish, the faster I try to scroll, especially iTunes, the slower it actually scrolls, obviously, but the CPU never goes past 25-35% of usage. Same with RAM, staying at 40% or so. My lowest score in my index score is my memory with a 5.0. Not sure of the brand currently installed, but I know its 4GB at 667, I’m a Crucial fan, 3) so upgrading to Crucial memory also for 4GB but at 800 it will it significantly increase my score? 4) Therefore performance? I’ve tried using the system with all the neat features disabled, transparency, etc, but same issues remain. I’d like to think my system can handle the neat features. .....

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Microsoft Mail Is Clearly A Disaster

Mar 23, 2008

Does Microsoft even care?? The software routinely hangs, crashes, won't process, freezes or you get error messages when processing as noted in several posts here?

- Are there any patches via Microsoft?
- Is there a version of Outlook Express that works with Vista?

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Best Disaster Recovery Tool?

May 22, 2008

I have a computer that was working very well, but lately when I was working on a important project, there was a power fluctuation for a couple of times (I thought that was normal) but after the last power fluctuation my computer refused to boot up. There seems to be a failure of some kind?..but I need to get the projects back that are still in that disk.

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Vista's Performance And Reliability Monitor?

Jul 29, 2009

I was just discovering and playing a bit with Vista's Performance and Reliability Monitor. To my dismay I had to realize that for some reason that monitor stopped recording about a year ago, i.e. the System Stability Chart shows data from the time I bought the machine until about a year ago but doesn't show any newer data. It could well be, that I inadvertently disabled some service or feature at that time. How do I get this monitor back to life, i.e. what service or whatever do I have to (re-)enable to get obtain fresh data again?

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Sep 17, 2009

Im going to REFORMAT/REINSTALL my OS. vista home basic...i have the original dvd that came with my system.. My question is this.... upon installing vista, all the other cds that came with it, i have a roxio creator & mydvd cd 9.0 DE. cd says on it, install this cd, (PROGRAM)... also a dell drivers and utilities that is already installed on my computer and this dvd is for reinstalling dell inspiron comp software, and an application thats already installed on my comp, for reinstalling cyberlink powerdvd 7.0 software.. so besides using my OS 32 bit reinstallation dvd, vista, am i supposed to also reinstall the stuff on the dvds i mentioned above?

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Wireless Disaster - Limited Connectivity

Apr 7, 2008

I am one of the many users experiencing problems with wireless connections that work until your laptop goes into powersave mode, then only allow "Limited or No Connectivity" I have 2 wireless routers, a Linksys and ActionTec, supplied by Verizon with FiOS and Linksys has helped me a couple of times to make it work but that is all. Verizon is clueless. As am I since I have 4 XP laptops that all work. Vista is apparently trying to prevent me from hurting myself, and therefore I am unable to fix it.

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Group Policy Reference

Feb 11, 2007

Microsoft has released a very useful spreadsheet that has all of the new group policies that can be used in Windows Vista as well as what they do...

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Reference Material Updated Periodically

May 28, 2008

Just thought I'd like to share with you the names of some of the reference books that I use when responding to posts. It would be interesting to know what other members of the forums use. This list will be updated periodically when necessary.

Windows Administration Resource Kit: Productivity Solutions for IT Professionals
Microsoft Press
ISBN-13: 978-0-7356-2431-3
ISBN-10: 0-7356-2431-3.......

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Performance Of Vista Completely Craps Out: Compatibility Of My 64bit Version

Oct 17, 2009

The performance of Vista completely craps out every couple of months on me. I have been wondering if my issue may be the compatibility of my 64bit version of Windows and my hardware. If this is the case, would you guys think that upgrading to Windows 7 could possibly end this tedious and annoying problem?

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Windows Explorer Not Able Find Reference Onborad

Feb 6, 2009

In the old Win 98 Windows Explorer status bar, it displayed in parentheses the "Disk free space" following the selected folder's disk space useage. However, I notice this feature is missing in Vista's (Home Edition) Windows Explorer, and I have not been able to find reference to it in the onboard help. Is there somewhere that I have overlooked, maybe, where I can turn on this feature?

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Internet Explorer 7 Quick Reference Sheet

Oct 20, 2006

The Internet Explorer team has released a useful quick reference sheet that can be printed out and used as a reference card for keyboard shortcuts for Internet Explorer 7. Get the reference sheet here.

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Home Premium Or Ultimate, Which Version Of Vista Will Give Me The Best Gaming Performance

Apr 10, 2008

which version of Vista will give me the best gaming performance. Home Premium or Ultimate?

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Unable To Shutdown :: 0x76a184fd Reference Memory At 0x00000000

Jun 30, 2009

i got my laptop 1 month ago. able to shutdown properly for about 1 week,after i hve installed MS Off 2007,and some utilities, i am having this error while attempting to shutdown "the instruction at 0x76a184fd reference memory at 0x00000000. The memory could not be read" I cant shutdown.

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Performance Drop

Jan 20, 2010

I've suddenly got a steep proformance drop that makes playing all my games pretty much impossible.

It usually states when I'm playing MW2. I turn on the game and have no performance issues. I enter a game and no performance issues. The game starts and no performance issues. It's only until around 5-10 minutes in that I experience the performance drop. When that happens, I can't do anything except to hope that the performance goes back up again. Reducing the resolution does not help. Changing my graphics card from quality based to proformance based does not help. Increasing my performance vs power saving does not help. I'm not running any other programs that are using up all the space (How would I? you can't even tab out of MW2 while you're playing it). Restarting the computer also does not help.

Worse still, this performance drop also affects everything else randomly as well.
I really don't know what I can do.

This has happened before, but not for this long.

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Performance Indicators And % ?

May 15, 2010

I have just set up my two Vista systems and would like to know what the rest of you get as far as your CPU and RAM% are concerned.

On my small Benq joybook it hovers at 55%cpu and 50%ram.

On my Dragon it hovers at 2%cpu and 55% ram at idle.

Any help and info would be great. Ide like to try and reduce the cpu on the Benq obviously as well as the ram on both machines.

Both machine are quite fresh, not really loaded with software. Running N360 on both machines.

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SP1 Performance Still AWFUL!

Apr 10, 2008

Full backup across my network:

Started 4/10/2008 1:37:55 AM
Scanning 'C:'
Completed 4/10/2008 1:08:27 PM
Folders Compared: 17445; Files Compared: 0; Folders Created: 17445; Files
Copied: 145057 (26576807906 bytes)

Just short of 12 hours. Dreadful...just dreadful!

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Very Slow Performance With 32

Mar 23, 2008

I have a Sony Vaio VGN-FZ11S, with Vista Home 32. The laptop has a Core 2 Duo T7100 @1.8GHz and 2Gb RAM. I run Office 2007, Dreamweaver, Flash, Fireworks, Corel, etc... Sometimes the machine becomes so slow I almost fall asleep (literally!) while waiting for it do perform a simple task such as opening IE or showing a menu or opening an email message. I should add that my PST has 5.6 Gb. I'd like to reduce its size, although I don't think it is the cause of the slow running, but I need to keep many emails... I have talked with Sony and they simply refuse to let their customers downgrade to Xp. So, besides tweaking (which I don't know how to), what can I do to my laptop to avoid these episodes of EXTREMELY slow running?

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Sluggish Performance In 64

Mar 4, 2009

I have been battling a problem with my new build for almost 3 months. My rig:

Gigabyte EP45-UD3R
Core2Quad Q6600
G.Skill DDR2-800 2x2GB
Geforce 6800 GT
PC&P Silencer 500W
WD Black 1 TB
Vista Home Premium 64-bit

My performance is terrible! This is my first experience with vista. My pc runs sluggishly, sims 2 game crashes at startup, my other 2 games (half life 2, left 4 dead) are very choppy and unplayable. Browsing playlist in iTunes with cover art displayed is choppy and slow (unusable, i have to turn the cover art off).

If I take out 1 of my sticks of RAM it seems fine. If i load XP, it seems fine, even with both sticks.

I have ran memtest on my ram, tried my ram in all the slots, ran prime 95 for hours with no errors, ran diagnostics on my hdds, rma'd my motherboard (they returned it saying nothing was wrong with it), purchased a new motherboard (asus p5q), tried 2 other kinds of RAM, updated all of my drivers, reinstalled vista a billion times, and NOTHING has worked.

The only thing left to replace is my cpu and before I go through that hassle, I just want to exhaust the last avenue, since the problem is only evident in vista with all my memory sticks installed.

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Performance Tuning

Aug 1, 2008

I have a 2 FX-74 2 core 64 bit 3Ghz CPUs and 8 GB of ram.
I run Excel 2007 but can only get about 55% CPU utilization.
The main task at hand is to run a spreadsheet over and over again with different data. Each pass is taking 6 min.

I have never seen the system CPU 100% busy. Is there a way to extend the time slices so the threads run longer and do not have to start and stop as much? (cut down the context switching?)

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SP1 Gaming Performance

Mar 23, 2008

Just wondering if anyone has had any issues and/or problems since SP1 was released today.I know it may be too early to tell what with the manufacturers rushing to create drivers that will actually take advantage of the over 550 hotfixes incorperated into SP1, but so far for me at least I have seen at least a 20% increase in overall gaming performance and system response. One main thing I've seen that has not improved is any source games. It seems the source engine is either not a fan of vista, or the 8800 series cards. But as for games such as World of Warcraft and Unreal Tournament III, all seem to have an increase in FPS and load times.If anyone has a positive or negative comments for SP1, please let me know; very curious to see what Microsoft has accomplished/screwed up.

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IncreasE CPU Performance?

Mar 23, 2008

I'm really interested in a possibility of increasing my CPU performance on my Vista Ultimate 32-bit PC. Cooler Master Gemin II processor cooler (non-stock) Note: Windows Experience Index is 3.0 because of Processor, all other ratings are 4.5 and higher! Note 2: I have all newest motherboard (and other) drivers! Question: Should I try overclocking, and if yes, by how much, and how?

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HDMI Performance?

Aug 27, 2009

I just got a new LCD monitor for my PC that has a HDMI port. I have a couple of newb questions about HDMI on the PC.

1. Will the image quality be any better?

2. I mainly play games on my PC. Will using the HDMI be better or worse?

3. I have a HT Omega Claro + audio card. Will using HDMI effect this audio card?

My video card is a Sapphire 4870 card. I virtually know nothing about HDMI on PC's.

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Poor Performance With X64

Apr 8, 2009

I'm new to a x64 OS, I did have Home Premium (32bit) on my PC but upgraded yesterday. Since upgrading (clean install) I've notice that the boot times are longer and the shut down times have increased significantly. One of the reasons I moved to x64 was because of the faster boot and shut down times. A few other programs are taking longer to load/respond but I'm not sure if that's because they are 32bit programs running in a x64 environment....

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Performance Aero 2.7 Now 2.0

May 1, 2008

My performance rating for Aero was 2.7 and is now 2.0. How can I improve my performance rating?

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