How Can Deleted Administrator Account

Mar 23, 2008

I changed the administrator account to a standard user by accident, so now I ended up without an administrator account. How can I set up an administrator account again?

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No Administrator Account

Oct 13, 2009

windows vista, I should have 3 accounts in my laptop, the original adminstrator, guest which is off, and another one with adminstrator rights, when I try to use the last one to remove any software, it just let me know that I need administrator right to download or remove. How can I restore the original administrator account?

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How Set Up An Administrator Account?

Dec 28, 2008

I am being prompted for administrator yet I do not have an administrator profile. I have default, mine, public. How do I set up an administrator account or make mine administrator. I thought I had done this upon installation.

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Use Administrator Account?

May 22, 2007

Topic pretty much says my question. Is there any reason that I shouldn't use the Administrator account?

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Cannot Get Into The Administrator Account

Jun 6, 2008

Basically I cannot log into the administrator account anymore.I am the administrator and I type in the proper password that is not the problem.The problem comes in after the password is entered.It says User P Service service could not log in.Log in failed.It runs ok in safe mode but I can't do anything as an administrator any longer and cannot get into the administrator account.

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Enable UAC On Administrator Account ?

Jun 18, 2009

UAC on administrator account is disabled by default (it allways uses full token) How do I enable UAC on administrator, to make it like other members in administrators group?

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Administrator Account And Privileges

Nov 14, 2008

i'm using vista home 32bit with a user account that has administrator privileges. since there is a built-in administrator account which is disabled by default, i would just like to know that if i would enable the built-in administrator account and set a password and use it as my account and delete my user account with the same privileges (since it's my personal computer anyway), would there be any difference?

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Cannot Change Account To Administrator

Feb 23, 2009

my daughter and I share the same computer. She changed my account that was administrator to Standard and then clicked on this: require password when computer wakes. Now everytime i download something the download works but then the security question pops up and says i require a password and i have to type it below but it wont let me type it below because the setting: require password when computer wakes needed administrator account to function but now because i have standard it wont let me type a password. i tried changing the account type but the same thing happens and i tried: change settings that are curently unavailable and its the same!

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No Administrative Privileges On Administrator Account?

Jun 11, 2009

I installed vista ultimate x64 on my PC. After a while, I ran into some programs that requested I run them on the Administrator account. Not wanting to have to right-click and select the option every-time I installed something, I decided to enable the Administrator account with the command I found on the net, namely net user administrator /active:yes Restart, log into Administrator account, all is well. Naturally, not wanting to re-install all the programs, I simply copied the AppData, Documents and Desktop folders from the previous account over the ones in the Administrator account. All is well. I want to install a program and I receive the error message that I, the f-ing Administrator, don't have the privileges to install the program to it's pre-specified directory. So I go to the ProgramData folder (that's where most programs go) and check the Security properties. Administrators and System accounts have full permision enabled in every single sub-section of the option.

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Build-in Administrator Account - Clarification?

May 22, 2008

Reference MS Article ID 555910, dated 3 April, 2007. How TO: Enable the build-in Administrator account in Windows Vista. I would very much appreciate a clarification regarding Administrator Accounts or profiles. I am planning to purchase a new Dell XPS 630 computer with Vista Business in the next month or two. I am trying to become familiar with Vista before I receive the computer. If I understand it correctly, when the first bootup is made with the new computer, a user account is created that has administrator privileges. According to the above referenced article, there is a build-in Administrator account. Also in this article, under the Applies To: Heading, it does mentions only Windows Vista Home Premium and Windows Vista Starter. However, I have seen some postings or internet articles mentioning the built-in Administrator account, not clarifying what versions of Vista that it applies to.

Question: When I receive my new Dell computer and complete the initial bootup, the new user account, and final install, will that be the only User Account on the computer with Administrator privileges?

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Administrator Account Gone...totally Stumped!

Dec 13, 2008

So this all started with running NewSID from SysInternals on my Vista64 machine. Yes I knew the risks, but it seemed 50/50 from what I had read on other forums around the Internet so I went ahead and took my chances with it. Sure enough, NewSID hung up just like a lot of people said it would, and I was forced to kill the process and restart. NewSID seemed to do its job, as my PC thought it had been started for the first time, only some things were very odd.

My original Administrator account had been demoted to a guest account. This is the only account available at my log in screen. Looking under my Users folder, I see my old user account folder jakt, and a second folder called jakt.jakt-pc. (This is in the format of <user>.<domain>) All my data remains. Files are all there, programs all still run fine, drivers still intact. Under my Local Users and Groups in Computer Management, I see only two users in my Administrators usergroup. S-1-5-21-XXXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXX-1000 and S-1-5-21-XXXXXXXXXX-XXXXXX-500. I believe this is my previous SID before running the NewSID utility. No clue where this came from, or how to log in under this account, or if it is even possible to use this account.......

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No Administrative Power While On Administrator Account?

Nov 3, 2009

I am running on windows Vista (32bit). I don't think any other specs are really necessary, but I can provide them if they are needed. Basically, I am having a lot of problems all through out my computer, all coming down to the issue of not being the administrator, or having administrator privileges. When I go into Control Panel > User Accounts, it shows me (The only account) as Administrator. However, I am not being recognized as it.

I've been trying to uninstall an old version of Microsoft Office. When I access it via Control Panel > Programs & Features and go to uninstall, it gives me the error "You do not have sufficient access to uninstall Microsoft Office. Please contact your system administrator."

Also, I have an external hard drive full of files that I would love to be able to organize (Moving and deleting files) and anytime I try to move or delete any files I get the error "You'll need to provide administrator permission to move this folder". It gives me two options of "Continue" or "Skip", both of which close out of the window and do nothing. How can I take control of my own computer? I am sick of this

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Administrator Account No Option On The Welcome Screen

Mar 23, 2008

I'm using an HP pc, running XP Pro. I am practicing seting up a small business network and at that time decided to set up a user account, I gave this account administrative status. In doing so Administrator is no longer an option on the welcome screen. That is where all of my settings are and my contacts,etc. Now it will not let me delete the new account that I set up in order to get back to the original administrator.

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Log On Administrator Account Denied Access

May 24, 2008

I entered a new password for my administrator account and then tried to log on but was denied access. I must have fat fingered the keys when I entered the new password. Now I can't reset the password or do much of anything because I have been locked out. Has anyone else had this happen. Feeling really dumb.

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No Access To Administrator Account Following Sysprep

Mar 20, 2009

I have spent several hours setting up a Vista machine. On it I had the Adminstrator account enabled and a standard user account. I took a backup, using the standard Vista backup, of the machine prior to sysprep. I also took a ghost image once the machine had syspreped and shut down. On reboot it appears the Administrator account has disabled itself which I realise is the default state for the account. I therefore have no admin account live on this machine. Does anyone know if there is a way to re enable this account if there is no other administrator account active, or could I use the MS backup that I took prior to disabling to restore it back to it's pre sysprep state.

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Unlock The Supersecret Administrator Account

Dec 21, 2008

Deep inside the bowels of Windows Vista, there’s a secret Administrator account, and it’s different from the normal administrator account you most likely have set up on your PC. This Administrator account is not part of the Administrator group. (Confused yet? You should be.) It’s a kind of superadministrator, akin to the root account in Unix, and by default it’s turned off and hidden. (In describing this tut, i’ll always use the capital “A” for the secret Administrator account, and a lowercase “a” for a normal administrator account.)

In versions of Windows before Windows Vista, the Administrator account wasn’t hidden, and many people used it as their main or only account. This Administrator account had full rights over the computer. In Windows Vista, Microsoft changed that. In Vista, the Administrator account is not subject to UAC, but normal administrator accounts are. So the Administrator can make any changes to the system and will see no UAC prompts.....

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No Access Super-administrator Account

Nov 1, 2008

I've read a lot about problems that are almost the same as mine, but not quite.I have, somehow, deleted the only administrator account in vista. Basically because I deleted all the passwords stored, I guess. I know there is a super-administrator account but I can not access it in any way: I've tried restarting normally, chose administrator, put the blan passsword but get a return saying the account has been disabled. I've tried restarting in safe mode (no administrator login available). I've tried the command prompt and net user (error 5) I've even tried regedit (not allowed) The mater is you have to be an administrator to create another administrator account. The laptop doesn't have any crucial information, so I would gladly format it.

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Stop Removing Password For Administrator Account?

Jun 17, 2008

I hope everyone is doing alright. I have a small issue with the Administrator account in Windows Vista Home Premium. I enabled the administrator account two months ago, and also assigned a password to it for extra security. Four people, including myself use this computer, and one of the user's which is also an account with administrative privileges (not the administrator account), has achieved the ability to remove the Administrator Account Password, through User accounts in the Control Panel. Note: I do have user account control's (UAC) turned off, and I am about to try turning it on to see if that helps out. Other than that, I am having an issue with a person removing my administrative account password. How to I stop this from happening completely?

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USer Account Password/administrator Permissions

Jun 23, 2009

i just got vista and my cousin et up the accounts and my sister is the administrator. I wanted to download something from the web but i needed administrative permisisons, and seeing that my sister can be a total $@#^% sometimes she won't let me change me to the administrator for awhiel whiel id ownload the thing. I tried to figure out her password but no luck. I searched the web trying to see if there was a way around it, but nothing helped. Can anybody tell me if if can do something here?

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Sysprep Windows Vista, Disabled Administrator Account

Jun 16, 2009

now i tried to run sysprep for Windows Vista i just install on the PCs, but i was not success to do it. When run sysprep with this command "sysprep /oobe /generalize /unattend:unattend.xml" it will auto delete all drivers installed on vista. The things there are i want to make 1 image Vista Bussiness installed drivers, default enabled administrator account (normally when run sysprep it will disabled administrator account).

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Blocked Administrator Account: System Retore Error

Jun 20, 2009

I tried to change my SID number (Security Identifier - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) with a program called newsid.exe (NewSID v4.10) and it closed out before it was done. Before this happened, I had only one account named 'Rhodes' with administrative privileges and no password. Then I restarted my computer and it had an account named 'Rhodes' and an account name 'Other User'. I clicked on Rhodes (it still had no password) and it went to my desktop but the desktop looked like it was when I first got it, at factory default settings. Everything I had downloaded was gone, including my music, programs, and pictures.

All my settings had been reset to default. And administrative rights were gone. The first thing I did was look at my Users in Control Panel and all I saw was 'Rhodes' and disabled 'Guest'. I didn't see 'Other User' here so I went and looked on my C Drive and found the 'Users' folder and checked in there. It has a 'Rhodes' and a 'Rhodes.RhodesPC'. If I click on 'Rhodes' it tells me I don't have permission to access this folder. If I click on Rhodes.RhodesPC it brings me to the folders of the account I am currently on (the 'Rhodes' without administrative privileges). I have tried creating a new administrator account a few different ways (including an elevated command prompt in safe mode) but I can't get anything to work. And I can't get to the hidden administrator account in Vista, I tried that too. What I'd like to do is gain access to my old 'Rhodes' account, the one with administrative rights. I tried System Restore but I get the error 'There was an unexpected error: Class not reigstered (0x80040154) Please close System Restore and try again.

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User Account Control Message, Administrator Password

Dec 30, 2008

I am setup as a standard user. When I try to change anything I get the User Account Control message. It asks for an administrator password, but it is not allowing me to enter the password. I know the pass, but when I try to type it in, nothing happens.

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Deleted User Account

Nov 7, 2009

I have accidently deleted my user account off my laptop (vista home premium 32bit) but my files are still there in the user section of my hard drive. Can i recover it? If so how? I have only recently deleted it and I have another account with administrator privledges on it.

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"administrator Account": Need To Be Administrator To Run

Mar 23, 2008

I am running Vista Ultimate 64-bit edition. I am the only user on my computer. I am the administrator. I have UAC disabled. When running certain programs however I get a message telling me that I need to be Administrator to run this program. It has happened a couple of times but I haven't really paid attention to it due to it being resolved automatically or me not really caring. I try the "run as administrator" option, but it doesn't change anything.

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Recover Deleted User Account

Mar 21, 2009

Last night I noticed an icon (GetIE* now!) which would allow me to upgrade to Internet Explorer8 (so that I could supposedly experience better/ faster service when emailing etc.) However, after attempting to download, I rec'd an error mess'g contained inside of a box, indicating that the download attempt had failed & that I should access troubleshooting instructions from my computer. Basically one of the suggestions which was provided, indicated that I reset the computer to its "default" settings (and a link was even provided for me to click on, so that this process could be done AUTOMATICALLY).

However, even after trying the suggestion and reattempting to download Internet Explorer 8, I was still unsuccessful (I rec'd the same original error mess'g). So I gave up (because I din't have the patience anymore to try to figure it out) and figured that because the download never went through, everything with my computer was still the same. However, I rec'd a major shock this morning, when my 12 yr old son (who is the only other user on my computer), tried to log on...

basically, he immediately discovered after turning on the computer, that his user account, had suddenly become non-existant (only MY picture & username was visible. normally, HIS would appear adjacent to mine). My son ofcourse was in hysterics because now all of his photos, videos, etc. are all gone (and I feel so terrible about it). Is there ANY way that I can recover his deleted account? (P.S. I'm the administrator by the way)

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Deleted User Account: Can Recover?

Mar 23, 2008

a user account has been deleted by mstake in vista home. Is there any way i can recover the data files associated with that user account? Im afraid no back up has been made!

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Accidentally Deleted A Mail Account

Feb 9, 2009

I have accidentally deleted an old email account in Windows Mail. Is it possible to recover any of the messages or are they gone for good?

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Get Back Deleted User Account And Files

Jun 29, 2009

I deleted the user account, then realized that the files were not sent to the recycle bin. I also can see the hidden file, its size, and the name of the file but the warning states it cannot be opened because the path has been changed or altered. I still see that the user has many files, and I do not seem to have gained any disk it still possible to get these back.

I know when police agencies are searching for files on the computer they have software that recovers a lot of there any out there that I can use?

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Deleted Undesired Account No Longer Display

Dec 14, 2008

Friend of mine helped me with my Vista install, everything went well but now my user account is Bob rather than what I wanted. I changed the profile name but the user account (c:/Bob/<desired name>) is still listed as Bob. I did a bunch of research online and it appears the easiest thing to do is just create a new Admin Account and then remove the old one. Just need to copy any specific data I want to keep from that other user. Simple enough... mmmm not true! When I deleted the undesired account, it no longer displays in the manage accounts section but when I right click on the start (windows flag icon in lower left corner of desktop), select explore all users, expand the users folder (c:/users), I have several user folders listed and the ones I thought I had deleted. When I try to delete one of the undesired folders it starts to delete the files (sending them to the recycle bin, but then stops and states "The action can't be completed because the folder is open in another program, close the folder and try again.

This is extremely frustrating.. how can it be this difficult. I want to delete the old account along with all of its data. Now I have 3 accounts that I want deleted all with about 23 MB worth of data just sitting there - empty folders and files.

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Press Control/alt/delete To Get A Login Screen Up Then Login Using The Administrator Account?

Sep 30, 2009

With xp you can press control/alt/delete to get a login screen up then login using the administrator account. On vista the administrator account is showing as a icon on the login screen. I dont want this to be visible, any ideas how to hide this?. I saw a registry hack but this removes the icon but it seems in doing so there is then no way to login without the icon.

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No Administrator Account "switch Users"

Jan 26, 2008

I am new to Vista and I created an account when I set up the computer. I then set up another user account for the administrator and changed the first account I set up to a regular User account. (I am thinking this is where all or part of my problem is.)

when I log into Vista, the only account that shows up is my user account and I can not see my administrator account. When I go to switch users it is not there. Now my son is trying to load software and it will not let him and is asking for an admin password. When I type the administrator password it is giving an eror message "Logon Failure: the user has not been grated the requested logon type at this computer."

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