Get Off Windows Messenger?

Dec 19, 2009

I have a hotmail account and got onto the network. I do not do facebook or anything like that, and I don't want to. I am tired of receiveing Windows Live Messenger invitations from men who read my profile, and even though I have stated that I am married, they send me invitations. I also keep getting messages that someone in a far off country wants my bank info to mail me money. I just want to get off this network.

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Windows Update, Windows Live Messenger 8.1 AND Sidebar Gadget

Oct 4, 2007

i'm using Vista Ultimate version and i'm having all sorts of problems with windows update, Windows live messenger 8.1 and my sidebar.

a) Windows Update- Windows update is failing to load any new updates available, after selecting "check for updates" i am responded with an immediate error; it states. Windows could not search for new updates. Error(s) found: Code 80040154. Get help I have googled my error code but not many responses. So thats my first concern

b)Live Messenger 8.1- Secondly, i was shocked to find my msn wasn't working (works on web based version, so cant be wrong login details) first the typing was slow then i get the error code: 800401f3 denying me login. I searched up the code and found i had to type up some things in cmd...........

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Windows Messenger Can't Stop It

Jun 4, 2009

I know this isn't a Hotmail group but maybe someone could tell me how to do this or where to ask. Every time I log into Hotmail, Windows Messenger starts to configure itself. I don't want it, but I can't stop it.I've Googled the problem and done all the things that people recommend, removed it from the start menu, (Run > msconfig > Start) several times, but still it starts every time I use Hotmail. It's driving me mad and I can't understand why Microsoft make it so hard to get rid of.

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Enable Add-ins In Windows Live Messenger

May 11, 2006

Copy and Paste the following into a .reg file and import it....

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Uninstalling Windows Live Messenger 9

Feb 21, 2009

I made myself the owner and gave myself full control but it is still saying i need permission. I am trying to delete the Windows Live Messenger 9 files so that i can install the latest version.

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32 Bit IE, WMP And Windows Live Messenger Not Working

Jan 6, 2009

My friend lent me a couple of Iron maiden CD's to rip to my computer, so i put the first one in, and tried to rip it, and it crashed my computer 3 times. After i got logged in after the 3rd crash, windows live messenger wouldn't sign in, and i kept getting an error message saying the service was unavailable, or something. Unfortunately i cant say the exact message, because now it won't open up at all. When i click on the shortcut on the desktop, and the icon in the start menu, the loading indicator by the mouse pointer appears, but nothing happens. A similar thing happens when i try to load Windows Media Player, and my 32 bit Internet Explorer. my 64 bit IE works, but as most people know, it is near useless, as 64 bit IE doesn't support addons like flash.

I downloaded Mozzilla Firefox to replace 32 bit IE, but i really need Windows Live Messenger and WMP, ad it would be good to know that I had 32 bit IE if i felt like using it instead of firefox.

I tried going to add/remove programs and clicking repair on windows live messenger, but it just gives me the message "The Windows Installer Service could not be accessed. This can occur if the Windows Installer is not correctly installed. Contact your support personnel for assistance.I looked on the internet, and some similar looking problems were given the suggestion of using the "windows cleanup utility.I tried to download it, but it didn't work, because of Windows Installer not working.

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Windows Live Messenger: Error And Cannot Log In

Jun 30, 2009

im having problems since i just recently downloaded Msn i am getting a error and cannot log in on my previous version of msn i could log in fine But now it is just popping up with that error in my below image. i suspet corrupted dlls or so.. but i have seen many different sites pointing outt to one specific dll called msxml3.dll. EDIT: also i cannot connect to any Microsoft sites so i cannot download the advanced diagnostic tool thingy.

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Windows Live Messenger No Video

Jun 16, 2009

I have windows live messenger and cant figure out how to get video chat to work like in yahoo messenger. I have a web cam installed, it works with yahoo messenger, oovoo messenger but with windows live messenger I have nothing.

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Turn Off Windows Messenger On Startup?

Feb 25, 2010

Everytime I start up my computer, that runs and pops up. How do you turn it off? I never use it.

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Windows Live Messenger Sign In

Nov 29, 2009

i m having Problem with windows live messenger. so, i try to sign in, it does the usual little msn icons rotating for a couple of seconds then it says. i try to troubleshoot the problem, and this comes up. as far as i can tell there is no problem there. the error code for the problem is 80048820.....................

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Windows Live Messenger Has Stopped Working

Sep 21, 2009

I just bought a HP Pavillion laptop a few weeks ago and everything was working fine. But the only problem is, MSN messenger keeps on going: Windows Live messenger has stopped working every time I open it. But I just ignored it. The next day, I couldn't download anything from my computer. It will just pop up and ask me where to save it then after that, it dissapears and my downloads are no where. Then I fixed it by installing IE 8 (I'm not sure how I could've install that...). Now my IE stops working almost everytime. I can only open the one that says: Internet Explorer (64-bit). Can anyone tell me what's the problem with my computer and how to fix it?

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Windows Live Messenger, Appearing Offline

Feb 28, 2009

I had a problem 3 days ago, somehow when I'm online, all my contacts are unable to see me, and i appear "offline" to them. I have tried installing the latest windows live messenger 2009, and the problem still persists. I have also tried logging on using web messenger, ebuddy, doesnt go away.

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Windows Live Messenger Fails On Startup

Mar 23, 2008

I have a Windows Vista Home Basic Acer Aspire laptop that a client bought last week. When I installed Windows Live Messenger (downloaded from the website), it started like it should but as soon as I tried to sign in, a "Windows Live Messenger has stopped working". When I chose the option to "Check Online for a solution", after a few seconds a notification that Windows DEP has stopped Windows Live Messenger and a help screen with information about how to configure DEP both appear. If I try to configure DEP so that Windows Live Messenger is allowed to run unaffected, DEP tells me that DEP cannot be disabled for Windows Live Messenger. So in short, DEP is stopping Windows Live Messenger from running and I have no idea how to fix it. The only other thing I noticed is that when I removed and reinstalled Messenger, it says that it is from an Unknown Publisher rather than from Microsoft as it usually does. Also, this machine is running the Acer eMpowered services including eData Security and I hear (but cannot confirm) that there could possibly be an issue between this and Messenger.

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Windows Live Messenger Remove From Startup

Aug 16, 2009

No matter how many times I uncheck it from the start up in msconfig, it seems to find a way to re-check itself. Any suggestions on how to make it stay OFF!?

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Hand Drawing In Windows Live Messenger

May 16, 2009

I've been experiencing problem with hand drawing in Windows Live Messenger on my new PC with Vista Home Premium 64x. It's like there is a limit to how much I can draw; if I draw too many lines or possibly take more than like 10 seconds, it won't send it. It simply tells me that the drawing could not be send.

I normally use a tablet to draw, not only because it's easier but also because Vista can utilize pen pressure. I'm not 100% sure, but I only think the problem occours when I use a tablet. However, I've used another Vista computer before without this problem, although with an older version of WLM. I think it was 32-bit too.

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Windows Live Messenger And Mess Patch

Aug 18, 2008

With my Messenger, I like to patch it with Mess patch so it gets rid of adds and annoying buttons. And I've noticed on the latest patch for messenger 8.5, even though I tell it to remove the bottom advert banner, It won't...Is anyone else having this issue?

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Windows Live Messenger Doesn't Start

Nov 18, 2007

I'm having a problem with Windows Live Messenger in Vista Business, the messenger doesn't start at all.. how can I solve this problem?

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Installing SP2 Will Not Star Windows Live Messenger

May 28, 2009

So, installed SP2 and now the Windows Live Messenger will not start. All the other apps from Live work, but Messenger refuses. Anyone else found this?

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Windows Defender - Messenger Startup Block

May 27, 2008

i'm posting in the right place as i think Windows Defender is classified as a System/Security feature. Windows Defender is blocking my Yahoo Messenger 8.1 during startup. I keep getting the Startup Program blocked notification whenever i boot up Vista although i have already disabled the Windows Defender services. I've tried to uninstall and reinstall YM after restarting numerous times and the problems still persists. FYI, I did a installation of the YM for Vista version and encountered no problems.

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Windows Messenger: Not Transferred Hotmail Addresses

Jan 22, 2010

I'm using Windows Vista Home, downloaded the new Windows Live Mail as wanted to use msn hotmail messenger which i used to use on this laptop before i had factory re set on it. However,although it has downloaded, it has not transferred any of my hotmail addresses across and when i have been on messenger i can only see sent and received messages no emoticoms or addreeses and who else is online on left hand side.

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Installing Windows Live Messenger Failed

Dec 12, 2008

I have the basic vista home. I'm having trouble installing windows live messenger on it. within 30 secs of running the installer, its aborting (i have been trying it off and on over the span of last 10 hours). i turned off both windows and the third-party firewall. temporary internet files are cleared. never used a dial-up network on this pc. running the installer as an admin (right-clicking on the setup exe file allows you to do that).

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Windows Live Messenger Contact List Is Full

May 15, 2010

I have about 1000 Contacts on my account ( I planned to add more friends.

But it's say my contact list is full is there any way to expand it?

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Install Windows Live Messenger Stopped Work

May 5, 2009

I installed Windows live messenger, nevest verson a longtime ago, it stoppet to work some days ago, so i deleted it and tried tu uninstall. Then i tried to install it again, but the installing window told me that i already had windows live messenger. Now, i cant find the program or install it, what should i do?

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Windows Live Essentials (including Messenger) Beta Refresh

Dec 17, 2008

While everyone was expecting a public RC of the Wave 3 applications last week, a beta refresh made it out this week over at Windows Live Essentials, which refers to the suite of Windows Live client applications (as opposed to web services), consists of a long list of software: Messenger, Mail, Photo Gallery, Movie Maker, Writer, Toolbar, Family Safety, and Office Outlook Connector (which is mysteriously missing in this release). This release includes two new additions, Office Live Add-in (which allows you to open and save documents directly to your online workspace) as well as Silverlight.

Full Story: Windows Live Essentials (including Messenger) beta refresh

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Windows Live ID, Messenger Group Website, Multi-conversation Is Temporary

Apr 28, 2008

Messenger Group, developed with Windows Live Messenger platform, is a service for a group of Messenger users chatting together in real time. Maybe you think that Windows Live Messenger supports multi-conversation, but this multi-conversation is temporary, will be dismissed with the finish of conversation.

Compared with multi-conversation, Messenger Group is an existing group with each member in, members can talk together at any time without creating a temporary multi-conversation. Messenger Group makes a group of people connecting closer, no matter whether they are on your Messenger contact list. You can create a group for a team, a department or a company to chat online together. Now if you have a Windows Live ID, then go to Messenger Group website

Free to create Messenger Groups
Each Messenger Group can have 900 members at most
Group manager can change group name and display picture
Group manager can set an administrator to help manage group
Group member can change their nickname in the group

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How To Remove/hide The Windows Live Messenger Download From The Start Menu

Sep 21, 2008

how to to remove/hide the Windows Live Messenger Download from the Vista start menu? I understand that the Window Live Messenger can be disabled using the GPOs settings, just wondering whether the Windows Live Messenger Download can be remove/hide from the start menu using GPOs setting.

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New Windows Live Messenger Skin: Switch Back To The Current Skin Style

Oct 3, 2007

I really don't like the new Windows Live Messenger skin they have for beta. I really hope they make an option to switch back to the current skin style.

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Install The Msn Messenger 8.5

Mar 22, 2010

i have been trying uninstall msn messenger beta 9 from vista ,But i didn't found it in ADD/ remove programs so just decided to delete directly from the program files , i thought this would work but now as i'm trying to install the Msn messenger 8.5, installation says me "version you are trying to install is older than the version you have now,". Now what do i do? i'm stuck fully that i can't uninstall and install msn messenger? i`ve tried almost everything on internet concerning how to uninstall of msn messenger.when i try the comands to put in run.none of them work!

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Can't Use Voice In Messenger

Mar 23, 2008

I can't use Voice in yahoo messenger since I'm using windows vista. ( I can use call mode, but when I want to use "voice" in chatrooms or conference, this error appears: This computer does not support the required audio compression format.)

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How To Setup Msn Messenger

Aug 8, 2009

The only weird thing about Trillian is I can't get it to set up with Skype and MSN Messenger. I typed in the correct info, but still isn't showing up my contacts/friends names in the window.

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Msn Messenger Not Signing In

Nov 6, 2009

Yup its not letting me sign in heres a pic what comes up after a few secs trying to sign in msnproblem1 on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

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