Reinstalling Home Premium :: Restore Points Gone After Reboot

Mar 23, 2008

I'm having a problem with system restore. Restore point are gone after reboot. Anyway, if I reinstall Vista over the existing install will my
system basically the way it was without much changes and added clutter?

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Reinstalling Home Premium Without Cd, Shutting Itself

Jun 6, 2008

My desktop(zoostorm)keeps shutting itself off, scans reveal no virus, after running memory diagnostic windows will not load, I want to a full reinstallation but I dont have a cd as it was pre-installed, i'm told to click f8 repeatedly at start up but unsure where to go from there to restore the factory settings, something about advanced boot, command prompt, repair restore etc, I have my license key(product key)

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Reinstalling Home Premium Gives Boot Error

Jan 15, 2010

I have an Emachine T3642 and I want to reinstall Vista on a seperate hard drive that what it originally came with. Windows was preinstalled and I've made the recovery disk. After I hooked up the second hard drive (new), I tried booting with the recovery disk as well as a Vista upgrade disk that I borrowed from a relative. The upgrade disk is 32-bit, which is what I need. It just gives me a boot error. I went to the emachine website and the only information I found to reinstall was use the disk it supposedly came with.

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Reinstalling Home Premium Freezing/crashing

Nov 25, 2009

my computer keeps freezing/crashing etc.., so i decided to reinstall my os, the problem is i dont want to lose any of my data. i dont have a extra harddrive lying around and disc so i cant exactly back them up, the only thing available to me is the os disc that came with purchasing my comp, i wanted to know how would i get around to keeping all my files on my comp with what i have, i read something about when reinstalling itll make a file called windows.old and move all my files in my desktop/documents there, how would i get around to doing this?

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Home Premium X64 Freeze After Reboot

Jan 30, 2009

The problem is that the machine freezes randomly, anywhere from 10 minutes to hours after reboot. It just locks up, mouse won't move, task manager won't open, nothing. I have to reboot. There are no events in the event viewer that correspond to this freeze-up. Original build used all the drivers off the mobo disk, and 2 HD's in RAID1. I called MS support and the first man took over my machine and did all sorts of things to "improve performance"("Your PC will work PERFECTLY from now on!"). After that it would do nothing but BSOD, even while trying to get into safe mode. I reinstalled onto a single drive. I got every up to date driver I could, Nvidia graphics, Intel ICH10 chipset, JMicron controller, Realtek HD Audio, Realtek NIC, asus monitors. No difference. I pulled out the RAM and did it with 1 stick--no difference. I set the BIOS to 9-9-9-24 and 2T, 1.5V as spec'd. It passes memtest inifinitely. I tried MS Support a second time. He ran some DOS deal (scf? skf? scannow) which found nothing. The Vista Diagnostics supposedly found and fixed issues, but he did not share those issues with me. It froze 40 minutes later. They are calling back tomorrow to see if it worked.

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System Restore Failure In Vist Home Premium

Mar 23, 2008

I've tried restoring my HP laptop a few times with System Restore using different checkpoints and the same error message comes up afterward. Sytem Restore did not complete successfully. Your computer's system files and settings were not changed.

An unspecified error occurred during System Restore. I've tried using a few different restore points but this just comes up again afterward. I can't find anything addressing this problem;

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Set Restore Point On Vista X64 Home Premium, 0X81000101 Revisited

Jun 23, 2009

Getting the time out error 0X81000101 when I try to set a restore point on Vista X64 Home Premium. This happened right after trying to install a Creative external 24bit Live sound blaster driver updates. I have read many threads and have done the following to no avail:

Turned off AVG free 8.5 Resident Shield. Ran disk clean up and rebooted. Turned off System Restore as Administrator, rebooted, turned on System Restore for C: drive only. Made sure that the Volume Shadow Copy Service is Running and set on Automatic and Started. I have read a few regedit posts but am reluctant to try that yet since I can't make a copy of my registry right now with the failed System Restore. When I do try to create a System Restore point, it hangs forever. Task manager says it is not responding.

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Use System Restore To Restore Back To Certain Restore Points?

May 26, 2008

Why can't I use system restore to restore back to certain restore points? I was only successful twice with it. When my laptap was new and when I used it after re-formatting my hard drive. On all occassions after those two instances I can never restore back to any restore point. It always says that "unspecified error" line. If Microsoft doesn't know what happend, how could I. Why did they bother putting system restore if it doesn't work all the time anyway. It gives you a false sense of security.

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Installing SP2: System Restore Stopped Creating Automatic Restore Points

May 28, 2009

After installing SP2, on 5/25, System Restore seems to have stopped creating automatic restore points every 24 hours. I checked the Task Manger and it is set for 24 hours. It shows a restore point being created on 5/26. System Restore shows the last Restore Point being created on 5/25 about 1 hour after downloading.

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System Restore: Restore Points But Nothing Showed On Screen

May 11, 2009

I went to accessories/system tools/system restore and clicked it. I then got a small dialogue window asking if I wanted to continue and I clicked continue. That little window disappeared but then nothing hasppened. I was expecting to see a list of possible restore points but nothing showed on my screen. I clicked system restore again and got a message that system restore was already running and would now exit.

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System Restore, Restore Points

Jun 19, 2009

The mystery, at least to me, my PC was running almost 2 years. and it was not until about 3 weeks ago that System Restore began to save Restore Points the size of Approx 3 to 4GB daily. Prior to that the Restore Points were well under 1GB. it would be 3 to 6 days before I noticed the loss of 1GB. So why suddenly would the Restore File grew 1 one day from well under 1GB to between 3 to 4GB? That now is the issue I would like to know the answer to. and perhaps that file being saved with each Restore Point is not needed. I mean it wasn't needed for almost 2 years. so I can't think over night it became important but it sure is eating up HDD space.

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Reinstalling Vista 64 Premium OEM On Another Mobo

Jun 25, 2008

My motherboard has become quite unreliable and I was thinking of buying
a new one however I can't get the same model because its no longer produced.

Would my OEM license key still work on another motherboard?

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System Restore "restore Points Vista Already Running Program"

Apr 13, 2008

Trying to restore my system but when I attempt to see the restore points Vista tells me the wizard is already running the this program will close.

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Restore Points Gone

Jun 9, 2009

I just installed today's Vista updates and later noticed all my restore points prior to the update are gone.Is this everyone's experience, or did I do something to accidently delete them? It's not really a problem, as I just finished a reinstall and had a clean and stable config before the update, but I'm curious as to why the restore pointd disappeared.

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Restore Points Not Available

Aug 6, 2009

when I open System Restore, I'm presented with a different dialog screen than I was before. Before, I was presented with a screen that had already select the most recent restore point allowing me to select 'Choose another restore point'. Now I'm not presented with these choices. I only see a Next and a Cancel button and a space where the choices were. When I click Next I see a list of restore points, just like before. But, that first screen is definitely different than what I used to see. how I can get the old screen back?

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Disappearing Restore Points

Jan 21, 2010

why any system restore point that I (or the system) create disappears as soon as my PC is restarted/rebooted? I'm not dual booting. I'm not using Norton (am using Kaspersky and restore is in the list of trusted applications). There is 300 gig spare on the HD. Restore is enabled on my HD. I couldn't see an answer in the "bertk" links posted on similar threads.

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Loss Of Restore Points

May 14, 2009

I am loosing restore points and my tick to view more than 5 days box disappeared.

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Losing Restore Points!

Feb 6, 2009

For about a month now,I have been losing restore points every 2-3 days. I am set up for automatic Windows Updates and any restore points that appear over a 2-3 day period completely disappear after that period-(I can only hold restore points for 2-3 days in other words). I do have plenty of storage left on my hard drive-243 GB free,so I have plenty of room on my hard drive. I use to retain at least a whole month's worth of dozens of restore points,but now I can only retain 2-3 days worth. I wonder if it could have something to do with Norton Internet Security-I activated the 60 day trial about a month ago on my laptop computer and it seems like my system restore points have only been disappearing since I activated the trial. But,the same thing happened with my Windows Update History about 2 months ago-I had completely lost my update history,but that was before Norton Internet Security.

When I go to System Restore after the 2-3 day period,the system restore window says that no system restore points have been created on your disc-something to that effect. I do receive Windows Updates almost on a daily basis,so I know that I receive restore points almost everyday. I check system restore everyday and there is always restore points,but any restore points that I receive disappear usually after 2 days. Also, that box that you check to see system restore points older than 5 days is no longer on the system restore window. I'm open to any suggestions. Don't be afraid to get too technical with me.

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Missing Restore Points

Apr 6, 2008

I'm running Vista Ultimate on a clean-install computer with new hard disks. I can set a Restore point but it disappears after the next boot; and Vista never automatically makes Restore points - there are never any there until I manually make one, then it disappears after the next boot.

This is not a dual boot computer; Vista was not an upgrade; Restore Points are not turned off; I'm not running any Norton software; I have over 200GB free on my HD; I have read all of Bert Kinney's articles. I am, however, running Diskeeper but when I questioned Diskeeper they said that it was quite definitely NOT Diskeeper that was the problem. But they would, wouldn't they?

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Can't Delete Old Restore Points

Oct 26, 2009

1) Why can't I delete old restore points? I have unchecked the boxes next to my C: and D: drives, but nothing happens. I tried using "Clean up..." in the "More Options" tab of Disk Cleanup, and it appears to work, but the old restore points are still there. How can I fix this problem? (I know that there was another thread about this issue and read it. I tried what was said and Tuneup worked. I no longer use Tuneup, however.) I do not want to download a program to get my computer to function properly! I shouldn't have to do so.

2) Why does my computer occasionally freeze when I am using Internet Explorer 8?
When I am browsing on Internet Explorer 8, every once in a great while my computer will freeze. I cannot use the mouse or keyboard at all, and I'm forced to hold in the power button to shut my computer down. This happens most frequently when multiple tabs/browsers are up. It also happens when one window with one tab is up, though. Is there anyone else who has experienced this? Is this fixable?

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Not Finding Restore Points

Oct 15, 2009

Vists Business. If I run system restore the program asks for permission and once given goes into limbo, if I try again it says system restore is running. If I then restart and right click on computer then properties then advanced system settings and then the system protection tag in the available disks box it just says searching, for hours ,there are no restore points

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Restore Points Deleted

May 29, 2008

All my restore points are getting deleted on every re-boot, accompanied by volsnap event ID 25 "The shadow copies... were deleted because the shadow copy storage could not grow in time." I have seen a few mentions of this problem elsewhere, but no fix. I have tried turning system restore on and off, with no effect. Restore points are created with no problems, but invariably deleted at the next boot.

System is a rather odd dual-boot of Vista HP with XP: an Acer Aspire, which runs XP on a hidden partition exclusively to run Acer's own Arcade media application in an "instant-on" mode: on exiting this application, XP hibernates, then resumes when a special hotkey is pressed (as far as I can see it never reboots XP). But the Vista restore point deletions happen whether or not XP is actually run. So I can't apply any of the usual fixes. fix and/or explain why this might, after all, be a symptom of the dual-boot problem even though XP is not actually running?

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System Restore Points

Jun 19, 2008

I have a l-o-n-g list of previous restore points. How can I get rid of them and just keep the latest one?

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Disappearing Restore Points.

Mar 23, 2008

There's quite a lot about limited restore point history around, but just to add some more info of my own and to plead again for assistance! Since recently posting about how woefully few restore points I have I've been watching them... I think I racked up 5 or 6 (spanning a magnificent 4-5 days) and then all but one disappeared.Yesterday (27 Feb) 2 new restore points were created (between midnight and 1am) - one scheduled and then one as a result of a Windows Update. Then, between 03:20 and 05:00 I find 4 instance of volsnap helpfully reporting that "The oldest shadow copy of volume C: was deleted to keep disk space usage for shadow copies of volume C: below the user defined limit." - and then another two deletions at 16:45 and 23:28..............

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Restore Points Too Recent

Mar 23, 2008

hey there, could really do with finding out how to access a restore point from about a month previous to when computer (vista home premium) started going wrong but the furthest restore point listed is roughly a week ago which is no good!

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Restore Points Not Worked

Aug 10, 2009

I had this problem once before where none of my Restore Points worked. I shut off System Restore, then turned it back on again - then it worked. That was 1-2 months ago. I just needed it and it exhibited the same problem. Both times, it worked in Safe Mode only. But then, I lost all my other Restore Points.

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MIssing Restore Points Not Run

Aug 1, 2008

Went to do a system restore from a few days ago and found a them all missing except from today. I haven't run the cleanup tool to delete them, I have plenty of disk space, 320G x 2( C drive and a D drive). My system protection settings seem to be fine. I managed to get what I needed, but am concerned that I am not getting restore points as I should. My understanding is that the allocated space will be used, then the oldest will roll off and a new one created.

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After Reinstalling , Cannot Use Backup Wizard To Restore Files

Mar 23, 2008


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Why Does Vista Delete All Restore Points

May 29, 2009

A customer has been hit with the "Startup Repair" loop issue. The Startup
Repair cannot repair the problem and shuts dow the computer, no restore
points are available and "Last known good configuration" are useless. The
computer needed to be recovered from the recovery partition.

After recovery and purposely setting several restore points manually I
thought I was finished with all updates and such so I set my final restore
point. I uninstalled an application that was not needed any more and on the
next reboot I got a BSOD. Startup Repair was the option so it ran thru its
paces and gave the message that it could not repair the issue and so I
attempted to do a system restore to the last restore point I created before
this happened. Vista reported again that I had no restore points (I know I
manually create 5 of them). So this time "Last Known Configuration" did
work. I went to chech the restore points and sure enough ther were none.

Why did Vista delete my restore points?

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Decrease Number Of Restore Points

Mar 5, 2009

I noticed that my 280GB hard disk is seemingly suddenly down to 20GB. I see that my used shadow storage space is 86GB and the allocated shadow space is 88GB and the max shadow space is "unbounded." I have the commands to resize the max space, but I don't know what to resize it to. I know I have about 150GB of programs, files, etc on my c: drive. Can you advise? Is it possible to determine the actual number of restore points that are kept and then simply decrease that number? It would seem that with most problems you wouldn't necessarily want to go back more than 3 or 4 points, would you? I just don't know how the shadow size corresponds to the number of restore points that are kept. 80+ GB just seems completely unreasonable! Incidentally, I also have a recovery drive, presumably created by the computer mfgr (Dell) with 15GB total, and 5GB free.

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Missing Older Restore Points

Apr 12, 2010

My restore point function seems to be working fine however I have only a few dates. In reading about this issue I find mention of some box to click to show restore points older than five days. I'm running Vista Business and do not see that selection. I have verified and set 20 gig of 160 gig HD for restore point storage. How do I see or get restore points older than a few days?

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