Loss Of Fax Capability With Home Premium

Mar 23, 2008

I have just purchased a new computer from Dell and assumed I would have some problems learning a new OS, but I did not anticipate the loss of a good applet like Microsoft Fax. I counted on this small program for occasional direct communication with other facilities fax machine. It was quick and easy.

I have a second older Dell computer which I invested with hardware updates in preparation for upgrading to Vista as well. The lack of fax capability in Vista precludes my upgading as I need one machine that can function in a more complete manner. I don't pretend to understand the rationale behind this lack in Vista but I sorely miss the function. Others have teased me about my early adoption of Vista and now I am definitely embarrassed. I sincerely hope Microsoft will reconsider this situation and perhaps at least offer a download correction to improve the functionality of this Vista suite......

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My Internet Drops & Loss Of Home Network In Vista

Mar 23, 2008

loss of Internet Connection in Vista; completely loosing my Home Network; random

Internet Lags and Drops; and it seemed the only solution was to Reboot my

Computer to get an Active Internet connection. I applied many of the

Hotfixes; and used all of the Suggestions but nothing seemed to work. The

one thing that did seem to make sense though was the Tech advice here and

their that would say it was a Hardware Issue with Routers, etc.

So this is what I did; I went out and Bought the D-Link DIR-655 which is

Certified to work with Vista. It arrived last week; hooked it up and since

then I have not had 1 Internet Drop; or have I lost my Home Network. Now my

Computer can stay on; go to sleep; and when it wakes I have an immediate

Internet Connection. On the Upside the speeds are much faster as well

instead of your basic 100mbps; im getting 300mbps. So it was well worth the

Upgrade to me. It actually made sense that to take advantage of some of the

new options with Vista Networking that you would need a New Certified Vista

Router. Im actually very glad I did it; no more headaches and reboots. Hope

this helps anyone who was going thru the same Issues I was.

Oh and by the way just so you know here is what I have going on with my

Network: My New PC; 2 Mac Books; 1 older PC; 1 Xbox; 1 PS3; and 1 Wii; and

the VOIP.

I also used to use the Hawking Booster on my Network to help with VOIP lag

and arranging packets; but I also elminate that now because this new Router

arranges the packets and no Lag on the VOIP.

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Upgrade Home Basic To Home Premium

May 22, 2008

I understand this can be done online. The information says that I need the Anytime upgrade disk to complete the process. Is this so? Sorry to be stupid but need to know the steps involved. If I dont have an anytime upgrade disk, how do I get one?

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Upgrade From Windows XP Home To Win-7 Home Premium

Oct 26, 2009

Do I need an upgrade version of Win-7? if so, which? Or do I simply wipe off WinXP and install a Win7 Home Premium full fresh install?

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Install 64 Home Premium

Jun 12, 2009

Can anybody tell me How can I install vista 64 home premium?

I have xp 32 bit on my computer, and I used the upgrade advice manager from Microsoft, and it tells me my system is compatible with vista. Thank you for any help you can provide, and this is my system info....

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Upgrading Home Premium To SP1

May 17, 2008

I suddenly notice a lot of references to SP1 for Vista. I have stopped updates on my Vista Home Premium, after it killed my WinMail. I uninstalled upto KB 933928, and disabled updates. It is working fine, but I found AVG offering me AVG 8.0, which refused to install saying my Vista is not updated ( after downloading 80MB twice !! !&*()^%$$). How do I get to SP1? Just install all updates from MS? Will my WinMail survive? Or will I be forced to shift to XP Outlook? There is a lot of flak meant for Vista, but my system is very stable ( touch wood and everything else)
Request MVP advice.

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Home Premium 32 Bit Is Not Booting HDD

May 8, 2009

last Sunday(may 3rd 2009) i updated my bios (unfortunately). problem is, vista (Home Premium 32 bit which i used when problem occurs) is not booting my HDD. after showing my bios screen black screen appears with blinking cursor. i removed and inserted bios jumper for recovery and also battery. but the problem didn't solved. fortunately windows xp is working without problem. now iam using XP professional. i dont know whats the problem.

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Home Premium 64 Bit Got Ntdll.dll

May 5, 2009

I've just got this Error for a few days and tried so many ways to solve it, but it seems to be useless.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: patcher_1.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 49055f74
Fault Module Name: ntdll.dll
Fault Module Version: 6.0.6001.18000
Fault Module Timestamp: 4791a783
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 00023592
OS Version: 6.0.6001.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 1573
Additional Information 2: 8174477e3f239fdb2eb28590ffa32700
Additional Information 3: f1c9
Additional Information 4: f7c0aa8817dca409d416936c036f5b41

On the first day, i tried to reinstall windows and install this software again. [ Still that error]. The next nay, i tried to install this software on my laptop. [ Still it]. And after checking CMD, i tried on both of mine. [ still it ] The last day, tried to download that software again and reinstall it. [ still the same ] i spent 3 days to find out what's going on! But nothing's gonna change or be better!

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No Sound On 64 Home Premium

Jan 31, 2008

No sound issue was solved by my finally uninstalling the driver (convenant) and reinstalling an older one. The problem did start after making alot of updates, one of which was for the Convexant driver. Jan 6 or later so I used one from Dec. Voila!

Haven't seen anyone else using this driver (the other two are Bluetooths) so wonder if it sucks and if I should be using somethng else for this system??

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Re-Installation Of Home Premium (32 Bit)

Jun 16, 2008

I am facing problems with the registry of the OS. When I install new software, I get some unusual error messages pointing to registry. When I try to uninstall old software, it leaves traces of the software even on the Start up Menu.

Can I do a format of the entire hard disk, reinstall Vista Home Premium (32 bit) again ?? Will it consider my old license or do I need to purchase an additional license ?

If I do a clean installation of the entire OS, what will be the case for Microsoft Office Student Edition 2003 ? Will it consume additional license if I clean install it?

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Upgrading 32 Bit Home Premium To 64 Bit

Mar 26, 2008

When I put the 64 bit install disk in, it goes through the usual install process. I entered the product key from my 32 bit box, and continued. The install then fails as it says it cannot find an authorised disk to install on. My 32 bit Vista is fully activated, so I am not sure how to get around this.

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Home Premium 64 Bit Really Slow?

Mar 23, 2008

What am I doing wrong? What have I missed? just double clicking on a icon seams to take ages to draw on screen. Do I need to switch things off?

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AVG Free 8, Home Premium SP1 And IE7

May 8, 2008

Installed Free AVG 8 here today on two systems - Vista Home Premium SP1 and XP SP3 with IE7.

On the Vista machine, the installation of AVG 8 broke IE7 in opening a second window - it just hung until the "not responding" message appeared.I tried installing AVG without the surfsearch function, and without the Linkscanner module - still couldn't open a second window in IE. Uninstalling of AVG 8 cured the problem.

The installation on XP SP3 with IE7 had no effect at all. IE7 behaved perfectly normally.
Anyone seen this, and is there a fix?

(The reason I went for AVG is that it picked up a virus on my XP machine

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Home Premium And The JDK And Asp.net Runtimes

Jun 3, 2009

I'm think of buying a new laptop with Windows Vista Home Premium as the operating system (I wasusing Windows XP).

Q1: Can I install the Java Development kit on top of this? Is itm stable?

Q2: Can I install the ASP.NET runtime environment on top of this also?Is it stable?

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Home Premium Activation

May 20, 2008

When I purchased Vista Home Premium Upgrade a year ago, I upgraded from XP and did a "clean install" that allowed me to wipe my C drive and start from scratch. I did a 2nd clean install a week ago to start over again after experiencing slow response and wanting to start fresh. I'm now getting an activation notice and when I enter the code, I'm told this version cannot be used for a clean install and that I have to purchase another license. Who can I contact to resolve this issue as I paid for the Vista upgrade and the 1st install a year ago went just fine with no activiation issues?

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Activating Home Premium

Mar 26, 2008

The other day I used the format option to install Vista. I then did an upgrade and entered my key code but I believe the software hasn't been activated even though I chose activate automatically. When I try to activate it it gives me an error saying the code is for upgrade (which I did).Is there a way I can find out if it has been activated? If not where do I find other options to activate it.

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Home Premium Freezes

Oct 13, 2007

Well ive got the 64bit version of Vista Premium and randomly it just freezes the screen and i have to hard reset to get back into it. Error reporting shows something different everytime at the point of error and there just doesn't seem to be any pattern to the freezes, sometimes its minutes, sometimes its hours.

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How Get Rid Of Vista Home Premium?

May 31, 2008

I upgraded from Vista Home Premium to Ultimate using our Microsoft Actiona Pack License that says you must have a previous version to use it. It required that I do a FULL install instead of an Upgrade. Seemed to go perfectly, everything works, etc. Problem is that now I have both Vista Home Premium and Vista Ultimate on my C: Drive and almost no space left. How do I rid myself of Vista Home Premium on this computer now? It's taking up around 52 Gig of space.

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Home Premium: 32 Bit Version Vs. 64 Bit

Apr 1, 2009

I have a laptop with the Vista Home Premium 32 bit version installed. I am
thinking of upgrading my desktop from Windows 2000 to the same platform, since I would prefer to keep these two computers as look-alikes. Some desktops (e.g., Dell) are now sold with the 64 bit version. I am told that the 32-bit version will read up to only 3 GB of RAM, whereas the 64-bit version will read up to 4 GB (?).

If I were to install the 64-bit version on my desktop, are there other complications that I might run into when I attempt to run programs/exchange data on both systems? I also run some DOS programs from an earlier century;

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Windows Home Premium 32 Bit IE

May 15, 2010

I've a weird problem with my IE8. Any page I browse to shows a 'Done, with errors on Page' at the status bar and most other sites such as hotmail turn up blank, with the 'Done' at the status bar and a warning sign next to it.

Its driving me crazy, and I cannot spot anything in Event Viewer System/Application logs that corresponds to this occurrence. Is this a virus that has taken over ...? Should I try restoring the system to any restore point?

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Home Premium Keeps Rebooting

Oct 3, 2008

I am at work trying to fix a clients Vista 32 Home Premium Lenovo laptop. Model number 0768. We have tried all of the Windows boot options that are offered. We have also tried to repair the install. I would like to get the system stable enough to run chkdsk and memtest utilities.If anyone has any advice on procedure please let me know.

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Overwriting Home Premium With XP Pro

May 11, 2009

I have just purchased a brand new laptop that came with Vista Home Premium pre-installed (but has recovery disk) - I want to install XP Pro instead as Vista is not compatable with the programs I wish to run. I have booted from my XP install disk and it goes through set-up quite happily until it gets to starting Windows. I gives me the normal options i.e. return to format current drive, D to delete etc.. but in the box it displays if I return or select D I get the following error: "A problem has been detected & windows has been shut down to prevent damage. PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA"

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Upgrading 32 To 64 Home Premium

Jul 19, 2009

I checked the search, but no results. I am building a PC from scratch. I bought Vista Home Pemium, but did not know it was 32 bit. I want to utilize 64 bit, so I bought the 64 bit DVD from MS. Do I install 32 bit first, and then the 64 bit DVD? DO I just install the 64 bit DVD as a clean install? IS that even possible?

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Home Premium 32 Bit 0x0000007e

Sep 3, 2009

I have a Dell XPS 410 with Vista Home Premium 32 bit. Bought it over two years ago, and not a bit of trouble until three weeks ago, when it stopped shutting down properly. Same problem when I ask it to sleep: it starts the shutdown/sleep process, then goes blue screen, then comes back up with a message saying Windows was not shut down properly. Otherwise, it runs exactly like before. The bugcheck is 0x0000007e (0xc0000005, 0x8e0699b5, 0x803d0b68, 0x803d0864)

A Dell tech working remotely on my computer told me that I had an infection in the registry and wanted $130 to fix it. I'm trying to fix it myself, but so far no luck. I was running Norton 360 at the time of the infection, and I've since installed Kapersky, which didn't fix the infection. The Kapersky tech did send me Malwarebyte's Anti- alware. My next step is to contact Norton since the infection happened under their watch

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Can You Download Ie7 On Home Premium OS?

Jan 18, 2010

where to download ie7 to Window's Vista. Microsoft is so caught up in ie8 / windows 7 but I need ie7 on my Home Premium Vista laptop.

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Home Premium - Hybernate!

Jul 10, 2007

I cannot configure my Vista Home Premium PC to hybernate. I want to leave it on all the time because it is the hub of my home network, but without burning out parts. I have already lost a video card because the fan stopped working.

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Can IE7 Be Re-installed In Home Premium?

May 30, 2008

My brand-new Acer Aspire M5100 pc, 2 gig RAM, pre-installed Vista Home Premium had a fatal crash, so a complete disk format/reinstall from the hidden disk partition via Acer's "Empowering Technology" was done. I have no OS disk. Then, I uninstalled the bundled demo progs (Office 2007, Norton, etc) and did full updates. My AV is AVG 7.5 (not 8, which is documented as giving problems).

Despite all this, IE7 continues to be "flaky", has never run correctly. (before and after SP1). I have 2 meg rated cable, yet downloads (from any source, incl MS) are continually hanging, to the point where memories of dial-up come to haunt
me. Tests on PCPitstop report download/upload within a few % of ISP's claims (1.83mb down, 186 kb up being the norm). A "definitions" download of 1.2mb took nearly 4 minutes, and the 66mb Vista SP1 took half an hour.................

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Way To Run Ie6 On Vista Home Premium?

Nov 3, 2007

Does anyone know if there's a way to run ie6 on Vista Home Premium? I'm a web developer and need to test my sites, but so far I've been unable to find a solution for Vista.

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Setting Up A Home Premium PC?

Aug 14, 2009

How should I set up everything to it is reasonable secure? I have AVG on it, I am keeping UAC enabled. What about the accounts? Should I enable the Admin account and give it a password while his account is set up as a standard user?

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Home Premium Won't Shut Down

Mar 23, 2008

I'm running Vista Home Premium since it came out. A new problem arose about 2 weeks ago: it refuses to shut down. I have Norton 360, Ad-Aware, and SpyHunter, and do not download unknown attachments to e-mails.I use SeaMonkey, 1.1.8. Now, about half the time that I shut down, it says shutting down, and that little circle goes around, but nothing happens, for up to a half hour. If I turn off the A.C. and battery power (laptop), it turns off of course. When I next start up, it works fine except for no shutdown at the end. I do nott see any downloading occurring at this time.

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Possible To Download Home Premium

Mar 20, 2008

Is it possible to download home premium so that I can keep a copy of the OS secured? I have the OEM version already running in my laptop. but no extra CD.

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