How To Disable Admin Aproval Mode, Programatically- To Stop UAC Prompts

Apr 30, 2010

How to disable Admin Aproval mode, Programatically- to stop UAC Prompts. i.e asking the permission while elevating to admin privileges. I need to disable this programatically. another way which is using secpol.msc and mannually disable Admin Aproval Mode

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Disable UAC Prompts

May 12, 2007

This is what you need to do to disable the UAC prompts:Go to Administrative ToolsComputer ManagementExpand Local Users and GroupsClick on UsersRight click on Administrator and go to Propertiesuncheck Account is disabledThen just log in to the administrator and there you go no more annoying UAC prompts

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How To Stop The Prompts For Copy

Jun 24, 2008

explain me that what I'm doing and why I want to not have to keep answering the prompts questions. I have an external hard drive that I copy my files to each night. I have about 15 different folders on my hard drive that contain various amounts of documents, photos, etc. that I need to copy to the hard drive each night to back them up. I want every file in every folder to be copied over and to overwrite what is already on the external hard drive. I will never want to copy some but not others that are in the folder.

On Windows XP, all I had to do was drag the folder to the hard drive, answer ONCE that I want the folder to be copied over and that was it. I could leave my desk and come back and it was all done. Now with Vista, I have to wait until it thinks about it . . .Then it opens a promt that asks if I want to copy the FOLDER and override the one that's there. Yes I do. Then a few moments (moments, not seconds later) it prompts to ask if I want to override the files that are in the folder and then I have to check a box that says to do all the same action for each one . . . which is to copy and replace.

I want to override and replace everything all the time, which is why I'm copying the files. Now I cannot leave my computer and go eat dinner, I have to sit and wait for the prompts for each of the folders to ask me two seperate times if I want the folder to be replaced and then wait for the prompt to ask me if I want the files to be replaced. Very frustrating. I am the only one using my computer. It's a home computer and when I turn it on, I don't have to login or anything. It's just me and only me. I guess that makes me the administrator. Here's what I want.Is there ANY way to tell my system that anytime I drag a folder to a hard drive or to another place on my computer that I want it ALWAYS to assume that everything will be overridden and not to prompt me?

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Become Admin / Disable Parental Control

Apr 26, 2008

Is there a way to become administrator and disable the parental control if you are standar user? How?

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Task Manger Disable Admin

Mar 23, 2008

I'm having some problems with my PC, I use Vista home basic by the way. I think its to do with administrative privilages. Basically my account is the Administrator account but some things won't work for me. For example, if i want to change my IE homepage i can't because the field to type in is unclickable. At the bottom of the options page it says "Some settings are managed by your sytem administrator". Another problem is when I try use Task Manager, a message appears saying "Task Manager has been disabled by your administrator". I have run scans for malware and stuff like that but nothing has been identified. I can't remember making changes myself but I do have younger siblings that may have in advertantly.

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Stop A Admin User Changing?

Oct 3, 2009

Stop a admin user changing another admin users password or deleting their account? Anyone know if this is possible?.

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Disable User Account Control For Admin Profile?

Jun 9, 2008

In Vista Home Premium, I want to disable User Account Control just for the admininstrator profile. I want User Account Control to remain enabled for all other user profiles. How can I do this? I have tried several methods that Google found, but always when I disable UAC for admininstrator, it is then disabled for other users. How can I disable it just for the admininstrator?

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Disable The Stealth Mode In Windows Firewall

Nov 27, 2009

is there any way to disable the Stealth mode "feature" in the Windows Vista (Seven, Server 2008, Server 2008 R2)? Here {url} the MS says:

"Stealth mode is enabled by default", but nothing about disabling. This behavior is against RFC and dramatically slows down security scanners installed in our network. So, is there any way of using windows firewall and being nice RFC compliant boy?

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Entering Safe Mode: Get A Stop 0000007B

Apr 25, 2009

Whenever I try to do ANYTHING in Safe Mode, I get a Stop 0000007B -- checked the hard disk and it's clean. How do I "reload" Safe Mode??

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WEP Connection: Wep Key Prompts

May 24, 2009

I just moved into a new apartment and the landlord lives above me he gave me his WEP key so I could use the internet, I easily added my ps3 and xbox 360 and they were able to get on the internet. Of course the problem comes in when I try to add my vista laptop and desktop it see's the network no problem but when I try to connect instead of letting me enter the wep key its prompts me for a username and password and domain name which there isnt. So I've tried to manage wireless networks and add it manually which I do but then after I've added it I click to connect to it I get the same screen. This is really frustrating and after doing a brief search on the net it seems its a common problem with Vista. I don't have access to the router but if need be I could ask my landlord just not sure how comfortable he would be letting me in to dick around on his computer to get this figured out. But it seems I shouldnt have to considering my PS3 and 360 are on the net just fine.

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How Get Elevation Prompts On Home Premium?

May 13, 2009

I just formatted my laptop, and I no longer have elevation prompts. Before formatting, I looked up how to get the elevation prompts and found a command that I entered in the cmd window, which automatically set the elevation prompts.

Does anyone know what this command is? I have tried the regedit method (it worked but I still didn't have permissions to just change the name of a certain folder for some reason, [before formatting, it worked perfectly, but through the one-time command entered in the cmd window]) and there is no secpol.msc in home premium.

My user is an administrator, but it doesn't have the full administrative features. Before formatting I could do anything by entering the "Real" administrator password.

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Windows Security Alert, Prompts Username And Password

Jul 29, 2009

I have been trying to send some emails to an instructor, but each time the windows security setting pops up and prompts for my username and password... I have given the correct one each time, but it just phases out and pops back up querying again. Who do I talk to regarding finding out what the username password are>?

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Every Left Click Or Highlight Prompts Delete Function

May 7, 2008

I've come across an annoying bug with Vista, occassionally when I left click on an item I get the delete prompt on the selected item. The bug is unpredictable and happens and then goes away. I will just be working left click and the permission dialog to delete pops up. Left click NO on the permission dialog recalls the delete function and starts a vicions loop that seems to fail after a large number of NO clicks. It also seems to occur when a higlight is made to select a menu item.

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Disable "Away Mode"?

Feb 7, 2009

I have asked this question in other forums (Microsoft and elsewhere) but no one seems to know the answer. When attempting to set up Media Centre extenders, I inadvertantly enabled "Away Mode" without understanding what it was. Now I want to disable Away Mode as I don't need it and don't want it. Enabling was a simple tickbox, but I cannot find how to disable it. I have been researching this for a month now, to no avail. I found a technical paper (Word document) on the Microsoft website but it went way over my head. I'm sure there must be others who have enabled this by mistake and now want to disable it, so I cannot understand why no one seems able to tell me how to do it.

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Admin Permissions And Local Admin

Jun 4, 2008

wont allow me to access my "Msn" and my burning tools" they both say u need admin permissions and local admin or something like that, as far as i know, i am logged in as admin, that is also the only user account avilable on start up, and i did just format my pc.

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Why I Cant Make "run As Admin" Option Even If I On Admin Acccount

Aug 7, 2008

1.why i cant make "run as admin" option even if i on admin acccount? i can stop hard drive flashing w/o stop.
3.why copy/paste take so long?

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X64 New Install: Slow Internet Connection In Normal Mode; Fast In Safe Mode

Oct 12, 2009

Using my ISP (Roadrunner Carolinas) speed test site; I get around 200 to 400 kbps download speeds using IE in normal mode. If I boot to Safe Mode, I get around 3500 to 4500 kbps, which is what it should be (this is what I used to get in normal mode before I re-installed Vista). Running the same speed test with Firefox, I get around 1500 to 2000 kbps in normal mode, but if I try to download a file it ransfers at only the 200 to 400 kbsp rate (if I'm lucky). Here's more detail about the system and what I've done so far:

Installed all updates including SP2.
Using Windows Firewall, no anti-virus.
Updated network drivers directly from NVidia (Chipset is nForce750i)
Updated graphics card drivers directly from NVidia
Disabled all LAN protocols except for Client for Microsoft Networks and IPv4
Connected via ethernet cable directly to cable modem, no router.
I've deliberately refrained from loading anything but the basics until I can get this sorted out..........

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Switch Between Entertainment Mode And Game Mode X-fi

Oct 16, 2009

How do you switch between game mode and entertainment mode with creative soundblaster x-fi?

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Log-in As Admin

Apr 3, 2008

How do I log in as an administrator? I understand, that this is some"hidden" account, and my name, even if I set it as administrator, does not have FULL administrator rights. So, how do I log-in as "true"administrator.

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My Admin Account Has Been Taken Over

May 20, 2008

my partner has taken control of my admin account and has locked me out of my computer...

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Cant Open Anything Unless Run As Admin

May 11, 2009

I'm over Microsoft already too many problems (from office mainly). First problem is I cant open anything unless I run as admin but I can live with that for now. When i open word theres no line blip thing and when I type there is nothing. The only way I can type is if I open a template or an existing document. I tried highlighting but nothing is highlighted. I tried going on print preview to see if anything is even there but there's nothing.

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How To Initialize New HDD? Not Found Anywhere (as Admin).

May 15, 2008

Vista 64 Home Premium.

Where is the tab/command to initialize (fdisk?) a new HDD?

I am logged in as Administrator (system says so) with full control/permission.

I can see the hard drives in the Device Manager/Disk Drives. All drives are "good" per the controller and I can see them as physical devices on the computer.

They all show as "Not Initialized" when I ask each to opopulate the Volumes info, and there is no obvious/apparent way to do it. Nothing on the controller shows it either.

Tried "Simple New Volume" under Disk Management--

doesn't/won't work because drive is not initialized.

One drive = one big partition = one drive letter.

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Determine If A User Is An Admin

Feb 6, 2009

I am using the techinque to get the TokenElevationType using the API GetTokenInformation on Vista to determine if a user is an admin. It seems to work fine on Vista Business/Ultimate etc. However, it fails on Vista Home. Does anyone have any clues? The code is along the following lines:

DWORD dwSize;

GetTokenInformation(hUserToken, TokenElevationType, &elevationType,
sizeof(elevationType), &dwSize);

switch (elevationType)
case TokenElevationTypeDefault:
TRACE(_T("TokenElevationTypeDefault - User is not using a split token"));
m_bAdmin = FALSE;

case TokenElevationTypeFull:
TRACE(_T("TokenElevationTypeFull - User has a split token, and the
process is running elevated"));
m_bAdmin = TRUE;

case TokenElevationTypeLimited:
TRACE(_T("TokenElevationTypeLimited - User has a split token, but the
process is not running elevated"));
m_bAdmin = TRUE;

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Admin Account Missing

Mar 14, 2009

i was messing around with the user accounts. For some reason when i go to switch user or log of I only have the option to log on as a regular user without admin rights. its says AMD below the picture... Now if i go into the user account settings i see my created admin account but i can not make any changes since I have no admin rights on the account i am logged in with. When I try to switch users I cant because only the account with no rights appears.

I tried to boot in save mode to see if the admin account is is not but it says ASP.NET with the name of the admin account ( no idea if that means any thing) When I try to unhide a account if gives me error messages. So I have an admin account but it is not visible when trying to log order for me to install programs or allow downloads in need to be the admin.

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Secure Superowner Above Admin

Feb 5, 2009

I need to get something straight with the underlying security layers or ermisisions of vista (ultimate). I have created a group SUPERUSER in which I have added my admin user account (NOTE, not administrator but another account with Administrative privileges, i.e. is part of group Administrators).

I have only added this one account to the superuser, and NOT the administrator. Now... This is because I wish that the superuser has a folder lets say where not even the other administrators can access! Question is this: Should I add SYSTEM as well as SuperUser (both with full rights) and remove ALL OTHER GROUPS to this folder.........

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Cannot Access My Old (Admin) Account On My PC

Dec 23, 2008

Upon restarting after attempting to change my SID [I KNOW. STUPID MOVE ON MY PART], I cannot access my old (Admin) account on my PC. Is there ANY way to recover from this? I mean there has to be some kind of solution to getting the account back considering my hard drive is still filled with all of the data stored on the user account & I can still see the folder on my guest account, just can't access it.

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Admin User Password

Feb 13, 2009

A friend of my sisters has asked me to look at her PC, as it keeps "just crashing". A thorugh technical description to help I know!.However, I have found that the PC, which is running Vista Home Premium, has 3 user accounts.

1) Admin account with password
2) Standard User
3) Guest

I can not log into the admin account as I do not have the password, and my sisters friend is unreachable.The standard user account, wont letme do anything remotely techy, or use any system tools, or install my own PC diagnostic tools. The user account doesn't have the correct permission. It wont even update any of the virus definitions with out asking for the password.I have a copy of Active Password changer, that I have used in the past in these circumstances, but the PC was bought from a big retail chain, and has been set up with the usual hidden partion with important files on it. So Active Password Changer can not see the partion with the SAM database on it to change the admin password.

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Admin Files On XP Need To Open On Other PC

Mar 23, 2008

My stationary pc with XP broke, now I have a laptop with Vista. I connected my stationary harddrive as USB connection to my laptop. I can view all files but I have importand files in XP my personal admin account as on my documents and settings, my pictures, and other files that was on XP windows desk. This files I can not view or open, it says it need admin rights to open. I can also say I had a log in pass for XP, I know that password. How can I get a hand of this importand files. There is a tool in Vista systemtools "Windows filetransfer" it say it can transfer accounts also. what folder should I transfer to my laptop, I know I have to transfer my documents and setting on my own account, but do I need the admin account and I have one more guest account I don't need that. Do I need to transfer the Windows folder? Is there anyother way to get hand of this admin locked files, any software I can use directly so I don't need to transfer?

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Spybot Needs To Be Elevated To Admin

Sep 6, 2008

New here, and to Vista..........Hp dv9580us laptop with lotso problems. Right now I'll settle for a few progams working right. Spybot needs to be elevated with admin rights to be fully functional? Also Iobit defrag runs once the the program starts but the box is not up, its started but no visual box?

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Use An Account With Admin Rights

Mar 23, 2008

Is this necessary? I see it as a hack to circumvent tight code. I always use an account with admin rights so I know when/what to install/run.

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Upgrade: No Admin Password

Jan 21, 2008

I just upgraded to Vista from XP. It appears that I should have setup a admin password prior to upgrade. Can you advise any options on how to get it? If I need to remove Vista, can you tell me how I can do that and revert back to XP safetly? At this point I am ok with not keeping the info on my old PC.

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