Cannot Open Attachments Windows Mail, Vista

Jun 15, 2009

I cannot open or save Windows Mail attachments. I have observed the process with procmon the sequence of events is as follows. Attachment is E013982279S15.pdf Winmail creates a file in the temporary location. Winmail the calls C:Program FilesDefenderMpOAV.dll. Winmail then apparently deletes the file. how to prevent the call to Defender? My other Vista computer doesn't do this. I installed IE8 and reverted back to IE7 in an attempt to fix this issue.

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Can Not Open Attachments In Windows Mail

Jun 5, 2009

Recently I can not open attachments in Windows Mail. I'll get the message :WindowsSystem32xxx.xls or xxx.doc can not be found. How can I solve this problem, in the past I did not have this problem....

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I Cannot Open .doc Attachments In Windows Mail

Jun 10, 2009

Right out of the blue I cannot open attachments with a .doc extention..I can open PDF attachments but not .doc. I use Open Office latest version. I can however save these attachments (usually resumes, I am a recruiter) to a folder on my desk top and view them from the folder. When I do try to open these resumes within windows mail I get an error window that says "c:windowssystem32 henthedocumentname.

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Attachments To Open On Windows Mail

Apr 15, 2009

I am having problems getting attachments to open on my Windows Mail. This started about a week ago right after I had to re-install McAfee Antivirus. I thought it had something to do with that so I went into it and disabled the email scan. It did not fix the problem. I also had SpySweeper installed on my computer but was told that with McAfee, I did not need it. So, I uninstalled it and it still didn't fix the problem. I also went into tools>options>security and made sure the option for "Do not allow attachments to be saved or opened that could potentially be a virus" was not checked and it isn't.

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Cant Open Attachments In Windows Mail

Apr 22, 2008

vista/windows mail/office 2007 all installed. Error message to set associations in control panel. Have done this many times and seems that the correct icon is listed though when I go through the "change file association", the check box for "associate all the time" is greyed out so I cannot check it. If I save the attachments to the desktop, they open just fine but I want to be able to open them in Windows Mail. I saw the fix for .doc attachments. Is there one for exe also? Would I have to fix each extension/file type that I wish to open while in Window Mail.

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Cannot Open Attachments In Windows Mail ...

Mar 23, 2008

I have been reading all the messages from other who cannot open any attachment in Windows Mail. I have also tried all the suggestions but so far nothings is working for me. It doesn't seem to matter the extension (.jpeg, .htm, .wmv, .gif) none of them open. My screen fades out and I get "windows not responding" and have to close the program.

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Can't Open Attachments In Windows Mail

Jul 29, 2009

I can't open any attachments in Windows Mail. I have to save them to the desktopto view.

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Cant Open Attachments In Windows Mail ?

Apr 28, 2008

still cant open attachments in windows mail, can you send me some updates? this is my worst experience of a MS product ever. I doubt that this product has been tested properly and to ask your customers to do it is unfair? Have tried the file tye association have tried various versions of word already!

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Can Not Open Attachments In Windows Mail

Mar 14, 2009

About 1 week ago, I was no longer able to open any attachments in Windows Mail/Outlook Express. (didn't matter what kind of file). If I tried to save the file to the Desktop, I received an error message "the command failed to execute" with a help reference to this forum. Also, my download manager stopped working, and I was unable to download any files from the internet. I have read through all of the entries under this topic, and have tried all of the solutions.

1. Download problem was solved by downloading DownItAll from Firefox.
2. Email:
a. The box marked "do not allow attachments to be saved..." under Options/Security is unchecked. "Block images and other content..." is also unchecked.
b. Anti-virus- I was using AVG - I uninstalled it - no change. I installed Kaspersky 2009, ran complete virus scan - no change.
c, Checked registry key in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - no problems there
d. Tried to restore to a previous point - no luck......

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Windows Mail Will Not Open .pps Or .ppt Attachments

Apr 29, 2009

I have very limited knowledge with computer. Have Vista Home Premium 64 bit. I receive e-mails with pps or ppt attachments. Get msg about not having program associated and create association in set assn control panel. I do not know where this is, however I have read many post about this issue. I printed some instructions and tried to perform task about changing words open and show. When performing task I did not find the powerpoint viewer.slideshow.11shellshow but did see wording Hex Root or something similiar.

My Program file fm my Start Button says I have Microsoft Powerpoint Viewer 2007. One of the links provided had another link wanting me to download for fixes but I was afraid of what else I might be downloading. if your instructions are not click specific it will be a waste of time because I know little about computers and at age 70 am just attempting to learn bascis like read "windows mail" that has attachments (pps and ppt)

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Cannot Open Attachments In Windows Mail

Jan 3, 2010

I recently purchased a new computer with Windows Vista. I cannot open any attachments in E Mails in Windows Mail. I can save the attachments to a new folder and open them from there. I get an error message telling me that there is not a program associate with the attachment when trying to open from Windows Mail. Is there anything I can do??

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Open Or View Attachments Within Windows Mail

May 4, 2009

I trying to open or view some attachments within Windows Mail. Usually it is attachments with a pps suffix,but not always. For example if I have an attachment amed "CreativeShotsAZ.pps" and click on it Open Office will open and then I will get the error message "C:Sysyem32CreativeShotsAZ does not exist". If I try to copy the attachment to the desktop I get the message "Could not find this item. This is no longer located in CreativeShotsAZ,pps.Verify the item's location and try again. I thought maybe that the pps format could not be read by Open Office so I downloaded a pps reader from Microsoft but since the system cannot find the
file I can't use the reader.

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Unable To Open Attachments With Windows Mail

Jun 13, 2008

I am having a problem opening attachments with windows mail and it seems like I am not the only one. Has anyone figure it out yet?

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Unable To Open Windows Mail Attachments

Apr 1, 2009

Windows Mail (Vista) operated fine for over a year. Now I can't open attachments (photo .jpg, .txt., others). Error Message: "Command failed to execute". Tried all the suggestions above, no luck. What happened - how can I fix it?

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Pdf Attachments File Will Not Open In Windows Mail

Apr 16, 2010

Sometime last year, I began having trouble opening .pdf attachments in windows mail. I get the following message whenever I attempt to open the ..pdf file in windows mail:?This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create an association in the Set Associations control panel?.

I have been ?saving? the attachment to ?desktop? in order to open it, etc. I?ve already checked & have reset the Set Associations control panel?s .pdf to adobe. I have no problem opening ?Word? or any other document, just ..pdf-- & I ONLY have trouble with this in windows mail. The other two Users on my HP desktop are not having my user problem & I am growing weary of constantly having to save/open each document OUTSIDE of windows mail every time I receive .pdf attachments.

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Could Not Open Attachments In Windows Mail Emails

May 29, 2009

I was unable to open any of the attachments that were in my emails that previously I had been able to open. I did some reading here and found many references to incompatability with Norton and the need to change my security settings in Win Mail. almost by accident I came across a person who was not happy with IE8 and happened to mention that among other problems his Win Mail quit working properly after he upgraded to IE8. I uninstalled IE8 which reverted back to IE7 and now my Win Mail works correctly and all of my attachments can be opened.

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Unable To Open Attachments In Windows Mail

Jun 19, 2009

I've searched other questions on this, and here's a summary of my problem: I cannot seem to open attachments - and I'm sure I used to be able to. I have AVG Security. I have gone into Windows Mail and unticked the box in the Security section. I've tried sending to my other email accounts (yahoo) and still not been able to open attachments. I have Vista 32bit, Service Pack 1. I'm also getting an ongoing series of error codes on C:Windowssystem32avgrsstx.dll which all show 'bad image'. This file was modified on 16th June - but I'm not sure if its connected

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Can't Open Attachments In Windows Mail And How To Separate Them From The E-mail

Jul 29, 2009

Starting about 2 weeks ago, I can't open attachments in Windows Mail. Message says "command failed to execute" I have been reading the posts and still don't know what to do. How do I know if IE8 has been installed as an update? I'm inexperienced with technical stuff. I don't think I installed it, could it have installed on it's own as an update? Tried saving them to desktop but don't know how to separate them from the e-mail, so they still don't open.

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Cannot Open Attachments In Windows Mail Or News Groups

May 7, 2009

I cannot open attachments in windows mail or news groups. this Just started tonight? I can save them and view them later but not in win mail.

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Unable To Open Or Save Attachments In Windows Mail

Apr 12, 2009

Like many others based on previous posts, am unable to open or save attachments in windows mail. I think my problem is exactly the same as "anhlyss" had in the posts in January. I am hoping there is an easier fix than restoring factory setting. As suggested in other threads, I have ensured that I have unchecked the "do not allow attachments to be opened" box in options.

If I click on the attachment to open it, the little hourglass pointer comes up, and then goes back to the arrow, but nothing else happens. If I try to save the attachment, I get this message: "There was an error saving one or more of your attachments, please check your free disk space and try again"

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Unable To Open Attachments In Windows Mail: Windows Cannot Find File Name

Jul 29, 2009

There are discussions on this general subject but no aparent resolution. About two months ago I was sometimes prevented from opening photo attachments on some emails received from the same party and sometimes could open them. By this I mean, I would click on the paperclip where a list of photos would appear and I'd click on on photo and I'd get a message saying: "Windows cannot find file name (photo captions used by sender).jpg. Make sure your typed the name correctly and then try again." Well, of course I didn't type the file name; the sender did. I could click on the save attachments, and once saved to a folder I could open them from the folder. I forwarded the mail to others, and they report no problems in viewing the photos. I can also view the photos in the email itself, but it would be necessary to scan up and down and from left to right to view the whold photo and the caption would not appear.

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Unable To Open Attachments, Email In Windows Mail Without Saving

Feb 22, 2009

I am suddenly unable to open attachments to my email in Windows mail without saving them I only want to open and view them without saving them. This problem started inexplicably as I could previously open attachments without a problem.

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Windows Mail: Unable To Open Email Attachments Received In .pdf Or .jpg Format

Apr 14, 2008

Since migrating to Windows Mail a year ago on a new PC running Vista, I've been unable to open, or to save and open, email attachments received in .pdf or .jpg format. When I try to open .pdf attachments, I get an error message reading, "This
file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create an association in the Set Associations control panel." If I save a .pdf attachment in Adobe Reader and then try to open it, I get a message saying, "Adobe Reader could not open [file] because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged (for example, it was sent as an email attachment and wasn't correctly decoded)." I run Adobe Reader 8. Where do I look to find a solution to this problem? Is it related to the similar problem with JPEG's?

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Unable To Open Attachments In Windows Mail: Only Picture Manager Opens Everytime

Jul 29, 2009

Recently I have been unable to open any attachments in windows mail which I could previously open. I have uninstalled IE8 and gone back to IE7. When I try to open an attachment now, Microsoft Office Picture Manager opens everytime. How do I fix this

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I Cannot Open E-mail Attachments

Jul 29, 2009

never had a problem opening e-mail attachments from my messages until
recently- if I save them then I can open

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Can Not Open Attachments In Mail

Jul 29, 2009

purchased/installed 2009 bitdefender, now can not open attachments in mail.

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E-mail Extentions: Cannot Open Attachments With Mpg Wmv Or Ppt

Jul 29, 2009

For some reason I cannot open attachments with mpg wmv or ppt. I could open them before and now I can't. Does it have anything to do with internet explorer 8?

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Unable To Open Mail Attachments

Oct 16, 2009

how do you set an association in the set association control panel, where is the set association control panel?

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Open WinMail E-mail Attachments

Jul 29, 2009

After giving up for a while I am once again attempting to open WinMail e-mail attachments. What I did today was uninstall IE8 (thanks for the procedure). Once this completed, the machine rebooted to save changes. I then opend IE and clicked "help" to check the verion (7). So far so good. Then I went back to WinMail and tried opening an attachment. Still unable to open a .jpeg, ..doc, .pdf, etc. Right click, "save to" funtion doesn't work either.

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Pdf Attachments, Move Or Delete The Mail Windows Mail Hangs

May 14, 2010

For the last couple of weeks when I receive mail with attached pdf files, if I try to move or delete the mail Windows Mail hangs. Sometime it recovers but otherwise I need to kill it. I can open the attachment by clicking on the paper clip etc and everything seems fine so I don't think it's a security thing.

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Attachments In Windows Mail

Jul 29, 2009

Recently I was unable to open attachments at all, after uninstalling IE8 I
can now open PPS files but when I try to open a PDF attachment it opens up
Microsoft Office Picture Manager. The only way I can view the attachment is
to save it to another folder and then open it with Adobe 9.1.

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